
Naruto: Merchant in the Shadows

Oleg Orlov is a genius who has risen right to the top with the help of his trade. He became a new important figure in the established world. But the stupid mistake of the employees sent the young guy to another world, that's just... Only he woke up in a place where his life would hang by a thread at every step. The modern world has sunk into oblivion, leaving behind only a huge amount of knowledge. But with the system, Oleg has a chance to survive and not only...

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24 Chs

Chapter 10: The Gun Shop

The place where it was possible to conduct a successful transaction with a higher probability turned out to be the simplest store in the quarter for Shinobi. Here you could buy everything that was necessary for the lowest ranks in the food chain to the highest. Everyone could profit from something.

Sora did not dare to approach any individual personalities. But he was smart enough to go to a store where basic equipment for missions was sold.

- Boy, aren't you lost? - Immediately a pretty girl of a little over twenty turned to him, although Shinobi's age is still that mysterious thing.

- No, Sister, I wanted to look after kunai and explosive seals.

"Aren't you too small?" Otherwise you'll get hurt, and then I'll blame myself. - The girl was really genuinely worried about the little guy. She had a brother at home of the same age who aspired to become a shinobi, but luck distributed it so that he could not become anyone among the military because of birth injuries, even the lowest rank - genin was closed to him.

- Thank you, I am very pleased that at least someone is worried about me. But can I at least take a look? - to improve the effect, Sora made such eyes, from which the girl fell into a little stupor.

"Well, if you just take a look..." she drawled, pointing with her hand to the right stand with weapons.

The boy immediately headed in that direction, first looking at the product itself, and only then at the price. And what caught my eye was how high-quality the weapon was. It wasn't first-class, as Sora initially thought, but it wasn't so terrible that it would break down in the first encounter. It was possible to complete several missions with such kunai, and then they would either break during a skirmish or the shinobi would lose them even before that in the last mission.

The seals were seals. He saw the drawings familiar to the eye, which have been shown more than once in anime. But to see such a completely different feeling in person. Here and now the guy understood that such a seal would easily take his life.

After that, he went back to the price of the equipment. There were sets of five kunai, but it was possible to buy one piece, only the price in this case was slightly overstated.

Five kunai - 17000re

One kunai - 4000re

Explosive seal - 15000re

But the price of printing the Litter is not that impressed, but it lifted the mood. The price was fully justified. Still, with a seal, if you hit it, you can kill even a junin instantly, but kunai may not even cause much damage. And in order to kill your enemy, you have to try at all. Moreover, seals are fuinjutsu, a rather complex art that only a few are capable of.

"Sister, I want to ask you something... - Sora called the girl to him while there were no customers.

"Baby, I told you I wouldn't sell you anything. So you'd better get out of here.

- I understand that, but I wonder what, are you the owner of this place? - while asking, the boy looked around, looking for hidden guards of this place.

- No, I'm just the daughter of the owner of this shop. If you want to ask my father, he won't sell you anything either." she looked at the boy, who for some reason was different from his peers.

In some ways, he even looked like the genius Hatake Kakashi, who was different from everyone, even wore a mask like that. Perhaps he was imitating his idol, or perhaps the genius was in front of her now, but everything betrayed in him that this was not Hatake. Still, appearance played a role, and communication itself. Everyone said that Kakashi was quite cold with other people, even his acquaintances could not always tolerate this character. In general, a lot was known about the young genius Hatake, which is why the guy in front of her was definitely not Kakashi.

"Then you can help me."

- What do you need help with? - the girl was interested, feeling the smell of profit. And for some reason it came from a little guy.

- I suggest we make a deal. Since you can manage finances, then you have the opportunity to make a deal. It remains to see if you can appreciate the product that I will give you.

He looked attentively at the girl, who blinked in surprise. Only recently she took the boy for a very young and ignorant child. But now this very child was offering to make a deal for a product that she hadn't even seen.

- An interesting offer, then I will be able to evaluate it, otherwise my daughter has recently been in this business, and she can be easily cheated. Heh heh... - the only door not leading to the street opened, from where a wiry man appeared, from whom some kind of oppressive aura emanated. Sora couldn't see her, but he could feel her perfectly. Because of this, the boy almost got on his knees.

- Father, stop this circus! You're going to ruin the boy! - the girl immediately interjected.

- Oh, I thought he was something, but it looks like he's just an ordinary kid... - the man scratched his stubble guiltily, looking at the boy in front of him, who remained on his feet through the pain.

The oppressive feeling disappeared, allowing Sora to breathe deeply. The guy immediately straightened up and looked at the man in front of him. It doesn't even smell like a merchant here. The man was dressed in some kind of home clothes: a gray T-shirt, wide shorts and sneakers.


The two observers outside couldn't find out what was going on inside. There were no windows, and they could not listen to conversations. People outside would immediately think otherwise. Perhaps there could even be special personalities who would decide to complain to the owner, which would inevitably lead to problems.

- Why are we sweating? This kid is too smart, he's unlikely to get into anything. Moreover, he has a chakra and an indomitable character. There's no need to keep an eye on it anymore. Can we go? - the first Shinobi was standing, propping up the wall of one of the houses.

They were now standing in an alley, through which it was possible to get to another block.

- It's already freezing me out to follow this guy everywhere, but if they spot us in the wrong place, they won't pat us on the head for sure. - the second one was sitting on a rope, where things are usually dried. Now there was nothing on it, giving Shinobi at least some entertainment while waiting for his goal.

- How long will he stay there? He doesn't have enough money for anything. Well, they gave him some pennies, and what? The minimum cost of weapons is several thousand re. There's no way he can get that kind of money.

- Maybe, but we still have to keep an eye on it.

- Yeah... Have to...


- So what were you saying about the deal? - The man was examining his prey like a predator. But instead of a victim, there was Sora, who did not feel like some kind of game for others at all inside himself.

- First, promise that the transaction will remain secret.

- Wow, you seem to like to keep secrets. Don't worry, everything that happens here will remain within the walls of this building. - The man held his hands, pointing to the space around. Of course, Sora did not believe in honesty, but at least he provided some kind of information security.

Then he put his hands in his pockets. I strained my brain properly so that ten seals appeared in one hand, and two kunai appeared in the second.

- I hope that we will be able to conclude an equivalent deal with you... Sora finally pulled out some of his weapons from his pockets. He decided to leave three kunai for his training, and seals in case someone decides to attack. If you die, then the guy is going to take his killer with him.

- Surprised, I didn't even know you had such a valuable item in your pockets. Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you right here? a nasty grin appeared on the man's face.

Sora even wanted to answer, but the girl beat him to it. She smacked her father on the back of the head with gusto, because of which he flew forward.

- Do you hear, old man. I'm going to show you what it means to kill... I'm the fourth one right here! - The girl had veins on her forehead, and a whole fist was already at the ready.

- Wait, wait, I was joking! Don't hit me! - but nothing helped him anymore. The fist flew straight into the stomach.

The boy watched this picture with interest. Such a family atmosphere in a gun store even surprised him. He met such kind people...

"Ha, ha, ha, you're so funny... - Sora laughed heartily, he even had tears in his eyes. - I'm sorry, but it's the first time I've met such a friendly family.

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