
Naruto : Jinchuriki of the Six Paths ( HIATUS )

When Naruto sees Sasuke seemingly sacrifice himself for him at wave, he awakens the Rinnegan. See how its power affects his destiny. Strong Naruto.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter no.30 Eat your Vegetables

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It looked to be another beautiful day in Konoha as the sun began to rise over the horizon, shining its bright rays upon the stirring village. Several of those rays of light managed to make it through the window of the apartment to one Uzumaki Naruto, causing the whiskered blond to stir from his slumber. Cracking a single Rinnegan eye open, Naruto groaned as light hit his retina and caused some minor discomfort.

And so, with the deliberate slowness from one who had not fully woken up, Naruto moved into a sitting position, his eyes still closed as he scratched his belly.

It took a few moments for him to become capable of movement, but when he did Naruto threw the covers off and slowly turned his body until his legs dangled over the edge of the bed. Another moment later his feet were touching the cool tiling of his floor, and Naruto stood up, arms stretching above his head and back popping and cracking as he did so.

Making his way over to the window, he let his right hand fall to the back of his head, scratching his scalp while using his left to wipe a tear out of the corner of his still sleep-filled eye as he reached his destination. The blond winced as the light shined into his eyes before letting out a yawn and stretching once more.

Finally, he felt his famous vitality begin to awaken. A confident smirk grew across his face as he finally fully woke up, ready to face whatever the new day had in store as he took in the sunrise. Suddenly, his stomach growled. With a slight chuckle, he rubbed his belly before walking over to the door. His hand reached for the knob before stopping just inches from its target as a grimace marred his features. He had just remembered that his milk had expired… again… and he'd neglected to get more.

His smile returned. 'Ah well. I guess I'll just have to treat myself to some ramen.' It may not be as good as the divine dish that was Ichiraku ramen, but instant ramen was still delicious. He turned the knob and the door opened, creaking slightly on its hinges. The blond took one step into the living room before he stopped with a look of shock on his face.

Lounging on his couch was none other than his sensei. The silver haired man was reclining with his head on the pillow and his feet over an arm of the couch and hanging in the air, reading his book. He turned a lazy eye to his student, but didn't take his nose out of his precious Icha-Icha. "Hey, good morning. Sleep well?"

Naruto shook himself out of his astonishment. "K-Kakashi-sensei? What are you- How'd you get in here?"

Kakashi just chuckled as he sat upright. "Come now. You should know that it would be easy for a ninja to sneak into a place like this. As for why I'm here, well, I thought I'd bring you a gift."

Naruto's expression lit up. Not counting Ichiraku ramen, he could count the number of gifts he had gotten on one hand. "Really?" Then his expression fell, now showing slight disbelief. "Wait… you broke into my apartment this early in the morning just to give me a gift?"

Kakashi shrugged. "Well, I think you'll understand when you see what it is." Kakashi reached behind the arm of the couch and Naruto ran forward, wild anticipation clear as he neared Kakashi pulled the gift into view… then the blonds' face twisted in distaste. In his hand, Kakashi held a basket full of fresh fruit and vegetables. Giving one of his eye-smiles, the copy ninja approached his student and handed him the basket, who took it with both hands. "I thought that, with all the ramen you eat, you could use a little more nutrition in your diet." He didn't mention that one time the Third Hokage had shown him the genin's apartment and he had seen what was in Naruto's fridge. The boy ate nothing but ramen, cereal and bread. How anyone could get by on just that was beyond the jonin.

Well, he supposed it was better than the way Sakura used to starve herself, which he could never really understand.

Naruto looked down at his gift, his face scrunched up in its fox-like way. Ugh, he hated vegetables! And fruits weren't particularly appealing to him either. "Uh… thanks."

The masked jonin gave his student a curious glance and tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, nothing." Naruto replied, shaking his head rapidly. Even if he didn't like it, it was still a gift. His gaze turned back to the basket, discontent clear in his ringed depths. "It's just that… Not that I don't appreciate it, but…"

"You don't like it." Kakashi replied simply and the blond nodded. The Sharingan wielder shrugged, taking out his book again. "That's fine. Lots of people aren't fond of them, but you have to eat them from time to time."

