
Naruto lemon

Late_Night_Anime · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 8: Temari

Naruto woke up the next day, and extracted himself from both Karin and Kin who had taken to sleeping in his bed. Truth be told, he needed to get a bigger home. A relative living with him, and a 'slave' made his one bedroom efficiency rather cramped.

Naruto took a shower before dressing in the ANBU clothes he had gotten from Mikoto. He would have gotten rid of them, but damned if they weren't comfortable. He headed into the kitchen and quickly cooked up some food for everyone, eating his rather quickly. He had things to do, and an apology to make.

Naruto grabbed his mother's sword before heading out. When he saw the beautiful blade, he knew he had to learn how to use it. A crimson sheath, black hilt with a golden star shaped guard, the black blade had a red edge to it, making it look forever stained in blood. The blade was also twice as thick as any blade he had seen, but figured there had to be a good reason to it.

Naruto strapped it to his back once he was outside. He breathed in the air, savoring the smells that filled the morning. He could smell the Dango cooking, the ramen from Ichiraku's, and a dozen other scents. It was a pleasant smell to him. He began to leisurely walk towards the hospital, needing to see Jiraiya.

He wasn't paying much attention really, letting his feet take him along the path. "Naruto?!" he heard the surprised call of his name and he glanced behind him, seeing Ino in civilian clothes.

"Oh hey Ino." Naruto said stopping and letting her catch up. "How's it going?"

Ino looked Naruto over; surprised by the clothes he wore. It made him look rather hot. "Oh it's going alright. You look good in the new clothes Naruto, what happened to the Orange Jumpsuit?" she asked. It was an atrocity to fashion that deserved to be burned and she hoped it was gone forever.

Naruto gave a slight shrug. "I'd continue wearing it, but these are more durable, and surprisingly comfortable. I'll be back in the orange soon."

"NO!" Ino shouted wide eyed. "Sorry, just No." she said more calmly. "You look better in the proper Shinobi attire, why go back to the orange? I bet you could get Sakura to look at you more." Ino didn't bother mentioning herself. She had eyes for Sasuke, but damn… Naruto really looked good and she would almost think arousing.

Naruto laughed a bit, rubbing the back of his head. "You think so?" he asked and got a vigorous nod. "Well, I'll try to get some more of these types of outfits. How's your training going?"

Ino shrugged to Naruto's question. "I'm taking a break right now. I'm not in the Chunin Exam finals, so why bother?" she asked.

Naruto gave a slight groan as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ino…" Naruto shook his head. "Just because you're not in the Finals, doesn't mean you shouldn't be training. I guarantee that it will be beneficial in the long run to take your training serious, now when you're young. You don't have to be a prodigy, but you can be a stronger Shinobi."

"But too much training would kill my figure." Ino said putting her hands on her hips and shifting her weight. "I don't want to be some muscle bound girl that doesn't have curves."

Naruto looked Ino over. "No offense, but what curves?" he asked and saw the quick look of anger on Ino's face. He lifted his arm up, blocking Ino's fist from connecting with his head. "I'm being serious here Ino." He said and grabbed her wrist as he stared into her eyes.

"What would you know about it?" Ino asked defiantly, her eyes blazing with her fury.

Naruto looked at Ino. "You admitted to not training, meaning you're not building muscle. You're also known for being on diets, meaning you're not getting a properly balanced meal or the energy needed. Your body has a low percentage of body fat, and a low percentage of muscle. Without either of these, you don't have curves that would allure a guy. Think of Anko, the proctor for the second Exam, she had large breasts and wide hips. She's reputable to eating most Dango, but because she's a Special Jonin who works her ass off training herself, her body has taken some of the fat from the Dango and converted it into muscle. There's also a rumor going on about how the size of a woman's breasts also shows the amount of chakra she has."

Ino looked blatantly shocked at Naruto's words. Her mind went back to the Anko woman and realized that Naruto had quite a point.

Naruto saw that Ino was reacting to his words and decided to nudge her a little more. "Also look at the Temari girl from Suna. Strong, competent Shinobi around our age, and she has curves that appeal to a man. I bet if you were a strong, competent Kunoichi, Sasuke would be more than willing to give you the time of day. And, if those aren't good enough reasons, well I do have a little wager if you're interested."

Ino looked a little suspicious at the wager. "Alright, what is it?" she asked.

