
Naruto: Konoha's Light

Mooching a five-year-old girl, beating up a hundred-year-old man, deceiving a poor disabled person, and cheating an ignorant dutiful son. However, such a "vicious" man is known as Konoha's Light. One is the King of the World, the greatest Shinobi in the history of the Shinobi World. Is it the case of decline of morality? Or is it the twist of human nature? Let's walk into "Konoha's Light" and explore the story behind it. A/N 1: The plot will not change too much in the early stage, and the plot will run wild in the middle stage. A/N 2: The protagonist won't be playing the usual pupil taking. ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! I am not the author of the novel Naruto: Konoha's Light, I am just translating the story you can read the original work here : https://book.qidian.com/info/1023819689/ ------------------------------------ Support me at https://www.patreon.com/CalmingTranslation There are advanced chapters there

CalmingTranslation · Anime & Comics
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431 Chs

Chapter 392 The Battle Was 'Tough'

"About the Akatsuki, let me say a little bit." Mei said, "Kirigakure's Missing-nin, Kurosuki Raiga, Takigakure's Missing-nin, Kakuzu, are suspected to be a member of that organization!"

A frowned and asked, "Suspected?"

Mei then explained, "The two of them are organized and premeditated. After they failed and were captured, there are even someone who is willing to pay a high price to redeem them. From that, it can be seen that they are all belong to the same organization! And the powerful people in Shinobi World are just so few, so it should be impossible for two powerful mysterious organizations to suddenly appear at once, right?"

A remembered the Kakū organization that Sōseki had told him about, but he didn't say much, "What about the others? Is there anything else you want to add?"

"I have nothing to add, but I have a question that I want to ask." Ōnoki looked at Mei and asked, "Mizukage-dono, is your Fourth Mizukage really controlled?"

As soon as this question was asked, not only everyone in the venue, but even the guards outside quietly perked up their ears.

Obviously, everyone is very curious about the answer of this question.

"Yes!" Mei said decisively, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Yondaime-sama yourself. After he retires, he will do a mission in the village to atone for his sins!"

"It's not like I don't believe it, but I'm just a little curious. Will the person who secretly controlled the Fourth Mizukage also belong to the Akatsuki?"

Ōnoki secretly sighed in his heart at this moment. He is already old now. In the past, whether it was true or false, he would pour dirty water on Sōseki and Mei, saying that they were secretly colluding to control the election of a Village Kage. (T/N: Pour dirty water means slandering other people to destroy their reputations.)

"I don't know, Yondaime-sama said he doesn't have the memory of the man behind the scenes." Mei shook her head slightly, and then muttered, "However, it is unlikely that the man behind the scenes are on the same group as Kakuzu and Raiga, otherwise, they would not have fought at that time, and give us a chance to counter attack!"

While they were discussing, Danzō thought to himself, 'Could it be him? The masked man who notified me about the possible Kyūbi's attack in advance?'

Because of his "foresight", he discovered the problem in advance, so that Homura and Koharu chose him at the last minute, believing that his sound ability can lead Konoha to develop steadily.

'That guy sneak attacked Namikaze Minato, and he might also be the one controlling Mizukage secretly. I have to be careful!'

At the same time, on a hill near the venue.

"Remember, our target is Shimura Danzō!" Pain warned, "Don't hesitate after entering the venue, and try to capture him in the shortest time possible!"

Sasori frowned and said, "Don't we need to explain to them the goals of the organization?"

"The matter about confusing them can be put after Danzō was captured!" Pain said coldly, "In short, I will use Shinra Tensei first separated them and made them think that our target is everyone. When they are in their own camps, we will concentrate all of our firepower to attack Danzō, understand?"

Sasori nodded, "Understood!"

"Tobi" laughed and said, "Pain, your avatar is a bit strange!"

Pain gave him a cold look, "Let's go!"

In the venue, the discussion continues.

A concluded, "Although there is no definite conclusion yet, it can be seen only from the existing information that the Akatsuki is an extremely dangerous and powerful organization. Their actions in those small countries are definitely not just as simple and fair as they claim it to be… For example, re-establishing the order of the Shinobi World!"

