
Naruto: Jasmine Wonka!

"Hey, pretty boy, Sasuke! Is Naruto turning into the Nine-Tailed Fox? Buy my splash potion of milk for 100m ryo! hehe!" "Lord Third, can I enchant your Bo staff with knockback 255? It'll cost 1b ryo!" Jasmine is reincarnated with seemingly useless abilities, but since she can't escape money, why not embrace it? Jasmine's starting powers: Willy Wonka System, Material Catalog Cover created by wonder!

Lily0_0 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Minecraft? Power of Chemistry!

"Jasmine, why don't you want to be a medical ninja? You should know that being an apothecary isn't as profitable as being a medical ninja. In fact, the pay is meager. Plus, the hospital has always been in need of medical ninjas since ninjas always get injured."

"Well, Kazumi, I can't. I was born without chakra; they call me a chakra cripple," Jasmine said to the local apothecary, Kazumi Hikari, a middle-aged man pushing 40 who looks to be developing gray hair and wore glasses and a white lab coat. Hikari looked shocked and puzzled.

"Is it alright if I scan you? I know a bit of medical Jutsu."


After grabbing her hand, a faint glow came from Kazumi's hand. The more he scanned, the more perplexed he became.

"I haven't seen anything like this! No chakra, yet you still have a chakra system and are still alive. Usually, if you don't have chakra in the chakra system, it means your soul passed to the pure land, but… that appears to not be the case. You're truly a miracle, Jasmine! I tell you what, if you let me study your body, I'll let you have the job as an assistant, and maybe we can find a way to cure you!"

Jasmine sweatdropped at his enthusiasm before sighing. Well, it's better than being rejected at the mere mention of being a chakra cripple. Plus, ryo is ryo; she needs it for materials. Jasmine had her eyes set on crafting a Minecraft crafting table by buying four wooden blocks.

Well, it was a sort of experiment to see if she could craft with it. Also, she used to play Minecraft a lot, so cut her some slack.

The days went by with Jasmine learning chemistry and medicine while being scanned by Kazumi. With Jasmine having been paid her salary of 500 ryo, while not much compared to a D-rank mission, it was enough to buy four wooden blocks.

Looking at the material shop, Jasmine felt excited.


[Material Catalog]

Search: wooden planks Minecraft

Oak Planks [100 Ryo]

Birch Planks [100 Ryo]


Buying one, Jasmine saw a block fall down, but strangely, the material catalog screen now had… an infinity symbol next to the oak planks? Clicking again, her money this time didn't disappear, but a second block appeared.

Feeling speechless, Jasmine clicked the percentage to two blocks, and when she clicked the screen, two more blocks fell.

'You're telling me I've been missing out on free materials this whole time? Floofy could've told me!'

While she should feel happy, Jasmine feels like an idiot. If she had known, she would've gotten a job earlier!

Calming down, she looked at the wooden blocks that hovered above the ground. Grabbing the blocks, she attempted to push all of them together to make a crafting table, and amazingly, a perfectly square table appeared on the ground.

As she looked at it, a menu popped up just like in Minecraft with a 3×3 grid. Thinking for a second, Jasmine grabbed a nearby tall grass.

Attempting to put the tall grass into the crafting table caused it to be converted into a Minecraft wheat seed.

Jasmine felt her heart beat rapidly, a smile on her face. 'If I can convert certain items from this world into Minecraft materials, what if I convert milk into Minecraft milk?' While others may laugh, you gotta remember it cures all effects! Imagine her curing the incurable that even the prided medical ninjas couldn't cure?

'Wait! The incurable? Could I cure my chakra cripple state?' Jasmine didn't know, but if that was the case, this was broken! But if Jasmine was suddenly cured, wouldn't that attract attention? While tempting, it would cause unwanted trouble…

'Unless I can make it seem like Kazumi cured me. Everyone else would find it suspicious if the chakra cripple suddenly had chakra.'

Sighing, Jasmine shook her head before hitting the crafting table with the intention to break it. Soon, it hovered above the ground. As Jasmine was about to leave while putting the seed and crafting table into her inventory, a strange, perfectly square imprint was left on the forest floor.

While intrigued, it was almost time for work at Kazumi's apothecary, making her reluctantly leave.

"Jasmine, today we're going to make the healing lotus ointment, which uses agarose powder and healing lotus extract with dokudami powder."

"Um, Kazumi, what does healing lotus ointment do?"

"Healing lotus ointment helps heal cuts and burns, but at the cost of fatigue from healing quickly."

Kazumi kept watch as Jasmine heated the water and put the agarose powder into it, making a hydrogel which absorbed the healing lotus extract and dokudami once mixed, changing the clear gel into a mint color.

"Hmm… now let's test the effectiveness."

Taking out a furless mouse from a clear glass cage, Kazumi restrained it before applying alcohol to the left arm, cleaning the area before gently stroking it with a scalpel, causing it to squeak in pain.

Before applying the ointment, he took out a timer and set it to one hour. Kazumi called this the timer test. After applying it, he stepped back and watched intently, causing Jasmine to look in interest, too.

Amazingly, it quickly scabbed over before the dead cells shed, causing a scar to be seen. This took about 30 minutes, while slower compared to an average medical ninja who could heal the small wound in 1 minute and not exhaust someone, it's still amazing.

With Jasmine seeing the power of chemistry in the Naruto world, she wanted to learn more!