
Chapter 42 Preliminaries

The final day of the second exam came to an end. Currently everyone who made it was there. It consisted of Team 7, Team 8, Team 10, Team Guy, Kabuto's team, The sand ninja, and the sound team. currently the Hokage was speaking to the Chunin hopefuls on the true purpose of the Chunin exams. A replacement for war. How long that would last was anyones guess. Currently Naruto had much bigger problems on his mind. Brainiac or Herbert West as he now called himself had successfully gained a real body. effectively making both of them S-rank ninja. The problem was that While it was a step in the right direction against Cthulhu Narto could not use many of the Jutsu he had learned as they required the Black Kurama that Herbert now possessed, and Herbert was not one to train to fight. Despite his insanity his main focus was proving to no one in particular he was the greatest mad scientist to ever exist and as such, despite his new abilities he was proving to be unwilling to train as it had cut into his research and development. On top of that The team meant to infiltrate the star village had to turn around after the discovery that Whatever the Outer God they were dealing with had of all things Jashin as one of it's forms. Considering what Jashin is and his worshipers motives this was not good. Usually Jashinists were rare in the elemental nations. Outside of them however they numbered in the hundreds of thousands. And they were growing. Combine that with Orochimaru now worshiping Yig and everything that was going so well before was spiraling into something fierce. And thanks to Herbert gaining a body a 'Wound' in reality now existed that enabled the Outer God to let things slip in at will if Konohamaru was to be believed. On top of that Herbert had a strange way of letting this information known to Naruto. Tell a clone then kill it. Granted it was effective but seeing your own death on a daily basis was not pleasant. That wasn't even getting to ROOT which they had yet to infiltrate, their leader was to damn smart for it.

Naruto was broken from his thoughts when the Hokage announced that there were to many participants, so Naruto tuned back into what he was saying.

"Seeing as we have an unusually high number of participants, we will hold preliminary matches. The choices will be randomized, however should anyone wish to leave now is the time", said the Hokage.

After a minute it was Kabuto who first raised his hand. He said he was still injured from the forest. It made no difference to Naruto. This just meant there was one less person to worry about for now. However there was something off about Kabuto. An air of uneasiness that usually was only present in tears in reality. Why Kabuto would be near one was anyone's guess but it was not a pleasant one.

And thus the matches began. Naruto did not pay attention to them even when Sasuke was first up against one of Kabuto's teammates. Naruto had far to much to worry about. After it was made known that the reason the Shadowed man made himself known was because Konohamaru had learned who it was was troubling. More so now that Konohamaru could not remember who it was, and apparently every time he tried to find out again he felt like he was dying a slow monotonous death. Konohamaru rightfully abandoned that idea for now. But was coming up with someway to verify at least who it was. And he believed the key was in the Necronomicon. So he had unrestricted access to the book and was currently in the billion pages in the book. It was scary how fast a Yithian could read. Herbert meanwhile was contacted by Zabuza and Haku who were going to meet up again in a few days to discuss plans to take over the Mist Village and to receive the first shipments of the specially made Gas Masks, fix themselves up since they could not heal naturally, and apparently they had something they wanted to show Naruto personally.

At least there was some good new there. It was good to hear they each were proceeding as planed and still kept up their end of the bargain. The main good news was that after this there would be a month before the finals and that was plenty of time to bring Sakura and Sasuke into the program and do research and improve their curse marks. As well as begin a procedure to allow him to access Eldritch form at will. Then allow the form to use chakra, though that would take time. With the new form slowly growing Chakra coils it was too eratic to use quite yet. He would also have to remember to use the Bloodsucker Tendrils and drink the Mokuton blood to add something to his Eldritch form. Naruto also it was time to begin using his physical transformation to its fullest potential. He had yet to really do much with it so far.

