
Chapter 34 The First Exam

Naruto stood at the gates of the village. Walking around he saw that it was completely empty. Broken glass riddled the street while rust and decay took the still crumbling buildings. Exploring building after building he finds himself alone. Then it becomes dark. Decayed human arms rose from the ground as there fingers became branches and took the look of dead trees. Looking up he sees a black mass creeping across the sky blocking out the sun and sky. Naruto runs to the top of the Hokage Monument who's faces were eroded into featureless blank faces. He looks over the village as a thick putrid mist forms over the village. The buildings rot quickly and fall to the ground as the forest of arms and black trees take it's place. Naruto looks as a figure walks through the mist and trees. A man hidden in shadows. Naruto runs down the remains of the monument, heading towards the shadowed man. He freezes. The man is hidden in the mist and darkness. Naruto sees the smile on the shadowed man's face. Then he disappears, fading into the fog as if he and the fog were the same turns around to the monument It's faces now appear as different multi-eyed eldritch beasts vaguely humanoid. Then a large mass emerges from behind the monument. The horrific visage of Cthulhu towers over the monument staring down at the earth while facial tentacles move unnaturally around it's head. Tendrils lash out causing the Hokage Monument to crumble leaving only a flattened mountain. Above Cthulhu almost flying was the shadowed man. Thread made of decayed flesh that drip blood came from the fingers on his left hand. connecting to Cthulhu as if the massive beast were but a puppet. More threads came from his right hand and wrapped around Naruto as if he were also a puppet. Before Naruto could see anything on the mans face Cthulhu's tentacles lash at Naruto, who was unable to move due to the strings of flesh and blood. Naruto closed his eyes waiting for the end to come but it never did. When Naruto opened his eyes he saw he was standing in a black void surrounded by nothing but mist. Whispers could be heard all around him almost masking the sounds of slow deliberate footsteps. The Shadowed Man walked toward Naruto. His face still hidden.

"You will fail", spoke the whispers.

A smile graced the shadowed mans face, the only part of his face that was visible.

"Who are you", asked Naruto.

His smile fell as he just stared at Naruto for minutes. Then the man walked away. Naruto ran to the man but no matter how fast he ran, his feet never left the same spot. The shadowed man disappeared from sight into the putrid mist. Naruto stopped running. Tendrils of shadows enveloped him as Naruto screamed, though no sound came from his mouth. Then the black tendrils wrapped his head and squeezed, the sounds of laughter could be heard. It was not the laugh of madness but of glee. Naruto realized the laugh sounded like his voice but it did not come from his own lips. The last thing that was heard was the sound of crunching bone, ripping skin, and overjoyed laughter.

Naruto wakes up in his bed. Breathing heavy he takes a moment to calm himself. He stares at his alarm clock. He woke up earlier than usual. Once his breath was back to normal he quickly got dressed. While dressing he looked at the clock. He headed was bathed in warm sunlight, which calmed Naruto more after his dream. Walking down the street he met up with Sasuke and Sakura as they heeded off to the Chunin exams. Naruto ran to catch up with them. When he ran up to them they nodded as he slowed to match their pace.

"So the chunin exams, this should be interesting", says Naruto.

"Yeah, I guess", says Sakura looking to the ground.

"You ok Sakura, you seem reserved", asks Naruto.

She only nods.

"Are you sure, we're going to need you at your best", says Sasuke.

"Yeah just a little nervous", says Sakura.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Between the three of us, we have a good chance at least", says Naruto.

Sakura smiles.

"Thanks Naruto", says Sakura.

They didn't notice the pale snake that was following them slithering away. They walk inside the building as the snake slithers away. Opening the door they are greeted by Kakashi.

"Yo", says Kakashi.

"Hey Kakashi-sensei", says Naruto.

"Just seeing how my students are doing, glad you all could make it", says Kakashi.

"Wouldn't miss it", says Sakura.

Kakashi smiles beneath his mask.

"Well, I just wanted to say good luck, you are going to need it", says Kakashi.

The three nods as they walk into the building, Naruto and Sakura turn while walking to thank Kakashi. Once inside they were greeted by the sounds of arguing students. Naruto recognized Rock Lee arguing with two chunin at the door. What confused Naruto was why so many were standing around the wrong door. Naruto continues walking toward the stairs.

"Naruto, where are you going", asks Sakura.

"To the exams, it's on the next floor", says Naruto.

"No it's not, it's right there", says Sakura.

Naruto raises an eyebrow. He looks back at the door. Sasuke walks up to the two.

"Genjutsu, Naruto can't see it", says Sasuke.

The look of realization crossed Sakura's face.

"Oh", says Sakura.

"Well we better go up stairs, let them figure it out on there own", says Naruto.

As they made there way upstairs several others noticed them leaving and decided to follow, though not all did. The ones that did were careful not to get seen leaving the crowd.

