
Naruto: Konoha's Hidden Beast

spaghetti_npc · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

5. The Incident

The streets were bustling with all sorts of people of all sorts, from civilians to ninjas to merchants.

On his way around Nahen took in the beautiful sites of the village. Taking in a lungfull of air.

"Peaceful" He whispers to himself as continues his walk around the village in search of the village.

His raises his head as he approaches the academy. "Wow, this place is even more amazing in person. It's breathtaking...." Nahen remarks as he takes in the view of the structure before him. The academy was founded by the Second Hokage to prevent children from going to war and prevent young and unnecessary deaths.

By the side was also the Hokage tower facing the East wall of the village where the Hokage mountain is. Looking out in the distance towards the east gate. Looking over the monument he sees four huge earth heads carved out of the side.

"So I'm in the era of the or after fourth Hokage. It's definitely after the Third Shinobi World War. But how far into the time line am I. I best better get to the library it's not like I can ask people around." Like that he continued his journey in search of the library.

He went all through the village still in pursuit. He came across a book store and decided to take a look inside. Inside Nahen decided to ask if they had a map of the entire village. The shopkeeper was baffled by this request and asked.

"A map of the entire village? What do you want with that?" His skepticism clear in his voice.

'I guess it is suspicious for a child to want a map of the village even if it isn't the warring state period if it falls in the hands of an enemy it could spell doom for the village. I guess that's fair. It'd be more suspicious if he didn't ask.'

"I'm looking for the library and I plan on visiting other places later on and I don't wanna get lost." He responded with a firm tone.

"Hmmm?...A kid your age looking for the library, now that's a first. What's your name kid?"

"Nahen....Nahen Sato"

"You must be Aiko and Ken's son?"

"Yes they're my parents" He responded with a saddened tone. Eversince his memories were unlocked he still didn't forget how much he loved his parents no matter how young he was, he was still perceptive of what's going on. 'How would he know them by name?'

Hearing the sadness in Nahen's voice the shopkeeper felt somewhat sorry for the kid. He moved towards the back and came back with a lengthy scroll in his hands and passed it over to Nahen who was caught off guard by the sudden change of events.


"How much?" Nahen asked reaching in his pocket to take out his pouch and pay for it.

" Nah don't mention it. Its on me, your parents indirectly saved the village and advertibly saved my life, so that's the least I can do."

Nahen's hand eased but tensed up at the same time. 'My parents saved the village, UT they died on a mission.' Questions pooped up in Nahen's mind.

"Thank you" He took the scroll and thanked the man giving him a slight bow. He then made his way out of the store and opened the map and held it high infront of him and started scanning it in detail to try and find his location and plan his next route.

[Skill Successfully Created]

[Skill Map: passive skill that allows the memorization of any map or terrain and save it. Passively increase awareness of the surroundings. Skill also grants skill Sense when requirements have been met.]

Upon opening the map a new notification pooped up in his vision and just then all the locations on the map were implanted in his head. A tingly feeling ran down his spine as he could feel the presence of the people around him for a certain distance.


A door slams hard as a man in black jumps out fleeing through the streets. A shout came from inside as a man's voice resounded through the streets. "Stop him! Shoplifter!".

On his way while fleeing the man bumped into a woman carrying a baby. The baby got loose from its mother's grasp and flew in the air. Upon instinct unaware of his own his actions Nahen bolted towards the soaring babe and jumped in the air and caught him in his grasp. While in the air Nahen picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at the fleeing man. The stone the size of an adult fist sped through the air and curved through a corner which the man had turned and hit its target square in the knee sending him toppling into the ground head first.

On the other hand Nahen caught the baby in his grasp and gently landed on the ground without much of a a problem. The people were stunned to see this turn of events and were glad to see the baby safe as well as that fleeing man caught. A chunin and a genin who were nearby and responded to the scene were also shocked to see this feet performed by a civilian child no less without any proper training.

