
Naruto : Jinchuriki of the Six Paths ( HIATUS )

When Naruto sees Sasuke seemingly sacrifice himself for him at wave, he awakens the Rinnegan. See how its power affects his destiny. Strong Naruto.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter no.100 Seal Struggle

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Ino stopped struggling at Anko's reminder. "Yeah, you're right. Sasuke's more important than dealing with an old peeping tom." She then gave the older kunoichi that sickly sweet smile most females seemed capable of producing, marked imminent pain and suffering for some poor, unfortunate soul who'd earned her ire. "Besides, I bet I can come up with something extra special for him in a few days."

Said poor unfortunate soul scoffed, "Oh please. There's only one kunoichi who can intimidate me, and you, little girl, aren't her."

"Oh yeah? You coulda fooled me the way you ran when I caught you at the hot springs." Sakura commented dryly as she gave him a dull stare.

"Yeah, because standing still is standard procedure when facing an angry mob." Jiraiya replied in a deadpan.

"Oh?" Jiraiya turned his dull gaze at sinister tone from the purple haired woman behind him. "Am I included in that, ma-ster Ji-rai-ya?"

Jiraiya actually laughed deep and loud much to Naruto's visible horror. "Oh please. While I admit you might creep the hell out of me sometimes Anko, unless you're blond, wear pig tails, have a one hundred and six centimeter bust and can destroy mountains with a single punch, there is no way this Jiraiya will ever be afraid of you!"

Anko grinned wickedly. Challenge accepted. "Oh really? Well, we'll just have to see about that..." Naruto shivered and silently said a prayer for the toad summoner.

Hiruzen coughed into his hand to get their attention. He would probably have found that exchange amusing were it not for the seriousness of the situation. "As you were saying before we got off topic..."

"Ah, right..." He turned to Naruto. "To answer your question no, I can't just remove it." His eyes hardened as he glared at the seal. "Like I said, this thing's a real piece of work... It's got some biological component to it and fuses with the victim, both in their cells and their chakra network. That's why it's so hazardous, most can't handle the strain of this thing worming its way into them and the body burns itself out trying to adapt. And the way the chakra in it reacts it's almost like it's got a mind of its own. It could be removed... theoretically at least, if you could pull all the chakra in it to the surface and suck it all out at once, but to pull that off you'd need to have it resonate with a like source. In other words, we'd need Orochimaru, or at least his chakra." He rubbed the back of his head with a sigh. "Good news is it's only affecting you the way it is because it's still raw. You'll build up a tolerance to it over the next few months and after that it'll only be a problem if you blow all your chakra or you're stupid or desperate enough to actually try to use it to your advantage."

Kakashi sighed. 'Maybe this team really is cursed...'

Sasuke did not seem the least bit pleased with this prognosis. The Sannin's eyes hardened once again and he stared directly into Sasuke's coal orbs, his grim expression making it clear how dire the situation was. "I'm going to tell you right now Naruto was dead on the money about what this thing does. Use it, and your body and personality will be corroded away until you're just one of his pawns. Whatever power that seal might give you, it's not worth the price you'll have to pay."

It was then that Naruto spoke up, thinking of more immediate concerns. "Hey, hang on a minute, what about the exams? Is he supposed to go through whatever the third test is with a handicap?" Aside from the fact that he wanted to fight Sasuke at his best and as his teammate he wanted to support him, with enemies like Gaara participating he could die because of this thing if he didn't drop out.

And if there was one thing he couldn't see the Uchiha heir doing, it was back down from a challenge he considered worth his time.

"Hate to break it to ya kid, but it's probably best if he dropped out." Anko answered, her brow furrowed as her mind ran through the dangers of a fresh Cursed Mark.

"Now hang on." Jiraiya interjected, raising his hand in a halting gesture. "I may not be able to remove it, but I can seal its influence." He turned to look at Sasuke. "It'll put you under for about as long as the seal itself did, but afterwards you should be alright as long as you keep in mind that that seal will be powered by your chakra and will. Same dangers as if you just built up a tolerance naturally."

Sasuke's response was what could only be called typical of him; a nod and an affirmative grunt.

The group stood in silence as Jiraiya, squatting down on his haunches, finished drawing a seal on the ground. The large array took up most of the room and consisted of three circles linked by three equidistant lines, all made up of countless characters, some kanji, including the characters for 'Bind' and 'Seal', the innermost ring being just large enough for Sasuke to sit in the center of the array, the three lines going up his body and surrounding the curse mark. With his work completed, Jiraiya rose to his feet and nodded to himself before placing his hands together in a Tora seal.

"Alright kid, brace yourself. This isn't going to be easy on you." Jiraiya warned before he brought his hand back and Sasuke did as asked, tensing his body and preparing himself. "Sealing Art: Adamantine Guardian Seal!" With that he slammed his hand over the Uchiha's seal and the while array glowed blue-ish white as Sasuke cringed, the light it gave off illuminating the entire room in its azure hue. Then, all the characters began to shift, the circles tightening and closing in around the Uchiha as the characters ran along the three lines, shrinking until they were unidentifiable.

After the first few seconds, Sasuke grit his teeth to bite back a scream. A moment later, his considerable pain tolerance gave out and he cried out in agony as the Curse Mark fought against the binding, the burning sensation of its power struggling to maintain its hold over its host only a small magnitude worse than the seal uprooting said influence, ripping it out with all the patience and finesse of a panicked soldier driving a jagged spear into his enemy. The white hot waves and lines of pain as it forcing its way through his body and chakra was nearly as bad as it scoured him for any traces of the vile power that plagued him.

The glow faded as the seal became smaller and smaller until finally, the last portions ran up his body and formed a perfect circle around the offending mark, lined with unreadable characters. When the glowing circle faded into a black coloring, Sasuke lost consciousness, slumping forward to be caught by Jiraiya who lifted him up and walked over to Kakashi. Handing the boy over to his sensei, Jiraiya said, "He's all yours now. Make sure to keep an eye on him. He mustn't start trying to draw on the seal for power; its influence could lead him down a very dark path."

"I know. I can handle it." Kakashi replied with a nod. "Now, I believe I should find a somewhere for my student to spend the day." and with that, he walked towards the door, the other genin watching with Sakura and Ino visibly worried.

"Why don't you all go on and get yourself comfortable?" Jiraiya said, waving the genin off before looking to the Rinnegan bearer. "Naruto, stay behind for a sec, would ya?"

Naruto nodded as the rest of the genin filtered out.

What do you think Jiraiya wants with him?" Ino quietly asked Shikamaru.

"Who knows? It could be anything. It's too troublesome to think about."

"Seriously, you could try to show just a little more interest!" She hissed.

At a nod from the Third, Anko's brow before shrugging and heading to the door. She wondered just why they wanted Naruto to stay behind, but if they wanted to keep whatever it was hush, then who was she to argue? With a wave over her shoulder she said, "Well, guess I'm off to meet my newest toys. Good luck kid, I'm expecting a good show from you. And if you blow it I'll just have to show you how disappointed I am."