Naruto shook his head. "Not here, meet me at Training Ground 7 in two hours, wear your Shinobi gear." He said before releasing Ino's wrist and walking off, heading back to the hospital. Ino was hot; even he would admit that, but damned if she wasn't too skinny for his tastes. He furrowed his brows as he realized the MILFs he banged were having an influence on his tastes.

Naruto entered the hospital and immediately set out for Jiraiya's room. He opened the door, seeing the bandaged Sannin already sitting up, and reading a rather thick file. "Hey Jiraiya, what's that?" he asked

The Sannin looked up. "Hey kid, this is the report on the prank you told me about." Jiraiya said. The kid was a certified genius with a dangerous mind for revenge pranks. But Jiraiya wouldn't tell the kid that. "Not bad, but I've seen better. Putting gelatin in the fuel tank for the ANBU's Generator making it freeze up in the cold, itching cream mixed with super glue on the masks, laxatives in their water supply, that's child's play kid. Your mom did better."

Naruto moved over and pulled up a chair sitting down in it and looking to Jiraiya before down at his lap. "I'm sorry." He said softly, in a low whisper. "What I've done, especially summoning Gamabunta like that… I shouldn't have done it. I'm sure you have your reasons as to why you couldn't watch over me as a child."

Jiraiya set the folder aside and watched his Godson. "Look, Naruto… If I didn't feel like I didn't deserve the beating to some extent, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Yeah, summoning Gamabunta was pretty petty. But when I summoned the old toad, he would have probably put the smack down on me anyways."

Naruto glanced up and nodded. "It's just…" Naruto sat there for a bit, trying to word his statement. "I'm just now hitting my stride in reaching my potential. I had the desire to learn but no one wanted to teach me until I had lost the dedication. I keep thinking that if you had been there, I would have already been peaking out my potential." Naruto shook his head. "Crazy isn't it?"

Jiraiya reached over and put a hand on his Godson's shoulder. "No, it's not crazy, not in the sense you're thinking. And kid, you're a diamond in the rough. The real rough, but a diamond nonetheless and I'll help you reach your potential, and your dream."

Naruto looked to Jiraiya and nodded. "Thanks… Ero-Sennin." Naruto said with a slight smirk.

"Damn you Kushina. Even now that nickname will haunt me." Jiraiya said shaking his fist towards the ceiling.

Naruto shook his head at his Godfather's antics. "Look, I came up with some strategy for the Exams, and I'm hoping you could help me with it a bit." Naruto said, getting Jiraiya's attention. Naruto then began to lay out all of his ideas that he brainstormed with the Inuzuka women watching his Godfather's facial expressions.

Jiraiya rubbed his chin. "Two things, against the Uchiha, try not to turn it into a battle of attrition. Get in, beat the hell out of him, and get out." Jiraiya said. "Against the Aburame, you're better off using Fire. Getting in close is dangerous, he'll put his bugs on you and you'll start having your chakra eaten from your body as he's leaping away to dodge your attacks. Hand me my pack." He said.

Naruto grabbed the surprisingly heavy pack and handed it to the Sannin. "But I don't know anything that has to work with fire except for explosive tags and no offense but I'm not going to throw an exploding tag at Shino."

Jiraiya nodded as he pulled out a scroll and opened it up. He unsealed some thin paper and handed a piece to Naruto. "Channel your chakra into it." He said

Naruto held it in his hands, looking it over. With a shrug, he did as he asked, watching as the paper began to split into little squares that quickly got soaked. "What the hell?" he asked

Jiraiya looked just as surprised. "A dual affinity." He said rubbing his chin. "Everyone has an elemental affinity that their chakra wants to sway towards. In fact, training in two of these affinities is a requirement for being a Jonin. Special cases are obviously made from time to time, but not often. Your paper cutting itself up means you have an affinity towards Wind, and the paper getting soaked also means you have an affinity for Water. Which will make learning Fire style Jutsu a pain in your ass." Jiraiya said shaking his head.

Naruto looked to Jiraiya and nodded. 'So what are your affinities?" he asked.

"Fire and Earth." Jiraiya said. "Both of my Elements beat yours."

"So… Fire, Wind, Earth, and Water?" Naruto asked.

"And lightning." Jiraiya said. "Your old man had lightning and wind affinities." He said before he grabbed a second scroll and unsealed a large book. "Here, start with this if you plan to use seals in the Finals." It was a beginning book on Sealing. "I'll be out in a week, I want to see progress made, got it?" Jiraiya asked

Naruto gave a nod. "You got it Ero-Sennin." He said and headed out the window before Jiraiya could retort.

