
Chapter 77 Project Jinchuriki

Naruto looked over Herberts proposal. In truth he knew it would have to be done eventually, it was too much of a hassle to fully control. He looked across his desk at Herbert who mindlessly smoked flicking his ashes on the floor. Naruto ignored it, complaining about it would only encourage him to do it more.

"And you are certain this will work", asked Naruto.

"No, which is why I want to test it with Sasori first, he wants to be a puppet anyway, and we can use the seals to make him one. The whole point of the contraption is to seal abilities and consciousness into any chosen vessel. I have looked over Orochimaru's notes constantly, and added with what we know from the Necronomicon this could work, besides it's a much safer containment than even the cages down below, and eventually there will be nothing to gain from studying the Zero Tails", said Herbert.

"If it works on Sasori you have my permission to continue the practice, but we won't seal the Zero Tails quite yet, Dr. Shinno believes he cn make the false skin from it. Only then will I let you seal it away, that is my decision on your "Project: Jinchuriki", said Naruto.

Herbert nodded flicking the cigarette but away.

"Understood, I'll draw up who we can seal it in, see where it goes from there", said Herbert.

"What of the Color", asked Naruto.

"To dangerous, as a parasite sealing it may not have the desired effect. It wants a host, we could just get it what it wants. Let shorty look at it some more before we do anything with it", said Herbert.

Naruto nodded.

"Very well, dismissed", said Naruto.

Herbert fixed his masked to his face before giving an over exudated mock bow and leaving Naruto's office. Naruto looked over the proposal again, it was a good way to simultaniously seal away hazardous beings, and it would add to the power of the CDA. Bt as a Jinchuriki himself, he was reluctant to do so. But the three dimensional seal array looked sound. Only time would tell. He put away the papers before concentrating. Naruto disappeared and teleported to the barracks, after the Hounds of Tindalos attacked it gave Naruto his idea to ink every room in the Shinigami with the seal for the flying thunder god. With so many seal together it made things difficult, but it was working rather well, and prolonged training with the move wold allow him to use it more effectivly, it was also a boon that his clones could use them as well.

Naruto looked around the barrcaks until he found who he was looking for, Kin. He walked up to her while she threw senbon at a target.

"What do you need", asked Kin, never taking her eyes off her target.

"We are going to wake your teammate soon", said Naruto.

Kin stopped before she turned to Naruto.

"You got him some arms I take it", asked Kin.

"Indeed, Sasori and Herbert built them. It is similar to a puppets arms, and has the same tubes in his arms that will double as flamethrowers, but I have a mission for you, when you get back you can meet him", said Naruto.

Kin smiled.

"Good, I was getting bored, so what is the mission", asked Kin.

"Recently Danzo's contacts revealed that Kabuto was spotted fleeing from the Land of Demons, he ws a spy for Orochimaru. Either he has defected from Orochimaru or something else, I want you to lead a team of clones. I know you have no experience as a leader, but with my clones there they can assist you to groom you into the position. Our contacts show he is in the Land of Grass, possibly in one of Orochimarus old bases. Your mission is to find him and bring him here, alive if possible, but dead works to. We could just bring him back, I just would prefer him not knowing about that assuming he does not. Same goes for any with him, sources say that he was not alone. There were three others with him, no record on who they were. With you once belonging to Sound and being born in Grass you know all his secret bases better than we do. Think you can do it", asked Naruto.

Kin spun her Senbon between her fingers the bell attached rang only four times before she threw it. Mid air it replicated several timed until there were a dozen. All hit the bullseye.

"Oh yeah, I think I am", said Kin.

Naruto smiled.

"Good, I have a team of clones heading for the Land of Demons. I believe it may be where Orochimaru is hiding. They will arrive shortly after you make it to Grass, they will feed ou any information the see if it is relevent, happy hunting", said Naruto.

And he disappeared once again.

The rumors hit Konoha like a plague. When word that Naruto created some miricle medicine of some kind many were skeptical, those who knew of the boys intellect were slightly more accepting. Slowly but surely the populace began to mistrust Danzo, it was a small dent, but a dent none the less. Hiruzen smiled at his new helper in these events, when Kakashi returned, he was rightly pissed. Hiruzen told him everything, needless to say the Jonin was shocked his genin student could have made such a thing as a formula to revive the dead. He sat frozen. Hiruzen simply watched his expression.

"Are you fine Kakashi", asked Hiruzen.

"I. I knew he was smart, to smart, but to create something like that, it reminds me of Orochimaru", said Kakashi.

"Keep in mind that Impure World Resurrection was invented by Tobirama-sensei, Not Orochimaru. Resurrection is not inherently evil, merely amoral. And as Ninja we must sometimes do terrible things, it is our way. We train children in skills necessary to kill men Kakashi, you know this better than most", said Hiruzen.

