
Naruto : Lost

my p@treon : https://www.p@treon.com/sybife ___________________ The Story : Betrayed by the people around him in way not even he thought was possible, Naruto leave. After realizing he is being chased Naruto tries to escape using a Jutsu only for a single wrong hand seal to send both him and those chasing him to another dimension __________________________________________ so I'm going to stop writing naruto fanfic for a while don't worry I'll be just taking some rest that's why I decide to work on this one because there isn't a lot of work to be made I hope you enjoy the story _________________________________________ I don't own anything of this fanfic except some character that I've made . ________________________________________

sybife · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 1 : New World (1)

The first thing Naruto noticed, as he regained consciousness, was the noise. All around him, he could hear loud roaring sounds, over the top of what must have been thousands of people, mixed in with several odd noises he couldn't place. There was a terrible smell that was making his nose burn. Next was the realization that he was lying on the ground in what, he hoped, was a puddle. His clothes were drenched and he shivered as the cold was started to get to him. It was at this point that the pain hit, like someone had thrust a kunai into his head. Rubbing his head where it hurt, Naruto slowly sat up and opened his left eye to look at the blood on his hand from an already healed cut.

Shaking his head in an attempt to clear the fog that seemed to surround his mind, Naruto took a moment to look around.

He seemed to be in an alley of some kind, though it was several times bigger than any alleyway he had seen in Konoha. The buildings on either side of him seemed to stretch high into the night's sky, so much so that he could barely see the tops. He was surrounded by large metal boxes, the source of the foul smell, and, at the end of the alley, he could see countless people walking past without even a single glace in his direction. Not that they would be able to see him, as he was at the far end of the alley, hidden in the shadows.

Shuffling back a few feet so he could lean against the wall, Naruto let out a sigh and covered his eyes with his hand. He sat there for a few minutes, not moving an inch as he watched the people pass by outside the alley through his fingers.

He could hear the voice in his head arguing with each other, but didn't bother trying to listen to them. He was confused enough as it was without trying to understand what they were all saying all at once.

Then, out of nowhere, a chuckle escaped his lips. It wasn't an amused sound, nor was it a cruel one. More than anything, it sounded tired, like the world had collapsed around him and this was the first chance he had to stop and think about it.

Which is actually what happened.


3 hours earlier


Naruto was laying on his bed with a small frown on his face.

The sky outside his window was dark and no one was on the street. The room around him looked like it had been hit by a tornado; the dresser was tipped over on its side and all his clothes and random bits of paper were scattered on the floor, torn to pieces in a fit of rage.

It had been a year and a half since he had dragged Sasuke back to the village. Sasuke had been slung over his shoulder, with minor wounds and a bump on his head. Whereas he was slowly bleeding out from the fist size hole in his chest inches to the right of his hart.

They had both been rushed to the hospital and Tsunade had treated him personally.

It was later found out, after Jiraiya examined the now completed Cursed Seal, that there had been a compulsion seal hiding in the seal matrix that was responsible for Sasuke trying to abandon the village. They couldn't remove the Cursed Seal completely but the compulsion seal had been removed easily enough. Sasuke had gone back to being his usual broody self, though he did break character for a short time, just long enough to thank Naruto for stopping him and apologize for almost killing him.

Naruto had responded with his usual grin, which got him a smirk and Sasuke throwing out a 'dobe' comment before walking off.

A week after the retrieval mission, Sasuke and Sakura had started dating. It had broken the young blonde's heart when he heard, but like with everything else in his life he put on his mask and smiled at them, congratulating them and joking about Sasuke getting an early start on rebuilding his clan.

The only one that seemed to notice it was all faked was Ero-sannin. The white haired man had been in the room with them when the new couple told him, and had comforted Naruto after they left. He cried for the rest of the day, yet didn't make a sound.

