
Chapter 62 Unexpected Event

As they waited for a the clones to come back Sasuke walked back in. Naruto raised an eyebrow. He was holding a pair of glasses and eyed it as if it were poison.

"Do I really have to wear these", he asked.

Herbert has decided this moment to enter the room laughing at Sasuke's reaction.

"Only once you start using the Mangekyo Sharingan, do not forget to use the cream to make sure you do not go blind", said Herbert.

He waved at Naruto and stepped over. Naruto nodded at the scientist.

"Herbert, glad to see you are well, anything to fill me in on", asked Naruto.

"Nothing much, that weapon I said was going to work against Cthulhu, is almost ready. You'll find it amazing. Other than that The pale dead girl in the cell. Yeah she was experimented on", said Herbert.

Naruto raised an eyebrow and nodded. This was a tidbit of information he had wished to hear about for quite some time.

"Care to explain", asked Naruto.

Herbert shrugged.

"You know how Orochimaru makes his hosts look like him when he goes all parasite on them, well we turns out she was used to perfect this. Genetically she is similar to Orochimaru, to the point she may as well be his daughter. We haven't told her yet", said Herbert.

Sakura and Sasuke were at various levels of confusion and sickness. They had yet to hear much on Kin and this revelation was rather unpleasant. Naruto was much more reserved.

"I'll tell her, until then we need to contain the Zero Tails, and perform the experiments", said Naruto.

"Very well, you do that. I still have much to do", said Herbert.

"Speaking of which, what is this weapon you claim can fight Cthulu. Frankly, I find the idea impossible", said Naruto.

Herbert smiled.

"All good things come to those who wait", said Herbert.

Not far away The clones were nearing the secret entrance to the lab. Dr. Shinno was still detained heavily, though for the most part he was willing.

"How much longer till we arrive", asked Shinno.

"We will arrive in the hour. The boss will decide if you join us or not", said the Clone leader.

"Very well", said Shinno.

As they walked several clones were on edge after hearing sounds of something following them. They waited patiently for it to strike but it never made a move.

"Doctor, do you have any idea who could be following us", asked the Clone.

Shinno thought for a moment before he gave a slight smile.

"I do. You can come out Amaru, it is safe", said Shinno.

Several seconds later a young child slowly crawled from the trees brandishing a scalpel.

"Dr. Shinno, are you ok", asked Amaru.

Shinno chuckled.

"I am quite fine, this is just a precaution, these men are not enemies", said Shinno.

Amaru slowly lowered the scalpel. Not a moment later Amaru's arms were grabbed and cuffed.

"Hey, what's the big idea", asked Amaru.

Amaru looked at Shinno pleading. He only smiled.

"Sorry, where we are going is a secret, we cannot risk anything", said a clone.

Amaru struggled as a clone brought Shinno to Amaru.

"Don't worry, these men are not enemies, and they are well trained neither of us is going anywhere Amaru", said Shinno.

Amaru nodded.

The clone leader took a step towards Amaru and examined the child.

"Young, uses a scalpel, knows you quite well. Your apprentice I'm guessing Shinno", asked the clone.

Shinno nodded.

"That she is", said Shinno.

"She, you hide your gender well Amaru", said the clone.

Amaru glared at the clone, who in turn ignored her completely before turning around. He pointed ahead causing the clones to all nod and regain their formation.

"Alright, we move", said the clone.

Naruto looked into Kins cell, she sat board against the walls. Konohamaru was still studying the Color. Naruto walked to him. He examined as the nameless colors swirled around the glass room. Even without much knowledge in their behavior, it was obvious the color was not enjoying being kept trapped in it's cell.

"Any news", asked Naruto.

"Only that the color is getting anxious, it is incapable of escaping it's cell, but is still very dangerous. Taking samples has to be done with the utmost care. I have been working with the scientist on a way to allow others to use Star Chakra without the dangerous effects, the problem is Star Chakra is a just an infant color, a thinking and living parasitic entity, an infant color is not as dangerous as the adult is in terms of studying the creature, but they do pose a problem considering their effects on any mice subjects and possible risk of escape. What's more, with no real mind for us to alter, we cannot override it to use it's powers as we wish. We have given up the project and have opted to try and better understand the color before anything quite so invasive. Currently, we know more about the meteorite the color lives in than we do the creature that inhabits it", said Konohamaru.

Naruto nodded. He walked over to Kins cell and sat in the chair and activated the microphone. She smiled as she stood and walked over to her own. She leaned against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Been a while, and shorty keeps bad company", said Kin.

Naruto nodded.

"His Yithian customs are different from our social norms, you get used to it", said Naruto.

"If you say so. So whats up", asked Kin.

Naruto took a deep breath. This could prove to be a very violate situation, but Naruto was a firm believer in truth being known, and this was something Kin should know.

"We, found out that you were experimented on by Orochimaru, and the results are rather, well interesting", said Naruto.

Kin glared at him.

"I'm listening", said Kin.

