
Naruto: Konoha's Hidden Beast

spaghetti_npc · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

12. Kumo nin


As usual Nahen woke up early in the morning to do his morning exercises.

By the time he finished the sun was already shining brightly as it hung up in the sun. He ran up inside the house and went up to to his room to wash up and headed out to the shop to see how things were holding up. During this time Guy had a mission and wasn't around for him to train with.

It had been a week since he started his ninjutsu training. Since he knew his had a vastly huge chakra potential he decided to not learn any jutsus at this point and rather harden his body to be able to match up and strike a balance.

For the past week he'd been refining chakra to familiarize himself with the feel of chakra, it's extraction and how to circulate it through his system and body. Even though he had large amounts of chakra that were locked away, he still had to refine chakra to store and supplement his body.

'Maybe it's time I try chakra nature transformation or shape transformation. No I should start with chakra control first I don't want to experience the same as Naruto with huge chakra reserves and poor chakra control. Why is how even a jutsu as simple as the clone jutsu was hard for him to do.'

'Even one of my boons was excellent chakra control I should still practice to get a feel of it. The better my control the more efficient I'll be.'

On the way he plucked a few leaves from a low hanging branch. He stuffed the rest of the leaves in his pocket and picked up on and held it in his hands and drew chakra towards his hand.

He continued on his way with his hands down focusing on the process not wanting to be distracted. On the way he was using his sense and perception on his surroundings. Though not to the max but he stretched his senses far enough to be aware of his immediate surroundings about five meters radius around him.

He had been traveling thing this path for about a month now releasing hie senses as he went and had fairly engraved the place into his memories. As he went along the way he was familiar with the place as well as its traffic populace in the area.

And when he was close enough to the shop. A distortion was picked up his senses. Three chakra signatures walked in his direction coming from the opposite direction, the Hokage building. What was more catching about these signatures was was that they nature of their chakra.

Yep. Nahen's senses can pick up on the nature of people's chakra. For example normal civilians give of a weak neutral feeling, while most of the ninja's chakra signatures in the village's chakra give of a warm feeling signifying fire chakra attribute, a light feeling signifying wind chakra attribute which he rarely picked up on, a calm feeling signifying water chakra attribute, a heavy dense feeling signifying earth chakra attribute and a shocking feeling signifying lightning chakra attribute which is what he felt from these signatures.

What was more catching about these was how the shocking feeling in them seemed to be amplified and were somewhat chaotic even.

Lifting up his eyes and looking at the direction of where the signatures were approaching from. He was met with three ninjas in dark uniforms and dark grey slim flak jacket with two straps above and below closing it in and at most two swords hanging on their waists. They had a toned dark complexion on their skin with the forehead protectors with the Cloud insigma wrapped around their foreheads.


For a moment Nahen froze in his steps and regained his composure and continued walking and fixed his gaze on the Kumo ninjas ahead with his body stiff.

'Kumo ninjas! What are they doing here.'

Nahen's thoughts were running wild in his mind since he knew that Kumo and Konoha weren't particularly friendly and it was rare to see another villages ninja strolling around freely in another village with especially ninja villages.

'Wait...if they were here to cause trouble they wouldn't be out here openly which means they must be here on official business and friendly terms and won't be hostile.' Calming himself down, Nahen continued to walk forward with a crossed expression on his face as he kept his eyes on the opposing ninjas.

Unconsciously he was already passing them and one of them bumped into him and he dropped the leaf in his hands.

"Watch where you're going kid" The Kumo ninja that bumped into him said in a cold tone as he turned to look at Nahen with a menacing glare.

"You made me drop my leaf" Nahen said in a low voice making the whole Kumo antorage stop in their tracks and look back at the voice.

"What did you say kid" The Kumo ninja was pissed as he head Nahen.

"I said....you made me drop my leaf!" Nahensaid as he had an indifferent expression on his face and stared at at the opposing man and pointed with his extended index finger at the leaf on the ground.

"You should watch where you're going kid" He said still in a cold tone as he looked down at Nahen with a pittiful gaze.


A huge tick formed on Nahen's forehead as he heard the words of the Kumo ninja.

