
Naruto: Kokushibo Template System

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Demon_Asmodeo · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Akatsuki VS The First Upper Moon Part 2

Author's note: after finishing the chapter go to my other novel: Return Of The Demon God Dusk, I assure you that you will love it and I hope you will support it in collections.


The four members of akatsuki would fall in a row horizontally looking at the smoke screen which was now clearing to see who they came to look for only this time he did not have the face of many friends..

I didn't do anything to her -said the paper queen seriously, seeing that the upper moon 1 didn't have any scratches on her body.

It wasn't that, you saw it right? pain -said the uchiha seriously looking at his leader who would only nod at what the uchiha said.

what do you mean -said the paper queen again looking at itachi and pain out of the corner of her eye, but without taking her eyes off naruto.

That guy's body was full of third degree or higher burns, however, in less than a second he... -itachi couldn't finish speaking.

before his leader continued through the He fully regenerated, each burn and wound was regenerated in less than a second would finish saying the known as pain looking at the moon with more interest than before since apparently the rumors and claims of regeneration.

This guy wasn't fake, but without wasting time he would give the signal to one of his members to try to immobilize the moon- Sasori -pain said again seriously looking at sasori- You don't need to tell me.

The boy of the group would say calmly while behind him, a puppet was which from its mouth was expelling a black sand.

Naruto would see with a bit of surprise how all the dust around him would turn into iron needles that would shoot towards him, however before the needles even arrived Naruto would dodge a 3 hundred foot jump that would come out of the ground. which would take their place when pierced by iron armor.

That arena, I only know of one person who can currently use it, I see, so you must be sasori from the red arena.

TRUE? Naruto said looking at Sasori who would only smile "I didn't know I was so well known that the upper moon would know me" Sasori said looking at Naruto as he prepared more iron sand.

Call me kokushibo for the moment and the truth is I knew you although your age doesn't match your appearance -said naruto as he gripped his sword with a little more force than usual- you know sasori the iron sand is very good for attack even for defense , but he has a serious problem... -naruto said once again so that sasori would be confused by the abrupt change of conversation-

Naruto disappeared from Sasori's sight surprising him enough before he saw him again about to decapitate him while he dedicated a few words to him The iron sand is quite slow -he said

naruto just a few millimeters away from decapitating sasori, but luckily for sasori only two words would be enough to save his life from a decapitation *shinra tensei*

it was the only thing that was heard from pain so that naruto was shot from where he came from-

Naruto would do a pirouette in the air landing on his feet to look at the cause of that attack and see the Akatsuki leader known as Pain as he had a hand outstretched to him before he passed by again. *Chibaku

tensei * would be heard in the place and to naruto's total surprise it began to float like everything around it, trees, stones, water even a mountain and all that came together in less than a few seconds so that

Naruto was trapped in a giant sphere.

Edited by: Demon_Asmodeo

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In the novel many things will happen that you will like I hope you can enjoy it since the main character will take out the template of Indra Otsutsuki I hope you can support my other novel Return Of The Demon God Dusk in collections.

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