"Damn you Gaki!" Jiraiya shouted after the blonde

Naruto laughed as he landed on the rooftops nearby and began to hop towards his team's training ground. He soon had to take to the trees and quickly hopped on through. Landing in the clearing, he glanced around before he summoned about a hundred Shadow Clones. He felt a little out of breath when he was done, but that wouldn't matter.

He then began to divide them up into groups. He double checked the Game Book for maybe scrolls on the Mangekyo Techniques, or the Techniques the Rinnegan might give him. He felt relieved when he received two scrolls, and so he had a group of fifteen go work on the Mangekyo techniques. They would find a private and secluded training field. He sent a group of thirty to work on the Rinnegan techniques. Ten went to practice the Snake Style, and another five went to practice the Hirashin. He really hoped that it would work.

He then split the remaining forty clones in half, sending twenty to the other side of the training ground to start on the Sealing book that Jiraiya had loaned him. The other twenty he had start working on getting used to his mother's sword.

He personally leaned against a tree, resting after having created so many clones. He could usually create about fifty or so before he got winded, doubling that he felt the draw on his reserves and wanted a quick break to let them rest up. He supposed because of his Ninjutsu skill being so high, it allowed him to create more clones.

His hand twitched as he felt eight clones suddenly dispel, being burnt to death by an uncontrolled Amaterasu. This was going to take some time.

After about two hours, and sending over a hundred more replacement clones out to those learning the Dojutsu he had, one of his clones came over to him. "Hey boss, Ino is here." The clone said

Naruto opened his eyes and stood up. "Alright, head over to some place where you won't get in the way." Naruto said before he headed over to a dumbstruck Ino that was staring at all the clones. "Impressed?" Naruto asked.

Ino jumped and turned to look at him. "Yeah, I mean…you've come a long way. You used to not be able to perform a Clone, and now you have a few dozen milling about? Why do they look to be doing the training though?" Ino asked

Naruto glanced over at his clones. "They're solid Chakra constructs Ino. This means they can interact with things unlike the Standard Clone technique. However, they also use up a ridiculous amount of chakra to make even one. Because I have a ridiculous amount of chakra to spare, I can create them and they can train for me, to an extent. Physical stuff I still have to do, but they could learn a new Jutsu or fighting style." Naruto explained.

Ino looked amazed, it was impressive to hear. "Think you can teach me?" she asked

Naruto shook his head. "It would kill you, literally, to make just one right now Ino. Besides, Ji-san made me promise not to teach anyone the move."

"Wait, Ji-san? I thought you were an orphan." Ino said crossing her arms.

Naruto shrugged. "He's more like a surrogate grandfather. Besides, I hate calling him the Sandaime Hokage."

Ino's eyes widened. "Wait, the Hokage lets you call him Ji-san?" she asked surprised.

Naruto nodded. "Like I said, surrogate grandfather." He said before putting his sword over by his clones and walking over towards the more spacious clearing. "I'm sure you're dying to know about this wager." Naruto said cracking his knuckles and then his neck before doing some basic stretches.

Ino nodded. "This better not be anything perverted Naruto, or I swear I will hurt you." Ino said

Naruto held his hands up. "No, nothing of the sorts." He said. "I'll just be helping you realize what I was saying was true. If you train more, you'll not only enhance your Shinobi abilities, but also your looks." He said.

Ino nodded slowly watching her fellow blonde. "And how will this wager do that?" she asked

Naruto stood up and entered a loose fighting stance, his hands up ready to protect his head. "We fight." He said. "Nothing seriously maiming and no killing, but an actual fight. I'll just be using the Substitution because I'm a little worn out from making as many clones as I have." Naruto said. "If you win, I will take you clothes shopping with all the money I've saved up in doing missions. I have quite a bit saved up, since I don't really buy much except for Ramen. All you need to do to win, is land one solid hit on me that wasn't blocked, parried, or otherwise intercepted."

Ino nodded, sounded easy enough. "What do you get if you win? How do you win?" she asked

"For the next two months, you go on a strict training schedule of my design, including a new diet that will compliment it. As for how I win, I just have to completely tire you out until you collapse." Naruto said.

Ino nodded. This sounded like an easy win for her. "Then let's get this started!" she exclaimed before rushing Naruto. Taijutsu really wasn't her forte, but she doubted the blonde would let her get off her family's technique.

