
Naruto: Kaito

An old man bids his last farewell to his descendants while he was on his deathbed. After closing his eyes to begin his eternal rest, he was surprised to have opened his eyes once again. However this time, his sudden awakening was accompanied by a baby's cries. NOTICE: I will try uploading 2 chapters everyday, but I don't promise that I will be able to upload everyday as I am a student with responsibilities. THERE IS YAOI AND YURI ON THE TAGS BECAUSE THIS STORY WILL HAVE CERTAIN LGBTQIA ELEMENTS AND CHARACTERS, THOUGH IT WONT BE THE FOCUS OF THE STORY

Htk_Kksh · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CH 2: Konoha Year 50

It has been 5 years since my mother's death and my birth. And since then, I have been living with my Father, Namikaze Samato, and my Nii-san, Namikaze Minato.

My father is a soft and caring man, instead of the manly masculine hunter/fighter type of father, he is more of a feminine and motherly type. But that doesn't mean that it'll affect his sexuality, as he did marry and had children with my mother.

And never underestimate his capabilities, because aside from his house husband traits, he has an inhumane physical strength and stamina. After a long day of nonstop house chores and his ninja missions, he might become tired. But after a tad bit of 5 hours of sleep, he is already set to start another day with full and brimming energy reserves.

My father said that my brother resembles my mom more in his physical appearance, seeing that my father has red hair and purple irises, i would obviously agree. And also another thing is that my brother does take after my father when it comes to his personality and mannerisms, even though he looks more like mom.

My big brother is very caring towards me, he supports me when i want something, but he also scolds me when i go overboard, kind of like a mother would be to her child. And all of those traits are basically almost identical to my father's.

The reason why I don't know my mother's appearance is mostly because, firstly, there is no such thing as photograph in this world, and lastly, when I was a baby, my eyes were underdeveloped and thus could not see colors very well.

Lying on my bed in my own room i sighed and thought with an exhausted expression, (I guess having two mothers in a house is quite a handful experience).

I then continued to vent inwardly, (The both of them have been pampering me way too much..... i'm not complaining, but they do get a little too much at times. Especially since based on my father's accounts, the last words of my mom was her saying that they take care of me. But still, they are going a little overboard sometimes).

"Ok, let us just think good of that, it's a good thing I have a loving family who cares for me" I smiled.

"Dad, Kai-chan!! I'll be going to school!!" Minato announced his departure to the academy.

"OK!! be careful Minato!!" My father shouted to my brother as he was doing the dishes from today's breakfast.

My brother has been going to this village's only school for 2 years already, the Ninja Academy. The Ninja Academy is the school where they train kids to become Ninjas and learn the ways of becoming a Ninja. But also, the academy is also the place where kids are taught how to wield this world's most fascinating element, Chakra.

Chakra is a fascinating and mysterious thing that this world possesses and somehow my previous world do not. Chakra let's many of this world's organisms do unimaginable things, based on the textbooks about chakra i've read in the village library there are jutsus such as, being able to whip water out of thin air, read other people's minds and so on so forth.

As for me, i've been being subjected to training by my father since i was 3 years old, and i would say that i am not a prodigy unlike what they call my big brother. My physique might be more stocked up compared to my big brother when he was my age, but when it comes to the speed of learning techniques and the accuracy of doing those techniques at first try, i am ordinary.

Don't get me wrong, i am not comparing myself to my big brother in a bad way, It is more like i am proud of my big brother and i am relieved that I am not too popular to the point that my admirers would bug me even in my training time. But its a different story the moment i reveal that im the brother of the current prodigy of Konoha.


"Kaito-kun, don't be down, you are already doing great with your chakra control!" My father says with the intent of cheering me up after my failure of maintaining the leaf on my forehead.

"Yeah I guess so...." I replied with a disappointed tone.

"Kaito-kun.." he responded and hugged me after.

I sighed while he hugs me.

Like I said, it's been 2 years since my father started my training to become a ninja, as for how I convinced him to train me, I had to resort to using my childish charms.

