
Chapter 44 Surprise Meetings

Naruto sighed. This day started bad. First Sasuke was nowhere to be found and he wanted to show them both the lab at the same time. It seemed as if it was going to be one of those days. Naruto sat at the table in his little house waiting for his ramen to finish cooking when a knock came at the door. Turning off the burner Naruto went to anser. Opening the door Naruto was greeted by a tall thin man wearing sunglasses. He recognized the face.

"Ebisu-sensei, to what do I owe the pleasuer. Are you having difficulties finding Konohamaru", asked Naruto.

"Nothing of the sort, Konohamaru is off today. I am here for you", said Ebisu.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"I am afraid I don't follow Ebisu-sensei", said Naruto.

Ebisu seemed to be slightly confused for a moment.

"Kakashi did not tell you he asked me to train you for the chunin exams", asked Ebisu.

"I haven't seen either since returning home", said Naruto.

Ebisu nodded.

"I can explain that, Kakashi is going to train Sasuke personally for the month. He asked me as a favor to train you. Considering the positive effect you had on Konohamaru I agreed to help in anyway I could", said Ebisu.

"I see, makes sense considering Sasuke's opponent that he would want to train him personally, please come in", said Naruto.

Ebisu nodded before taking a seat at the table.

"I was just making a bite to eat. However the tea if finished, would you like some", asked Naruto.

"Yes please", said Ebisu.

Naruto walked to a nearby cupboard and took out two cups of tea. He poured tea in each cup. He set one by Ebisu and then one by his seat. He sat across from Ebisu before taking a sip. Savoring the taste he put the cup down before turning to Ebisu.

"Well, I do thank you for helping me train, Konohamaru says you are the best teacher when it comes to the fundamentals, which is usually where I have the most trouble though I have been working on that, however the process is slow. So when do we begin", asked Naruto.

"I thought we could begin today, and meet every other day until the exam. What would be a good time", asked Ebisu.

Naruto put his hand to his chin as he began to think.

"Well Mornings would be good, I have a lot of projects I am working on", said Naruto.

"Very well, how does 8 to 12 sound", asked Ebisu.

"That will work", said Naruto.

Ebisu nodded before taking a sip of his drink.

"If I may ask, what are these other projects", asked Ebisu.

"Well, it's just a few tests and observations. Right now I am looking into the sudden increase in the snake population of Konoha. Mostly for curiosity's sake", said Naruto.

Ebisu raised an eyebrow.

"A curious subject to look into", said Ebisu.

"It may seem that way, but I am only doing it because I am collecting venom from some of the snakes. Some to study others to sell. Since both can be studied at the same time it has given me much to do", said Naruto.

"That sounds dangerous", said Ebisu.

Naruto shook his head.

"Not at all, I never handle the poisonous ones. I let shadow clones take care of them. Even if I did, well thanks to my tenant I am quite resilient to poisons", said Naruto.

Ebisu froze for a second before taking another sip of tea.

"Well at least you are careful, anyway we should go. I want to talk about our training regiment, what equipment to bring, and where we will meet", said Ebisu as he stood.

Naruto took his cup and Ebisu's placing them in the nearby sink before following Ebisu.

Back at the lab Konohamaru, Xel, and Herbert were speaking to each other on hastening Naruto's eldritch form.

"Well, I went through all of Orochimarus notes we have, nothing much there to help. We don't really have enough information on the Eldritch form to apply or even know if any of his notes will be of any use", said Herbert.

"Eldritch form has unique effects, new chakra coils must grow for him to use chakra while in the form and that will take time. Aside from that we need to remember that while Naruto looks human, he is not. Nor is he made or ordinary matter anymore. He will continue to expel the old matter when he uses the form or abilities of the Necronomicon to much. That hastens the process but not to a noticeable degree", said Xel.

"The deep one is right. If we are going to do this our best bet is to go through the Necronomicon", said Konohamaru.

"And how do you expect us to do that filth, The pages never end, we have turned the pages of the book hundreds of thousands of times. We do not know when we will find the page. The information we seek may be on a page who's number is so high mortals have no name for it", said Xel.

"Fish face is right, and we can turn to the quintillionth page and still be a googolplex away from what we are looking for", said Herbert.

"Indeed, our best bet is to force the change", said Xel.

"Yeah, we can alter him with science", said Herbert.

