
Naruto: Let The World Feel Pain

In this riveting alternative tale of Naruto, a divergence from the original storyline takes center stage. Uzumaki Naruto, now wielding unimaginable power, stands above Konoha with a chilling proclamation: 'From now on, let the world feel pain.' Unlike the Naruto we once knew, this version has not been influenced by Ashura Chakra, maintaining a unique path. His life took a distinctive turn as he lived in harmony with Kurama from a young age, shaping his destiny differently. Growing up with modern compulsory education, this Naruto has a worldly perspective beyond the shinobi realm. As the narrative unfolds, we witness a Naruto who has witnessed the entirety of the 'Naruto' anime. His extensive knowledge of his own future creates a fascinating dynamic as he navigates this new reality. With a large black spiral wheel in hand, emitting boundless light and heat, Naruto's power becomes a force to be reckoned with, laying waste to everything in his sight. Brace yourself for an exhilarating and unpredictable journey through a world where the choices of our beloved hero have led him down an unprecedented path. The question remains: Will Naruto's new tale bring hope or plunge the world into darkness? ======================================== This is a translated fanfic, I am just making it more readable. Enjoy P.S. The cover, story, characters does not belong to me, though I wish they would.

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10 Chs

010. Goals and Determination

"Hahaha...".Back in the study space, Naruto rolled laughing on the ground. Recalling bit by bit how he got along with the big fox tonight, Naruto couldn't stop smiling.

"It's so fun, I didn't expect this big fox to be a Tsundere."

Involuntarily, Naruto thought of the classic Tsundere characters in the works that he had seen recently—characters who would say no with their mouths, but their bodies were incredibly honest.

And this big fox also has a really amazing attribute.

In a variety show called "Toaru Majutsu no Index" that Naruto watched not long ago, there was a character named Mikoto Misaka who had the same effect.

This makes Naruto very confident.

Based on his experience, dealing with a Tsundere requires using sincerity to break through the arrogant side of the opponent, allowing you to do whatever you want without crossing their boundaries.

And obviously, his method today was very effective.

The next thing to do is to continue implementing this method until it succeeds!

After laughing, Naruto quickly focused his mind and began to learn.

Tonight practice has been delayed for a long time, but he can't afford to continue waste it.

Though it is very important to subdue the big fox and prevent future trouble, learning more knowledge and increasing wisdom is equally important and cannot be neglected.

Soon, one night passed.

After dawn, Naruto woke up on time.

Today, after washing and eating, he didn't stay at home to study in the study space under the pretext of being lost in thought. Instead, he picked up the prepared bento and the book "Ninja Throwing from Getting Started to Grandmaster" and went out early.

It had been more than a year since the last time he went out during the day.

However, the people of Konoha Village today still regarded Naruto with 'passionate' indifference, hatred, and even killing intent along the way.

Facing these gazes, Naruto's heart felt blocked.

However, he didn't say much. The people who angered him didn't care what he thought, nor did they need his explanation. They just needed a punching bag to vent their frustrations.

Walking quickly along the way, Naruto passed through half of the village and arrived at a secluded forest on the edge of the village.

Finally, Naruto stopped in an open area near the stream.

He immediately set the lunchbox aside.

First, Naruto engaged in a series of physically intensive training in this open field following the method he learned the previous day, until he was exhausted.

Then, while resting under the big tree, Naruto took out the "Ninja Throwing From Beginner to Grandmaster" that he had brought and began to read.

This book described the commonly used throwing methods of kunai, shuriken, and thousand ninjas by the ninja, and it emphasized how each ninja could maximize their power.

It explained how to calculate one's position to better hit the enemy.

Additionally, it also covered how to deal with ninja weapons thrown by the enemy—either by blocking or dodging.

After reading for a while, Naruto's physical strength recovered, and he continued with his physical strength training.

When he got tired, he resumed reading.

He repeated this process over and over again, taking only a short break to eat lunch at noon.

As the sky gradually dimmed, Naruto finally finished reading the book "Ninja Throwing from Beginner to Grandmaster" cover to cover.

Holding a stone as a shuriken, he practiced throwing it repeatedly until his energy was completely exhausted. Covered in sweat and dust due to training, Naruto decided it was time to go home.

At this time, Konoha Village was bustling with activity as it was the liveliest time of day.

People who had been busy throughout the day finished their work and started living their personal lives.

Unsurprisingly, Naruto received plenty of negative attention.

However, this time, due to the early morning encounter, it no longer bothered Naruto's mind.

When there is no hope, one will naturally not feel disappointed.

After returning home, he dragged his exhausted body to take a shower and change into clean clothes. He didn't have the energy to cook, so he heated up the leftover food prepared in the morning and treated it as dinner.

Not long after eating, just before it was time to go to bed, Naruto was already lying on the bed, ready to sleep.

Once he was in the learning space, Naruto felt extremely exhausted after a day of physically intensive training, but he became active again because he was free from the influence of his body.

However, he was lying on the sofa, feeling lazy and not wanting to move.

The indifference and hatred he faced throughout the day...

He still couldn't let go of it all.

"Running forward, facing cold eyes and ridicule, how can we feel the vastness of life without going through hardships? Fate can't make us kneel down and beg for mercy..."

In the learning space, the sound of music started playing at some point.

Listening quietly, before realizing it, two tears rolled down Naruto's eyes.

However, Naruto didn't feel uncomfortable. The emotions he had been holding in his heart gradually dissipated with the music.

The confusion in his mind began to fade away.

"I must become a powerful ninja, so that those people never dare to look at me with any kind of eyes."

For the first time, a clear goal appeared in Naruto's mind.

Wiping away the tears and appearing in the sealed space, a bright smile appeared on Naruto's face: "Oh, big fox, good evening, will you watch TV series together tonight?"

After speaking, before Nine Tails could answer, Naruto ran to the TV and plugged in the memory card.

"Is this kid okay?"

Looking at the smiling Naruto, Nine Tails couldn't help but wonder.

Whatever happened during the day seemed very boring to pay attention to; knowing that Naruto wasn't happy today.

It's so easy to understand that a kid had a good meal with suddenly received a perfunctory dinner tonight.

But in an instant, Nine Tails dismissed this thought because it didn't feel any negative emotions from Naruto. He was really all right.

"Ah, I've been uncomfortable the whole day, and finally I can watch the show. I'll know what happened next."

Nine Tails just thought of this, and its expression became savage.

Because what was shown on the TV was not what it wanted to watch.

Instead, it was a cartoon called "The Calabash Baby"...