
Naruto : Lost

my p@treon : https://www.p@treon.com/sybife ___________________ The Story : Betrayed by the people around him in way not even he thought was possible, Naruto leave. After realizing he is being chased Naruto tries to escape using a Jutsu only for a single wrong hand seal to send both him and those chasing him to another dimension __________________________________________ so I'm going to stop writing naruto fanfic for a while don't worry I'll be just taking some rest that's why I decide to work on this one because there isn't a lot of work to be made I hope you enjoy the story _________________________________________ I don't own anything of this fanfic except some character that I've made . ________________________________________

sybife · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 34 : NOT a Morning Person(3)

Braking news

"This is Summer Day and I am yet again standing outside the book store of Naruto Uzumaki, confirmed boyfriend of the dark Teen Titan herself, Raven. It seems that Mr Uzumaki has been busy since the last time we saw him, not only has he convinced three of Jump Cities three most well know villains into fixing the damage they have caused to his store, it is also confirmed that just yesterday he was seen fighting three unknown villains. At this point we do not know the full details on who these people were or what they were doing, but from what we have been able to gather from eye witness reports one of the villains actually used explosives that were apparently hidden on their body in an attempt to kill both him/herself along with Mr Uzumaki."

"After the incident yesterday we at channel 3 news did a little investigation into Mr Uzumaki and found out that he is more then he seems. It turned out he is actually the richest man in all of Jump City. Along with his book store Mr Uzumaki also owns 53% of the building firms in our city, along with several smaller businesses. On top of that he is the number one donor to the Orphans fund, the Children's hospital, the Veterans fund and several other charities."

"Their have also been several rumours going around that both Mr Uzumaki and the newly identified 'Sabaku no Gaara', who we met the last time we were here, are the newest members of the Teen Titans. Unfortunately neither the Titans nor the two in question have been available for comment, but today we will try and correct that."

"This is Summer Day, with channel 3 news."


It was the day after his fight with Kakashi and Lee and Naruto had just finished watching the morning news, which was the reason he was now repeatedly banging his head against the wall, while Jinx, Gizmo and Mammoth, the large red head eating a bag of popcorn, watched him from the couch. Gaara was yet to get up, so he wasn't there to see the blonde leaving a decent sized dent in the wall.

How did they find out about him being rich, he was so carful in covering his tracks damit! They even found out about his donating money to charity, which he had done without giving a name. It didn't make sense! As if all the attention he had been getting from dating Raven wasn't bad enough the fact that he was the richest man in Jump City was going to make it even worse because now he would be getting people coming to him to ask for money all the time!

After several minutes had passed, Naruto let out a sigh and just leaned his head against the wall before, his head never leaving its spot in the wall; he called to the three teens watching him in a flat voice.

"Can you go and let Gaara out, he should be awake by know."

Shrugging their shoulders, the three Hive students got up from their seats and made their way towards the large metal door that was Gaara's room, leaving Naruto to his thoughts. When they got there the three stopped for a minute when they saw that the light was still red. Turning to the other two, Mammoth scratched the top of his head with one of his large fingers with a thoughtful look on his face.

"What did Naruto say about the red light again?"

Shrugging Gizmo walked up to the door with a bored look on his face as he grabbed the handle.

"Who cares, let's just wake the bastered up already, what's the worst that could happen?"


Naruto was brought out of his self pity by the sound of three screams, followed by running feet and what sounded a lot like a roar. His eyes widening, the blonde looked up just in time to see Jinx and the others run into the room and slam the door shut behind then, which was almost broken off its hinges a moment later when something slammed into the other side of it. Turing to look at the whiskered ten with wide eyes, Jinx let out a panicked yell as the door was once again slammed by the unknown force.

Running to help them keep the door shut, Naruto grit his teeth when he felt the all too familiar demonic KI that Gaara gave off whenever he was possessed by the One Tail.

"You opened the door while the light was red, didn't you!"

"We didn't know that he was going to go insane!"

They stopped talking as they were forced to brace themselves as the door was hit again, this time with almost enough force to throw the four teens back, before Naruto turned to the three again with a serious expression on his face.

"I need to get him out of here before the transformation is complete. I should be able to get him to the surface but I won't get far because of the energy he is giving off messing with my own. When were gone get to the surface as quickly as you can!"

Nodding their heads, the three tens backed away from the door as the blonde motioned them too and stood on the other side of the room. Not a moment later the door flew open and a dark shadow slammed into the blonde. Before they could get a clear look what it was the two disappeared in a bright flash of light.


They reappeared in the middle of Jump City, Gaara's demonic chakra messing with the seals Naruto used for the 'Flying Thunder God', making them land there instead of the outskirts of the city like he had planned.

Quickly separating himself from the out of control Jinchuriki, Naruto looked at his friend with concerned eyes when he saw how far along the transformation already was. The sand had already covered the right side of his face along with his arm, which was now in the form of a giant claw with purple markings on it, and a long tail trailing behind him. His right eye and changed from its usual blue to yellow with a cross shaped pupil and black sclera, and his teeth on the right side had sharpened into demonic fangs.