"He will not survive the process", said Konohamaru.

"Like Naruto said, whoever the shadowed man is plans on keeping him alive for some reason. It might be the only reason he is still alive now", said Herbert.

"The patience of an Outer God is infinite, but their willingness to be manipulated is nonexistent. He will retaliate, he may not kill the lord. But there are worse things than death he can do", said Xel.

"It's a chance we have to take. If we are lucky he will humor us", said Konohamaru.

"Pray to all spaces he does", said Xel.

Naruto and Ebisu were walking through the village talking to each other on their training regiment.

"First I will begin on a program to improve your control, your chakra capacity is not a problem so we don't have to worry about that. So Naruto tell me what is your skill on Academy jutsu", asked Ebisu.

"Well clone is out considering I can't see them which is why I have the shadow clone, you probably heard about my unique transformation, as for Substitution I can perform it well without hand seals", said Naruto.

"I see", said Ebisu.

Ebisu reached into his pocket and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"I figured that might be a possibility so I came prepared, this Naruto is chakra paper", said Ebisu.

"You want to test my element ?", asked Naruto.

"I plan on giving you basic techniques with your elemental affinity and improve it from there. I was watching the chunin exams and I noticed the only justu you used hand seals for was the scream attack, so I thought you would have most jutsu done seal less I just needed to confirm my theory", said Ebisu.

"I see", said Naruto as Ebisu handed him the paper.

"Just channel a bit of chakra into it, simple as that", said Naruto.

Naruto nodded. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the paper. After only a second it split in half. Naruto smiled.

"Wind", he said.

"Impressive quite a rare...", that was as far as he got before he looked down.

The two pieces of paper looked different. One was soggy and falling apart, the other crumpled.

"Three elements", said Ebisu shocked.

"Wind, Water, and Lightning", said Naruto.

He filed that away for further study.

"A genin with three affinities. This is unexpected", said Ebisu.

Narto looked at the paper for a moment.

"Interesting, the three elements all have one thing in common", said Naruto.

Ebisu thought for a moment before he realized what Naruto was talking about.

"They are all related to the weather", said Ebisu.

"So what does this mean", asked Naruto.

"I cannot be certain, it could be another bloodline you possess though it seems unlikely. It could just be an anomaly and you are just the proverbial one in a million", said Ebisu.

Naruto nodded.

"Either way this month should be interesting", said Naruto.

Ebisu only nodded.

"Well, at least this gives you options. I will teach you the basic jutsu for each element and we will train excessively in the one you choose so it becomes seal less like your other jutsu then I will teach you a more advanced version of the element you choose", said Ebisu.

Naruto thought for a moment.

" Well my choice is wind. If it is as rare as you say then it will be unexpected", said Naruto.

"Very well, I will get the necessary scrolls, for now we will work on your control", said Ebisu.

Naruto just noticed they were standing near the hot springs.

"So why are we here", asked Naruto.

"Well, I am going to show you how to walk on water", said Ebisu.

"Impressive, care to demonstrate", asked Naruto.

Ebisu pushed up his glasses before heading toward the water. After stepping on it he walked several steps staying on it's surface.

"The water walking exercise is similar to the Tree walking one, though it is a little different. You have to keep a constant flow of chakra or else you sink. It is also practical for obvious reasons", said Ebisu.

"No kidding", said Naruto.

Ebisu took a few steps back and waited for Naruto.

"Remember keep a constant flow, don't run out until you are sure", said Ebisu.

Naruto put his foot on the water, he came to realize that while he knew how to do it thanks to Menma's memories due to the different level of Chakra Menma had to Naruto as he currently did Naruto was unsure how much chakra to apply. Concentrating a flow of chakra to his feet. For a while he experimented putting weight on his foot until it seemed to stay. He slowly put his other foot on the surface of the water. He stayed on for just a second before he heard the sound of giggling breaking his concentration and falling through the surface. Turning they saw an old man with white hair peeking through a hole in a wooden fence. Ebisu fixed his glasses for a moment.

"I don't know who you are or where you come from"

At this he charged for the man.

"But I will not allow perverted behavior around my student", said Ebisu.

The white haired man turned around. he became surrounded by a cloud of smoke before standing on a giant toad. The toads tongue shot ot heading for Ebisu. Then in a flash Ebisu saw Naruto standing near him with a tentacle coming from his hand wrapped around the toads tongue. Ebisu stood still for a moment.