Naruto waited in a room where fewer people were standing and waiting than those downstairs. It was a few moments when they leaned against a wall.

"So, the thing hasn't even started and we are already being tested. Well this should be fun", says Naruto.

"Yeah, not the word I would choose, but still", says Sakura.

Sasuke shrugs.

After a few minutes the room piles with different people. After a while the other rookies from Naruto's academy days walk in. The first was Team 10. It took about a second before Ino was quite literally hanging off Sasuke, much to his annoyance.

"Hey Naruto", says Shikamaru lazily.

"Hi Shika, so you made it. Here I though you'd just be sleeping before it even started", says Naruto.

"It would have been more troublesome not to come, Ino would never have shut up", says Shikamaru.

Ino glares at Shikamaru but was to busy hanging off Sasuke while Sakura tried to ignore it, but was failing. She tried to remember what Naruto had told her when flying on the Byakhee, but when she looked for another moment her eyes narrowed.

"Get off of him Ino-pig!" Sakura yelled, shaking her fist at the blonde girl.

Ino sticks out her tongue. Naruto chuckles at the looks on both his teammates faces. After he composes himself he turns to Shikamaru,

"So how's life", asked Naruto.


"Of course it is", says Naruto with a small smile.

After a brief exchange of words Team 8 walks in. Naruto was still quiet around Hinata, still not sure how to handle the situation. Luckily he did not have to. The talking of the others caused another chunin hopeful to walk up.

"You know, you should be quiet, your making the others nervous", says the boy.

Naruto raises an eyebrow.

"What do you mean", asked Sakura.

"Well, the nine of you aren't particularly liked, being rookies and all. Take a look for yourselves" he said, gesturing behind him.

They all look at the other ninja in the room. All were glaring at them. Naruto looked back to the silver haired boy ignoring the glares.

"And who are you", asks Naruto.

"Just call me Kabuto"

Naruto shrugs and ignores the situation. He closes his eyes as he relays the dream ha had last night over and over in his head. Continuing to think on what the shadowed man could have been. After a moment he opened his eyes when his ears caught the words ninja info cards. He looks at Kabuto holding a deck of cards to the others. Naruto reaches out.

"Can I see those", asks Naruto.

"I can show you, but only my chakra will reveal the information", says Kabuto as he holds out what to everyone else seemed like a blank card. Though Naruto saw a map of the shinobi nations on it.

"If you say so, but I can see the map on that card", says Naruto.

Kabuto seems to smirk as he raises an eyebrow.

"I have heard that your eyes had interesting abilities", says Kabuto as he pushes up his glasses.

"If you say so, mind if I at least see my card", asks Naruto.

Kabuto shuffles the cards a bit.

"I don't see why not", says Kabuto.

He plucks a single card. Reaching out Naruto grabs it while he shows the others different cards in his deck. Naruto reads over the card. It was surprisingly accurate. It didn't have everything, but it did show he had a summoning contract. Naruto flipped the card between his fingers for a moment. He then looks at Kabuto. Naruto hands the card back to Kabuto.

"You are very thorough", says Naruto.

"I do my best, I have taken the exams quite a few times", Says Kabuto as he takes the card back.

"How many", asks Ino.

"Well, I'm a bit embarrassed to say it, but this is my seventh time", says Kabuto.

"Wow, seven. You must suck", says Kiba while he laughs.

Kabuto chuckles a bit as he puts the cards away. Naruto silently walks up to Kabuto and creates a Tentacle whip. The tentacle reaches into his pocket and carefully take the deck of cards out of his pocket while Naruto walks in front of Kabuto. The tentacle recedes and Naruto palms the deck. He puts both hands in his pocket as he stands next to Choji.

"Seven huh, well good luck this time", says Naruto.

"Thanks", says Kabuto.

Naruto walks over to Sakura and Sasuke. He stands next to them while taking his hands out his pocket leaving the deck within. Then he crosses his arms. Naruto smiles. He almost felt bad for Kabuto, but if he wanted to keep his cards, he shouldn't have revealed them to potential enemies. Besides Naruto kept feeling a bit strange as Kabuto spoke. After a moment Naruto spaces out again. He continues to think on the dream. The words of the shadowed man continue to play in his mind. He opens them when he hears the faintest unusual sound. He looks as a boy wrapped in bandages swings his arm at Kabuto who dodges it, but Naruto looks at the colors of sound that escape from a metal gauntlet on the boys hand. Kabuto does not seem to realize what happened as he fell over and began to vomit.

Naruto smiles a bit. If he would ever get the chance, that gauntlet was going right to Brainiac. Sonic technology could come in handy. He was already thinking on ways to improve it. It wasn't long until the doors opened.

"Alright quiet down", scream a man who's face was covered in scars. He pointed to the sound ninja.

"You three, any more fighting and you will be disqualified", said the man.

As the sound ninja backed off he looked at the others in the room before smirking.

