
Naruto: Konoha's Light

Mooching a five-year-old girl, beating up a hundred-year-old man, deceiving a poor disabled person, and cheating an ignorant dutiful son. However, such a "vicious" man is known as Konoha's Light. One is the King of the World, the greatest Shinobi in the history of the Shinobi World. Is it the case of decline of morality? Or is it the twist of human nature? Let's walk into "Konoha's Light" and explore the story behind it. A/N 1: The plot will not change too much in the early stage, and the plot will run wild in the middle stage. A/N 2: The protagonist won't be playing the usual pupil taking. ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! I am not the author of the novel Naruto: Konoha's Light, I am just translating the story you can read the original work here : https://book.qidian.com/info/1023819689/ ------------------------------------ Support me at https://www.patreon.com/CalmingTranslation There are advanced chapters there

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431 Chs

Chapter 292 Kakuzu Feels That He is Being Underestimated

In order to avoid suspicion, Sōseki took the initiative to tear off a white cloth and cover his eyes after entering.

For him, his sensing ability is enough to display his Medical Ninjutsu.

Chiyo glanced at him, but didn't stop him, "Keep her conditions stable as much as possible. Can you do it?"

Sōseki made a gesture and said, "No problem, leave it to me!"

At the next moment, the powerful Yang Release Chakra continuously gushes out of his body, and then green chakra wrapped around Karura's body, seeping into her body little by little.

At this time, Karura's consciousness was already blurred, and the reason she can still maintained in is just because of her conviction. The Yang Release Chakra, which suddenly enter her body, was like a clear spring, which gradually brought her dry heart back to life.

Seeing that Karura's pale cheeks regained its color, and her body improved at a speed visible to naked eye, the other nurses in the delivery room couldn't believe it and looked towards Sōseki with gazes that seemed like worshiping a god.

Even Chiyo was shocked in her heart, 'To what extent is this brat's application of Yang Release Chakra? Directly instilling vitality is beyond the scope of normal Medical Ninjutsu!"

After the shock, Chiyo quickly regained her composure, "Don't be stunned, hurry up and perform the operation now!"

The other nurses came back to their senses and cooperate with Chiyo to perform the operation, but they still secretly peeked at Sōseki from time to time.

Sōseki didn't care about their gazes, and all his senses were placed on Karura and Gaara.

When he first came in, Karura was already dying, and her chakra was already entangled in Gaara's body.

He can sense that there is an extremely powerful will in that chakra.

This kind of will is similar to what he sensed in Naruto from another time and space. Although the intensity is much lower, the essence is that it instills a strong will.

'Asura's will is still difficult for me to understand, but Karura's will is much easier. Maybe I can try to use this as a bridge to decipher that power!'

Incorporating chakra into the will seems useless, but in fact, there are many ways to apply it.

If nothing else, the "Conqueror's Haki" he considered last time was one of them.

Apart from this, by attaching the chakra that contains your own will to others, when they encounter danger, this chakra can be remotely recovered.

In a sense, this is the same as the chakra Minato sealed inside Naruto's body in the original plot. Even if he died, and even if he is still sealed in the Shinigami's belly, that chakra can still play a role.

'The Sage of Six Paths drifted in the world in the form of chakra after his death, and his two sons were also constantly reincarnated in the form of chakra. And even Karura's chakra could become Gaara's shield. It can be seen that the essence of chakra is an existence that transcends life and death!' Sōseki thought to himself.

Although he has been exploring the original power system of this world, it does not mean that he will despise the power of chakra. Even the Ōtsutsuki Clan, who cross the starry sky, is constantly harvesting the chakra fruit, indicating that the essence of chakra is definitely not as simple as the Shinobi World knows.

While Sōseki was thinking about this profound question, the operation has also reached the final step.

Finally, with a cry of a baby, everyone in the room breathed a sigh of relief.

"My child, my child!" Karura also regained consciousness and called out with difficulty.