Naruto looked back down at the match below him. Sasuke was quite clever in the use of the body flicker. He continued to appear around his opponent. Yoroi if Naruto remembered correctly. One of Kabuto's teammates. It was interesting how he used standard clones in conjunction with body flicker to confuse Yoroi. Apparently Sasuke was trying his best not to even get touched by Yoroi.

"Did you teach him that", asked the familiar voice of Kakashi.

Naruto turned around.

"Yeah, He is quite fond of using it to appear in random places. He helped me train in experimentation of it at a small range to move quickly around the battlefield by throwing kunai. I never got hit one time using it. In exchange I showed him how to do it", said Naruto.

"Well glad you two are helping each other out, just let me know when you do teach each other anything so I can better plan your training schedules out", said Kakashi.

Naruto smiled and nodded.

"No problem"

Naruto turned back to the match.

Sasuke was still fighting. He wasn't using his sharringan, smart for now since it would activate his curse mark. At least the body flicker did not use that much chakra. In the end the agitation on Sasuke's eyes was apparent. He obviously wanted to end the match quickly. Naruto however wanted to see the mark in action. It would give him some information on how it worked and how to remove its negative effects.

Sasuke was breathing heavy. He looked about ready to collapse. Sasuke looked up to Naruto who was smiling. Almost expectantly. That was when Yoroi charged forward with his hand glowing. Sasuke dodged each of his attacks easily though he had trouble attacking.

Naruto stood patiently as he watched the match below him. He knew it would not be long until Sasuke would run out of available moves. After all his opponent seemed to absorb Chakra. That was rather interesting. Something he would need to look into. Naruto waited for Sasuke to use the mark, though it didn't seem to come. Without seeing how it worked then it would take longer for the procedure to alter it in any way useful. So he stayed silent and just watched hoping to see it.

Sasuke was running low on Chakra. Yoroi had absorbed too much. He was running out of options. He needed to do something. He didn't even have enough chakra to do another body flicker. If he didn't end this soon he would lose this match. That was when his neck began to burn. He twisted his head to see the mark at the corner of his eye on his neck. But instead his eyes trailed to Naruto, who was smiling.

The fire like mark caused jagged swirls to move on his skin. A purple haze of chakra flowed around him. Then Sasuke went berserk.

Naruto's eyes widened at the level of power the mark gave Sasuke. He didn't just beat his opponent, at this rate he was going to kill him. Sasuke had already won by the time he was stopped by the proctor. A medic team walked up to the body and put him on a stretcher. Sasuke came back up. Naruto watched as he came closer.

"congratulations Sasuke", said Naruto.

"Yeah thanks, but I don't feel like I really won", said Sasuke.

Naruto shrugged. Probably some honor thing about using the curse mark. Considering What Naruto had to fight in the future a sense of honor could get you killed. Hell Naruto planed on using the most underhanded tactics to do what must be done. He stole equipment from the dead and dying bodies of ninja, planed on experimenting on others, and even brought the dead to life. Against Great Old Ones there was no such thing as honor. And historically speaking honor was not something ninja associated with. Then again Yoroi wasn't a Great Old One.

"Don't worry about it, it's your first fight since you got that mark. You'll learn to keep it under wraps", said Naruto.

Sasuke sighed.

"I guess so. Thanks"

The next match was Shino against one of the sound ninja. Zaku. It went about as well as expected with Shino the victor. After that was Kankuro against the other of Kabuto's teammate. Kankuro won. Then it was Sakura against Ino. This was bound to be interesting. With her curse mark the match could go either way. The main problem was her level of control. Naruto liked Ino, he considered her a friend in some ways. And if Sakura would activate hers it would not end well for her.

"Sakura, be careful", said Naruto as she headed down to the arena.

"Don't worry Naruto I got this", said Sakura.

Naruto only nodded. They stood away from each other. Ino seemed hesitant. Obviously knowing of the Mark. Then the match started.

Sakura was the first to attack. Using Taijutsu. Ino managed well enough on her own but after a few moments of thrown punches Ino got cocky.

"That the best you got billboard brow", taunted Ino.

