
Naruto: Journey of the strongest teacher

Reincarnated too early in Naruto Ishizu will do anything to get the power he needs to find the girl he loves. Even if it means to change Canon and become Naruto's teacher.

Broxhitman1998 · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

A Chat with Naruto

Ishizu's POV

As I walked to Naruto's apartment, I could see his door being used for graffiti.

"Demon brat" was clearly written on it by some civilians who had anger issues.

'Those bastards.'

This life wanted to make Naruto suffer.

I protected Naruto so much from them, and those villagers still don't give up. I hate being powerless.

It was time.

Naruto was 9 going to be 10, and it was finally time to tell him the truth. I didn't care about Hiruzen or the council.

Naruto was more mature and wouldn't go blabbering about being a Jinchūriki to anyone.

His mother's name was a bonus for being a good student, but his father's name would be told to him after he reached 16 or Chunin.

Knocking on the door, Naruto relied.

"It is open. Come in."

Going through the door, I saw Naruto sitting with a puzzled face on a chair.

"Ishizu-niisan, I don't get it. Why are those villagers always glaring and calling me demon brat? Did I do something wrong?" asked an innocent-looking Naruto.

I sat down newt to him and looked him in his blue eyes.

"Naruto the reason for that is a stupid S-ranked secret the Hokage proclaimed on the 11. October after the Kyūubi accident.

What most people know is that the nine-tailed fox was killed by the 4th Hokage, but this is a lie.

Tailed beasts, such as the fox, are made up of chakra. They can not be killed in a normal process.

So the 4th did something else.

He used a jutsu, which takes his life as a price, to seal the fox.

Doing his duty, he protected the village. He sealed it into a newborn child, and that was you Naruto.

You are the warden of the Kyūubi no Yōko," I explained it to the boy.

I waited for Naruto to scream at me how Minato could do it to a child, but I only got an understanding look.

"Could have told me sooner. Now I understand them but I think they are just blinded by rage and sadness for the fallen ones died during the attack. Can't differ between a scroll and a kunai, huh?" asked Naruto.

"You, Naruto, are what is called a Jinchūriki.

A human sacrifice or a better term, a weapon.

You are a wall of power that prevents other nations from attacking us.

If you die, our power would drop significantly and we would have a war.

Those villagers think your death would finally get them rid of the fox, but they are on a suicide mission.

If you died, the fox would either die due to the seal or in the worst case, the fox would recreate itself where it dies.

And in a few years, Konoha would be leveled to the ground.

Still, I am here for a different reason. You are doing a wonderful job of hiding your power.

Nobody, not even the Hokage, could see it truly and he knows I train you.

So as a present I will tell you something about your mother," I said.

The moment those words left my mouth I was met with a punch to the face.

"You knew all the time! I thought I was alone and had nobody expect you, Jiji, and the ramen owner.

I knew an orphan means he had no parent anymore but I am not stupid to think I wasn't born and had at some point a mother.

You lied to me!"

I expected his reaction, but I still felt the pain in my heart.

"And there is a reason for it. Your parents were well known in the elemental nations.

If you would be known to the word as their son, you would have assassins coming for your head all the time.

So don't think I did it just to hurt you. I did it to protect you and I still see you getting too emotional," I explained.

Naruto relaxed a bit, but I could still see him being a bit angry.

"Ok, I am sorry I should have thought about it. Now please tell me about her," asked Naruto.

"Sure, your mother's name was Kushina Uzumaki. Here I have a picture of her with me," I said as I showed him the picture of his mother.

Showing Naruto a picture of me getting my ass beaten by Kushina was amusing, but Naruto had tears in his eye muttering her name.

"Uzumaki, Uzumaki... wait a second, that is a family name or a clan name, isn't it? Do I have a clan or what?" exclaimed Naruto.

"Yes, you do and you are royalty. Your mother was directly connected in the family tree to the 1st Hokages wife, Mito Uzumaki.

You could say you are distantly related to the Senju.

The Uzumaki were a clan living on an island east to the land of fire. Many whirlpools surrounded it hence the name "land of whirlpools".

It functioned until the 2nd Shinobi war when it was destroyed by a combined attack of Mizu, Iwa, and Kumo.

All three villages saw Uzushiogakure as a threat and launched an attack.

Strong as they were, it still wasn't enough to last against 3 Shinobi villages.

Bonus fact: Although Konoha was allied with Uzu, they didn't help in the fight. It was funny though as those three weren't in an alliance and both the Nidaime Mizukage and Nidaime Tsuchikage died fighting each other.

The Sandaime Raikage died after he left due to injuries.

Now there are only ruins in which many things from Uzushiogakure are still present, behind many walls of Fuinjutsu that is of course. Only an Uzumaki can go in without harm. Truly a dangerous art.

People from Uzu were known to have huge chakra reserves and an excellent hand for Fuinjutsu. They had a long life expectancy and some had chakra chains capable of holding a tailed beast.

It was obvious that Uzumakis were perfect as containers for the Bijuus.

(Information from "Plot thief" by Umodin from FanFiction.Net taken. Read it is awesome)

So your clan is both a curse and a miracle.

To have a tailed beast in you makes you extremely powerful if you can control this power. Although it is still too early for that as your body can't contain too much chakra of the fox," I explained Naruto.

Naruto didn't look up from the picture but he heard it all as he nodded and after I finished, he looked up.

"Thank you for telling me this. I will surely become a Chunin and will get to know my father's name, but please let me have this picture. I want to treasure it and laugh at your misfortune."

I deadpanned.

"Sure whatever helps you sleep at night. Just try to keep it a secret I don't want to be punished by the Hokage".

Going back home, I had a good feeling that everything would be fine. Oh, how wrong I was as the day of a horrible massacre came closer and closer.