
Chapter 23 Misranked

Team 7 and Tazuna headed down the road. Naruto was reading his botany book most of the way but was mindful of his surroundings. Kakashi was reading from his orange book as well. Naruto stood in front of Tazuna with Sakura to his left and Sasuke to his right. Kakashi stood in the back.

As they made their way down the road Naruto's mind began to fly. He couldn't help it. If he found the flower he was searching for he would have the reagent. A formula to bring the dead to life. It was the first thing he read in the Necronomicon and it held much promise. The ability to flawlessly revive the dead no matter how long they had been possibilities. If he chose so he could effectively revive every single ninja that had ever lived. Though that would be grotesque. Apparently the reagent was quite unpredictable according to Xel. Use to little and you either end up with a mindless shambling corpse or nothing happens. Use to much and the individual organs of a body mutate into their own living creatures. The idea of some guys mutant organs moving around was not a present thought. The problem was while the Necronomicon showed how to make the reagent it did not show the dosage. It was understandable after all the dosage would differ between species and the book was not written by human hands so why would it show the dosage for them. Testing it was probably going to be messy.

Naruto skimmed through his book. Flipping through the pages he found little he did not already know. Thus his mind wandered further. He began to think on the possible identity of what this other force at work was. Cthulhu was hard enough but now there was some unseen puppet master pulling his strings waiting for his opportunity to strike. What or Whoever it is was anyone's guess. Xel said that it could be anything from some psionic force to an Outer God. Naruto hoped it was not an Outer God. The Outer Gods were much, much more powerful than Cthulhu, they were as powerful to Cthulhu as Cthulhu was to humans. The Gods of Gods. Attracting their attention was not good to anyone involved. Luckily most Outer Gods rarely, if ever interact to such a degree with humans, If lucky chances were it was some weak Psionic entity that could be easily disabled by Xel. So far luck was on their side, but eventually that luck would run out. On the bright side if Naruto had time during this mission he could finally start practicing his Eldritch form. It would still take years before he could switch form at will, but just being able to use it for now was a plus. Though Xel was unusually quiet on exactly how Naruto was going to activate it.

Naruto pushed away those thoughts and returned to his book. He turned the page as they passed two puddles. It was only after thinking on it that Naruto raised an eyebrow at this. He looked up to the sky. There was no sign it had rained for days. He looked at the puddle cautiously. Idly he glanced at the others in his group. He noticed that Sakura and Sasuke ignored it, but Kakashi seemed to focus on it slightly. It was only a hint but Naruto could tell Kakashi was wary of the puddles. It was only after they passed it when two figures leaped out. They wore bladed gauntlets where shuriken chains between them flew forward wrapping Kakashi.

"Well that takes care of the difficult one", says one of the ninja.

The chains constricted and tore him to pieces. In an adrenaline filled Moment Naruto lashed out at the two ninja. His tentacle whip slashing leaving deep cuts. Though the two ninja were quite good at evading the appendage.

"What is this Brother, a child with star eyes", says One of the ninja. His forehead protector had a single horn on it and the symbol for the hidden mist village.

"Forget the child, get the Old Man", says the other ninja this one with two horns.

Naruto continued to lash out with his tentacle it was only after a moment that Sasuke jumped in. Going through Hand signs. He placed his hand to his mouth.

"Fire Style: Giant Fire Ball Jutsu", said Sasuke as a huge ball of flames flew from his mouth.

Reacting quickly the two ninja dodged. Only for a kunai to be thrown at them. It slashed the two horned ninja's shoulder. Naruto looked at Sakura who was preparing another kunai. Thinking quickly he created a clone. Sasuke was continuing to fight the ninja using Taijutsu to keep the one horned one busy while avoiding the claws on the gauntlet. As one of Naruto's clones came out They each began slashing at the ninja with there Tentacle Whips. Between the constant onslaught of kunai Tentacles and the occasional fire ball the two ninja were on the defensive. Sasuke activated his Sharringan to watch the two and not get hit by Naruto's tentacles.