Naruto ducked under a wide right hand, blocked the left going for his center, leaned back from Ino's second right hand, and twisted to the side to avoid her kick to his legs. It was all very much basic academy stuff, but she made it work. Naruto then stepped in, blocking Ino's left hook towards his face with his right arm and slammed his left fist into her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Naruto then followed up with a strong kick to her upper thigh, and an open palm thrust to her sternum, forcing her back.

Ino panted, trying to regain her breath from Naruto's initial punch. Damn, she had expected an easy win, but Naruto was proving to be a tougher competitor than she had thought. Even worse, he didn't even look winded. She flipped through the hand signs for the basic clone and leapt back, three forming and moving around with her, trying to confuse the blonde into which was the real and which wasn't. With her clones, Ino drew two kunai and threw them at the blonde.

Naruto watched as Ino and her clones through Kunai at him and he performed a quick Substitution, watching as they struck the wood. He leapt behind Ino, and swept out her feet from under her, before rolling away as he realized he swept out a clone. Naruto stood up on his hands, and using the increase of acrobatics, he lashed his foot out, connecting with Ino's upper arm. She tried to go for a kick to his arms, but he rolled backwards, away from her.

The fight continued similar to this for the next twenty minutes. Naruto blocked, dodged, or used the Substitution every time Ino came close to hitting him. She was finally laying on her back, panting and sweating in exhaustion.

Naruto wasn't any worse for wear. He was breathing a little heavier, but nothing too bad that he couldn't keep going. "You give up?" Naruto asked.

Ino looked up at the blonde that was standing and just flopped her head back down. "Yeah." She panted out.

Naruto headed over to her and held his hand out to her. He helped her to her feet. "Breath in through your nose, out through your mouth and do that slowly for a few moments." Naruto said.

It took a bit for Ino to get her breathing under control. "What now?" she asked, sounding winded now instead of exhausted.

"Now we go eat. Ramen will do, it's cheap and quick." He said before he picked up his sword and the beginning book from his clones. They were already done with the book, and he would have to get the next one from Jiraiya.

Ino wanted to say something about being on a diet, but her stomach was too cramped at the moment. The thought of food, any food, was making her almost ravenous after the intense work out. She followed the blonde back into the market area of the village, and followed him into the little ramen shop.

"Hey, Teuchi-Ji-san, Two bowls of pork, two bowls of chicken, two bowls of shrimp, two bowls of miso, a vegetable, and a spicy please!" Naruto called out.

Teuchi walked out and saw Naruto. "Alright Naruto, I'll get them started right away. How about you little lady? What can I get for you?"

Ino looked to Naruto briefly. "Two bowls of vegetable." She said.

Teuchi walked into the back and started cooking the ramen for the two. Naruto turned to look at Ino for a bit. "What are you trying to build?" he asked suddenly. "Hips and thighs, or breasts?" he asked wanting an idea of what to ask Mikoto to help build Ino's training regimen.

Ino looked surprised for a moment. "Hips and thighs." She said after a little while. She already had Sakura beat in the chest area.

Naruto nodded before closing his eyes and just savoring the aroma of the ramen cooking. When Teuchi brought it out, he snapped open the chopsticks and said Itakidamasu before starting in on the ramen. He watched as Ino ate with a refined dignity, but still seemed like she was starving.

Naruto was also surprised when after she was done with two bowls; she ordered another two and managed to plow through them both before being full. Naruto was gracious enough to pay for them, letting her go back to her house. He told her he'd bring over her schedule the next day.

Naruto watched her go away before glancing down at the closed wound on his side from where she got him with a kunai. With the black undershirt, the blood didn't show up and she didn't know she managed to cut him with a kunai. That being said, he felt no need to tell her simply because as a Shinobi deception was part of his trade.

He'd get her something nice

Naruto stood up once he paid for the ramen and headed back to the training grounds. His clones were done for the day, and had dispelled while he ate. He'd still need a lot more practice, but this month would be perfect.

As he arrived at the training ground he cracked his neck a bit. A heavy object struck the back of his head, and he was knocked out.

Temari planted her iron battle fan on the ground and sighed as she looked at the Uzumaki kid. She hated what she was about to do, but the Kazekage's orders were final in this matter. "At least he's good looking, kinda flaky though." She then sealed her battle fan in a scroll before casting a Genjutsu on the blonde to make him look like her fan. She hefted him up onto her shoulders, grunting a bit as she began to carry him to a utility shed she had found.

