
Naruto: Konoha's Light

Mooching a five-year-old girl, beating up a hundred-year-old man, deceiving a poor disabled person, and cheating an ignorant dutiful son. However, such a "vicious" man is known as Konoha's Light. One is the King of the World, the greatest Shinobi in the history of the Shinobi World. Is it the case of decline of morality? Or is it the twist of human nature? Let's walk into "Konoha's Light" and explore the story behind it. A/N 1: The plot will not change too much in the early stage, and the plot will run wild in the middle stage. A/N 2: The protagonist won't be playing the usual pupil taking. ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! I am not the author of the novel Naruto: Konoha's Light, I am just translating the story you can read the original work here : https://book.qidian.com/info/1023819689/ ------------------------------------ Support me at https://www.patreon.com/CalmingTranslation There are advanced chapters there

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431 Chs

Chapter 252 Good News

Deep in the forest, dotted with a few stars, it was terrifyingly quiet.

But for the dead, this environment can keep them from being disturbed.

After burying Hiruko, Sōseki opened the sensing barrier and unsealed the Shinigami mask from the scroll he carried with him.

His right hand brushed across the mask, and a spiritless body floated out from the mask.

He got out of the tent a few steps behind Mizuki, just to get Hiruko's soul.

After all, he is a rare talented scientific researcher in the Shinobi World, so it is indeed a pity to let him die like this.

Hiruko, who has just recovered from death, obviously hasn't figured out the situation yet, so he said ignorantly, "Is this the Underworld?"

"Sorry to let you down, but this is still the world of living."

A gentle voice came from the side, making Hiruko abruptly awakened.

Turning his head to look around, Hiruko exclaimed in disbelief, "Why are you?"

Sōseki smiled gently, "Why, surprised to see me? "

"I just didn't expect..." Hiruko squeezed out an ugly smile, "The Konoha's Light, who is rumored to be the incarnation of almost all beautiful words, can actually play with other people's souls!"

Sōseki shook his head gently, "I have no interest in playing with your soul. If I have to say it, it should be to satisfy your wish."

"Satisfy my wish?" Hiruko's spiritual body trembled, and then he looked at Sōseki excitedly, "Are you willing to let me continue to complete the experiment of the Chimera Technique?"

Seeing Hiruko become this excited, Sōseki felt a little sorry towards him.

It okay to squeeze the value of others in their lifetimes, but now, he doesn't even let them go after death. Even those capitalists in his previous life can be said to be kinder.

'However, this should be considered a good news for Hiruko... right?'

Thinking of this, Sōseki felt at ease, "I do want to borrow your abilities, but in my opinion, your Chimera Technique is not successful!"

When a "layman" said that his research results were inadequate, he became furious, and said angrily, disregarding his current situation, "What do you know? Chimera Technique is the Ultimate Ninjutsu that can transform ordinary Shinobi into a perfect Shinobi!"

Sōseki was not angry, and calmly discussed, "What is the real perfection? Have you ever seen a real perfect Shinōbi?"

Hearing this, Hiruko suddenly lost his temper, and said with some resentment, "Then, have you ever seen a truly perfect Shinobi?"

Sōseki spread out both hands and said innocently, "It's not me who said that I can transform into a perfect Shinobi!"

Hiruko was dumbfounded and unable to reply upon hearing this. After a moment of silence, he said with a little doubt mixed in his longing, "Being an immortal, you can learn that all Ninjutsu. A Shinobi who can do that should be called the perfect Shinobi, right?"

Sōseki then continued, "Then why do you think that the Chimera Technique can make one achieve immortality?"

"Well, this is indeed just a guess of mine." The corners of Hiruko eyes twitched, and he reluctantly admitted that he was suspected of false propaganda, but he still insisted.

"But this conjecture is not without basis. Any Shinobi knows that chakra is a combination of Physical Energy and Spiritual Energy. The complete exhaustion of chakra means death. Then, if you absorb the chakra in nature, and reversed its change, what will happen to Physical Energy and Spiritual Energy?"

Sōseki asked with great interest, "Meaning that his own vitality can also be replenished?"

Hiruko nodded excitedly, "The infinite vitality means that no matter what kind of fatal injury you received, it can be recovered instantly. It is hard to say whether it will prolong the lifespan, but it can definitely achieve the immortal body I mentioned!"

Sōseki nodded thoughtfully, "But what does this have to do with your Chimera Technique?"