At first he was always declining my begging, I may not know the reason why, but I could say that maybe it has something to do with my mother's death or maybe a comrade ninja of his, for now I could only guess. But in the end, he did gave in and started training my physique and physical skills first.

He taught me the proper training exercises to up my physique and taught me several movement forms and techniques that I will have to use and rely on as a ninja. After becoming fit enough and mastering most of the movement forms, he then started teaching me about ninja weapons and how to wield them, Shurikenjutsu per say.

He started with senbon and then he went up to shuriken and Kunai. I was very bad at first but then after weeks and months of hard work, I eventually became proficient enough with both the shuriken and senbon, but I was still a little bit rusty when it comes to Kunai, so I still continued to train with them.

It took a year for my physical training regime with my father to end. And after that, just a little over a month ago, we started training with my Chakra this time.

The first phase of my Chakra training was unlocking and sensing, but we skipped unlocking because even before I turned 2, I have already somehow unlocked my chakra. My father already knew that and he told me that he nearly fainted when he found that out. For me, I didn't event know that I have already unlocked my Chakra, so I too was shocked at this revelation.

We also found out that I have a Chakra reserve already comparable to an elite Genin. To sum it up, I have above average Chakra reserves, way more than the average children my age. But I know that my Chakra reserves cannot be compared to my Big bro's when he was my age, he had Chunin level Chakra reserves when he was 5 years old, stated by his current private Sensei, Jiraiya-sama.

My Father then explained that it maybe is because I'm a genius at birth, and if there was another reason, then it shall be a mystery. And he also told me not to tell anyone about my large Chakra reserves and me unlocking my Chakra at such a young age, he said that it is to keep me from being kidnapped by a certain one eyed freak.

I don't know who that one eyed freak is, but all I know is that he might be kidnapping children with potential to build more power, more powerful than the Hokage's.

As for me being able to sense Chakra? it only took a day for me to master sensing Chakra, after training and checking a bit, I could already sense Chakra signatures for up to 100 meters already. After coming to know of that fact, my father was so happy and said that I was born a sensor ninja and will become an important ninja of a team of Genins, if I train more on my sensory skills.

And after that, we proceeded to the third phase of learning about Chakra, Chakra control. Which I am currently failing to do so.

"OK let us stop for now with the Chakra control training, let us go for the Kunai training for now." My father told me as he takes out Kunais from his thigh pouch.

But before he could pass me a Kunai, Minato appeared out of nowhere with an unamused expression and shouted, "Father!! Kai-chan!! Let us go home already!! you two haven't eaten any lunch!!".

Father and I shivered a little bit from his powerful shout and started walking towards home with our heads facing downwards with acscared expression.

All three of us then headed home and ate lunch after that.


After finishing lunch, father and I then went back to the training grounds and continued my kunai training, it took us 4 hours for the training and as soon as we finished my training, the moon was already out.

My father and I started walking towards our house from the training ground.

"Kaito" Father called me as we were walking side by side.

"What is it?" I asked back.

"If..." My father hesitated to say something without looking at me, only looking straight ahead.

"..." I just looked at him with a bewildered expression and waited for him to continue.

"If I were to go somewhere and never come back, what would you do?" My father asked with an empty expression without looking at me.

After he said that, my face crumpled and asked with a little louder voice, "What do you mean?".

I'm wondering why he just said that out of the blue randomly, so after I asked him that, I just looked at him in the eyes without looking at the path. While he never looked at me once during this entire conversation.

"As a ninja, you don't know when you will die, especially as a Jonin who goes to missions way more dangerous and way more harder than missions that Chunins and Genins take." My father told me as he still looks straight ahead without looking at me once.

Seeing him averting his face from mine while saying these ridiculous but definitely real things made me have conflicting emotions, so I opened my mouth to say something but before I could even speak, he continued his statement about life as a ninja. "Everytime I go to a mission, I always pray..... I always pray to Hashirama and Rikudou Sennin that they guide me and my children during our time of distance".

(They really consider Hashirama and the Sage of Six paths as guardian ninjas in this world Huh.. But going back to my dad's statements.... is he...is he indicating that something or someone is threatening his life?!!..) I asked inwardly as I look at my dad with a worried expression.