She made it to the shed without any problems arising, and she then dumped her package on the floor of the shed. She closed and used a silencing seal she bought. No one would hear anything that went on. She then turned to the blonde that was still unconscious. She picked him up and put him into a chair she had brought to the shed and began to tie him to it. Hands behind his back, and feet attached to the legs of the chair. She also made sure he wouldn't be able to use any escape Jutsu to get out of it.

She stood up and looked at her handiwork and sighed a bit as she pinched the bridge of her nose. Suna had never really cared about Kekkai Genkai. Sure they had a few, but not as many as Konoha did. Her father however, apparently felt a desire to get some of the more known Kekkai Genkai. She was originally to get the Uchiha, however with him missing from the village; she was forced to go after the secondary target.

One Uzumaki Naruto.

Temari still couldn't believe she had to do this, but at the same time she knew her duty as a Shinobi of Suna. She knelt down in front of the blonde, and unzipped his pants, quickly pulling his cock out. "Well… that's not useful." She said as he was flaccid. Stroking wouldn't work, he wasn't hard enough.

Realizing she had to degrade herself further for her village, she lowered her head and began to lick the head of Naruto's cock, drawing it into her mouth and slowly beginning to suck on it as she moved her tongue around the head. She fondled his balls as best as she could, but she had never done anything like this before.

Apparently she was doing something right, because her labor bore fruit as the blonde's cock began to swell and harden. She bobbed her head further down along the cock, taking him to the back of her throat. Despite her initial hesitance, Temari wasn't having too much of a problem sucking. The blonde was quite tasty, and she could take her time and go at her own pace.

Naruto felt a rather pleasant sensation tickling his cock and balls. He tried to move his arms, to rub the sleep from his eyes, but felt they weren't moving. His eyes snapped open and he looked down to see Temari on her knees, sucking on his cock with her eyes closed. One hand fondled his balls; the other was under her battle dress squeezing at her breasts.

Naruto took stock of his situation. He could see the seal on the door, and knew he wasn't going to be heard. His hands were bound apart with Ninja wire. It dug into his skin, so he knew that he would cause serious damage if he chose to struggle. He also had a foreign and, from what he understood of the information from Kin, enemy Kunoichi sucking on his cock.

He thought about why he would be bound and being pleasured and then it hit him. She was after his seed. No doubt Temari was under orders to get pregnant so that Suna could have more Kekkai Genkai users. Only they would try to take his Kekkai Genkai which at this point were numerous.

Naruto cleared his throat. "You know, it's not nice to attack and rape an ally." Naruto said, pretending to be oblivious about the whole invasion.

Temari glanced up at the blonde, and pulled off his cock, stroking it a bit. "Be a good kid, and be quiet and make this easier on me." Temari said as she stood up. She pulled her hair from the pigtails, shaking it out a bit. She then began to undress, removing the battle dress and the mesh under armor. She straddled the blonde's lap and sighed. She was hoping to save her virginity for a more intimate and emotional event, like with someone she truly cared about. But for Suna and under the Kazekage's orders, she would give it up for the mission.

Naruto admired Temari's body. The toned legs, flat stomach, perky breasts, and even the scars on her hands and arms from her training. But as she straddled him, gently sliding his cock against her body to stimulate herself, Naruto noticed a resignation on her face, noticed the look of reluctance. "You're a virgin aren't you?" Naruto asked.

Temari's face snapped up, her eyes blazing with anger. "What's it matter? Not like you've had more experience." She said and was about to drop herself on him and get it over with.

"I do." Naruto said quickly. "I've even had sex with a virgin. Relax your thighs, your ass, and your abdomen." Naruto said. "It will lessen the pain." He finished looking up to his fellow blonde who looked rather good in his opinion.

Temari searched Naruto's face for any deceit, for any lies he might be giving. With a sigh, she forced her body to relax and slowly pressed down on Naruto's cock. She winced a bit as she felt his cock break her hymen. He was big, and her being a virgin didn't help in that regard.

"Don't move." Naruto said when she was practically sitting in his lap. "Let your body get used to it, wait for the pain to dull before you start moving." He had no idea if it would help or not, but he figured it couldn't hurt to give her some advice that sounded reasonable.