It took Nahen a while to realize what was happening around him as he was starring at the baby laying soundly in his arms as if nothing had happened. The baby's eyes slowly opened to reveal pupil-less olive marbles starring curiously at Nahen.


The sound of a baby laughing echoed through the quiet streets and broke everyone out of their stupor. This also made Nahen realize those and looked around for the baby's mother.

"Here ma'am" He said while handing the baby over to its mother. Nahen's voice broke her out of her thoughts as relief flooded her and tears fell from her eyes while starring at the figure of Nahen. A child who just saved the life of her child.

"Thank you"...*Sob....sob* She responded while wiping away her tears and reaching out her hands to grab the baby with her hands shaking.

A new sets of arms reached out and held the baby. This was the chunin that was around who came in to assist. Nahen realized that the chunin's flak jacket had the uchiha crest behind it and also the symbol for the uchiha police force on it.

'So the uchiha are still alive huh'.

"Thanks kid you, you did a good job. We'll take it from here" He said while gently holding the baby in his hand and held the woman's shoulder with the other.

"We should get you to the hospital just to be safe, you too kid" He said while signaling for the genin to take the man who was fleeing into custody and inform this to the captain of the police force and the Hokage's office.

'Great now I'll never get to the library'

Just then another notification startled him as he read and found out something new about his system.

[Reputation increases with Taijiro Uchiha and the civilians of konoha]

[New title recieved]

Hero: Increases reputation with residents of konoha and helps increase chances of success in persuading someone the higher your reputation is to them.

'Woah...just from this untimely event I manged to raise the people's reputation of me and also gained a new title. This system is really something.'

Chatters and whispers started spreading throughout the crowed as they glared daggers at Taijiro and mocked his words from behind their teeth. Taijiro ignored this as it was common for the people to talk bad about the police force which had happened many times when he was on duty and this caused friction between the police force and the villagers.

Taijiro lead them towards the hospital and briefed the attending on the series of events leading up to their reason for showing up. The attending first warily looked at Taijiro to see if what he was saying is true or false. Looking back and forth from Taijiro and Nahen, and asked for confirmation. "He....?"

The only response was a nod from Taijiro who got a bit irritated at her antiques but kept a calm face. The attending then ran a diagnosis check on them and decided that they were all clear to go and didn't find anything wrong with them and decided to send them off.

On their way out the baby's mother starred at Nahen beside her with disbelief and thanked him once again for his help and asked him his name.

"Nahen Sato" He responded with an awkward face as he was not used to this much compliments and praise.

"Well Nahen Sato thank you once again and I'll forever be in your debt".

They parted ways and she went towards her home while Nahen decided to head directly for the village the library without hesitation to avoid anything else from keeping him from getting there.

Inside the Hospital

Taijiro noticed the puzzled expression the attending's face and decided to stick around ask her.

"You noticed it too?" He asked her.

"He is quite the unusual one. His body is strange. He hasn't yet unlocked his chakra yet his body has traces of chakra subconsciously circulating in his system and retreating little by little into a dormant state. It doesn't seem like his aware of it." She replied.

"I see. I thought I was seeing things too with that type of chakra leaking from him. It was as if he performed a jutsu then. Interesting, create a report of your findings for the Hokage's office for now. I still have to report this incident and I'll drop by to collect them later.


On his way Nahen felt a gaze on him and he turned around to look at who was Intently gazing at him. But he didn't see anyone there starring at him or following him. For a while the feeling of someone's gaze on him didn't leave him and he decided to expand the awareness of his senses the max and felt the direction the gaze was coming from.

"....?" 'The sky!' He was surprised to feel the direction at which the gaze was coming from and mostly from the direction it came from.

He lifted his head up in the sky and saw nothing out of the ordinary other than an eagle flying high in the sky. He concluded that it wasn't a normal bird. After starring at its movement for a while he then continued on his way while still keeping his senses alert on his surroundings.

