
Naruto: Konoha's Hidden Beast

spaghetti_npc · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


After the eating ended everyone left leaving an enraged Danzo who had just lost to his old teammate aging infront of the entire council.

"What was the meaning of that Hiruzen, you're becoming too soft for the good of the village. Sooner or later you're going to drive this village to the ground. If I were you—"

"You'd what Danzo!? You seem to forget your place. I'm the Hokage and what I say goes, you listen to me and listen well. You will not repeat another stunt like that again. You won't make any moves towards the boy and you'll keep your root shinobi as far away from him. Do I make myself clear Danzo?!"

Danzo gritted his teeth as he sat down in his seat without making a sound.

"Until I say so, the boy will be held at the Tower guarded by my personal Anbu detail and if deemed safe will be released."

"You're making a mistake Hiruzen, that boy will be the end of the leaf. Mark my words." Danzo said as he shot up from his chair and glared at the man and stormed out of the meeting room.

"Dont be too hard on him Hiruzen. What he does is for the good of konoha. Take in the words he said into consideration, he does have a point. The whole point of having a council is to help you make decisions. If you turn them.away without a second look then this village is heading into a downward spiral." Koharu said as the meeting was over and got up to leave and Homura and Hiruzen also followed suit.

Later in an underground room. Root headquarters. Danzo was sitting in the middle of dimly lit room waiting for one of his spies to deliver a report to him. Just then a shadow appeared infront of him and handed him a scroll.

"Your report Danzo-sama" He said with a scroll in hand flured over to the man.

Danzo grabbed the scroll and checked it to be sure and opened it and read its contents. His face kept changing as he kept on reading the report in hand. Finally he spoke.

"Everything written in this scroll, are you a hundred percent sure of it?"

"I'm sure of it Danzo-sama, I witnessed it myself."

Danzo then reread the report given by his root Anbu again and his expression was worser than before as he trusted this operatives words.


Shockwaves spread across the room as Danzo smashed the armrest where his arm was resting on as he gritted his teeth. 'I should have fought harder to get you. Your potential is highly fit for the position in my forces. I'll get another chance at you, you won't escape me then.'

Back at the Tower, Nahen's condition had been stable for a couple of hours now. His body had been recovering the chakra being lost at a fast pace. Slowly his reserves were being replenished back to full without anything out of the ordinary happening. His reserves had been full and even though chakra was still being siphoned by the chains, his body was recovering it at a fast enough pace to still reach full capacity and still supply enough chakra to the chains.

This was how the condition had been for the past few hours. Without having sensed any danger coming from the chains other the siphoned chakra to subdue him, Nahen's subconscious was eased and his body was in a calm state as if sleeping. A watch routine had been set by the Hokage at the Tower to watch over the situation as to how Nahen is and if he gets out of control.

Mai and Guy who had been there the whole time were glad to see that his condition hadn't worsened in any way but was getting better to say the least and went home to rest as they had been here all day.

A few more hours later. It was around early morning when the Anbu stationed were changing shifts, Nahen finally woke up a day plus coma.


Nahen opened his eyes and life returned back into his body as he inhaled a deep breath of air and breathed heavily. At first his vision was blurry but the more he looked on his vision returned to him. As slowly as it came back, it was frustrating as he could hear muffled voices near him of people talking.

In a few seconds later he could see two people frozen in place like statues. If he could see their eyes, he would describe them as if they would burst out. He could clearly notice that they were Anbu and not your average ninja since they were wearing dark colored uniforms different from the usual ones, an animal mask covering their faces and a blade hanging on their backs.

"Hello...?" Nahen's voice broke them out of their trance as they looked at each other and nodded with one of them flickering out of there at full speed to report this to the Hokage.

"Hey its gonna be okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. How are you feeling." The man asked as he slowly got closer to the cage Nahen was in.

Meanwhile the Anbu had reached the Hokage's office and bowed infront of the Hokage informing him that Nahen has woken up from his condition. He was then sent to call for Mai and inform her as well.

In just a few minutes the room in the Tower Nahen was in was swarmed with people, from medic nins to members of the barrier corps and other security details to keep an eye on the situation and monitor Nahen's condition.

Everyone checked Nahen and once they were satisfied that he was sane and was deemed fit to return back into the public, he was let to go back home with Mai.

Like that two weeks flew by with Nahen going back to his usual routine. Training with Guy and popping by Sato no Haru later in the day.

Mai had postponed his ninjutsu training, saying that it's best to give his body time to rest and recuperate before starting his training but he could still continue his physical training with Guy.