Hiruko then said proudly, "To achieve immortal body, two points must be satisfied. One is to absorb chakra in nature, and the second is to restore the chakra to its origin. Both of these will need us to understand the essence of chakra, and the Chimera Technique is to forge the relationship between the five elements in the body, and then comprehend the principle of all things!"

Seeing that Sōseki seemed to be shocked by his words, Hiruko nodded in satisfaction, and then explained, "In fact, this is similar to the principles of Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Tōta, as both combine chakra attributes, but this is a power that completely overrides the two, because it will accommodate the complete power of the Five Elements!"

Hiruko looked at Sōseki proudly, waiting for the other party to be shocked and amazed, but he was greeted with a slightly disappointed sigh, "There are only Five Elements, no Yin and Yang?"

Hiruko frowned and said, "What are you kidding? Yin and Yang, and Five Elements are completely different attributes, how could it be possible..."

Looked at tree blooming on Sōseki's palm, Hiruko muttered to himself, "Wood Release? No, I feel more clearly in my soul state. That implies that the power contained in it is clearly of Yang Attribute chakra, right?"

"It's really incredible, it's beyond comprehension!" Beiliu murmured to himself, and then looked towards Sōseki frantically, "How on earth did you do it? "

With a thought in his mind, the tree on Sōseki's hand quickly experienced a round of growth and death, and then it withered and drifted away, "This is the result of my research on Yin-Yang Release. You don't have to worry too much. I'm just showing you the right path."

'I have to say that Black Zetsu's body is really mysterious.'

During this year, although he has made no progress in the development of Yin-Yang Release, his understanding of Yin and Yang has reached a very high level.

Yin Release's research results are reflected in the Shinigami Mask, and Yang Release's research results are the advancement of Wood Release (pseudo) to the stage of Wood Release (True).

Of course, this is also due to his original proficiency in Yin Release and Yang Release.

"Is it the right way? "Hiruko was not disappointed, but rather excited, "I'm really dead, right? If I don't die, how can I come into contact with the truth of this world?"

Sōseki nodded slightly, 'I will say this is a blessing!'

"Since you did not consider the fusion of Yin Release, why do you still want to get the Sharingan? "

Hiruko was silent for a moment, "The Kekkei Genkai of Five Elements Attribute is a fusion of two Chakra Attributes and it is reasonable that three Kekkei Genkai are enough to say that the conditions of the five elements are met."

"The reason I wanted to get the Sharingan is more for the final ritual. The final ritual is too important. I must carefully control each chakra for it to be successful. To do this, I need to rely on Sharingan's observation. "

"Is that so? I understand." After a pause, Sōseki asked again, "What is the principle of the three conditions of Heaven, Earth and Human in your ritual?"

"It takes a lot of chakra to complete the ritual. All I can think of is to use the power of nature! "Hiruko explained, "And according to my observation, the solar eclipse seems to be the time for chakra in nature to be most active. As for Mount Shumisen, it is the place with the highest concentration of chakra I can find."

'The time for chakra to be most active?' Sōseki thought to himself, 'The moon is the product of Sage of Six Paths and his brother sealing Kaguya. Could it be that the seal will become weak during a solar eclipse?'

Hiruko didn't know what Sōseki is thinking, but when he saw that Sōseki didn't speak again, he muttered to himself, "Five Elements Kekkei Genkai is easy to handle, but Yin Release Kekkei Genkai is usually Dōjutsu, and Yang Release Kekkei Genkai is physique. The Shinobi World has not seen the physique type Kekkei Genkai representing Yang Release for a long time! "

"You don't need to worry about that. Next, I will temporarily seal you and wait until the right time to release you." Sōseki said solemnly.

"I see." After saying that, Hiruko gave Sōsekia deep look, "To master the knowledge and mysteries beyond the Shinobi world, and even bringing people like me under the banner, what do you want to do? "

Sōseki smiled slightly and said, "Is this important?"

Hiruko was startled, and then immediately laughed, "It's really not important. As long as I can continue my research, and witness the complete form of the Chimera Technique, what do you want to do have to do with me?"

"Dealing with smart people is easy." Sōseki shrugged, "However, I want to remind you that in order to keep this a secret, I will change your identity and part of your memory. You will appear in this world with a brand-new identity in the future."

"A brand-new identity?" Hiruko said calmly, "Name and appearance are just subsidiary products of oneself, as long as you follow your heart, it really doesn't matter!"

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