Temari nodded and waited until the pain passed. She then rose up, hissing in pleasure and a bit of dull pain. She lowered herself again, her breathing coming out just a touch faster. She began to move up and down on the blonde, running her hands through his hair. Subconsciously, she noted it was surprisingly soft. She did not want to enjoy this; she knew she was practically raping the blonde for her village. She did not want her body to enjoy this and hoped to get it over with soon

Naruto felt Temari's hands slide through his hair and glanced up at her. Leaning in as best as he could, Naruto kissed the top of her breast watching as she glanced down to him. She was tight around his cock, and for the life of him he couldn't help but enjoy the way her thighs felt straddling his legs. He felt her hands tighten on his hair and she raised herself up a bit, arching her back as she pressed her nipple to his lips. Without a word, Naruto locked his lips around the pink nipple and began to suck slowly, closing his eyes and savoring the taste of the Suna Kunoichi.

Temari arched her back as she felt Naruto suck on her nipple. She didn't want to like this, didn't want to enjoy it, but the blonde wasn't going to making it easy for her. She grabbed his hair tighter and pressed his mouth to her breast a bit more. Damn it, if he was going to have her enjoy the sex, then it would be on her terms. She closed her eyes, and focused off of the mission, and to the sex. She began to move up and down on the blonde's cock a little faster. "Harder." She told the blonde, gripping his hair tighter.

Naruto winced slightly as he felt her grip his hair tighter. It wasn't exactly a pleasant feeling, or one he was used to often. But, to keep his hair in his head, he began to suck harder on her nipple, applying pressure with his teeth. He could feel her virgin body tightening around his shaft, and knew she was getting closer to her own orgasm. He closed his eyes to stop focusing on the pleasure of her inner muscles occasionally twitching around his length

Temari lolled her head back, riding the blonde a little harder. Her breath was coming in short gasps as she took Naruto deep into her body. She briefly wondered if she could convince the blonde to forsake Konoha and return with her to Suna. She could see the blonde as her little boy toy, pleasuring her between the missions. Perhaps once Suna and Oto crushed Konoha, she could get him in his time of grief. Temari bit her lower lip before letting out a soft moan as she felt him lick around her nipple. She was close to her orgasm.

Naruto rolled his eyes up to watch Temari. He could see that she was close, but was using her training as a Shinobi to hold herself back. He really hoped that during the invasion he didn't have to kill her. After all, that would be a lot of potential wasted, something he hoped wouldn't happen. He felt her hands tighter, and her nails dig into his scalp a little bit and winced at the pain. Her cry of pleasure, and the feel of her body tightening up like a velvet vice however, went a long way to making him feel better.

Temari panted a little bit as she had her first orgasm from actual sex. Masturbation certainly had nothing on it. She looked down to the blonde a bit, noticing a lack of his own orgasm. She grit her teeth a bit in anger as she began to ride him more vigorously. Naruto was making this a pain in her ass when she just wanted to get it over with. Was it too much to ask for his cooperation?

Naruto felt her riding him with a bit more vigor and anger. He didn't think he was that bad, but she must be pretty upset by the fact she had to do this. Still, perhaps it was his own greed or lust, but he wanted to enjoy her riding him for as long as he could. He mentally smirked as she moaned out, just a little more and a little louder

Temari moaned a bit more as she rode the blonde harder. "Suck my nipples more." She told him, gripping his hair tighter as she rode him hard enough that the chair squeaked from the pressure. The blonde was going to give her what she needed to complete her mission, and if she had to also make him pleasure her in the process so be it.

Naruto gave another wince before staring up at her, glaring a bit as he put pressure down on her nipple, enough to get her to yelp, in pain. She glared at him, but he returned it. He wasn't going to let her get away with hurting him and not give some pain in return.

Temari removed her hands from the blonde's hair and put them on his shoulders, pushing her breasts into his face a bit more as she moved faster, only taking half his cock into her pussy. She was getting a little desperate for the blonde to release. She wasn't so bad that he wasn't pleased by it, was she?

Despite his hard fought will, Naruto was still a guy being ridden by a hot girl. He felt the impending orgasm building his balls, and felt the sensation travel up his cock, making way for his orgasm. Still, he wouldn't have Temari walk away without a second orgasm to prove that he was still good at sex. He began to suck faster on her nipple, pulling with his teeth but not using them for pain purposes.