To her credit Sakura remained calm, though there were the tale tale hints of agitation present on her face. Naruto rested his elbows on the rail and laced his fingers. He watched the fight intently. Ino continued with her taunts and Sakura's anger grew. While Sakura was thrown off her game so to speak and it did allow Ino to got a few good hits, the main problem was the seal. More so that it held. Strange how Sakura seemed to go from a nice outgoing girl to an angry murderous psycho. Almost as if she had some identity disorder. Naruto pondered this. He could recall very few times when Sakura did lose her temper but when she did she was no longer herself. Pushing those thoughts from his mind he concentrated on the match. So far it seemed as if Ino was going to win. With Sakura's handicap of not using Jutsu it was to be expected. What wasn't expected was what happened next.

Sakura wa angry. Ino was showing her p. After all she went through and Ino did not even take her seriously. It angered Sakura and that caused her fighting style to deteriorate into a brawler style. She threw a punch at Ino but she easily dodged it. But the punch hit the ground. And once it did it buried itself in the floor. Like a meteor had hit a large crater around her fist. Needless to say Ino was shocked ad so was everyone else as she lifted her arm from the crater.

Naruto looned at the crater in the ground his eyes were wide at it's size. It was as if a cannon was shot point blank into the ground.

"Uhh, Kakashi. What have you been teaching the girl", asked Kurenai who had just walked over.

From his expression even he did not know where this phenomenal level of strength came from, but it was something Kakashi was going to find out.

"Did she use the mark or something", asked Sasuke.

"No", said a stunned but smiling Naruto.

"Why do you look so happy", asked Sasuke.

Naruto giggled.

"Simple, I am relieved she doesn't have a crush on me. I wouldn't make her angry Sasuke", said Naruto.

Sasuke's eyes widened if only a little. It was almost noticeable to everyone save the two Jonin standing near him.

"I hate you", said Sasuke to Naruto.

"Hey all I did was point it out. Your social skills are almost as bad as mine. Almost. At least I read on the subject though. However I'd be careful what I'd say around her if I were you", said Naruto.

"Duly noted. And to reiterate, I hate you"

"Whatever you say Sasuke, whatever you say", said Naruto smirking.

They looked back to the match. Ino was no longer taunting Sakura. A wise move all things considered. Using kunai she played long-range offence. She was hoping that she could get Sakura into a point where she would keep still long enough for her to use her clans styles to take Sakura over. Ino watched carefully for an opening of some kind. It was not long until one was made available. Using a Kunai she hit Sakura in the shoe, being careful not to hit the foot. Sakura was momentarily stuck in place. It was all she needed.

"Mind transfer Jutsu", said Ino.

And like that she entered Sakura's mind. It seemed as if she would win. But something different happened. In Sakura's mind was a giant and Angry looking version of her. And she was attacking Ino. Ino did not have control over Sakura's body at the moment thanks to this. And Ino was not quite experienced enough to deal with it.

Outside in the Real world Naruto looked down. Ino was laying prone on the ground while Sakura stood still like a statue. Nothing seemed to be happening and Naruto wished he had his telepathy right now to figure out what was going on. Though considering it was tactile telepathy it would prove little use at the moment. Five minutes passed before Sakura fell down. After a few seconds it seemed like that was it when Ino's bod began to move. But she fell prone again breathing heavily. The proctor walked up to each and called the match a draw. Well sometimes the worst happens and to be honest in this battle it could have gone much, much worse. Both were taken away on stretchers to the medical wing.

Sasuke and Kakasi went to check on her. Naruto opted to stay behind in case the next match was his. If not he said he would join them. So they left. The computer began to show the next names. Temari vs Tenten.

Naruto put his hands in his pockets to go check on his team. It wasn't a long trek to get to the clinic. Sakura was still out of it by the looks of things.

"How is she", asked Naruto.

Kakashi turned around.