One look at the boy was enough to send everyone within seeing distance running several letting out screams as they went. Unfortunately for them, the sound attracted the red heads attention and he turned to chase them before being slammed into a wall by Naruto.

"No you don't!"

Gritting his teeth as he was thrown back, Gaara's full attention now directed at him, Naruto watched as several pieces of glass fell from the windows above his friend that had been shattered by the force he had used to slam the teen into the wall. The moment the glass it the floor, Gaara used his demonic right arm to pick it up and absorb it, the glass turning into sand at his touch and spreading over more of his body. When all he glass was gone the only thing left of Gaara's face was his left eye and the scar on his forehead.

Letting out another blood curdling roar, the possessed teen made a fist with his right arm and sent it towards the blonde, making it stretch. Jumping out of the way just in time, Naruto's eyes widened when the arm kept going and slammed into the wall on the other side of the street, knocking more glass lose in the process which was again absorbed into the sand.

Puling out a seal tag from his pocket, Naruto was about to charge forward and slam it on his friends head when the Teen Titans arrived, Gaara to far transformed for them to recognise, and without thinking attacked.

Starfire and Terra drew his attention by sending starbolts and rocks at the strange creature, which turned to glare at them in hatred, before he was wrapped in a streetlight that Raven had bent around him, holding his arms at his side. This was followed by Beastboy turning into a rhino and charging at the sand monster, slamming him into a wall, before Cyborg used his arm cannon and sent a beam straight at the spot he hit, sending dust into the air and obscuring their view of the creature.

"Booyah! Direct hit, whatever that thing was, its toast now!"

The other Titans gathered around, thinking that the fight was over and discussing what they thought the creature could have been, none of them even realising that Naruto was there. What the six teens didn't notices was that Cyborg's canon had shattered all the glass on the side of the wall it had hit, causing it to fall to the ground right on top of Gaara.

Turing angry eyes on the teens, Naruto made his way over to the group, getting their attention, before practically growling at them.

"Do you have any idea what you just did?"

Grinning at the blonde, Beastboy gave him a thumb up as he boasted.

"We just totally kicked that things ass is what we did!"

Glaring at the green teen, the others finally noticing his irritated mood, Naruto grabbed him by the front of his shirt and lifted him off the ground.

"You just made it worse! If you had stayed out of the way I could have put the bloody seal on him and he would have woken up, all you did was piss him off!"

Before any of the Titans could ask what he was talking about, the blonde teens heard something coming from the dust cloud. Eyes widening, Naruto was able to push Robin out of the way just in time as a large arm made out of sand slammed into the ground where he had just been stood. The dust clearing, they could all see what looked to be a giant raccoon made out of sand with purple markings and human feet starring at them with yellow eyes.

Before any of them could react, the raccoon leapt at Starfire and backhanded her into a building, doing the same to Terra with its tail, before trying to slam both its hands on to Naruto and Robin, who had fallen to the floor when the blonde pushed him out of the way. Rolling out of from under the fists just in time, the two teens stopped next to Raven and watched as the raccoon turned its attention to Cyborg and Beastboy.

Quickly getting up, Robin turned his attention to the blonde with a serious face.

"What the hell is that thing?"

Stuffing the seal back into his pocket, Naruto frowned as he saw Beastboy avoid being caught between the raccoon's giant hands by transforming into a humming bird, before turning his attention to the brightly dressed teen and his girlfriend.

"We don't have much time, the longer he fights the stronger he will get. If I had gotten the seal on him before you arrived it wouldn't be a problem but now he's too far gone. Any minute now he's going to finish transforming."

Floating to stand next to Robin, Raven frowned at the idea of the creature getting even stronger.

"What to you mean finish transforming?"

Before he could answer the threes attention was pulled back to the creature, who had caught Cyborg's right arm with his own and had covered it with sand. The reason they had all turned to look at the two was that moments after his arm was covered up to his elbow the mechanical teen let out a shocked yell and fell away from the creature, his right arm now ending just below the elbow where the raccoon like creature had crushed it.

Rushing forward Naruto kicked the possessed Gaara away before he cold get a hold of Cyborg again with a frown on his face. Crouching down next to the metal teen, the whiskered blonde being carful not to turn his back away form Gaara, and rested a hand on his shoulder.

"You ok?"

"...yeah, it only got robot parts."

Nodding, Naruto sent a quick look towards the raccoon before turning back to Cyborg with an apologetic look on his face.

"Sorry about this"

"About wh-!"

Before he could even finish the question Naruto grabbed onto Cyborg's shoulder and, spinning on the spot, threw the metal teen back towards the rest of the Titans that had regrouped. Not a moment later the raccoon slammed into him, making the blonde skid back despite his strength, before they stopped in a grappling position. Quickly braking apart before the sand had a chance to cover him, Naruto sent a double kick into its chest before back flipping to the Titans, once again sending the raccoon into a wall.