The next day, Jiraiya had taken Naruto out of the hospital. No one saw him for the next six months. When his friends asked Tsunade what had happened to him, all she would say was that he was on a training trip with Jiraiya and that he would be back when he had finished his training.

When he came back, Naruto seemed exactly the same to all his friends, still hyper and loud. At first, they had questioned the blonde about what he had been doing for the past half a year. After he repeatedly refused to tell them anything, they gave up and things went back to normal.

At least until know.

On the bed next to Naruto was a small scroll, no bigger than the palm of his hand. He had found a small seal on the back of his neck a few hours ago. His training in Fuinjutsu with Jiraiya, allowed him to identify it as a storage seal. The small scroll was actually another storage seal with another two large ones inside it that contained a libraries worth of scrolls.

There were scrolls on Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu, Genjutsu and a few scrolls with weapons of every kind imaginable and even a few unimaginable, sealed inside them. But the thing that shocked him the most was the letter from his father, Minato Namikaze.

My dearest son,

I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for what I am about to do. If I had any other choice, I would take it, but I cannot ask another parent to give up their child. I hope that you can forgive me for what has been done.

If you are reading this, then you have just become a genin (I am so proud of you), and Sarutobi has told you about the seal on the back of your neck. In these scrolls is all the knowledge that belongs to the Namikaze clan, several generations' worth of information that we gathered over the years. The fact that I am dead means that you are the last of our clan, the others being wiped out during the Third Great War.

I am sorry that you had to wait this long to find out that I am your father, but it was too dangerous for you to know. I made a lot of enemies in my life. If they found out you are my son before you could defend yourself, I don't want to think about the consequences, so until you are jonin I ask that you keep it a secret while learning from these scrolls.

I hope you have had a good life. I'm sure that the village has been spoiling you rotten. After all, you are the villages savior. If not for you, the Kyuubi would still be free. Hopefully, you haven't taken after Jiraiya. Just because he's your godfather doesn't mean you can become a pervert, or a drunk like your godmother, Tsunade.

I'm sorry that I don't have more to say. I am running out of time and need to prepare for the Kyuubi. Remember that both I and your mother love you so much.


Minato Namikaze

He had read the letter over and over again, burning the words into his memory. His hero, the man he once dreamed was his father, it was all his fault.

The abuse... the beatings... the GLARES... the HATE, it was all his fault!

Yet despite that, he didn't hate the Yondaime for sealing the fox in him.

He was right. What kind of man would he have been, if he asked someone to do what he couldn't? If anything, Naruto respected him even more for that, being brave enough to give up everything for the village. It wasn't the fact that he had sealed Kyuubi in him that made him hate the man, it was his naivety.

He had actually thought that Naruto would be seen as a hero, after the fox had destroyed half the village and killed so many people.

The thought made his blood boil.

Then, there was the fact the letter said he was supposed to get the scrolls right after he had become a genin, an event that happened two years ago. The old man was supposed to tell him, but hadn't for reasons unknown.

He didn't even want to think about his supposed godparents, Tsunade and Jiraiya.

He couldn't help the feeling of betrayal.

He hated this village. He hated the people in it. People said that Konoha was the best place to live in the Elemental Nations, that it was filled with the friendliest people and the reason they were so strong was because of how they believed in teamwork and kindness, but that wasn't true.

The people weren't friendly. They were spiteful creatures that hid behind a mask of kindness while really that were no different than anyone else.

It made him sick.

'Then leave.'

The familiar sound of the voice in the back of his mind was enough to break him out of his thoughts.

Sitting up, his hair falling down over his eyes and covering them in shadow, Naruto took the small scroll and put it back into the seal on the back of his neck. Standing, he made his way to the door and left the apartment without looking back.


As the sight of the front gate came into view, Naruto saw the chunin guard sending him a small glare. The street was completely silent as the young blonde made his way towards the gate, eyes still shadowed by his hair and his mouth set into a small frown.

The man stepped forward, not even trying to hide his distain at the sight of him.