It was only after a moment that Kakashi jumped from the bushes to take the ninja out leaving them out cold. The fighting stopped he turned to his students.

"I'm impressed, those two had to be chunin and you held them off quite easily", says Kakashi.

"You're alive", says Naruto and Sakura disbelieving.

Kakashi points to where his body once lay. It was a pile of splintered wood.

"I wanted to see who their target was and how you would handle the situation, you exceeded my expectations", says Kakashi.

Kakashi turns to Sasuke.

"And I see you activated your Sharringan. Congratulations, we can train on that later", says Kakashi.

Sasuke smirks.

"I'm glad you all were able to keep your head on in danger", says Kakashi.

"They weren't that strong", says Naruto.

"He's right. That was a textbook tactic. Naruto and Sasuke kept them busy, I give support while guarding the client", says Sakura.

"Do you know the textbook inside and out", asks Naruto.

"Maybe", says Sakura with a small smile and a shrug.

Kakashi shakes his head smiling under his mask.

"Also I've seen worse", says Sasuke.

Sasuke looks at Naruto as he says that. Naruto raises an eyebrow for a moment before realizing he was talking about the flying polyp Naruto showed him.

"Either way you three put my fears to rest now tie up these two I'll send one of my summons to inform the village. Now Tazuna I'd like to have a word with you", says Kakashi.

Noticing him sweat a bit Tazuna follows Kakashi into the forest. Naruto began tying the two knocked out chunin He looks at there Gauntlets and Gas masks.

"I'll be taking these", says Naruto as he removes there equipment.

"What are you going to do with that stuff", asks Sakura.

Naruto shrugs.

"I'm going to see how these work and replicate them. Might even add a few improvements here and there", says Naruto.

"So who are these guys, other than Mist Nins I mean", asks Sakura.

"Don't know, but they got some interesting stuff. Looks like they are carrying a few vials probably poison. Looks like the gauntlet's claws were covered in the stuff", says Naruto as he takes out a storage scroll.

He seals the gauntlets, poisons, and gas masks.

"Well that should keep me busy when we gat back home", says Naruto.

Naruto puts away the scroll and patiently waits for Kakashi. It wasn't a long wait for once. Kakashi walks back to them with Tazuna looking to the ground.

"So what's the story", asks Sasuke.

"Apparently Tazuna is building a bridge to connect Wave to the mainland. The problem is that a shipping magnate named Gato has a strangle hold on the country and does not want the bridge built otherwise he loses his hold over the country. He uses his company as a front for smuggling illegal goods and drug dealing and the bridge would ruin that so he has hired missing nins to kill Tazuna", says Kakashi.

"Really, well this is going to be easy", says Naruto.

Everyone looks at him. There was no sarcasm in his voice. It was serious.

"Oh come on this Gato guy is an idiot. He doesn't want a bridge built, that's fine but why higher missing nins when you could just blow up the bridge with Tazuna on it none the wiser. Explosives are cheaper that missing nins anyway, so yeah idiot", says Naruto.

"Thanks kid I fell much better", says Tazuna sarcastically.

"Naruto does have a point, for a guy who is so rich a few explosives would be more reliable and cost-effective if he is that greedy", says Kakashi.

"Yeah he's so much of an idiot that it overwhelms his greed", says Sakura.

"That's some powerful stupid", says Sasuke.

"So this mission just became B-ranked maybe A if there are stronger missing nins ahead. We should head back home", says Kakashi.

Naruto flinched. This was his chance to get the Devine Flower and now it might slip through his fingers. Lucky Tazuna started giving them a sob story about his daughter and fatherless grandchild. Looking at the others faces it had the desired effect.

"Come on Kakashi you saw what we did, we can take anything the idiot throws at us", says Naruto.

"And if we do run into anything to much for us to handle you can take care of that", says Sakura.

Kakashi thinks for a moment.

"You saw how well we handled chunin", says Sasuke.

Kakashi looks at his students for a moment then turns to Tazuna.

"Ok we are going to complete this mission, but once its done I am going to have to talk to the Hokage about you misranked a mission that could have gotten my students killed. We'll work something out. Got it", says Kakashi.

