
Naruto: Mixed Heritage

Question: How would a Uchiha Uzumaki Hybrid fair in the world of Naruto? Ethan A Computer Science student transmigrates into the body of an orphan named Renjiro in Naruto. He soon realizes that the orphan has Uchiha and Uzumaki Bloodlines. Join Renjiro in his journey as he grows and his quest to become the strongest shinobi! Warning : 1. The MC's power would be gained via hard work and training over years (sorry if you want an overpowered MC from the get-go) 2. No harem (there might be some romance but don't get your hopes high) 3. There will be a lot of killing (maybe gore too, not sure if I can do gore right though) What to expect : 1. Lots of training 2. A lot of original arcs. 3. The plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create) Please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/SideCharacter Chapter Updates will be From Monday-Friday at Webnovel's Daily Refresh. However if we meet our weekly Powerstones goal I will upload extra chapter during the weekend.

Sidecharacter1 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

First Mission (1)

As Renjiro left Kushina's home that night, he couldn't help but feel a tiny sense of accomplishment. He was a step closer to his goal of growing in power and having Kushina tutor him in Fuinjutsu would help him have more tools to use in his arsenal.

They had already created a schedule where they would have their Fuinjutsu lessons. Since they both had other duties, they would meet late in the evening for their classes.

'You have to feel sorry for Kushina. Although she's being treated better than another Konoha Jinchuriki, she is still being isolated from the village. That must be quite a lonely life.

Anyway, shadow clone jutsu will help me keep up with my training despite the reduced free time. I should probably use it to learn more jutsus. With the Riku's training being demanding, I should probably use it when I'm with Kushina. That will be the better option as we will start Fuinjutsu training by first going through the basics. So more theory for me.'


It was early in the morning at training ground 51 and as usual, Team 25 was having their training with their sensei, Riku Senju. The air was charged with anticipation as the team looked to their Jounin sensei for valuable insights.

"Guys," Riku began, his gaze sweeping across the trio of young ninjas, 

"It's good that You've shown promise with the body flicker technique. Although everyone has a fair mastery of it, it does not mean that you should slack off. Just keep getting better at it as it will pay in the long run.

Now, let's talk about boosting your team's synergy. Although the team synergy has improved since we started training, it still has a long way to go. Communication is key. Always keep each other informed about your positions, strategies, and any changes in the plan. This way, you'll move as one cohesive unit.

Aiko, your proficiency in ninjutsu and genjutsu is solid, but don't forget the value of diversifying your tactics. Explore fire jutsus to add versatility to your arsenal."

"Renjiro," Riku addressed the Uchiha, " you should consider delving into wind-based jutsu to complement Aiko's mastery of fire. Wind and fire can create a powerful combination. This way, you can amplify the impact of Aiko's fire jutsus during battles."

"Hiro, you seem not like ninjutsu since your Taijutsu is your strength. If you become strong enough you could afford that choice. Imagine the impact if you fuse your Taijutsu with Earth Release jutsus. Enhancing your strikes with the solid defence of earth-based jutsus or surprising your opponents with a swift combination could be viable options."

Renjiro, Aiko, and Hiro nodded in unison, absorbing Riku's advice. His insights were more than welcome to the three. However, Renjiro had other ideas.

'I'll still focus on fire jutsus. Not doing so will be a bad idea. If ever find myself in a situation where I am alone having jutsus from those two affinities will increase my offense capabilities.'

After that, Riku dismissed the team. He advised them to pay attention to their personal training as that would be the key to their development as Shinobis. As Rikue was about to leave, Renjiro approached him with a query about incorporating the staff (bo) into his fighting style.

"Riku-sensei," Renjiro inquired, "I've been considering integrating the staff into my fighting style. What are your thoughts on it, and how does it compare to other styles?"

Riku nodded, recognizing Renjiro's desire to expand his combat repertoire.

"Using a staff, or Bō, has its advantages and drawbacks, just like any other fighting style."

Riku took a moment to consider Renjiro's suggestion before saying, "Using a staff can be a valuable addition to your skill set. It offers a combination of offence, defence, and versatility. However, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons."

"Firstly," Riku began, "it provides extended reach, allowing you to engage opponents from a safer distance. It's also excellent for controlling the battlefield. On the downside, it might be cumbersome in close-quarters combat, and it requires precision to wield effectively. 

This will also force you to modify the taijutsu style you use to accommodate it. It will be hard as only the Hatake taijutsu style caters for weapon use during fights."

Riku then drew a parallel with the Hokage's fights, a reference point familiar to Renjiro. "Consider the Hokage's fighting style. He uses a staff to supplement his taijutsu. He relies on his extendable staff, emphasizing reach and agility."

'Guess most people only know the staff as a weapon and not as a summon. Or maybe they do but it is only known by specific jonins and clan heads.'

Riku continued, "Similarly, your choice of weapon influences your fighting style. If you lean towards the bo, you'll need to master its techniques, incorporating fluid strikes and precise movements. It might not be as flashy, but it can be just as effective if wielded skillfully."

Riku concluded, "Ultimately, the choice is yours. Explore its strengths and limitations, and see how it complements your existing skills. The best I can do is start helping you with evasion tactics when you face shinobi who use weapons or even the Samurai. But that would be after our daily training."

"Thank you, Riku-sensei, for offering to help me with my Bō training. I'm eager to explore this new dimension in my fighting style. After I get one then we can start."

Riku, with a nod and a reassuring smile, "Alright once you get it just lemme know."

As the days unfolded with intense training in Training Ground 51, the team found themselves immersed in a week of dedicated preparation. The camaraderie between them strengthened, while their skills honed under Riku's guidance. 

However, they faced an unexpected announcement during one of their training sessions. Riku gathered the team together. "Your performance during our training has improved and I think It's time for your first mission."

The announcement hung in the air, momentarily eclipsing the sounds of training. Renjiro, Aiko, and Hiro exchanged glances, a mixture of excitement and anticipation reflected in their eyes. 

'Finally! I have been waiting for this. Besides the pain, the training was becoming boring.' Renjiiro surmised.


With the revelation that their first mission awaited them, Renjiro took charge, "Alright, let's make our way to the mission centre. That's where we'll receive the details of our assignment."

The excitement from getting their first mission was so palpable that the three trio of genins even forgot how worn out their bodies were from Riku's training. 

'Yeah, getting a mission is fine but are we going to go complete the mission in our current conditions?' Questions arose in Renjiro's head but he chose to trust in Riku as he was sure that he would have accounted for that.

'Maybe he knows but he just doesn't care. Since it is our first mission, it should be low ranked, so what's the worst that could happen?' Ignoring the flags he was raising, Renjiro followed the rest to the mission centre.

Upon reaching the mission centre, a bustling hub of activity within the village, the team gathered around the reception area. It was located in the Hokage building. This was a pleasant experience as it was Renjiro's first time in this building. 

Riku approached the mission coordinator, exchanging pleasantries and presenting the necessary credentials.

The mission coordinator, Mahito, a chunin who after witnessing the dangers of the field chose to pursue a desk-related job. He was holding a stack of mission scrolls at hand and greeted them. 

"Team 25, I've been expecting you. This should include all the necessary mission details." With a flourish, Mahito handed over a sealed scroll containing the details of their mission.

Riku accepted the scroll. Riku unfurled the scroll and read its contents.

"Hmm. This should be easy."

[Let's hit our weekly target of 500 Powerstones and I will upload a bonus Chapter on Sunday]


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