
Naruto: Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi,(from baki) the legendary samurai finds himself in the Naruto. *This is my ever first novel I'm writing, I hope you enjoy it.* PS: I'm also using this book as training to improve my skills, so that may also explain some different writing styles. PPS: I have a small phone keyboard and my thumbs are fat, so if something doesn't make sense, I'm sorry. PPPS: PP, that's funny right there. PPPPS: I'm hungry as fuck.

Dung_Eater · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 19

As Orochimaru was getting annoyed with this projection, like a buzzing mosquito, but he had to admit the pain was unbearable.

Orochimaru dodged one more strike, and as he was ready to dodge the next, the projection faded into the breeze, only to reveal Miyamoto walking towards him with his coloured aura.

'I need to run, this isn't my goal.' Orochimaru thought, having trouble keeping his emotions in check.

'He is impressive, I don't think my killing intent could even affect him, but, maybe I should try and capture his body, it is well developed than most and he can exude such pressure, he is fascinating.' Orochimaru was too caught up in his thoughts almost allowing a kunai to hit him, though he caught it at the last second and threw it to the side with an annoyed grunt.

Looking behind Miyamoto, Anko had thrown the kunai, snapping Orochimaru out of his fantasy.

"It is most unfortunate that our little meet and greet must come to an end, but I'll be on my way now~," Orochimaru said slyly before slithering away.

Miyamoto watched Orochimaru disappear. Miyamoto's aura dissipated into the wind, his hair fell back down and his feeling of the fight was put away inside him, ready for the next time they fight.

Anko collapsed from the pain of the curse mark, sweating from the heat in her body and panting from the pain.

Miyamoto walked over to Anko, his default face replacing his smile. Miyamoto sat in front of Anko since he didn't want to leave her and he couldn't carry her down to the ground.

"Why did- why did you let him get away?" Anko said, grunting from the pain.

"When a duel has someone run away, they are scarred by their opponent's blade, letting everyone know that man was a coward who ran from a fight, but for me, if someone runs, it is because they aren't strong enough to fight me, they are scared, but a lot of the time, they come back stronger and the fight is more fun, that's why I let him go, so that next time I can cut him down at his full power," Miyamoto responded softly.

"That's stupid." Anko tried to laugh, but it came out as grunts of pain.

"It is stupid to the weak, but I take pleasure at cutting someone down who ran away and got stronger, thinking that have a chance, only for their efforts to be for naught," Miyamoto let out a grin at the memories of cutting down arrogant opponents.

Anko was a bit creeped out by his grin after the speech he gave, but she might as well have fun and learn while the lain drifts away.

"Have you faced against an opponent who was your equal?" Anko asked, sliding up the trunk of the tree, and sitting upright.

"No, there is no such thing as equal. You are either weak or strong, those that stood against me have been weak, and that is why I am still alive." Miyamoto slid over to Anko and sat next to her.

Anko turned away a little bit as she felt the comforting heat radiating off Miyamoto, she turned so he couldn't see her flushed face.

"Have you, ahh... Fought against anyone that gave you a challenge?" Anko said, squirming in her spot, trying to take her mind off Miyamoto

"Sasaki Kojiro, a young samurai that was able to be feared by many feudal lords, he challenged me and it ended with his death," Miyamoto said plainly.

Anko wasn't really listening, she was too busy trying to focus her mind on other things until she realized the pain was gone.

Anko stood up and made some distance between her and Miyamoto, he flushed face on full display.

"I- ahh, I'm gonna go, bye!" Anko said quickly before trying to jump away before she embarrassed herself.

Miyamoto watched as Anko stumbled away, jumping from branch to branch like a flea. Seeing Anko's flushed face, Miyamoto couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

"I've never encountered a woman that carries demonic energy, but it isn't bad. I'll leave it up to fate."

Miyamoto stood up and looked down toward the ground, he could see the floor, but it was shifting.

Miyamoto jumped down the trunk, diving to the ground, and using his sword to slow him down by stabbing it into the trunk.

As Miyamoto slowed to a stop, he jumped off the trunk, sheathing his sword, his heart pounding in his chest.

"That was fun... Where am I?" Miyamoto said as he looked around, only seeing forest and trees.

"Ahhhh... That direction." Miyamoto started walking in a random direction, trying to find someone.


Early next morning...

"Do you think you lost, Lord 3rd?" In the office of the Hokage, the captain of the Anbu and the Hokage were sipping tea.

"Well, he did win, but he wasn't able to land a single hit, so I say it was a draw." The Hokage smirked.

The captain couldn't argue with that, but he also noticed that the Hokage was enjoying himself.

"Do you think you could win if you fought again?" The captain was curious because, from the last fight and what the Hokage said, it should be pretty interesting.

"I don't know, he is a formidable opponent, he can attack faster than the eye can see, and he can emit a powerful presence and pressure, one that rivals the 1st and 2nd Hokage." The Hokage announced.

Hearing the Hokage's uncertain answer, the captain could help but chuckle under his mask, earning an eyebrow from the Hokage.

"What's so funny?"

"I find the thought of you two battling again amusing is all." The captain said, waving off the Hokage's words and lifting his mask slightly to drink the tea.

"Anyway, what do you plan to do about him?" The captain asked, pulling down his mask again.

The Hokage sipped his tea before putting on a serious face.

"Would you think I was crazy if I wanted him as an instructor?" The Hokage asked, trusting in the captain's opinion.

"His way of the samurai is different from the samurai in the land of iron, I think we could benefit from his teachings, so how about we give him a team of his own?" The captain suggested.

"Funny you should mention the land of iron, apparently they are sending an envoy with one of Mifune's subordinates and a few samurai to confirm some 'leaked' information about our fight." The Hokage said, sliding the report forward to the captain.

As the captain looked at the paper, he let out a sigh of shame before speaking.

"Unfortunately the information was leaked, that was my fault." The captain put down the tea cup and bowed his head.

"Get up, I'm not mad, I didn't even issue that order, so you're fine." The Hokage said, gesturing for the captain to rise back up.

"Anyways, with the land of iron coming and the chunin exams still underway, I want you to find the samurai and bring him here." The Hokage demanded as he rise from his seat and walked over to the windows overlooking the village.

"No matter how hard you try, I know you're enjoying this." The captain said as he climbed back in his chair.

The Hokage turned around with a smirk on his face.

"It's not every day someone exciting enters the village, haha." The Hokage then pulled his pipe out of nowhere and began to puff, smiling as he does.