"Yes, thank you you don't know how much this means to Wave", says Tazuna bowing.

Naruto smiles. They were back on track. What was the worse that Gato could throw at them.

"Good, now because of the situation we now find ourselves in you three will do what I say. I say run you run", says Kakashi.

The three nod.

"Good, lets get going", says Kakashi.

They once again head down the road. As the day winds down the sun begins to set. Kakashi decides to set up camp and leave early in the morning. Once camp had been set they sat around a campfire to warm up. Sitting around it Naruto was awestricken by the combination of the fire's light and the colors of sound coming from it.

"Staring at a fire like that can't be good for you're eyes", said Kakashi.

"Sorry, it's just the colors coming off the fire are amazing. I almost with I could show you", says Naruto.

"What are you talking about", asks Tazuna.

"Naruto's eyes let him see sound. They have some other effects as well. Such as complete immunity to illusions and allow him to read any written language. Also he can instinctively know when he is being lied to. Speaking of which Naruto did you know that Tazuna had misranked his mission", asks Kakashi.

"I had my suspicions but decided not to voice them", says Naruto.

"Naruto if something like that ever happens again at he very least let me know of your suspicions", asks Kakashi.

"Ok, sorry I'm still not used to discerning lies all that well", says Naruto.

Kakashi nods.

"That's some useful abilities those eyes got", says Tazuna.

"The Eyes of Azathoth can be quite useful if you know how to use them", says Naruto.

"Whats an Azathoth". asks Tazuna.

Everyone's eyes fall on Naruto.

"I'm not entirely sure", says Naruto.

It was true, no one knew much of anything about Azathoth. Not even the Great Old Ones or other Outer Gods knew much about him.

"Either way I got them now so might as well use them", says Naruto.

"Well they sound useful, but they creep me out", says Tazuna.

"Duly noted", says Naruto.

Back in Konoha at an Insane Asylum the familiar bandaged figure of Danzo walked through the halls. He walked to the final room.

"Open the door", says Danzo.

The doctor opened the door for him.

"Be careful, he is passive now and it took a long time to get his mind as lucid as it is now but his mind can snap at any minute", says The Doctor.

Danzo looked at the man in a straightjacket strapped to the bed. His eyes bandaged. The scars visible under the bandages showed the self-inflicted marks where he clawed them out.

"Tomi, I have a few questions I wish to ask you", says Danzo.

The man begins to laugh.

"Questions, Answers, ask away, Now a stranger comes to play"

Danzo glares at the man sings to himself.

"What did you see when the Uzumaki boy looked into your eyes", asks Danzo.

"Can you hear them, The flutes and drums playing. I can, do you hear them. They keep him asleep. Chaos. I seen Chaos"

"What chaos", asks Danzo.

"Not a chaos or some chaos, the chaos. Eyes and ears, limbs and teeth. All of us are simply beneath. Big and strong, lulled to sleep, by the drums and flutes that beat"

"What did you see Tomi", asks Danzo sternly.

Tomi only laughs.

"I saw the center of it all. I saw that which the Kami worship. I saw Gods God", says Tomi as he laughs.

Danzo left the room.

"If he says anything that may lead us to determine what he saw let me know", asks Danzo.

The doctor nods.

Danzo left the asylum. He was no fool. Despite what the Hokage believed Danzo knew that Tomi lost his mind because of The Uzumaki child. Hiruzen emotions would not let him see the truth. Danzo would not make that mistake. He wanted to know what the boy did, and how he did it. People just don't spontaneously go insane. Nor do they just wake up with an unknown bloodline, something changed with the child. At first Danzo thought he could find out something, anything. His ROOT would follow the child with Hiruzen's ANBU, but it became clear to Danzo that somehow the child knew he was being watched. How was not yet known, but Danzo suspected the child's eyes.

Even if it took Danzo years he was going to find out exactly what Naruto Uzumaki is. He knew very little, but he did know whatever it was had nothing to do with the fox, and Danzo did not like that fact. He was going to find out what Naruto was, one way or another. For the good of Konoha, he had to act.