Temari began to breathe faster, feeling the blonde suck at her nipple much more vigorously. She felt the coil of her orgasm tightening up, like an over worked spring that was ready to snap at any second. Kami, she couldn't pinpoint why she was already feeling like she needed to have an orgasm. As she felt Naruto blow his load inside her, filling her wet pussy up with his hot seed, she cried out in her second orgasm, her eyes rolling back into her head a bit from the sheer power of the second orgasm.

Naruto felt her slump forward, and stop her hips and felt her chest rise and fall against his face as her breathing was quite labored. He didn't say anything though, not wanting to make her get off yet. Slowly however, she removed herself from his cock and lap, standing on clearly shaky legs. He saw her wince and noticed a familiar pattern of side effects like what happened with Karin.

Temari got dressed, and pulled her hair back into the four pony tails, a little messier than what they had been but nothing she couldn't pull off as being from training. She went around behind the blonde, letting Naruto think she was going to untie him. She should kill him, slit his throat and let him bleed to death all over himself so she wasn't caught. But she couldn't bring herself to do that to him. Nonetheless, she needed a head start over Naruto. She unsealed her iron battle fan and bashed him in the back of the head once again, his entire body tensing before going limp. She checked him to make sure he was unconscious. "Sorry kid." She said as she cut his arms and legs loose, this way he could get up when she was gone. She then turned and headed out of the room, needing to find a place to wash the cum off her legs, and the blood off of herself. The last thing she needed was for Gaara to smell the blood.

Naruto awoke some time later, groaning as he moved his arms and rubbed the back of his head. The events came back to him and he shook his head. "Sonofabitch." He said slowly standing up. He never had a concussion for very long, but it certainly felt like he had one from being bashed by a big ass iron fan.

Taking stock of his surroundings, Naruto noticed he was still in the same utility shed, but was this time free. He put himself away and patted himself down, still feeling his Ninja Equipment. He sat back down in the chair, rubbing his temples and trying to will the pain away.

Part of him wanted to report Temari, but at the same time he didn't want to see her get punished for doing her duty. If she had been ordered by her Village's leader to screw him, then he didn't want her to get stuck between a rock and a hard place. "Damn my bleeding heart." He said as he pulled his Game Book out.

Flipping it open to the level up page, Naruto glanced down and blinked a few times, trying to get the fuzziness to go away. 'CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAD SEX WITH SUBAKU NO TEMARI! +1100 points +10 Wind Elemental Manipulation. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU RECEIVED THE SILVER 'FUCK AN ENEMY KUNOICHI' MEDAL! +1000 points. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU RECEIVED THE BRONZE 'BOTTOMED' MEDAL! +500 points. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU RECEIVED THE BRONZE 'FOREIGNER' MEDAL! +600 points.' Naruto banked the level up, wondering what some of these medals were. 'CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAD SEX WITH THREE GENIN RANKED KUNOICHI! +300 points.'

Naruto flipped over to the medals, already knowing the enemy Kunoichi. He tapped it anyways. 'Fuck an Enemy Kunoichi: Silver. Have sex with a Chunin Level Kunoichi from a Neutral or Enemy village.' Naruto tapped the Bottomed medal. 'Bottomed: Bronze. You've been Dominated during sex once.' Naruto hit his forehead and then winced, instantly regretting it. He tapped the Foreigner medal. 'Foreigner: Bronze. You've had sex with Three Foreign Kunoichi.'

Naruto then headed over to the Stats and bumped his Luck up. Maybe he wouldn't get bashed in the skull if he had a higher luck. He then flipped over to the skills and watched as the points from Temari floated down. He then looked at his Wind Elemental Manipulation. It was currently at 40, meaning he had a pretty strong Wind Element to begin with. He decided to bump it up by 61 points, all of his points. 'Wind Elemental Manipulation: 101 points. Adept Level. The Wind is yours to command, Wind based Jutsu are easier to learn and redirect.'

Naruto rubbed the back of his head before closing the book and putting it away. He got up and headed out, wanting some food and rest.


(A/N: So before you guys start getting on me, I'm pointing this out. Rank and Level are different. Naruto's rank is Genin at the moment, but what would you guys honestly put his level at? At the time of the Chunin Exams, I personally though Temari's level was that of Chunin.

Second thing, I believe a scenario like this could happen. Orochimaru has already killed the Kazekage and took his place. If he can't get Sasuke at the moment, then why not go for someone that has multiple bloodlines?))

