
Naruto: Mizukage Of The Mist

Translation FF Not mine Please subscribe to my p_atreon, your $1 means a lot to me I have sexual content on there p_atreon: p_atreon.com/JoyBoyTheSun My name is Yudao and I was reborn in Kirigakure. As the First Mizukage, I never wanted to get involved in a squabble between Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju. After all, they are both real cheaters. But the system thought differently, setting me the task of uniting the Shinobi world. I couldn't believe my eyes when these cheaters attacked two against one shortly after the first Five Kage Meeting! But even they were unable to kill me. So before sealing, I gave Madara and Hashirama the middle finger! Please give infinity Stones~~~~~~~

JoyBoy2 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 38

Yudao, wincing at the feeling of the insignificance of the absorbed power, casually waved his hand in front of the shocked eyes of Dosu and Zaku. He simply breathed some of his own power into the jutsu he had absorbed.


And then a cutting air wave measuring more than ten meters in size appeared, or rather, not just a Cutting, but a Super-Cutting Air Wave!

Dosu and Zaku's eyes widened in horror: "Run!"

The two immediately turned around and rushed away as fast as they could, and literally a moment later, right in the place where they had just been, a cutting air wave left a deep cut with a roar.

Seeing this, Dosu and Zaku looked at each other in fear.

And Yudao, with a slight wave of his hand, also released a sound wave, which was absorbed along with the cutting air wave. But it was not at all impressive compared to the last attack; on the contrary, it was almost invisible.

Dosu and Zaku, who ran away, first felt severe dizziness, and then began to spit out blood in fear and soon collapsed unconscious on the ground, it was unknown whether they were alive or dead.

While they were spitting blood, the intruder softly jumped from the tree and stepped deeper into the village, as if on a walk in the park.

Yudao grinned disdainfully as he walked through the unusually deserted and quiet village. Who would believe that no one heard them?

Meanwhile, deep in the dungeon, Orochimaru's snake eyes stared at a small piece of flesh in green formaldehyde.

Needless to say, this is the flesh of the First Mizukage, bitten off from him by a snake immediately after unsealing.


This tempted Sannin, tempted him more than anything else in the world.

He saw with his own eyes how the body of the First Mizukage calmly recovered from half a century of imprisonment in a desert dimension.

At that moment he experienced indescribable excitement and delight!

Hashirama's cells and Sharingan seemed insignificant compared to the Kekkei Genkai of true immortality. Even his vaunted Edo Tensei turned out to be complete garbage in comparison with the Kekkei Genkai of the First Mizukage!

Therefore, hastily returning to the Land of Sound, Orochimaru threw all his energy into studying Yudao's cells, completely forgetting about other matters.

What Sannin was sure of was his ability to study other people's DNA. No one in the whole world will dare to call himself first in this field if he calls himself second.

His confidence stemmed from successfully reproducing the cells of the legendary Senju Hashirama.

But the longer the study of the cells of the First Mizukage lasted, the more Orochimaru doubted his own abilities, and all because, for better or worse, these were the cells of an ordinary shinobi!

This cannot be!

The scientist refused to believe in reality.

"Too low cellular activity... does this mean my research was going in the wrong direction from the very beginning?" – Sannin licked his lips excitedly.

The point is in the cells that were obtained from the, at that time, still dead First Mizukage, that is, he received a useless piece of dead flesh.

Orochimaru thought so.

The study of full-fledged cells will definitely give results!

But a chill ran down his spine just thinking about the terrifying power of the legendary First Mizukage.

And then doubt appeared in his snake eyes as to why not only the entire shinobi world, but even Kirigakure seemed to remain as calm as before after the return of this man.

It was as if nothing special had happened.

There are only two options here.

Or this person has not yet fully recovered.


He's preparing something big.

Orochimaru will be very happy if it is the latter, because the calmer the situation in the world, the less room there is for the actions of people like him.

If it's the first...

At this thought, Sannin licked his lips predatorily.

And at that moment a trembling voice came from the side: "Orochimaru-sama... that man came to our village!"

Tayuya's gaze showed fear at the thought of a person capable of suppressing their Sound Four with just his aura, so that they would not dare raise their heads.

"Interesting, then go first and by the way, at the same time send Kimimaro to me," Orochimaru grinned, turning his head slightly towards the Sound Four, kneeling behind him.

– ... – the four sound trembled in panic from what they heard.

- Any problems? – Sannin continued to smile, but this time there was a chill in his voice.

- No way! – the four blurted out in unison, feeling a chill running down their backs.

It remains to be seen whether that person will kill them, but Orochimaru will definitely do it, just dare they go against the order!

Not much time passed before the Sound Four were already gone.

Then the sound of soft footsteps came from the entrance.

And inside came a pale young man with shoulder-length white hair, as well as two scarlet marks on his forehead.

- Orochimaru-sama! - Kimimaro said, looking at Orochimaru with fire in his bright green eyes.

- So you've come, how's your health? – Sannin was no longer so cold.

"It couldn't be better, Orochimaru-sama!" – the guy answered without a shadow of doubt in his voice, ready to sacrifice everything for the master.

"Then let's go, I'll introduce you to someone..." Orochimaru smiled intriguingly in response.

Meanwhile outside.

The First Mizukage carefreely studied the surroundings of the Village of Sound, which looked very pale against the background of any of the Five Great Villages.

"If I remember correctly, Orochimaru prefers to do his dark deeds underground... then will I smoke him out if I jump well? – Yudao smiled to himself and, lowering his gaze to the ground, pressed lightly with his feet. "It's not good to hide from guests!"


Cracks immediately appeared on the ground in front of him.

And from one of them four figures hurriedly jumped out.

- Eh, you again... four... - Yudao became noticeably gloomier, seeing the familiar Four of Sound in front of him

- Don't blame me, please! – After a little hesitation, the leader of the four trembling with fear answered hesitantly, after which they, exuding an unusually cold and evil aura, immediately activated the Second Level of the Cursed Seal!