Rasa asked, "Are you suspecting that they spread Ninjutsu to fight us?"

A's expression is solemn, "Their top-level strength may not be weaker than any Shinobi Village, or even surpassed us. Their only weakness is the lower and middle-level strength. The wanton spread of chakra can help them make up for this!"

Everyone frowned upon hearing this. The village's Academy is more about selecting talents, so it spends more time on the foundation.

Of course, the results of this are also very significant. Every class can at least produce two to three Jōnin. This is the cornerstone of the Five Great Shinobi Village's operation!

But if the elite path wasn't considered, two or three years is enough for ordinary people with a certain aptitude to grow into Genin.

With the population base of the Shinobi World, even if this ratio is not high, it is enough to give birth to a huge force that will move all the Great Shinobi Villages!

Thinking of this, Ōnoki slammed on the table and said, "No matter what their purpose is, they must never be allowed to act so unscrupulous anymore!"

A then asked, "Tsuchikage, what do you want to do?"

Ōnoki said, "We have also joined the matter of spreading chakra. Compared with that organization, we, as the authority of Ninja World, are undoubtedly more likely to be trusted by ordinary people!"

Danzō nodded slightly, "I think this proposal is good, but to make those ordinary people trust us, a temporary joint…"

At this moment, sounds of the warnings from many guards and someone's indifferent voice came from the outside.

"Who are you, stop!"

"Stop moving, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Shinra Tensei!"

As soon as the voice fell, the venue was pushed by a powerful repulsion and was destroyed!

Unprepared, Five Kage and their guards in the venue were also pushed out.

But no matter what, they are powerful and experienced, so even if they such an attack they have never encountered before, they can stabilize their figure in a very short period of time.

"Mizukage-sama, be careful!"

"Kazekage-sama, watch out for assassins!"

Tatsuma and Kinoe immediately rushed towards Danzō to protect him, however, Danzō himself flew forward uncontrollably.

'Just now it was repulsion, this time it was attraction?' Danzō was surprised as he had never even heard of this kind of Ninjutsu before.

However, this does not prevent him from making a judgment.

Summoning Technique: Baku!

Danzō summoned his summoned beast at an extremely fast speed, then bumped into Baku and stopped.

Obviously, the normal power of Banshō Ten'in is not enough to pull Baku's huge body.

Just as Danzō was slightly relaxed, several powerful auras rushed towards him at the same time!

'No, the previous attraction wasn't attacking random target, their target is me!' Danzō was both shocked and angry, feeling like he was being targeted by the whole world today.

Then, a powerful anger rose from his heart, 'A group of invisible mice, don't think that this old man is afraid of you!'

"Wind Release: Vacuum Great …"

But when he was forming hand seals at the fastest speed, for some reason, he suddenly feels unbearable itch on his back buttocks, and he really wants to scratch it.

'Damn! What the hell is going on? No, I need to hold on!'

The few people who rushed towards Danzō were all at a loss. They are confused why did Danzō's face suddenly twisted like that, as if experiencing some kind of great pain!

'Tolerance, tolerance, I can't bear it!'

Although Danzō forcibly endured with great perseverance, he was still a beat late when he formed the last hand seal.

Then, the wind mass that had formed in his throat suddenly got out of control, spraying white air currents from every hole on his body.

There is also a part of the air that come out from a certain part behind him, and even brought a lot of blood!

Uzumaki Shinichi is staying in a living puppet, and when he sees the man on the opposite side jumping towards him, his brain stopped for a while. 'Did Shinobi in this era have developed Ninjutsu into such taboo realm? It's too Terrifying!'

Seeing Danzō's technique that made him fainted and even have blood dripping from his crotch, the other four Kage slowly raised a question mark in their hearts, 'What kind of technique is that?'

Even "Kirito", who hid in the dark and the reason Danzō experience this catastrophe, was also secretly stunned, 'The power of this technique seems to be a bit too terrifying!'

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