"What the hell do you want, brat?"

Naruto just walked passed him, as if he wasn't there, and continued towards the gate.

Getting angry at being ignored by the demon brat, the chunin made to grab the smaller boys shoulder and turn him around.

"Hey I'm talking to yo-"

He never finished his sentence. Just as he turned to face the older man, Naruto pulled a kunai out of his sleeve and stabbed it into the guard's stomach. Eyes going wide, the chunin let out a straggled gasp as he fell to the ground, Naruto looming over him.

Bending down so that he could get a good look at the man's face, the blonde genin spoke in a voice almost completely devoid of emotion, except for the simmering rage that could be heard bubbling under the surface.

"I remember you... you were always one of the ninja that chased us during the villages 'fox hunts'."

The guard's eyes widened even further at Naruto's words, fear becoming the most dominant emotion on his face.

With a snort of disgust, Naruto turned his back on the man as he slowly bled and walked off into the trees that surrounded Konoha.


It wasn't until after hours of running that Naruto heard the people coming up behind him. He had been running non-stop ever since he left the village. For a moment, he considered trying to outrun them, but realized that such a tactic wouldn't work. If they had caught up to him, then they would be able to catch him before long. Instead, he stopped on a branch and turned to face his pursuers.

He didn't have to wait for long. Moments after he stopped, Naruto was met with the sight of Sasuke, Sakura, Lee, Hinata, Ino, Shikamaru and Kakashi stopping on the branches and looking at him with mixed expressions of shock and confusion.

Stepping forward to address his wayward student, Kakashi raised his hands in the air to show that he wasn't armed. It was almost enough to make him laugh. Kakashi actually thought he was that stupid?

"Naruto, I don't know what happened, but you need to come back with us now so we can fix it. The guard at the gate is going to live. This doesn't have to go any further then it already has."

Naruto just stared at them with a blank face, looking at each of them in turn before turning back to Kakashi. Something didn't seem right about his face. It was still Naruto, but something seemed to have changed, in a way none of them could describe.

"Too bad. We should have just slit his throat and been done with it."

The casual way in which Naruto said that was almost as shocking as the words themselves, and just like his face something about it just didn't seem like Naruto.

Eyes widening slightly before settling on a look of apathy, Kakashi let his hands drop to his side.

"You're not Naruto. What's going on? Are you the fox? Are you controlling him?"

Shaking his head slightly, the young blonde leveled haunted eyes on his sensei.

"The fox? Is that the best you can come up with? You really don't know anything about us, do you?"

Letting out a tired sigh, Naruto looked at each of them with tired eyes that didn't look right on the normally energetic blonde's face.

"We've had enough."

At the confused look on his sensei's face, Naruto let out a small, hollow chuckle.

"Thirteen years... for thirteen years, we've been the village's scapegoat for what the fox did. The beatings... the insults... and to know who our father was... and that it's his fault... we just can't take it anymore. We're not going back! We are never going back to that hell hole!"

As he finished his speech, Naruto ripped off his headband and threw it towards the group and started to speed through hand signs as fast as he could. Before any of them could stop him, he let out a yell.

"Reverse Summoning Jutsu!"


Present time


After that, everything went black and he woke up here.

Obviously, something had gone wrong with the Jutsu. It was supposed to take him to the toad mountain, not wherever this was. At least he had gotten away from them. He didn't want to fight his old friends, not yet anyway.

Getting to his feet, Naruto looked at his orange clothes, then at the people walking on the path at the end of the alley. After a moment, he nodded to himself. He took off his wet jacket and threw it in one of the large mental boxes, leaving him in a tight fitting black shirt, that showed just how shinny he was, and his orange pants.

Letting out another sigh, Naruto made his way out of the alley toward the crowed street.


I just put this novel on p atreon

there will be 10 chapters ahead of the public release

just $5 to read it :)

https://www.p atreon.com/sybife

or search my name : sybife
