
Naruto: Mixed Heritage

Question: How would a Uchiha Uzumaki Hybrid fair in the world of Naruto? Ethan A Computer Science student transmigrates into the body of an orphan named Renjiro in Naruto. He soon realizes that the orphan has Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines. Join Renjiro in his journey as he grows and his quest to become the strongest shinobi! Warning : 1. The MC's power would be gained via hard work and training over years (sorry if you want an overpowered MC from the get-go) 2. No harem (there might be some romance but don't get your hopes high) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) What to expect : 1. Lots of training 2. A lot of original arcs. 3. The plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create) Please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/SideCharacter Chapter Updates will be From Monday-Friday at Webnovel's Daily Refresh. However if we meet our weekly Powerstones goal I will upload extra chapter during the weekend.

Sidecharacter1 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

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"Good Work!" Sato said with a tinge of elation evident in his voice.

'A week, while It's not bad, it is not good either. Though he would not be an exceptional sensor, with some work he could become a decent one. Konoha severely lacks sensors as only three clans have specialized in this. Having another sensor not from these clans would be good enough.'

Meanwhile, Renjiro could only sigh in relief. He placed his hands on his glabella massaging it. He hoped that it would lessen the mental fatigue that comes with activating his chakra field for a long time.

Renjiro had continued with his sensor training and if he could sum it up in one word it would be Frustration. It even made self-doubt creep in and Renjiro started wondering whether he was cut out for this or not.

It was only the boon of being a sensory ninja that pushed him through this. Sato, on the other hand, was also relieved. It had taken Renjiro a whole week to sense the objects with his Chakra field. It was so close to the deadline Sato had set for him as after that Sato had to return to his duties.

"Now we are going to keep altering the distances we place the objects, but since you've already sensed them, try zoning in on their chakra signatures and it will be fairly easy," Sato remarked.

The objects were then placed around five to six meters from Renjiro, and he had to sense them again. This continued for the rest of the session.

Following Sato's instructions, it became relatively easier for Renjiro to sense the objects. He improved from not sensing them at all to now sensing them five out of ten times by the end of their session.

'The upside is that My chakra field is like a muscle. The more I use it, the more it grows just like my chakra reserves. This can be attributed to the growth phase I am in. Hopefully, the decline rate is in the far, far future.' Renjiro thought.

His Chakra field had grown exponentially and was now twelve and a half meters wide(around forty-one feet).

After his session with Sato, Renjiro headed back to the clan as they had arranged a training exercise. It was more of a workshop where all the clan children, genin and academy students, got together and trained.

The Uchiha clan compound was buzzing with activity as the clan children gathered for a special training workshop. The courtyard, surrounded by traditional Uchiha buildings, echoed with the enthusiastic chatter of young ninjas eager to hone their skills. Renjiro, dressed in a distinctive all-black attire, made his way through the crowd.

The workshop, organized by the clan leaders, aimed to foster a sense of unity among the Uchiha young ones while providing them with a platform to share and refine their abilities. The main focus of course would be refining their Taijutsu and Sharingan, for those who awakened it of course.

It was through this that Renjiro got to meet his upperclassmen in the clan. He was shocked to learn of their identities as he remembered them from the anime. They were Inabi, Yashiro and Tekka.

'At least now I know how I will be when the anime events finally start.' Renjiro mused.

Renjiro joined the sparring area, where Uchiha children engaged in friendly but intense bouts of taijutsu. The air crackled with the sound of clashes, as the young Uchiha showcased their agility and combat prowess. It did not take long before Renjiro found Kaito spectating a bout between some genins. 

Noticing Renjiro, Kaito made his way towards him. Renjiro raised his brow when he saw this as they were not well acquainted.

"Oi Renjiro, let's spar," Kaito said with a dramatic flair that only seemed to exist in his head.

'So that's what he wanted.'

''Fine,'' Renjiro responded. His sensory training had been frustrating and he needed to find a way to vent about it. Maybe this spar would help.

Without further ado, they quickly made their way to an empty sparring area and started preparing themselves for the spar.

The sparring area, marked by a circle drawn in the dirt, became the arena for their friendly yet intense exchange of blows. Some of the Uchiha children gathered around, their eyes fixed on the impending clash between the two boys.

The air crackled with anticipation as the two boys locked eyes, their Sharingans activated and ready to analyze every move.

Kaito stood at exactly four feet (121 meters) which was just three inches shy away from Renjiro's height (130 meters). This was considered tall for someone their age. His onyx hair, a cascade of sleek strands, frames his oblong face. He had obsidian eyes adorned with the distinct red hue of the Sharingan. With his lithe and agile figure, Renjiro's well-built body was over-emphasized.

'Hopes he makes this worthwhile.' Renjiro Thought.

Kaito's opening move was a blur of swift kicks and punches. Renjiro, with his innate fast reflexes, dodged Kaito's initial onslaught, showcasing a keen ability to read his opponent's movements. 

'He is fast' Renjiro thought.

Kaito, however, countered with a series of quick jabs, testing Renjiro's defensive capabilities.

The choreography of the spar unfolded like a dance, with each step and strike revealing the deep struggle between the two combatants. Renjiro absorbed Kaito's attacks, his movements fluid and calculated. Kaito weaved through Renjiro's defences, aiming to exploit any opening.

As the spar intensified, the sparring area echoed with the rhythm of colliding limbs and the occasional thud of blocked strikes. 

Renjiro showcased a blend of taijutsu and reflexes inherited from both the Clan's technique, Inceptor fist, and from his unique battle style, which he had been developing to counter the clan technique from his spars with Miwa. 

'He might actually be faster than me,' Renjiro surmised.

Kaito, on the other hand, relied on precision and swift manoeuvres, his sharingan enhancing his perception of Renjiro's movements.

'Kaito favours speed and agility, but he often commits to his attacks. If I can anticipate his next move, I can turn the tide in my favour.' 


The ebb and flow of the battle mirrored the complexity of their relationship. Renjiro, with a sudden burst of energy, executed a sweeping kick, aiming to catch Kaito off guard. Kaito, however, anticipated the move and countered with a graceful spin, narrowly evading the attack.

'Renjiro's defence is solid, his two tomoe is making this harder. I need to find openings and capitalize on them.' Kaito's movements became more unpredictable, a whirlwind of strikes designed to keep Renjiro on the defensive.

A flurry of high-speed kicks and evasive manoeuvres marked the climax of their spar. Renjiro, drawing upon his reflexes instilled in him, narrowly avoided a spinning kick from Kaito. Sensing an opening, Renjiro executed a precise counter, a sweeping leg movement that unbalanced Kaito momentarily.

As Kaito stumbled, Renjiro seized the opportunity, launching into a rapid combination of strikes. Each blow landed with calculated precision, showcasing the synergy of his evolving taijutsu skills. Kaito, caught off guard, struggled to regain his footing.

"Renjiro Wins!" The Chunin who was overseeing the spar shouted before continuing, "Make the seal of Confrontation."

As Renjiro was approaching Kaito, the ever-familiar blue translucent screen of the system appeared.


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Wrote my first fight scene. What are your thoughts on this? Please share in the comment section.

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