
Chapter 38 Not Alone

Team 7 made short time getting to the tower. Byakhee were unbelievably fast. Less than five minutes and they landed at the base of the tower. They dismonted their respective Byakhee. And they dispelled.

"Man those things are fast", said Sasuke.

" Think that's fast, in space they can move the speed of light", said Naruto.

Sasuke whistled impressed.

"That is impressive", said Sakura.

"We should get inside, someone probably had the bright idea for an ambush", said Sasuke.

They all nodded their heads before they walked into the tower.

Orochimaru was ecstatic, happy even. Never before had he felt so full. It was as if his whole life there was a question of great beauty that he did not even know exist and he was provided with both the Question and the answer. Part of it anyway. He had so much to do and so little time. His plans had changed was a new target. Naruto, he knew of Yig. God Naruto could show him god. Everyday the boy who holds the fox could show him the glorious face of God. Orochimaru would not dare give him the curse mark. No he was much to valuable to risk dying. He had the power to show him God. It was a thought that made Orochimaru shutter with glee. The peaceful smile remained on his face as he raised his arms.

As he prayed Orochimaru did not dare to move. He waited perfectly still. He whispered a small prayer to Yig once more when his chest began to burn. A fain yellow glow could be seen under his robes. He clutched his chest in pain, but the burning was also soothing. It was hard to describe. Then as quickly as it came it had left. Orochimaru examined his chest. It was the image of twin serpents facing each other that had been burned into his chest. The brough his hand up to touch it. As soon as his hand made contact his mind was filled with images. Orochimaru took out a kunai and sliced a deep cut into his palm. He looked at his blood that now stained the ground. It began to change shape. From the pool of his blood emerged a single copper colored snake It slithered back up Orochimaru onto his arm and entered the gash on his hand. As soon as it did he was healed as if the cut had never been laughed. This would be his first gift, The Blood of Yig.

Naruto sat down outside the medical wing. They were the third team to arrive at the Tower. Garra's team and Team 8 were already here. He waited as his two teammates were being checked on by all manner of doctors and seal masters. In truth Naruto knew there was nothing that they could do. In fact he hoped he would be able to use Orochimaru's seal for his own purposes. Find some way to safely allow them to use the powers without the effects. In either case all he had left to do was wait. As he did he was suddenly assaulted with memories of dozens and dozens of clones. Images flashed in his mind. Months of memories form almost seventy clones. he remembered searching for summoning contracts finding them and coming back. He remembered seeing the Land of the Sky, a massive city that could fly. He remembered the land of snow. Where men wore impressive armor and a massive machine stood frozen in the mountains. He remembered seeing a village built into a crater and a meteor that gave amazing powers. He remembered seeing men dressed in shining armor not unlike the tales of knights. Naruto absorbed these memories and smiled.

This information was useful. The power and technology would be invaluable against Cthulhu. These areas must be explored. Plans grew in Naruto's mind. It was simple. Send clones who would transform and blend in. Sending back schematics, information, and such. Finding ways to replicate the technology. Create a weapon that could acctually handle Cthulhu. Naruto quickly created a clone and dispelled it to send his thoughts to the others. If anyone could put this information to use it was Brainiac. Naruto would not be surprized if Brainiac has already started to build a force to infiltrate these villages. Then Naruto got a reply. It was a message from Brainiac. The thought was simple.

What. But I wanted to take over these countries with my power over science.

Naruto sighed as he put his face into his palm. He created another clone and dispelled it to send Brainiac his message to infiltrate these villages. Brainiac responded quickly with the familiar message that annoyed him.

You're no fun.

Naruto nearly screamed through his palm. He was starting to hate Brainiac. Naruto decided to distract himself. He remembered he finally had the Summoning Contracts.