Naruto then gave a variable list of the genetic changes done to Kin. As she heard the story her eyes widened and her face dropped.

"What", she asked as everything she heard began to fully sink in.

Naruto nodded.

She looked at her own hands. And her hair. Even before bring reanimated, she was pale with dark hair, much like Orochimaru himself. It wasn't hard to imagine he would do such a thing after what he did with others, she witnessed these events herself, and knew Orochimaru could do such a thing without her knowledge. That was not the problem. The problem was he had lied to her about what he had done. The parasitic snake eggs were one thing, but taking away everything she once was, well that was something else entirely different.

"I'm, I'm just a failed experiment", she asked.

"You were once normal, though genetically you are related to Orochimaru. So much so that the only real difference between you is gender. Strictly speaking, you are proof that someone can be changed into another person on the genetic level. To such a degree that we had trouble finding the remnants of your original genetic code. Less than one percent of your genes are who you once were. The change is mostly genetic, very little physiological changes have occurred, but there is some", said Naruto.

Kins face did not change but she rubbed her eyes. If the dead could cry, she would.

"So, I'm like a clone", she asked.

"Not really, the changes are remarkable, but you are not really Orochimaru, but you are very close. In many ways, he is your father", said Naruto.

Her face twisted into one of anger. She looked Naruto in the face. There was only one thing on her mind.

"Let me out", she said.

Naruto crossed his arms and sat back in his chair.

"If I do that, what will you do", he asked.

"what the fuck do you thing", she asked.

"I see, tell me can your revenge wait until the perfect moment", asked Naruto.

"Maybe, but if I see that bastard he's dead", said Kin.

Naruto nodded before cutting the speaker. He pressed several buttons causing the glass wall separating them to slide down into the floor.

"Kin, welcome to the CDA", said Naruto.

She took her first steps out before smiling. Narut appeared next to her.

"Now, for all intents and purposes you are dead, you cannot die unless your brain is destroyed, and even then you will still walk around, and you will not age. If you are going to fight Orochimaru, you will need my help. Yo will train with my clones, they have an extensive training program to make you as powerful as possible. Your body cannot heal, so you will need medical checks and treatment from time to time. And if you wish, you can be further altered into a weapon capable of killing Orochimaru, by using his own seal. Though that is your choice, as for your teammate. Well we still need to find him arms", said Naruto.

"No seals, I will not lose whatever is left of me", said Kin.

Naruto nodded.

"Understandable, once your training is finished, you will be put into a few missions with the clones. Should you prove yourself, you will lead your own squad for further missions", said Naruto.

"Just point me to the training room, I can handle it", said Kin.

Naruto nodded as he left to bring Kin to said Room.

Sasuke and Sakura were currently watching as several clones tested various weaponry. It was an impressive display. Herbert stood next to them, his mask removed.

"So, like what you see", asked Herbert.

"It's impressive to say the least, what are they using", asked Sasuke.

"Sonic pistols. The weapon uses sound to knock out opponents for safe containment. We plan on using it to bring in targets of interest", said Herbert.

"Can I have one", asked Sasuke.

"Maybe, want to see mine", asked Herbert.

He lifted his arm. His bracer was bare. But then he pointed to his palm. There was a metal holes in one arm.

"They work similar to the sound guy, but combing the others melody arm. I can give off a sonic blast that can do everything that gun can do, and more", said Herbert.

"Seems painful", said Sakura.

"Pain is an illusion, a collection of electrical signals heading to the brain at anywhere between two and two hundred miles per hour, this is three million times slower than electricity traveling through a wire. When the signal reaches our mind we register what is called pain. Though it is nothing more than reactions and signals. I still feel it, but I just don't care. To me it's just one step closer to being a cybernetic organism", said Herbert.

"Whatever", said Sasuke.

"Hey, that was some interesting stuff and all you say is whatever. You little. I should. Oh forget it. You can't help it your a walking depressing emitter. Just being around you makes me feel down", said Herbert.

Sasuke glared at Herbert, Sakura only chuckled.

Suddenly there was a strange sound coming from a nearby room, Herbert opened the door to see what it was. He froze. The sounds of fighting could be heard. Slowly he closed the door and pushed a desk in front of it.

"What the hell is going on", asked Sakura.

"I don't really know how to say this, but Naruto's parents are killing our guys", said Herbert.

"What", screamed each simultaneously.

Naruto heard the sound of fighting and quickly made his way to it. He saw Herbert pushing stuff against a door while Sakura and Sasuke just stared into space.

"Whats going on here", asked Naruto.

"Your, well your dad and mom decided to come", said Herbert.

Naruto's eyes widened, before contorting into one of pure rage.

"You brought them to life", asked Naruto, barely containing his rage.

"No, they just showed up", said Herbert.

The door blew open and out stepped Minato holding a tri-pronged kunai. He looked at Naruto and his eyes went wide. He stared into Naruto's eyes of Azathoth and almost broke down. Kushina walked from behind him brandishing a katana. She to looked at Naruto.

"What have they done to you Menma", she said.