
Naruto Menma uzumaki

The Mc along with his adopted sister are ,reincarnated into the Naruto world by Rob from their they travel to different worlds doing whatever they want .

chaoswolf · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Here I am along with my adopted sister, standing in front of a mysterious looking man sitting on a throne,the question is why though,well you see it all started when I was driving my sister, home from a long day of shopping and just hanging out in the mall, when suddenly a huge truck crashed into us,killing us on impact,and now here we are deadin what it seems to be the afterlife.

So you two must be wondering why you are here right",the mysterious man said, while we just nod at him"well to answer that question let me introduce myself I go by many names but the most common one is Rob and,you are here because you two were chosen to be reincarnated into another world",.The man now known as Rob said.

"wait you mean the legendary Rob of those hen,I mean fanfictions I've heard so much about",my sister said pretending that she was just not about to say hentai,while I host look at her with a deadpanned expression.

"So,Do we get to choose which world we get sent to or are you just going to send us to a random world", I asked hm",

'No the world you get sent to will be determined,by that wheel", he says pointing at a wheel that appeared out of knowwhere infront of us.

" I am really on a tight schedule here,so let's hurry up and get this over with",Rob says deciding to speak up," you see this wheel,this will decide what world you go to and I will also grant you a few wishes,so now who wants to spin it",he said looking at us with an expression that says hurry the hell up.

" i will spin it" I said as I walk up to the wheel, appearing infront of the wheel , spinning it we watch as the arrow passes all the names of the different worlds ranging from anime to marvel and DC worlds along with a few others,until it finally lands on something.

"huh Naruto,well at least it's a world I'm familiar with",I said to my self,"but damn I really wanted to go to akame ga kill".

"now that the world is decided,its time for me to grant your wishes now who is first", Rob said

"I am!",My sister said,"I wish for...."

(A/N check the auxiliary chapters,if you want to know their Abillites)

Ps next chapter I will start calling them by their new names.

For some reason I couldn't post,any more chapters on my other account chaosfox3236,so I decided to repost it,also you probably noticed that I made a few changes like how I exchanged the mc and how.i removed the oc replacing with hinata,well to be honest I just felt like it

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