"She'll be fine, but she is going to wake with one hell of a headache", said Kakashi.

"Well that's better than dead", said Naruto.

Kakashi nodded. Naruto walked up to Sakura's bed and looked her over. Then he turned to Kakashi.

"So where did that strength come from anyway", asked Naruto genuinely confused by the prospect.

Kakashi only shrugged.

"Not sure, I never seen anything quite like it. At first I thought it was the curse mark but this was different. Apparently you three just can't make anything simple for me", said Kakashi shrugging.

"Well to be fair. Your team is composed of, in our own way, Geniuses. And now you get to deal with two students with a curse mark and one with a fox problem", said Naruto.

Kakashi's eyes widened at this. Naruto waved it off.

"It's ok they both know about it. I told them as a matter of honesty between teammates. That and I see no reason to hide it to them if they are going to be on the same team as me", said Naruto.

Kakashi only sighed.

"Is there anything else I should know, or is that everything. Please raise my blood pressure a bit more I can still stand", said Kakashi mostly in jest. He did not expect an answer. Or rather he hoped there would not be one.

"Well they both know who my father is", said Naruto.

And Kakashi smacked his own head.

"It was before we were even a team however. Sakura came to my house due to a misunderstanding and the picture of my parents were out. She kept it a secret. After becoming a team I let Sasuke know", said Naruto.

Kakashi let out a small breath to calm himself.

"It's fine, but please no more surprises", said Kakashi, almost pleading.

Naruto could only smile.

"Sorry, no promises"

After a few minutes Sakura woke up. Apparently most of the match was a blur for her. After getting her up to speed they made their way back to the arena. Temari and Tentens match was already over, apparently Temari was the victor. Now fighting was Shikamaru and the female sound ninja. Ad apparently she was about to lose. Sure enough Shikamaru won the match. Naruto watched as the screen flipped through names. And he smiled.

"Will Uzumaki Naruto and Kiba Inuzuka please come to the arena", said the proctor. He began to cough some. Not being one for theatrics Naruto simply walked up to Kiba. He smiled as he stared at the overconfident boy in the face.

"Hope your ready to lose Naruto", said Kiba behind a grin. Akumaru barked in agreement. Naruto only stayed silent. This seemed to slightly anger Kiba.


Kiba launched forward. He leaned in to punch Naruto when the moment his fist was about to hit. Naruto disappeared. Instantly Naruto was to the Right of Kibas attack. It was like he moved a single foot but without using any movement in between to get from one spot to the other. Before Kiba could prepare Naruto twisted around. Kiba was going to counter when he heard the sickening pop of a dislocating joint causing him to pause. Naruto's seemingly prone arm smacked him several feet. Kida landed on his feet while Naruto twisted again resetting his shoulder. He didn't even seem to mind the pain he should have been in. Naruto shot his arm forward causing a long green Tentacle to move for him. As Kiba jumped from it It seemed to stretch and follow him.

Naruto smirked as he saw Akamaru jump from Kiba to get behind him. His eyes had a slightly wider field of vision. So turning his head slowly he was able to keep his eye on the dog. Then Naruto's entire arm changed. It looked like a blade of some kind. Naruto smiled at the looks on everyones face at his bladded limb.

"Gotta love the transformation Jutsu", said Naruto to himself.

The Blade lengthened and was pointed at Akumaru. Then like a rocket it extended. Shooting toward the dog. Luckly Akamaru jumped out the way as the blade made contact with the ground. Though it was ensnared in the tentacle that was once following Kiba.

Kiba was beyond mad. he was pissed. Naruto's arm turned back to Normal and in a tentacle he held Akumaru tightly. Kiba in a moment of blind rage lashed out clawing at the tentacle causing it to dispel. Kiba jumped forward and caught a falling Akamaru. Rolling he flipped up and set the dog down. When he looked back to Naruto there were now a dozen of him.

"Come on Kiba", spoke one clone.

"I know you can do better than that", spoke another.