"Yeah, yeah." The Rinnegan bearer waved off Kakashi's statement as he walked past him to set the basket down on the kitchen table. "I heard that all the time from Iruka-sensei, but I turned out just fine without them."

"Not really." Kakashi replied, causing Naruto to give him a questioning glance. "If I recall correctly, you're not particularly satisfied with your height. Or lack thereof." Seeing his student's gaze become a heated glare, the man quickly raised one of his hands in a pacifying manner. "Hey, I was just stating a fact."

With a huff, Naruto crossed his arms and turned his head, his face scrunched up once more. "Yeah, what about it?"

The masked man shrugged. "I suppose you haven't read far enough into the anatomy book I gave you to learn this, but the body needs proper nutrition to grow. Lacking proper nourishment can lead to stunted growth. And, good as it may be, ramen is not a particularly nutritious food." Seeing Naruto's shocked expression, Kakashi continued. "Did it never occur to you that the reason you're lacking in stature?"

"B-but that's…" Naruto said before shaking his head, taking a step forward and bringing up a fist in defiance. "No way am I giving up ramen!"

"I never said you had to. I just said you have to eat something healthier from time to time." Kakashi replied in his usual, impassive manner. Seeing his student staring at the ground in consideration, an idea occurred to the copy ninja. He tilted his head forward and closed his eyes, releasing a slightly melodramatic sigh. "Alright. Seeing as I want what's best for you, and you're obviously conflicted, how about I make you a deal." The boy's ears quirked and he once again gave his sensei his full attention. The jonin's single visible eye raised to the ceiling as he brought a hand to his chin. "If you promise to eat more a more balanced diet from now on… I'll teach you my signature jutsu, once you move on to the lightning element." His eye fell back to the blond. "You remember don't you?"

The purple-eyed blonds' eyes shined with excitement as a wide grin spread across his face. He had only seen it vaguely through the clearing mist, but it was so vivid in his mind. That mass of pure chakra, radiating bolts of lightning. "Really? You mean it?" He said, his hands balling up in anticipation. He could imagine himself using that jutsu. Based on the damage it would cause, he'd never use it on his rival, but he'd sure as hell show him up with it!

Kakashi nodded. "Of course."

Naruto pumped his fist into the air. An incredible jutsu and the possibility of no longer being short? How could he refuse? "Awesome! Alright Kakashi-sensei, you've got a deal."

Kakashi eye-smiled. "Glad to hear it." Unknown to his student, in his head a chibi-fied version of him was holding up the victory sign. Truth was, he had planned to teach both his dojutsu wielding students that technique anyway. He'd basically got him to agree to something he didn't want to do for nothing. "Now's as good a time as any to start, you know?"

That killed the blonds' exuberance. He turned back to the basket with a look of distaste. "Yeah… guess you're right."

"Good… well, I'll leave you to your breakfast." The jonin replied as he walked toward the nearby open window. As he placed his hand on the windowsill and prepared to climb out, he turned to face his student again. "Oh, by the way, I got you some fresh milk too. It's in the fridge."

Naruto smiled. "Really? Tha-" Something occurred to him and he stopped in the middle of the word. "… Wait, how'd you know I needed that?" he then gave his sensei a suspicious glare as he raised a fist, as if that would be the least bit intimidating to the jonin. "Kakashi-sensei... have you done this before?" He ground out in outrage.

"Don't be ridiculous." The silver haired jonin replied. "See you later." He said as he began to climb out, before turning his head, giving his student another impassive look. "Oh, and don't be late." He said before he climbed out the window. Naruto's expression became one of absolute disbelief as he sputtered in shock, dumbstruck from the absurdity of KAKASHI HATAKE telling him not to be late.

The moment the jonin was out of sight, Naruto regained his bearings with a shake of his head, followed by a glare at the jonin's former location. He bolted after his sensei, stuck his upper body out the window, glaring in the copy ninja's direction as he shook his fist after him. "WHO DO YOU THINK I AM? YOU?"