"Hey let go of that", screamed the white haired man.

"Ebisu-sensei, is that.."

"Yes, Jiraiya the Toad Sage", said Ebisu.

The tentacle on Naruto's hand disappeared.

"You almost got me caught", said Jiraiya.

"I'm sorry Jiraiya but I am training a student right now and I would not want you to influence him negatively", said Ebisu though his words were laced with agitation and disgust.

"You don't have to worry about that Ebisu-sensei, I am not so easy to influence", said Naruto.

Ebisu nodded.

"Ebisu-sensei, if you will excuse me I would like to talk to Jiraiya for a moment, do you mind", asked Naruto.

Ebisu nodded.

"Very well, We can call it a day, I will meet you at the bridge in two days", said Ebisu.

And like that he disappeared. Naruto turned to Jiraiya his arms behind his back as he walked forward.

"Do I know you kid", asked Jiraiya.

"Not really but I believe you know my father, after all you trained him", said Naruto.

Jiraiya's face went from confusion to shock to understanding in the span of several seconds.

"You're Uzumaki Naruto", asked Jiraiya.

Naruto nodded.

"After learning who my parents were made know to me I did some research. It wasn't hard to figure out who his sensei was. After all he went to battle against Kurama on a giant toad", said Naruto.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto confused.


"The foxes real name", said Naruto.

Jiraiya nodded. He dispelled his toad and walked to Naruto and kneeled down.

"If I may", asked Jiraiya while pointing to Naruto's stomach.

Naruto lifted his shirt to reveal his seal. He pumped chakra to it so that Jiraya could see it as well. He examined it for a moment before standing.

"Looks good, though it seems to have weakened a bit", said Jiraiya.

"Well during the second exam Kurama may have come out. Other than that I know the seal is meant to allow Kurama to slowly be absorbed by me so that might explain the weakness", said Naruto.

"I know what it does, but the fox came out. That's not good but you spoke to it. How did you get it's name though", asked Jiraiya.

" I was polite", said Naruto.

Jiraiya looked at Naruto for a moment confused before busting out laughing.

"Be polite, that's a new one", said Jiraiya.

Naruto shrugged.

"So why are you here, no offence but you interrupted my research", said Jiraiya.

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Research, you were peeping on women. Not only is that immoral but it is illegal. Everyone has a right to privacy", said Naruto.

"Hey, listen I was just collecting notes for a new novel i was writing", said Jiraiya as he pulled out an orange book.

"That does not excuse your actions. Why not find a new way to research, perhaps someone who is willing", said Naruto.

Jiraiya's face turned red and a small stream of blood came from his nose. Naruto sighed.

"That's not what I meant", said Naruto.

"Listen Naruto I got to make a living, this is just a perk. Come on you know you want to peak as well", said Jiraiya with a lecherous look on his face as his eyes turned back to the fence.

"No I don't I am asexual", said Naruto.

And the look on Jiraiyas face was one of sheer terror. He flinched as he stared at Naruto.

"No. Not in a million years. No times infinity. Not if your life depended on it. No. No. No, my godson is not asexual", said Jiraiya speaking the word asexual as if it were the worst curse to ever be muttered by a humans mouth.

Naruto crossed his arm.

"Godson ?"

"Yes godson, I am your godfather", said Jiraiya.

Naruto glared at him.

"That is news to me", said Naruto.

"Look I am sorry I haven't been there for you Naruto, but lets be honest. I am a busy man who runs a spy network for the hidden leaf, on top of that can you imagine how you would have turned up if you were raised by me", said Jiraiya.

Naruto looked up for a moment back to the fence.

"Good point, though you could have stopped by", said Naruto.

"I'm sorry. I. I don't know what to say Naruto"

Naruto waved him off.

"Don't worry about it. I am not one to hold a grudge, I am to busy to do so anyway, though this is interesting news", said Naruto.

"Yes it is, but first we have work to do", said Jiraiya.

Naruto looked at the old man confused.

"I'm afraid I don't follow", said Naruto.

Jiraiya smiled.

"Like I said, my godson is not asexual"

Naruto went home later that day after being forced to peek on women against his will on the threat that if he didn't he would spend an hour in a toads belly. He was rather irate about being forced to go against his principles, but in his defense he knew exactly what made up a toads stomach acid and was not looking forward to seeing what digestion was like.