"Who do you think you are! Coming from where ever barbarian brute you came from to bully me in my own village. Who do you think you are!" Nahen shot back at the kumo ninja. It's not like Nahen was dying to visit the impure world, he was passed at this ninja for knocking him over and he long discovered the Anbu that had been tailing him all the time and knew that he wouldn't let anything happen to him so he decided to teach these invaders a lesson.

"What!?" Black lines formed on the forehead of the Kumo nin as heard these words as feint killing intent filled the air.

'How old is this kid? Is he courting death or something. His confidence, don't tell me his from hotshot clan. Is someone watching him?.' One of his teammates thought Nahen was just ignorant of the obvious strength difference but when she saw the look in his eyes she knew something was up with this kid.

Besides already being watched and having an eye on them since they were foreign ninjas, this would be overlooked as long as they keep their heads down and move on. But this kid was pushing on. Pressing their buttons.

"Kenzo let's go, drop it" She said with a bit of anxiousness in her voice.

"No way, this kid messed with the wrong person today. I'm going to teach him a lesson today." He said as he winded his arm and sent a punch straight forn Nahen's face.

Nahen seeing the punch coming knew he got through and agitated him and didn't flinch at all. His physical endurance was far beyond that of a normal four year old and was even comparable to that of a low tier genin. Coupling that with his healing ability, he wasn't worried at all about it leaving a mark on his body as well. In fact a smile was blooming on the corners of his mouth as he saw it coming.

"Kenzo no!" She was too late to even react as she failed to stop him in time.

'Wait no, what?' Kenzo realized half way what was going on as he saw the look in Nahen's eyes. He was fooled and provoked by this child to attack him and he knew how dire the consequences would be. Regardless of this he was already to late as his punch connected with Nahen's face and sent him down a meter away.


Nahen fell to the ground and immobilized chakra into his body to minimize the impact and also increase the intensity as the chakra echoed the sound as he fell, and it worked. The entire street went quiet as the people around witnessed this broll at the last minute.

Nahen lay there for a second or two without moving, milking it in. Gasps, whispers and chambers spread within the crowd as the witnessed a fully grown foreign ninja beat down a four year old child.

Nahen faced up as he held his face and dabbed at the bridge between his lips and his nose and looked at his finger with blood on it with shocked look on his face as he immobilized chakra in his face to prevent the healing factor from coming in and stopping the bleeding.

'Got you now you bastard' His mind was sharp as he kept up this facade and trembled in place.

Kenzo was frozen in place as his arm was still stretched out in an "All Might" punch pose for all to see. He couldn't even deny or justify it as he was caught in the act. The look in Nahen's eyes stuck him in place as they told him "You Are In Deep Shit Now".


Four shadows showed up on the scene. All of them had the black hair and indistinguishable black onix eyes. These were members of the Konoha Police Force.

"What happened here?" One of them asked as the he signaled one of them thrush over to Nahen who was lying on the ground.

"They assaulted this child."

"They were ganging up on him"

"And this one punched him right there."

By this time Kenzo had straightened out his posture but his eyes looked lifeless as the words Nahen's eyes relayed kept playing in his mind. And he was worried what his boss was going to do since he already did this.

After hearing this, one the four who asked flicked his hand and a shadow flicked behind Kenzo kicked him and drove him into the ground while wringing out his arm out in choke hold.

"You're coming with us." He said as he look at the remaining two.

'This idiot' Sukon thought as she looked at Kenzo was apprehended and took off her swords as well as her tool pouch tied on her back and her other teammate did the same and dropped them to the ground and raised their hands in the sky.

One of the four picked up the weapons and lead the two to the Police Force Headquarters and two of them lead the apprehended Kenzo.

'That bastard, he didn't even move an inch. While I'm out here taking hits.' Nahen had already wiped away his act and was now generally surprised as to why the hidden Anbu didn't come out and help him.

While the showdown was going on, the hidden Anbu sent a hidden message through chakra fluctuations to signal and call over the nearest patrol squad.

The reason Nahen had decided to provoke the kumo ninja was solely because before bumping into them, his mind went around why they were here and settled on one thing. An event.

The Kumo-Konoha peace treatie.