
Naruto: Konoha’s star clan

A man dies and get born as an orphan named Yokaze Ryusei after displaying his kekkei genkai to the third Hokage he becomes the creator of the Star clan

Honi_Shark · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1 Are you god?

I feel myself floating through a black void. I can't remember what my name is; all I know is that I'm dead, yet for some reason I don't mind it.


I don't feel my body, yet I feel like I'm something else. something that is unconfined, and I can feel the nothingness around me.


I know Normally, this type of worldly discovery would amaze someone, yet I feel it's normal to me.


I guess it's the type of feeling that you get when you're sleepy and in a state where someone could tell you anything and you'd just shrug it off by simply saying, "Let me get some damn sleep.


Next, I start to focus on the sensations around me. The best way I can describe the feeling is like having a constant comfy spot in bed without having to roll around, and it's also kind of like lying down in something that's the same texture as freshly fallen snow yet holds the perfect temperature.


As my body relaxes, I feel myself being pulled somewhere, and I feel my body reform onto me. The second my eyes come back, I close them, feeling chaos all around me. And then everything stops as my body halts.


Then, when I open my eyes, my life comes back to my mind, and I see an old man. What the hell is going on?


The old man tilts one of his eyebrows up a bit, then breathes a sigh. "Relax, young man, nothing is wrong; actually, now that I think about it, I'm sure this is one of your biggest hopes for your death."


My head stabilizes after a bit, and then hearing the old man's words hits me, making my heart jump.


"Will I be reincarnated?"


"Normally people ask me who I am, and I explain over food about me being what they'd call god, and I give them a choice, but it seems you've already got your mind made up."


I deeply bow. "Oh, my apologies, I had no rude intentions, sir."


Then, hearing a laugh, I look up at him and see him sigh once I do.


"Listen, young one, there is no reason for you to feel sorry for being concerned about your life's state, and since you already have a general understanding of what's going to happen, I'll explain fully."


Hearing this, I listened closely.


"Alright, the first thing I'll do is spin a wheel of worlds that you could get born into. Next, you'll use your karma points to affect things in your next life and give yourself advantages."


I nodded my head after hearing him.


"All right, I won't explain how you build karma since you should have a general idea. Now let's get into the life you just lived and some things I'll take away since you died saving someone from an insanely unlikely scenario. You'll get to have memories from your life."


I thought to myself a bit, but all I saw was a blinding light coming closer from the sky and pushing my brother away from it, then feeling a large impact.


Not knowing really how to refer to him, I say, "So, um, god, sir, may I know what killed me?"


He laughs to himself while stroking his beard.


"All I'll say is I've never had a small meteor slip from my hands."


My eyes widened. Did I really die from a fucking meteor?


I see the old man snicker and begin to speak again.


"Now I can see that you have been an exemplary person, and I can see that you've helped a lot of people in extraordinary ways just by them knowing you, and you saved a lot of lives as well, which is truly spectacular."


"I can't seem to remember my name, though."


"That's because of some rules."


"Oh, what are they?"


"I won't explain them all, but some of them are that you aren't supposed to know your previous life's name. It messes with your ability to fully visualize yourself as a person in the world I'm sending you to. Another rule is that you will lose your adult understanding of sex and romantic relationships. Not all gods have this rule, but I do, mainly because I don't want someone with a fully adult mind to do something rather sexual to someone who doesn't have the same mental age.


"It would also be hard to find love because you'd be mentally older than others your age."


That caught my attention, though I get why I don't want to lose all my memories.



"You know I can understand what you're thinking, young man. Worry not, I won't take away other knowledge if you use some karma points, but sexual knowledge is a must."


"Okay, so what world will I go to?"


"Well, first you'd have to spin the wheel."


As he says this, a giant wheel of what looked like infinite different anime books and works of fiction appeared.


I grabbed a lever next to it and pulled with all my might.


I saw the wheel spin violently fast as it spun, and the old man looked at me.


"Well, think about what you want in general while we wait."





A couple of hours later, the wheel finally stopped and landed on the symbol of a kuni.


"Haa, the world of chakra, huh? This one is rather dangerous, but you'll get to use energy akin to magic, and it has a large karma earning potential, but this seems to be a special variant where kaguya has faded from reality. It seems she won't be able to stop Madara, so you might need to help the MCs fight her. "But that's in the future, moving on."


"Well, young man, you've got 242,000 karma points." I suggest you get to deciding on your abilities and what clan you'd like to join, though the stronger the clan, the harder it'll be to upgrade it."


I was shocked. Did he just try to treat what he just said like it was nothing?


"I'd like a custom clan, sir; well, more like I want to modify a clan."


"Oh, a custom clan, what clan would you like to modify, and for warning, if I modify a clan, it will no longer exist, and you will be the progenitor of that clan."


"Well, I want to be born in Konoha and be the progenitor of the Star Clan. Here are the details."


"Oh, those are some powerful changes. I can only allow these abilities to grow so powerful naturally. "The rest will be up to you and the work you put in."


After a while


"Hmm, alright, anything else?"


"I want to be born with an amplified version of earth grudge fear and to be born with sun breathing."


"Well, I can give you a version of earthly grudge fear that grows in strength in you over time, but it has to start as a far weaker version."


"Oh, will I get the same for sun breathing?"


"Well, for sun breathing, you simply can't afford to be born with the breathing sword style, though I can make a way for you to earn a taijutsu version of it through a type of system."


"Wait, I can get a system!"


"Keep in mind that the system won't raise your strength; it will simply keep track of your breathing and body instruction as you earn stronger styles of breathing."


"Okay, that's fair, but what do you mean by styles of breathing?"


"You will have to at least learn some of the other breathing styles if you want to tap into the full power of sun breathing."


"Alright, then what styles will I have to learn?"


"You will be given information based on your body's natural path, so you will have to learn the following: Sound, water, flame, wind, stone, and finally moon breathing styles."


"Keep in mind that these are all being turned into taijutsu styles. Also, keep in mind that since this style will be in a new world, you will more than likely receive your own style of these breathing techniques."


"So they won't technically be entirely the same and will drastically change because of your Kekkei genkai. So the final form of your breathing style may have more potential than sun breathing."


Hearing this a smile crawled up my face. I was excited to develop my own breathing form

The god smirked at me "well now that everything is settled I have one last question to ask you"

I look at him confusedly I thought we were through everything.

"Uh sure what"

The gods smirk turned into a smile

Are you ready?"


while the light that seems to come from everywhere bounces off my almond-colored skin. Slowly, as the light consumes me, I look the old man in the eyes and say,

"I'm ready."