Naruto smiled. The Summoning contracts had finally been delivered safely and stored in the module. It was a shame the contract he wanted to give to Hinata could not be found. It appeared as if the dove scroll was forever lost. Actually since Hinata was here he could talk to her. With everything going on at the moment, the thoughts of talking with a girl that had a crush on him was rather inconsequential. He really didn't have to wait in this lobby. He already knew Sasuke and Sakura would be ok. He had made sure of that. This day was beggining to be rather interesting. Not only had he gained an advantage thanks to Orochimaru. His clones that were sent out came across a goldmine of opportunities for Naruto to create weapons of mass destruction, which were possibly the only things that could halt Cthulhu. Be it momentarily.

Naruto shifted to his memories gained. The implications were staggering. Then he froze. Something stuck in his mind. That meteor. Something about it was familiar. It was hidden in Hoshigakure, the hidden star village. a lesser known country. But the meteor itself was the most interesting thing. There was something about it that was oddly familier but what was...

Naruto's eyes shot open.

"No. No it couldn't be. Could it", said Naruto to himself.

His eyes remained wide. Could it be related in some way.

"A sub species, a corpse", he said.

He racked his memory as he though it over.

"Could the metor be related to the Color", said Naruto lowly.

Obviously this meteor was not exactly the same as the color, but it was hauntingly familiar. The Color was the only name for the creature more alien than any other being in existance, excluding Great Old Ones and Outer Gods. The color did not fall into the range of the visible spectrum and the only way to really see it was through colors no man had ever seen. The meteorite in Hoshigakure could not grow plants. The Color was known for it's unusual effects on plants. Could that meteorite at the village, be a Color from space. It was too familiar not to consider. It could be a dead Color or a subspecies.

Naruto's mind was flowing as he recalled everything about the Color that he could remember. The strange properties of the meteor it's effects on life. In the end he came to only one conclusion.

"Hoshigakure houses a Color from out of Space, and they don't even know it", said Naruto.

This was either very good or very bad. The Color's actions were not one that humans could understand, they were alien. More so than any other extraterrestrial being, and that was saying something considering what lived beyond the stars. Naruto's choice was clear. He had to know for sure, if it was indeed a Color, he had to capture it, consequences be damned. This was not something anyone without some level of knowledge of the Color could handle. Who knows what it has been doing since it became the villages secret. Killing it was an option, but a live specimen, if it was alive was preferable. Naruto created a clone for the last time and sent the message and tried as hard as he could to make it obvious this was urgent.

This was it. Proof, physical proof that humanity was not alone in the universe. Not a summon, not a dream an actual alien life form. If it was a Color, the possibilities. Naruto smiled. He was both excited and afraid. This meteor was reminiscent of the Color, but different. It could be dangerous, He would have to talk to Konohamaru on possible ways of containing it if it was a Color or something similar. Things were bound to get interesting later.

It was an hour when both Sasuke and Sakura came out of there respective rooms. A secondary seal to block the Curse mark was used. not surprizing.

"So how do you guys feel", asked Naruto.

"Same, I don't really feel different", said Sakura with her eyes wide looking forward with a red blush on her face.


Naruto raised an eyebrow at Sasuke's response. It had been a while since he heard that. And Sakura seemed to be spaced out. Actually she started to drool.

"You guys ok", asked Naruto.

"Fine, just. Well lets just say the process was awkward", said Sasuke trying to brush off the question.

Naruto turned to Sakura. She had a blush on her face that only continued to turn deeper red.

"Why was it awkward", asked Naruto genuinely confused.

They did not speak. In fact they did not even look at each other. Both seemed to find the ceiling and walls very interesting though.

"Come on I'm your teammate you can tell me", said Naruto.

Sasuke rubbed the back of his neck before he sighed.

"We had to be in the same room when they put the seal over the curse mark", said Sasuke.

Naruto crossed his arms.

"So, I don't see a problem", said Naruto.

Sasuke mumbled something Naruto could not hear.

"Pardon", asked Naruto.

"We were both topless", said Sasuke sounding embarased.

Sakura's blush deepened and now Sasuke sported one as well. They looked to Naruto who merely stared at both for a second. He only blinked. Then he blinked again. He looked up to the ceiling as well as he tried to come up with a response. He turned his head back to them.