"All you have to do is find me", said yet another.

Kiba looked to Akamaru and nodded. Then he turned back to Naruto.

"And I though Shino's style was weird", said Kiba.

He looked up to the balcony.

"No offense buddy"

Shino only nodded.

Kiba turned back to Naruto.

"But you, your just a mind fu..."

"Do not finish that sentence", said a slightly agitated Kurenai.

Kiba smirked.

The Naruto's crossed their arms simultaneously as they patiently waited for Kiba to move. They paced around the arena as if each of them were examining Kiba like a test subject. It started to Creep Kiba out.

"Is that so", spoke one of the Naruto's.

Then Kiba heard foot steps behind him.

"Despite your less than friendly words", spoke a clone behind Kiba.

He instantly turned around and attacked it. Causing it to dispel. He turned around to see a clone not two inches away from his face.

"That is a good way to describe the style", said the clone as Kiba dispelled it.

"Mind games are quite effective", spoke a clone that made it's way to the side of Kiba. he threw a Kunai at it and it promptly dispelled.

"Hard to think straight", spoke a clone that was now standing next to him. A quick claw like attack causing it to turn into smoke.

"Hard to know what is coming", spoke a cline that slowly walked toward him. Akumaru bit it as soon as it was near causing it to also dispel.

"And hard to come up with a way to counter it", said the final clones in unison.

There were seven clones left and they all only paced around examining Kiba like he was some exhibit at a zoo. Kiba felt caged. His eyes darted around trying to figure out where the Real Naruto was. Kiba only smiled.

"So you like clones, alright then", said Kiba.

He got on all fours and Akamaru jumped on his back.

"Beast Human Clone", said Kiba.

Then Akamaru was turned into an exact copy of Kiba. Both shot out and attacked clone after clone. While they did Naruto would only create more and more but It wasn't long until Naruto was hit. He flew back and crashed into a wall. Naruto fell. The attack had knocked the wind out of him making it hard to breathe. Kiba and Akamaru, now knowing who the real Naruto was attacked him recklessly. He ran forward to attack only for him to dispel.

"Substitution", said Kiba.

They looked around at the remaining clones to fine one that was struggling to catch it's breath. Unfortunately there was none.

Naruto, the real Naruto who still could not breathe tried to look normal ass he attempted to force air into his lungs. It wouldn't be long until he would have to gasp. Before he could something new happened.

"Fang over Fang", said Kiba.

What could only be described as twin living twisters came into being destroying the clones and hitting Naruto yet again. Naruto slib against the ground. Seeing as he was no longer hiding he forced air into his lungs. Getting to his feet he quickly created dozens and dozens of clones who all sent tentacles at the living twister. Though it had little effect. Naruto had little choice, He created had seals different ones with each hand. Before pointing his hand at Kiba.

" Y'Golonac Scream", said Naruto.

The fanged mouth appeared in Naruto's palm sending out a terrible scream that blew the twister away. The colors of sound again made Naruto sick. Kiba and Akamaru laid on the ground each slowly getting up. The mouth on Naruto's hand closed and disappeared and he was out of breath. Naruto fell to the ground to catch his breath. Then Kiba and Akamaru stood.

"Damnit", said Naruto.

Taking what breath he could Naruto stood up. Kiba smirked as he stood tall. Akamaru seemed more out of it but was still fine. Naruto thought if he should use the Spiraling Ring but decided against it. Seeing no other Choice Naruto bit his thumb.

Then there was a huge cloud of smoke. Kiba coughed as the cloud began to fade. Now standing next to Naruto was a winged faceless black Demon.

"This Kiba is a Nightgaunt. Quite the little assassin. No matter how they move they never make a sound. Normally they use their tails to tickle others into submission, but they will listen to whatever I say. I figure if you are going to use Akamaru, I might as well use my own friend", said Naruto.

