
Naruto: Lovelife

He wakes up, to only realize that he is no longer in his own body, but instead in the body of a 19-year-old Naruto Uzumaki. For more Chapters: patreon.com/amonk

Amon_Kai · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 12: Bravery

'I never thought, this could happen.'

"Naruto! What are they bowing to you?" Hinata whispered, her voice full of confusion and wonder.

"Hah..ha…I wonder."

Naruto and Hinata stood in the street, surrounded by wounded ninjas with blood seeping through their tattered uniforms. Despite their injuries, the ninjas kneeled before Naruto and Hinata, bowing deeply with heads almost touching the ground.

As they lifted their eyes to meet Naruto's and Hinata's, the ninja's faces twisted in resolution. Naruto's eyes twitched from annoyance as he tried to make sense of the situation.

"Hinata, why don't you go on ahead? I'll be right back," Naruto said with a hint of frustration in his voice.

Naruto stood before the group of ninjas, his fists clenched in anger. "Leave! I don't want to see your face," he shouted at them, hoping to scare them off. But the ninjas refused to back down. They followed him, mocking him with their persistent bowing.

With a fierce shout, Naruto launched himself at the group, his fists flying with all his might. Each punch landed with a resounding thud, but the ninjas remained unfazed. They stood their ground, taking the blows and refusing to give in to Naruto's wrath.

"How much can you take? I'm not done yet," Naruto warned as he continued to attack them.

Despite the beating, the ninjas stood tall, their eyes fierce and unyielding. Naruto grew more and more frustrated with each passing moment. "Get out of here before I really lose my temper!" he shouted, hoping to scare them off.

But the ninjas only sneered in response. They were not afraid of Naruto, and they were not going to be intimidated by his empty threats. They stood there, taking the blows, and waiting for Naruto to tire himself out.

"I can't help you all," Naruto said, giving up on beating the ninjas. He knew he could just hit them unconscious, but he had no interest in fighting those who didn't fight back. "There is one, though. Might Guy from Leaf. He must be at the top of the mountain now, along with his Lee. They are the ones you are looking for."

With that, Naruto turned around, hoping the ninjas wouldn't follow him. Fortunately, they left him in peace.

As the sun began to set, a gentle breeze blew through the trees. Mighty Guy and Lee had decided to take a break from their usual hot spring and relax on the top of a nearby mountain.

Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the bushes below. Without warning, a group of ninjas appeared, attacking them from all sides.


"Yes, Guy-sensei!" Lee replied, ready to face their attackers.

Guy, with his unparalleled strength and speed, swiftly took down several of the attackers with his powerful kicks and punches. Lee, with his amazing taijutsu skills, gracefully dodged and countered their attacks with ease.

After a few moments, the ninjas were down for the count. Guy relaxed and turned to Lee. "You know, my friend, there's nothing quite like a good fight to make you appreciate the beauty of nature."

Lee laughed and replied, "Indeed, my sensei! And with you by my side, I am always ready."

But their moment of relaxation was interrupted when one of the downed ninjas spoke up. "Might Guy! You are the one. Please take us in!"

Guy was dazed by the sudden turn of events. "What?

"Yes! Naruto Uzumaki was right. Despite being disabled, he is so hopeful and strong," the ninja continued, now bowing before Guy.

Guy looked at the group of ninjas bowing before him, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the situation. He remembered Naruto's warning about a group of injured ninjas searching for him and Lee, but he never expected to be confronted like this.

"Please, take us in," one of the ninjas repeated, his voice urgent. "We are ready to pledge our loyalty to you, Mighty Guy."

Guy exchanged a confused look with Lee, who seemed equally perplexed. He had never met these ninjas before, and he had no idea why they were suddenly pledging their loyalty to him.

"What is going on here?" Guy asked, his voice stern. "Who are you, and why are you suddenly bowing before me?"

The ninjas looked up at Guy, their faces filled with determination. "We are the survivors of the Fourth Great Ninja War," one of them said. "After we lost our limbs, we also hope. But when we heard of your great strength and compassion, we knew we had to seek you out."

Guy's heart went out to the group of injured ninjas. He knew all too well the pain of losing hope and even honor. "I am honored that you think so highly of me," he said, his voice softening. "But I cannot take you in."

The ninjas nodded, and one of them stepped forward. "We may be wounded, but we are skilled in the arts of assassination and stealth."

"Very well," Guy said, his voice strong. "If you are willing to decide yourself to me, I will take you in. But you must prove your determination and your skills first. Are you willing to do so?"

The ninjas nodded, their faces filled with determination. Guy looked at Lee and nodded, and together they led the group of ninjas down the mountain.

Naruto and Hinata strolled down the bustling street. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, and a light breeze was blowing through the trees, rustling the leaves. The air was filled with the pleasant scent of flowers and freshly baked bread, and the sounds of laughter and conversation filled their ears.

As they walked, they stopped to admire the various street vendors and their wares. There were exotic spices and herbs from far-off lands, handmade crafts and trinkets, and delicious snacks and treats. Hinata's eyes sparkled as she looked at the colorful displays, while Naruto's stomach grumbled hungrily at the sight and smell of the food.

Suddenly, the couple's peaceful stroll was interrupted by a loud commotion. They turned to see a horde of ninjas rushing down the street, running on their hands and legs like animals. Naruto and Hinata's eyes widened in shock as they watched the strange spectacle unfold before them.

The ninjas were dressed in green, form-fitting suits, with black masks covering their faces. They moved with incredible speed and agility, darting between the crowds of people and leaping over obstacles with ease. Some of them walked strangely, while others seemed to rely on their bare hands to walk.

As the ninja approached, the people on the street began to panic and scatter, running in all directions to avoid being caught up in the fray. Naruto and Hinata stood frozen, unsure of what to do. They had never seen anything like this before.

"The Hell!" Naruto commented.

Just as the ninja was about to pass them by, one of them stopped and turned to face Naruto and Hinata. The ninja's eyes glinted beneath the mask, and Naruto could sense a powerful aura emanating from the figure.

"Naruto Uzumaki," the ninja said in a low, ominous voice. "You are the best."

Naruto tensed, realizing what had just happened.

'Don't tell me! Guy-sensei is training them.'

Before he could react, however, the ninja suddenly turned and disappeared into the crowd, vanishing as quickly as they had appeared.

Naruto and Hinata stood in stunned silence, watching as the horde of ninjas continued down the street and disappeared from sight. They exchanged a worried glance, both wondering what was happening.

As the chaos subsided and the people on the street began to calm down, Naruto and Hinata made their way back home, their minds racing with questions and concerns. of their own.