Several nurses hurriedly rushed over to deliver the palm-sized premature baby to Karura.

Looking at Gaara affectionately, Karura said gratefully, "Elder Chiyo, Sōseki, thank you very much. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to accompany my child growing up!"

Chiyo took a deep look at Gaara and said, "This little fellow is a premature baby, and all his physical indicators can't be compared with normal children, but there are some things that are stronger than other children!"

Karura wondered, "What is it?"

Chiyo said solemnly, "It's the longing for life! If it wasn't for him to insist on living, he might have become a stillbirth before we arrive!"

Karura was shocked and exclaimed, "My child!"

"It should be because your belief that you want him to live no matter what, has been conveyed to his heart, Karura-san. Sometimes, the spirituality of a newborn baby may be more acute than that of an adult!" Sōseki on the side sighed.

Because of his intervention, Gaara lost the "mom's absolute defense" cheat, but now it seems that he has gained something more precious.


At the same time, in an underground bounty exchange.

A tall Shinobi with dark green eyes threw the corpse on his shoulders onto the counter, and said concisely, "Exchange money!"

"Okay!" The person in charge here is very familiar with him, so there is no unnecessary nonsense as he quickly inspect the body, "Kuroi, his bounty is 15 million ryō, Kakuzu-dono, you have brought back another incredible person!"

Kakuzu said indifferently, "It's okay!"

After confirming that it is the correct person, the person in charge sealed the body, and then took out the bounty and handed it to Kakuzu.

Kakuzu took the money and flicked it back and forth three times before nodding with satisfaction, "The number is correct!"

Seeing this situation, the person in charge breathed a sigh of relief. After all, no matter how many guts he has, he would not dare to deduct this expert's money.

Just as he was sighing, Kakuzu suddenly asked, "Is there any news on that person?"

The person in charge was stunned for a moment, then nodded again and again, "There's already some news."

"I'll buy a copy of it!"

"Kakuzu-dono is our VIP customer, so this information can just be considered our gift to you!"

Hearing that it's free, Kakuzu's emotionless eyes seemed to look a little kinder as he looked at him.

After taking the information, Kakuzu read it carefully.

"He revealed to the people around him that he plans to leave Sunagakure in the near future? Hmph, he has made me wait for too long!"

At this moment, the person in charge reminded cautiously, "Kakuzu-dono, with all due respect, that man is impossible to be killed! Even the one billion bounty ryō is only released by some people as if to vent their anger!"

Hearing this, Kakuzu's eyes suddenly became dangerous, "You mean, they won't give the money?"

The person in charge was taken aback by his eyes, and quickly explained, "That's not true. If you really have the ability to kill that person, I think those villages would definitely be happy to pay the money!"

"That's good then." Kakuzu nodded calmly, "No matter how powerful a person is, if he has a bond, he still has a weakness!"

"Weakness?" The person in charge's eyes lit up, "You mean, the three children he brought with him?"

Kakuzu gave him a calm look, and didn't deny it, "If there are other bounty hunters who are interested, you can ask them to come to me."

The person in charge's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Let the others to take the lead, and you are responsible for the sneak attack. Maybe it is really possible to catch those little brats and force him to submit!"

Kakuzu frowned slightly. Feeling that he seemed to be underestimated, he snorted coldly. "He is the second one who can make me use sneak attack!"

The person in charge wondered, "Who is the first one?"

"Senju Hashirama!" After saying this, Kakuzu turned away and left coolly.

The person in charge was shocked, 'Could it be that the rumor is true? Kakuzu-dono was punished by Takigakure's leader for failing to assassinate the Shōdaime Hokage, and then he became a Missing-nin in a fit of anger!'

'If this is the case, maybe Kakuzu-dono could really kill Shimizu Sōseki!' Thinking of this, the person in charge trembled with excitement, "This is the major event of this century. It may even become a fuse that is rekindled the war!"

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