And like that the black demon became a blur. It headed for Akamaru not making a single sound. Kiba jumped in front of the Nightgaunt But was only pushed away. The next thig he knew Akamaru was in the creatures hands, struggling to get free while it's tail hovered over Kiba. Then Kiba began to laugh. The damn thing was tickling him.

Naruto slowly walked forward to Kiba as the Nightgaunt kept him laughing. It was obvious from the others expressions they found the tactic Amusing, disturbing, and confusing all in one. Naruto took out a simple Kunai. Inspecting it as he slowly walked up to the laughing Kiba. As he laughed with his eyes closed Naruto grabbed the collar of his jacket. A Kunai placed gently to his neck. Kiba stared into Naruto's Eyes. The Eyes of Azathoth and they were unsettling.

"Do you yield", asked Naruto.

Kiba too absorbed into the disturbing look of Naruto's eyes looked away.

"I surrender", said Kiba.

Naruto let go of Kiba's collar. The Nightgaunt gently let down Akamaru who quickly ran to it's master. The Nightgaunt dispelled. Naruto polished the blade with a cloth from his pocket as he turned to the Procter.

"The Winner is Uzumaki Naruto", he said.

Naruto put away the kunai and helped Kiba up.

"Sorry about going psycho, I got that from Anko, the crazy lady who blew up the window after the first test. Well, she was one of my tutors", said Naruto.

Naruto disappeared into a puff of smoke and appeared on the balcony above, next to Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura. His arms resting on the rail with his fingers laced. Kiba looked up at Naruto. He said Nathing as he returned to his team.

Naruto was trying to get his breath back as he waited for the Next match.

"Naruto, what was that thing you did with your hand", asked Kakashi.

"I came up with it myself. I call it Y'Golonac Scream. It's named after a headless deity that Xel told me about who had mouths on his hands. Xel helped me with it", said Naruto.

"I see. So still full of surprises I see, anyway congratulations on your match Naruto", said Kakashi.

"Thanks sensei, sorry I need to sit down, the scream takes a lot out of me", said Naruto.

Sasuke looked at Naruto for a moment. Not knowing what to think. Sasuke never really believed Naruto cared much for being a ninja. To Sasuke he always thought Naruto was mostly interested in it for academic purposes. In fact, while Sasuke believed that Naruto was a good Ninja. He never anticipated exactly how good. His eyes narrowed slightly but he just turned to the match deciding it was best to forget those thoughts.

Then the Next match showed on the screen. Hinata vs Neji. Now Naruto did not know much on their relationship to each other, but he did know both of their personalities to guess that (Considering the behavior of the Hyuuga clan) they were not on the best of terms. Naruto disappeared in a puff of smoke, and Appeared in the stairs Hinata. She shrieked a bit when he appeared next to her. A smile present on his face.

"Good luck out there Hinata, just remember do your best and Don't Panic", said Naruto.

Hinata smiled and gave a small nod.

"T-Thank you Naruto-kun"

"No problem, just remember I'll be rooting for you"

She walked into the arena smiling. Naruto stood for a second as she took her spot before he vanished in a puff of smoke appearing next to his teammates.

"A bit overly dramatic don't you think", asked Kakashi.

"I read it in a book, seemed appropriate given the circumstances", said Naruto.

"Not very original", said Sakura slight irritation in her voice.

"Well you know what they say. If it isn't broke then don't fix it", said Naruto.

They watched as Neji attempted to berate Hinata, though to his surprize it had little effect on her. It wasn't long until the fight started. Blow aftr blow of there respective styles causing chakra to erupt from their fingertips. neji's strikes were almost robotic in how they attacked with precision, while Hinata used flexibility to evade the attacks better. After a while it became apparent that the fight was a one way street. Neji was much more experienced than Hinata, his blows were getting powerful, in fact.

Naruto looked at Neji for a moment. The realization began to dawn on him. He was trying to kill her. Naruto's eyes widened and he turned his head to Kakashi. The look on his face showed he realized this as well. He looked at Naruto in the eyes. And shook his head to the unasked question. Naruto knew he could not interfere, but.