Kakashi nodded.

"I know, but to be so young and find a way to revive the dead. Only twelve and already has created something to change the world. Hell counting that flying skull I'd say he's on a roll", said Kakashi.

"Yes, it is true. But that is Naruto, he's been like that since he was in the orphanage. I remember the first time I met him. Already a thirst for knowledge, hmm now that I think about it it did seem to come out of the blue. When I spoke to him before then he was a hyperactive knucklehead, then one day he was matured and cold, collected, calculating. It has always stuck with me. After these events I find myself looking into that even more", said Jiruzen.

"At that age, they do change a lot", said Kakashi.

Hiruzen chuckled.

"True, but it seemed so sudden and drastic. But it isn't important, anyway so far for those in Konoha who can help, only Jiraiya, the Genin from Naruto's class, you and I know of this", said Hiruzen.

Kakashi's eyebrow raised.

"Why do genin know", asked Kakashi.

"Naruto told them, apparently he keeps many clones in the village to keep an eye on things, once the village despises Danzo, we have to get this on him", said Hiruzen as he took out Minato's kunai. Kakashi's eye widened before he smiled beneath his mask.

"I knew he could figure it out", said Kakashi proudly.

"Really, do tell", said Hiruzen.

"I just showed him thee Body Flicker, told him I thought he could re-create the Flying Thunder God, looks like he did", said Kakashi.

Hiruzen nodded.

"I see. In any event, I cannot get close to Danzo, I removed the wrapping with the seal on it. I want you to get it on him once enough of the village to hate Danzo, it could make sure a war does not start over his loss. The village will undoubtably be be in chaos, but an unpopular Hokage being kidnapped is not going to cause much trouble. Jiraiya should return with Tsunade soon enough", said Hiruzen.

Kakashi took the cloth looking at the seal for a moment before putting it away.

Kin watched as her broken senbon regrow with a single drop of blood, it was interesting to watch. Herbert smirked.

"Enjoying that, well wait till you see what I got for you", said Herbert.

He began going through the armory. He pointed to an interesting set of Chakra armor.

"Here we go, Sonic Chakra armor. Much better than the one you have on now. this one has the jump jets, and best of all it uses both sonic pistols in the palms to simulate Zaku's arm... Palm...Things for long range, and recreations of your other teammates melody arm for short range. Also has all standard Chakra Armor features", said Herbert.

He then pulled out a pouch of bells attatched to new senbon needles.

"These bells and senbon are specially made, they also fix themselves with blood so no need for replacing them, the seal inked in them ensurs they return to the case after a set period of time, so no need to get them manually", said Herbert.

He then pulled out a new gas mask.

"Finally this mask uses multiple sensors to allow you to see sound, not quite like Naruto but close enough. With this suit you will be the master of sonic attacks. It also has a radio to keep you in contact with the clones, all poison based attacks had to be removed for room for the sensors. With this suit sound will be your bitch", said Herbert.

Kin smiled as he looked at everything.

"Cool", she said.

Sasori looked at the device. It was a cylindrical tube made of metal wire in a pattern similar to certain seals, but in the three dimensions. The pattern was reminiscent of a spiral similar to the one used to seal away the nine tails. Herbert just finished inking the wire before he turned to Sasori.

"Ok, now this is very simple. On one en of the seal will be your puppet body, on the other your core. Once activated it will seal away every part of you into your puppet body. Once finished anything human left of you will be gone, and you will be a real puppet", said Herbert.

Sasori nodded as he was placed on one end of the tube. The wire was attached to his chest. Herbert removed his core bringing it to the other side and attaching it to the other end. he cracked his knuckles.

"Here we go", said Herbert.

He created several clones who each placed their fingers on specific points of the seal.

"Ok on three. One. Two. Three", said Herbert.

On three every clone simultaneously poured their chakra into the seal. The wire began to glow. A tether of pure chakra emanated from Sasori's core. It slowly inched its way through the hollow seal towards the puppet body. Slowly it made it's way there.

As soon as the tether of chakra hit the puppet body it released a wave of energy that flowed all around the room. Herbert watched as an image was burned into the puppet's chest. Slowly the image revealed itself to be a seal array, multiple seals that etched away in such a way it was reminiscent of a branding iron. Then the tether on the core was ending, slowly fading as it pushed every bit of Sasori into the puppet. Then with one final wave of energy the process was finished. All that was left of Sasori's core was ash.

Herbert looked to the puppet. It looked lifeless, though Sasori always did. He walked up to the puppet as the burned in seal started to fade. Herbert lifted Sasori's head inspecting it for a moment seeing if there was any change.

"Let go of my head"

Herbert smiled.