"Finally I made it" He remarks as he makes his destination and enters and opens the door and is met by a cool breeze that cools his body from the heat behind him.

He makes his way towards the main desk and is met by a a fairly older woman with her face buried deep in a book held firmly in her hands.


"Hello" Nahen cleared his voice with a slight cough and politely greeted the lady at the desk.

"Hello there are you lost little one?" She gave a quick gaze at Nahen and went back to her book and spoke without even closing the book. Nahen was a bit surprised by this and continued with his spirit for what he came for.

"I'm here to check out some books and I was wondering if you could tell me where which books are." He responded with a calm face as if unbothered by the utter disrespect she showed him.

"A kid your age coming in for a book? Shouldn't you be playing with your friends in the park or somewhere? Can you even read?" She starred at him with a mocking gaze.


A tick formed on Nahen's forehead as he starred incredulously at the woman.

"Here" Somehow feeling overwhelmed by his gaze she put her hand in a drawer and took out a thick book from within and handed it over to Nahen. "Thats a directory that'll tell you where everything is, now buzz off you brat."

Another bigger tick formed on his forehead again as a menacing gaze fell upon the woman. Feeling a chill run down her spine she looked away from Nahen and hid her face behind her book from his gaze and felt her erratic breathing and her fast beating heart.

Nahen went over the directory and found the sections he was looking for as well as the directions to them and filled in a card to take out books with. He picked up books and check them out with his newly obtained card and left.


'Was I afraid a child?' She heaved a sigh of relief when Nahen finally left.

Nahen made his way through the village and went home. In no time he was already entering the gates. He inserted his hand in the gate's sealing formula and deactivated the barrier and made his way inside the house and went up to his room and got freshened up and went downstairs to meet Mai.

In The Hokage's office.

*Knock* *knock*

" Come in" Hiruzen's voice comes from the inside.

"Lord Hokage" Taijiro walks in and bows as he greets the Hokage.

"Are you here to report about the skirmish that took place today". The Sandaime asked.

"Yes Hokage-Sama."

Taijiro the reported the whole incident to the Sandaime about the events of the skirmish and provided a scroll detailing a report from the chief of the police force.

"Taijiro you wouldn't come all this way to report this alone. Now what brought you here?" The Sandaime was impressed to hear that such a feat was accomplished by a civilian child who isnt even in the academy yet. The Sandaime's whole demeanor changed as his face became serious.

"The thing is Lord Hokage...." Taijiro then took out another scroll that he picked up from the hospital and narrated his suspicion and revealed that his suspicion was confirmed by the contents of the scroll which Hiruzen went through and his surprise grew even more when he read the contents of the scroll. As well a second scroll he wrote down after his summoning eagle Garuda and how Nahen was aware of him and even found him.

"Thank you for your insight Taijiro. Keep your keen eye out. If that's all you may be dismissed".

With those words Taijiro flickered towards the uchiha compounds and went home after reporting to the hokage.


Hiruzen sighed as he heard this and waved his hand in the air and a shadow flickered infront of him.

"Yes Lord Hokage." An anbu in a frog mask appeared infront of his desk.

"Find out everything you can find out about this boy....Nahen Sato."

"Yes Lord Hokage." He flickered out of the room.

Hiruzen reached into his desk and fished out a crystal ball and pressed some chakra into it and an image of Nahen appeared in it.

Nahen who was in his house felt a gaze and went alert started expanding his senses and found nothing.

Hiruzen in hisoffice was surprised by this and realized that what Taijiro said to him was indeed true.

Just then Nahen got a notification that surprised him.

[Reputation increases with Hiruzen Sarutobi]

'Guess the news has reached him....wait his the one who was watching me right. No wonder I couldn't tell where who it was was. Almost forgot about his crystal ball, I need to be careful on what I do from now on.'

He then went to see Mai who had finished making dinner and ate with her.

"Anything interesting happen today" She asked him.

"Nothing much really" He shrugged it off though feeling that she already knew what happened.