Naruto began to think about it. He began to wonder why he wanted to be a ninja. He realized that while at first it was to become great that plan had derailed arond the time Cthulhu made his presence known. Now his reason was to become strong enough to slow down a Great Old One. So he had to remain a ninja, this he realized. However he didn't need to become a chunin. Not really. With that he made up his mind. He looked down at the battle before him and he could feel his heart stop. Neji was preparing a strike directly to her heart. Now Naruto knew that the Gentle Fist style deals with internal damage to tenketsu points. However, attacks to organs were also common. Without even thinking, he threw his hand Out.

Neji was confused for a moment when his hand stopped mid way. He looked at it only to see a green tentacle holding it in place preventing him from his strike. He did not need to follow the Tentacle to know where it came from bt he did anyway. What he saw was Naruto who's face showed he was quite angry. More so than Neji ever seen on anyone Naruto's age. He paused. for a split second there was something standing behind Naruto. Neji was not sure what it was, but it looked like a fox. Bt what really set him off was a man covered in shadows standing above the fox. It was such a short amount of time Neji was sure he imagined it. So he pushed the thought from his mind.

" Hyuuga Neji is the winner", spoke the proctor.

Neji was furious. How dare the blonde take away his true victory over the main family. He glared at Naruto killer intent pouring from every pore. But the blonde did not react as expected. He looked like he was trying to hold back laughing.

Naruto could almost laugh at the very concept of killer intent. Most of the time he hardly noticed it. When he did he would remember it even existed. After staring in the face of Cthulhu, and turning into a leech, killer intent might as well be a pebble before a mountain. . Naruto dispelled his Tentacle whip and crossed his arms.

After getting everything settled the Hokage wanted to speak with Naruto. So he headed next to the chair where the old man sat. He waited patiently for Naruto to come. Once Naruto was there he looked over the boy for a moment.

"You are aware that your actions are grounds for disqualification", asked the Hokage.

Naruto shrugged.

" Life is much more precious than some prestigious title that really means nothing. I don't regret what I did. If I am disqualified then so be it", said Naruto.

The Hokage has a smile on his face then he patted Naruto on his shoulder.

"Well considering you did save a fellow Leaf Shinobi as well as the heiress to one of the most prestigious clans I will allow you to continue, but only on the grounds that another disruption no matter how small or what the normal punishment is for it will be at the very least your disqualification", said the Hokage.

Naruto smiled.

"I can live with that"

After speaking with the Hokage Naruto made his way to Hinata. She seemed depressed so Naruto went over to her.

"Hey", said Naruto as the match between Gaara and Rock Lee went on below.

Hinata didn't speak.

"Sorry I got you disqualified, but..."

"N-no it's n-not that. I-I just thought t-that I-I had a chance, to p-prove myself", said Hinata.

Naruto nodded.

"Hinata you would have won against almost anyone here, but you had to fight your cousin. Well genetically speaking half brother since his father and yours are twins so...Sorry lost my train of thought. Anyway Neji has much more experience than any of us rookies, add to that he is a genius, and was quite brutal. Add that all together and the truth is you did admirably Hinata and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because if they do then they are either fools or liars", said Naruto.

Hinata looked to Naruto with a smile and slight blush.

"Thank You Naruto-kun"

Naruto returned the smile and nodded. That was when a sickening crack was heard. Looking down Rock Lee's hand and leg looked like they had been crushed. He was quickly carried to the doctors office. Naruto glared at Garra who only glared back.

The final Match was The last Sound Ninja vs Choji with the sound ninja Dosu as the winner. Now with everything finished they got the final speech and a list of who was to fight who. Naruto smiled when he saw he would get to fight Neji. And with that the second exam was over. Meaning Naruto could use the month before the finals to finish some experiments, most notably one on himself and his team. He would have to let them in on it the next day. For now Naruto went to rest.