"Worst day ever", said Naruto.

He scanned the area around him before opening a manhole. He had the next day off before he would meet up with Ebisu but tonight he was to meet up with Zabuza and Haku, Walking through the sewers he made his way to his lab. Walking through he went to the emergency exit. He grabbed a bag that held a dozen scrolls holding the weaponries such as the gas masks as well as over a hundred canisters of poison gas to use with the masks. Fastening the bag on his back he stepped into the room and climbed the ladder to the top. Once outside he walked deeper into the forest. He stood near a small clearing where he was to meet Zabuza. After he got there he bit his finger to summon Xel.

"Good evening my lord", said Xel.

"Well while we wait for Zabuza to pick up his first shipment I want you to watch for trouble", said Naruto.

Xel bowed.

"As you wish my lord, incidentally we have found a way to unlock your eldritch form. We can start tomorrow I will explain the details later", and then Xel jumped away.

Naruto smiled as he waited for Zabuza and Haku to arrive.

"You know, you should be mindful of your surroundings", spoke a familiar voice. Naruto followed the colors of sound to see Zabuza.

"Wow stealthy not bad, usually I can even see ANBU...Wow you look like crap", said Naruto.

"Just a few loose stitches", said Zabuza.

Zabuza's once expertly stitched body looked like he was ready to fall apart, quite literally.

"Well we'll have Brainiac fix that up, he looks a bit different and now goes by Herbert West", said Naruto.

"Is he still insane", asked Zabuza.

"He has a black fox that he tortures to keep calm I'll explain later where is Haku", asked Naruto.

The Next thing Naruto knew he was on the ground being squeezed like a grape. It took him a moment to realize Haku was hugging him and it was getting very cold.

"Naruto, it's good to see you again", said Haku as if they had not seen each other in years.

"Good to see you to Haku, please let me breathe", said Naruto.

Haku loosened his hug.

"Sorry, still getting used to the new body", said Haku.

Naruto brushed some frost off his clothing as he stood.

"Don't worry about it", said Naruto.

He turned to Zabuza.

"Come on we should get you fixed up", said Naruto.

"Yeah good idea. I'm tired of looking like a damn zombie, said Zabuza.

"You are a Zombie", said Naruto.

Zabuza glared at Naruto.

"Don't push it", said Zabuza.

On their way there Naruto began to talk.

"So I hear you have something for me", asked Naruto.

"Yeah consider it a gift of good will", said Zabuza.

He reached into a pouch on his pants and pulled out a three pronged kunai. Naruto stopped walking as he examined the blade.

"Where did you get that", asked Naruto.

"Off Tsuchikage's desk he uses it as a paperweight. I heard about it a while back so I went to check on it, apparently your old man left one in Iwagakure. They could never figure out how it worked so they kept it. After the fourth Hokage died the Tsuchikage kept it in his office as a trophy. Since the guy is your dad I figure you could find a better use for it than a paperweight", said Zabuza.

Naruto took the Kunai and examined the seal.

"So this is how my dad did the Flying Thunder God, can't wait to start to figure out how it works. Thank you Zabuza you don't know what this means to me", said Naruto.

"You literally brought me back from the dead, it's the least I could do", said Zabuza.

"So how did you get it", asked Naruto.

"I'm Zabuza, demon of the hidden mist. I damn sure didn't ask nicely", said Zabuza.

"He snuck in and took it while the Tsuchikage slept", said Haku.

Zabuza glared at Haku.

"He didn't need to know that", said Zabuza.

"I don't care how you did it, thank you Zabuza", said Naruto.

"Don't mention it", said Zabuza.

Naruto gave Zabuza a bag filled with scrolls.

"Those have about fifty gas masks with built in radio, infrared vision, and a button that when pressed releases a highly toxic gas around you. We are still working on some other weapons but I hope this is a good start", said Naruto.

"Hey if we're going to fight an alien god latter everything helps", said Zabuza.

They continued to walk when Zabuza lifted his blade.

"We're not alone", said Zabuza.

Naruto scanned the forest while Haku prepared his claws of ice. After a moment they saw a man step into view. He held a scythe with three blades on it.

"Who the hell are you", asked Zabuza.

The man seemed to smile.

"The names Hidan, and I'm here to kill you bastards"