"I'm going to give you two some alone time, I have to go and research why that is causing your reactions", said Naruto.

They only stared at him as he walked off calmly. It was a full minute before either of them spoke.

"He can't be that clueless", said Sakura.

Sasuke didnt say anything. He turned to Sakura, turned a shade of red before walking off. Sakura just sat down with a far off grin on her face and a glint in her eyes.

Orochimaru prayed to Yig while he adorned his robes. They were snake themed with the symbol for Yig on his back. He gained many boons from Yig as he prayed. His host body no longer rejected him. It was a miracle from the Great Father of Serpents. He blessed his chosen and he watched them. Never before has Orochimaru felt at peace. But he wanted to see his God again. He needed to. He would have Naruto show him the face of Yig everyday. And if he could not have him, then Orochimaru was prepared to take him. But orochimaru was nothing if not patient. He had to protect the one who could show him God. He had to nurture him. Orochimaru prayed once more before standing. In front of Orochimaru was what could only be described as a tear in reality. Etherial snakes swayed around the Tear as an unblinking snake eye looked to Orochimaru. Orochimaru only bowed. The eye followed him. Then snakes shot out of the tear. they bit into Orochimarus arm but it did not hurt. It was soothing. They sank into his flesh becoming tattoos that bonded with the summoning tattoo on his arm. Orochimaru watched as his Arm turned into a Single Snake of inhuman length. He could feel the venom in the teeth of the snake. It was not normal Venom. When the ethereal eye stared back to Orochimaru He was assaulted with Visions of his arm biting others. The bite would rot and decay before snakes slithered from the wound. The corpse left behind would become a nest where snakes would hatch and emerge eating the body inside out. It had it's weakness. The venom of the snake, should it be removed would be harmless, but that did not matter. Yis blessed Orochimaru with it and Orochimaru was grateful. The tear in space closed and Orochimaru turned around.

"Do you understand now Kabuto", said Orochimaru.

Kabuto stood there wide-eyed at the spectacle he just witnessed. After only a moment he smiled.

"Yes, I do Orochimaru-sama, Yig is a great asset", said Kabuto smiling.

Orochimaru glared at Kabuto. He almost wrapped his hand around Kabuto's neck but resisted. Kabuto did not understand yet.

"Yig is no asset kabuto, he is greater than I or you, he is not a means to power but a means to truth. Truth we cannot fully grasp. I will learn all I can about Yig, but I need Naruto. We will have to change our plans a bit. The invasion is still on, but We have another target. One who knows about Yig. I will have him one way or another", said Orochimaru.

Kabuto bowed.

"As you wish Orochimaru-sama", said Kabuto.

Naruto was reading a book on Human behavior trying to figure out why Sakura and Sasuke acted the way they did. he could understand wanting to keep clothed in front of others but they were both only partly naked. He flipped through his book. In truth the meteorite was still on his mind. He didn't know how to take the news. So he tried to ignore it for now. He had an exam to finish. As he read he suddenly remembered something.

He had wanted to speak with Hinata. It was about time he tried to speak with her on her feelings. He has though of it for a long time. He realized he did love Hinata, though it was platonic. He supposed it would be love in the same way friends loved each other or siblings. He wasn't sure. Admittingly it was her own feelings that had lead him to this realization. If it wasn't for him finding out he would not have spent so much time analysing his emotions, the reading and trying to figure out what those emotions even were. With the exception of Apathy, happiness, sadness, and anger he really could not figure out what emotion he was feeling at any given time when it was not those four. Lust, passion, envy, and other such emotions and feelings were an alien concept to Naruto.

"I guess that's what happens when you are practically raised by a Deep One for five years", said Naruto lowly.

He also realized his obsession with researching different subjects was a factor but that was to be expected. Either way he would have to speak to Hinata eventually, and now was as good a time as any. So he put his book away and walked off to find her.