Naruto's Stats:

Level 21: 32950/35700

Strength: 30

Speed: 50

Acrobatics: 50

Endurance: 50

Intelligence: 40

Chakra Levels: 60

Chakra Control: 60

Luck: 35

Naruto's Skills:

Sexual Aura: 154 points. Expert Level. Enemy Kunoichi will no longer kill Naruto after sex. Naruto's sexual Aura affects the Bijuu. The less tails they have, the greater the influence.

Ninja Master: 100 points. Adept level. Gives a Bonus to all Ninja Skills. (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, Sealing, Senjutsu, Medical Jutsu, Etc.)

Sneak: 100 points. Adept Level. Naruto can now sneak past an unsuspecting Kage level Shinobi 95 percent of the time. Assists all Sneaky Skills (Lying, Cheating, Assassination, Lock Picking, Pick Pocketing, Trap Making, Poison Making, Hacking, Etc.)

Ninjutsu: 100 points. Adept level (+10 Ninja Master Bonus). Naruto can learn Ninjutsu easier. His current Repertoire costs less Chakra to use.

Taijutsu: 100 points. Adept Level (+10 Ninja Master Bonus). Naruto can learn Taijutsu Styles easier. He can also see more openings in a fight.

Genjutsu: 100 points. Adept Level (+10 Ninja Master Bonus). Naruto can Detect and Dispel B-ranked Genjutsu. Naruto can cast C-ranked Genjutsu, including the standard Clone Jutsu.

Kenjutsu: 150 points. Expert Level (+10 Ninja Master Bonus) Naruto can learn Advanced Kenjutsu Arts as well as see openings in his opponent's own Kenjutsu Styles.

Medical Jutsu: 65 points. Apprentice Level (+10 Ninja Master Bonus) Naruto can use the most Basic Medical Jutsu in Combat. Can cure bruises, minor cuts, minor fractures and other smaller ailments.

Pick Pocketing: 100 points. Adept Level (+10 Sneak Bonus). Naruto can now pick the pockets of an unsuspecting Kage level Shinobi 95 percent of the time.

Sealing: 150 points. Expert Level (+10 Ninja Master Bonus). Naruto can now unseal a Bijuu without killing the host.

Wind Elemental Manipulation: 101 points. Adept Level (+10 Ninja Master Bonus). Naruto can learn Wind based Jutsu easier, and even redirect minor ones that come from his opponent.


Diamond Out-Do Your Rival: Gang-Bang your Rival's Mom. +1 perk point.

Platinum Clone Man: Use 8 Shadow Clones to have sex with a woman or women. +2400 points.

Have Vaginal Sex 10 Times: +2000 points

Receive 10 Blow Jobs: +1000 Points.

Silver Hat Trick: Have Sex with Three Women in Twenty Four Hours. +900 Points

Bronze Marathon Man: Have Sex with Two women at the same time. +500 points and +5 Acrobatics points

Silver Top Fox: Dominate Tsume Inuzuka. +1200 points.

Have Sex with 3 Jonin Ranked Kunoichi: +1000 points +5 Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu

Have Sex with 5 Kunoichi. +800 points +5 Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu

Bronze Leaf Man: Have Sex with 5 women from Konoha. +800 points.

Bronze Evened Up: Have sex with Two women using a Shadow Clone for assistance. +900

Bronze MILF Hunter: Have sex with 3 MILFs. +1000

Have Sex with a Mother and Daughter combo. +600

Have sex with 3 Genin Ranked Kunoichi. +300 points

Bronze Bottomed: Naruto has been Dominated once during sex. +500 points

Bronze Foreigner: Naruto has had sex with 3 Foreign Kunoichi. +600 points

Silver Have Sex with an Enemy Kunoichi: Naruto has had sex with a Chunin Level Kunoichi. +1000 points


Hyoton: Allows for the use of the Hyoton Kekkai Genkai.

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan: Allows use of the Sharingan Kekkai Genkai and the more advanced Mangekyo version without Naruto going blind

Chakra Chains: Allows Naruto to make chains out of his chakra

Harem Master: Naruto can now have as many women in his personal Harem as he wants, minimizes the hostilities between the women

Hirashin Jutsu Version 1: Naruto can teleport randomly within a 5 meter radius around the Hirashin Marker

Rinnegan: Naruto can use the Ultimate Dojutsu, the Rinnegan and all the abilities that come with it.

Snake Style: Naruto can use the Snake Taijutsu Style.