In all honesty Mai was a little afraid of what would happen if Nahen would use his chakra, as it was explosive and suffocating even when radiating off of him. Despite having witnessed the massive amounts of chakra that Nahen had, large enough to go toe to toe with a tailed beast. she was never able to sense his chakra level or any chakra radiating off of him at all. As if he was a civilian, but you could tell how much chakra a civilian had but she failed to tell how much chakra Nahen actually had.

Guy also had the same thought as Mai as he had planned to postpone his training until later but Nahen relented and eventually Guy gave in and praised him that his youth was burning bright and what not.

Something unexpected happened that got Nahen worried. When he got he he got a feeling that something was missing, he didn't know what but something felt odd. Later he tried to initiate his system when he remembered that he had unlocked his chakra and remembered he had a quest related to that.


When he called out to his system, it didn't respond back. He then focused all of his attention and started meditating. After a few hours of meditating he felt himself being pulled down and he opened his eyes and saw something he didn't expect.

When he saw took a look around he was in a dark abyss with darkness as far as the eye with red clouds lingering above with flashes of red once in a while above the clouds. Beneath him was a pool of a blueish looking substance like water. It spread out as much as the darkness and filled the entire area.

When he reached his hands down to touch the liquid like substance he felt a strong attraction force and when he dipped his fingers in he felt his entire body rejuvenated with so much strength and power. After a while he realized that he was in his mind scape and the liquid substance beneath his feet must be his chakra. He was slightly surprised by how big it was but then he remembered that one of the boons he got while coming to this world was large chakra reserves. Large enough to contend with tailed beasts.

He then sat down in a leg crossed position and closed his eyes and concentrated.


He called out with his inner voice but his voice echoed out into the space and he could hear it outloud. After a few moments he felt a force drawing his attention and opened his eyes still in his mind scape.

A few meters away from him were words in a familiar fashion floating in the air.

[System has encountered some technical issues during the awakening of host's chakra. System will be ou for a while until enough Eliptical energy has been gathered to fully power it at capacity. Some system functions will still be passively active but limited]

He got a system notification alerting him that the system had been temporarily been deactivated due to complications that arose while unlocking his chakra. Due to him being a reincarnated soul and not initially from this world. An entity that strives to rule the universe caught his attention and tried to capture Nahen for his own to grow his army but the system subdued the threat by sacrificing itself and absorbed a part of this entities power and sealed into Nahen which was integrated into Nahen's being and became a part of him.

After this encounter the entity barely managed to escape and fled to another realm to recover its lost strength and come back for revenge and claim its prize, Nahen's soul and being.

Realization hit Nahen as he thought about his next move and decided it would be best to train harder than he had before since he no longer had to just worry about the threats of this world alone but also now an inter dimensional entity has its eye on him. Now he had to be a hundred times stronger than he planned on to take care of any threat that comes his way.

He then got up and wandered his minscape moving around the place. The place seemed endless as if he was walking in the same spot all over again.

As if the gravity in this place was going haywire, he felt as if he was being pulled in all directions and when he blinked and opened his eyes and reappeared back in the real world and felt a familiar presence closing in on his location.

As he got up on his feet his senses alerted him of an attack and he titled his head to the side. When looked over to his shoulder on the right side where his head was and a fist was where his head was a moment ago.

On instinct he crouched down evading a roundhouse kick aimed for his head coming from his left side and jumped forward avoiding another attack, a knee strike aimed after he crouched down.

After he got to his new position he stood up on guard and looked at his attacker. He was a bit shocked to see who his attacker was.

"Guy sensei, what's going on?. You said you have something special to teach me today, and then the surprise attack." Nahen asked in confusion as he put his arms and got on guard taking a stance. 'Is this se sort of training or a test of some kind. I thought he was going to teach me something special like the gates or something, but this.'

"Haha...my youthful student, it seems your senses are as sharp as always. You're right I do have something special planned today but it's not what you think. First we're gonna have us a little spar which will decide our next course of action." Guy laughed it out as he got into a taijutsu stance and said.

"Something special...is he going to teach me the eight gates technique?" he muttered to himself as he stared at Guy.

"First we're going to have us a to have us a little spar to see how far you've come. If you meet the conditions then we'll see from there what happens, it may not be what you think it is."

"I understand Guy sensei, it's been a while since we had a spar and I can't wait to let loose." Nahen had a straight face as he said this and slid into his stance ready to attack at any moment.

"Good, because you're gonna have to come.with the intent to kill if you want to survive this spar in one piece. Now show me what you've got" Guy said as his face became serious and lost all its playfulness.

And like that the atmosphere in the training ground became tense and an aura as if two titans were clashing spread around.