I am Ibiki Morino, the proctor of the first exam of the Chunin Exams! Now please enter this room, your names have been put on the seats so just find it, sit down, and be quiet !" he motioned to a door behind him.

They all stepped into the room searching for there seat. After Naruto found his seat he relaxed. The Hinata sat next to him. Immediately he began to feel nervous. He looked to Hinata.

"Umm. Good luck Hinata", said Naruto.

Hinata blushed as he spoke.

"Y-you to, N-Naruto-Kun", she says weakly.

Naruto's eyes slowly look to the front of the class. He realized he could not think of anything to say. He looked as Ibiki stood to the front of the room.

"Look on you desk, there should be a sheet of paper. The fist test is a written one", says Ibiki as several of the ninja groan causing Ibiki to smirk.

"Now before we begin I will go over the rules. Do not get caught cheating, you begin with ten points, for every wrong answer you lose a point. If you are caught cheating three times you and your entire team will be disqualified, got it", asks Ibiki.

He looks as several of the chunin hopefuls nods.

"Good, now there are ten questions, but the final question will be revealed forty five minutes after the written portion", says Ibiki.

Ibiki stood in front of his desk scanning the room around him.

"You may begin", he says.

Naruto flipped his test over. Reading down he smiles. The questions would be difficult but Naruto found he didn't even have to think on it as he systematically answered question after question. It took less than five minutes before he flipped his test back over.

"That was easy", says Naruto quietly to himself.

It wasn't difficult to figure out that cheating was necessary to pass the test for those not capable of answering the test. In fact the boy next to Naruto was finished but did not flip his test, obviously a plant. He idly looked around the room as inconspicuously as possible. He saw several obvious attempts at cheating from several others. It was almost comical as kunai hit there table and they would leave with two others who were quite pissed. It was almost like a game for Ibiki.

Keeping himself occupied the forty five minutes passed quickly.

"Pencils down, time for the final question", says Ibiki.

The clacking of pencils can be heard. Naruto sits arms crossed.

"Now, before I reveal the third question there are a few new rules I need to lay down", says Ibiki.

"Now anyone can leave if you don't want to take the final question, you can just try again next time", says Ibiki.

"And why would we do that", asks the familiar voice of Temari.

"Well, you see it's because If you decide to stay and get the question wrong then you and your team not only fail, but you will be banned from taking the chunin exams ever again", he says.

Ibiki smiles as the complaining emanates from the room. Naruto only surveys the room as he thinks over that tidbit of information. He doubted there was any truth to it. After all convincing Konoha to go through with such a request would be difficult, but convincing any other village would be down right impossible. He looks at his own teammates who seem to have worried expressions on their faces. Sakura looks to Sasuke then to Naruto. She was surprised that Naruto was looking at her. He only smiles and shakes his head. When he sees her nod he turns back around. The room began to empty relatively quickly as teams left fearful of the possibility of losing.

"This is your last chance to leave, anyone else want to go", asks Ibiki.

Naruto looks next to him. He sees Hinata with her head down and hand shaking, as if she was about to raise it. Naruto began to think over what to do in the end it was obvious.

"He's lying", Naruto whispers to Hinata.

She turns to look at Naruto, a slight blush on her face. Naruto looked at her at the corner of his eye. The he slowly turned them to her.

"Trust me", says Naruto.

Hinata's blush darkens as she smiles and gives a small nod. Naruto smiles back before looking back to Ibiki. He surveys the room. It was now nearly half empty.

"Anyone else", he asks.

After a moment he sees no one else was leaving. He nods sharply.

"Congratulations, you all pass", says Ibiki.

"What, we pass. What about the final question", asks Temari.

"There is no final question, this test was meant to try and find out two things. One your information gathering skills, if your skills were subpar then you would could get you or a teammate killed, which is why if you were caught to many times both you and your team failed", said Ibiki.

"And the other thing", asks Temari.

Ibiki begins to slowly remove the wrappings around his head.

"The reason for the tenth question was simple, as shinobi you will be asked to be put into life or death situations, you can not just give up, and turn around. Which is why if you decided to give up for a simple question regardless of it's consequences, you were not yet ready to become a chunin where the stakes would be much higher. As a shinobi you may be asked to gather intel for from enemies without getting caught", says Ibiki.

He removed his bandana to reveal the top of his head was covered in scars, burns, and cuts, no doubt from severe torture.

"Failure is not an option", says Ibiki as he begins to wrap the scars back up.

That was when the windows exploded. Naruto raised his arms to protect himself from the blast. A humanoid figure jumps through the broken window as a banner suddenly reveals itself.

"Alright brats, listen up. It's time for the second exam to begin", speaks a familiar voice.

Naruto's eyes open wide. He slowly turns to the voice, then he sees her he shivers a bit.

"Oh god no", says Naruto as he looks ahead with fear.

"The names Anko, I'll be the Procter for the second stage of the exam", she says with a smile.