My father then stopped walking, and I instinctively stopped walking too. He then turned to look at me in the eyes and said, "Tomorrow.... Tomorrow I will not be able to train you, because I will have to go to a dangerous mission that will take more than a month".

My father is a Jonin ninja of Konoha, he is pretty famous as many people do admire him. Though, as a Jonin, he go on missions sometimes by himself, sometimes with other Jonins, and also sometimes he goes to missions with few Genins and/or Chunins.

Him going to missions and staying outside for a long time has always been a normal thing for me and my big brother. Sometimes, he doesn't even tell us when he suddenly goes into an urgent mission assigned to him by the Hokage directly.

But overall, he does tell us whenever he goes into one and even tells us further details about it, of course except for S-ranked ones. But he does tell us about his missions, where he will go, how many people he will go with, how it will go, and more.

So him telling me right now that he will go into a dangerous mission with that tone and without telling me any further details except the duration would mean that the chance of him not coming back is higher this time than his previous missions.

"Father" I said as I looked at him straight in the eye.

He looked at me worried.

I then continued with more resolve in my voice, "If you don't come back, I will not be angry at you, but I will surely be angry at the people who caused your death, and right after that, I will try to find out why you died. and then I will judge the reason why you died if my anger will befall those person/s or not".

My father's eyes widened at my declaration. He then opened his mouth to say something, but then he stopped and just continued walking without continuing what he was going to say.

I too continued to walk with him towards our house, ignoring all the people we passed by, with resolve in my eyes.

We then arrived home.

"We're here!" Both me and Father announced our arrival.

After announcing that we are home, we then heard my big brother's footsteps and then he welcomes us back.

My father and brother chatted with each other as if father didn't say anything abnormal earlier while we were on the way to the dinner table.

My brother then pulled me into the conversation, and I happily joined in on their conversation as if I wasn't gloomy earlier, we then sat on the dinner chairs with the dinner table already set with foods and drinks.

We just chatted about trivial stuff such as me going to the Academy entrance exams atleast 2 months from now, our neighbor being loud, Minato's classmate declaring her crush for him, our other neighbor's child becoming my friend yesterday and such.

My father happily listened in and sometimes join in the conversation by commenting advice and jokes on our rants about our social lives.

After quickly finishing his food, father then told us to continue eating without him as he needs to sleep early for his mission tomorrow onwards, and after telling us that, he then went to his bedroom leaving us both in the dining room eating.

After a while of looking towards the direction of our father's room. We then looked at each other, but this time, the atmosphere became increasingly gloomy as seconds passed.

"So Kai-Chan, father said that he will have to go onto a dangerous mission tomorrow for longer." Minato told me as he was munching on his food.

I then drank my water and a free finishing my water I then said, "Yeah father told me earlier".

"So what do you think?" He asked me with seriousness in his voice.

"I- I think that there is a chance that he won't come back..." I said with a shiver in my voice.

"Shall we try to stop him?" he asked me again with the same tone.

"I don't think we can, the Hokage himself personally assigned father this mission, and as we all know, the Hokage's words are law here in Konohagakure" I explained with a downed expression.

After I answered him, he just continued eating up until he and I were finished eating dinner. For that whole entire exchange never did I once looked at brother directly.

We both undid the dinner table and he then washed the dishes and told me to go to sleep to leave him with the remaining house chores for the night.

I went back to my bedroom with a gloomy expression as I try to recall the blurred face of my brother earlier as we were doing the house chores.

(I guess he was just pretending to be fine earlier) I thought as I settle down to sleep.

Unbeknownst to me, for that whole entire night while I was already asleep, Big brother was crying as he was doing the remaining house chores.

And unbeknownst to him too, Father has been actually awake and has been listening in from our serious conversation earlier, up to now during Minato's subtle sobs, all this time.


After that stressful night passed, it was another day.

But it wasn't just any other day, because it would be the very day that I have officially lost the last of my two parents in this new world.

Honestly guys, please comment what you have in mind for this story, if you have one, thank you!!

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