
Naruto: Jasmine Wonka!

"Hey, pretty boy, Sasuke! Is Naruto turning into the Nine-Tailed Fox? Buy my splash potion of milk for 100m ryo! hehe!" "Lord Third, can I enchant your Bo staff with knockback 255? It'll cost 1b ryo!" Jasmine is reincarnated with seemingly useless abilities, but since she can't escape money, why not embrace it? Jasmine's starting powers: Willy Wonka System, Material Catalog Cover created by wonder!

Lily0_0 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

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Jasmine awoke with a gasp in a white void, the events from the night before catching up to her. She had died from an accidental beheading, which was quite brutal. However, strangely, she felt at peace, and the regrets she had didn't weigh her down, causing her to frown.

"Welcome to the reincarnation process, Jasmine!" exclaimed a cute fluff ball happily, unaware of Jasmine's addiction to patting fluffy things. She grabbed the fluff ball and started to rub it while saying, "Who's a cute little floof ball?"

Her earlier worries faded away as the fluff ball giggled cutely and yelled, "Sto-Stop! Hehe..."

After Jasmine stopped, she calmly gave the fluff ball head pats while listening to it. "...First off, once you spin this wheel, you will get a power!"

Curious, Jasmine walked up to the wheel and spun it. She heard the iconic Ding-Ding-Ding as it started to slow down. It landed on [Telepathy], but then it passed and landed on [Willy Wonka System]. Jasmine scrunched her eyebrows, trying to imagine what that would look like and what it does. She had watched the movie, of course.

"Floofy! What would this power be like?"

"Oh... Oopsies, I almost forgot to give a tutorial about your powers! So basically, you have a system like a video game screen that you can summon at will mentally. It comes with multiple functions, such as an inventory and notes on all of Willy Wonka inventions!"

"Hmm... Now, what's the world I'm going to, Floofy?"

"Let's see... It's Naruto... A tough world! For you to have such a power in this world, I'm afraid I'm sending you to your death. Regulations state that if the world is mid-tier and above with a low-tier power, the reincarnater can spin the wheel again!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Jasmine, you're a nice girl, and I don't want to see you back here anytime soon!"

Jasmine felt touched by the kindness the fluff ball showed, so she spun the wheel again until it landed on [Material Catalog].

"What does this power do, Floofy?"

"Well, you can get materials ranging from the mundane to magical!-"

Hearing that, Jasmine's eyes started to shine, and her imagination ran wild, but just as she was about to scream in excitement at the prospect, Floofy ruined her mood.

"But for a price, of course! The material will have a price dependent on the world's standard currency, which in the world of Naruto is Ryo!"

Jasmine didn't know whether to laugh or cry; it seemed she couldn't escape the concept of money in another world.

Sighing, Jasmine looked into the eyes of Floofy, and a mischievous thought arose. She decided to tickle the little floof ball again to take her anger out on the cutie!

"N-no stop! Jasmine s-stop! hehe-"


"Jasmine, try to live your life the way you want to! Also, this may be the last time we meet…"

Jasmine's mood went down once she realized it. "I'm gonna miss you, Floofy…"

"I'll miss you too…"

Hugging Floofy, she calmly thought about her future. She was going to live in the dark ninja world called Naruto, where a child would kill their whole family and clan due to loyalty to the village and the love of their brother. Jasmine took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "I'm ready, Floofy."

"Goodbye, Jasmine. Here's hoping you live a long life this time!"

"Bye, Floofy. I'll try!"

A glowing white door appeared. Jasmine gave one last meaningful look to Floofy before taking her next step to her new life in another world!