
Naruto: Itachi's Cousin

Eiji, a student with an abnormally good memory, is transported to the Naruto world as Itachi's cousin and a member of the Uchiha clan. He uses his exceptional memory to his advantage, growing stronger at a faster pace than his peers. The story's timeline will be accurate, but events will move away from the canon. There will be custom jutsu in the story.

DrWright · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Training With Itachi

A/N: Powerstones and Reviews help a lot. Thanks for the support! One year timeskip is on it's way. 

Reaching home, Eiji made sure to check up on his mother who was still sleeping.

'I've only known Dad for a few years, but for someone who's lived their whole life with him, I can't even begin to imagine the pain. I'll be there for you, Mother. I'll try to fill the big hole my father left.'

Making a silent vow to his mother, Eiji left the room and went to sleep in preparation for his training with Itachi the next day.

The next morning arrived. Eiji was excited to see what Itachi was made of. They had both agreed to meet up in the morning, so after making sure he did the grocery shopping for his mother, Eiji left the house and headed straight for the training grounds.

'Today is the day, the moment of truth. It's odd how I've never had the chance to train with my own cousin.'

After a short walk, Eiji finally arrived at the training grounds. Itachi, who was already there, appeared bored of waiting. "Being on time is the first step to being a good ninja," he scolded.

Eiji, annoyed that a brat was lecturing him, retorted, "Skill is also the determiner of a good ninja, so why don't you quit talking and start showing me what you're made of. We'll start off with shuriken throwing. Here, help me hang these up." Handing over wooden targets to Itachi, the two began pinning them to trees in close proximity to one another.

"Ok, so today we'll be focusing on increasing the number of targets we can hit. I'm personally capped at three for now, how about you?" Eiji asked Itachi.

With an analytical gaze, Itachi glanced at the six targets and replied, "I believe I could do four."

'Four? This kid has some good jokes. Well, I won't bother him too much about it. I know as the clan head's son, he has a lot of expectations on his shoulders. It would make sense for him to—'

Itachi had already thrown the shuriken and hit four simultaneously. Taking a moment to double-check, Eiji couldn't believe his eyes. The quiet Itachi, the boy who he thought was harmless, had hit all four targets.

'I don't know if I should be impressed or embarrassed... I've been struggling to hit four targets simultaneously for a while and he's done it so effortlessly. Did Itachi get possessed?'

"Hey! Who are you? Where did my shy cousin go?" Eiji demanded.

'I should've picked up on it earlier; the sudden shift in personality is abnormal. The only other way this could happen is through trauma and I don't think Itachi has lost anyone, so how?!'

Slightly amused by the seriousness in Eiji's tone when asking such a ridiculous question that could be seen as rhetorical, Itachi chuckled.

'The imposter is laughing now! He's making a mockery out of me! I need to get my cousin back.'

Grabbing Itachi by the collar, Eiji yelled, "Give me my cousin back!"

Initially thinking it was a joke, Itachi's smile began to fade, confusion visible on his face. "I don't know what you're thinking, but I really am Itachi. Remember when you came to my house but had to go home because you had an accident? Well, if you don't believe I'm Itachi, I'm forced to go into the details—" Before Itachi could complete what he was about to say, Eiji let go of his collar and put his hand over Itachi's mouth.

"Alright, alright, I believe you now!" he exclaimed.

Letting go of Itachi's mouth, Eiji pulled out four shuriken from the pouch he carried.

"Didn't you say you could only do four?" Itachi questioned.

"Don't worry about me," Eiji answered.

'Besides, I've got a plan up my sleeve. I'm not just hoping for luck. This'll show him I'm still his older cousin. Even if it's just by a few months.'

Replicating the same feeling he had in his eyes when his Sharingan activated, Eiji directed his chakra behind his eyes, the familiar heat building up behind them.

"What're you doing? Aren't you going to throw them? We are wasting valuable time," Itachi complained.

Eiji instinctively felt that he had built enough chakra, so he allowed it to envelop his eyes, awakening the Sharingan.

Ready to throw the shuriken, Eiji bent his knees, surveyed the targets, and threw the shuriken, each hitting its target perfectly.

'Now bow before your older cousin! Tell me how great I am! Hahaha!'

"H— How?!" Itachi stuttered, unconsciously retreating.

Itachi's memories went back to the time his father demonstrated the Sharingan. The fearsome dojutsu was one that would make his dream of becoming strong enough to prevent war possible.

Itachi was infatuated with the eyes Eiji had. Breaking out of the trance, Itachi swiftly returned to his senses, realizing he had asked an insensitive question. "The Sharingan is a dojutsu that awakens during tragedy, mostly after the loss of a loved one. It's clear how he was able to attain it. As Eiji is someone who has experienced the effects of the war firsthand, I want to ask him about what he thinks of war in general."

Wearing a serious expression, Itachi turned to Eiji.

'Hm? He doesn't seem impressed anymore... Is he trying to hide his awe or is it something else?'

"Eiji, what do you think of war?" Itachi asked coldly.

'That question is slightly out of the blue, but... War... Losing my father opened my eyes up to the reality of this world. I took up ninjutsu in order to challenge myself, but now I understand the importance of this power. I'd like to use my strength to protect those I love. That's what's driving me forward along with my thirst for challenge.'

"I've thought about this a lot last night. At first, I wanted revenge, but then I began to ponder. Did the ninja who killed my father do wrong? If they didn't kill him, they would have died. They also have families to go back to, so who's wrong? Is it the leaders of each nation? No, they went to war to benefit or protect the interests of their people. So who's to blame? After thinking about this, I've come to the conclusion that war is inevitable. Humans are flawed with greed; there will always be a nation that wants more, disturbing the balance. That's why I've resolved myself to be on the winning side throughout all conflicts. That way, I can protect my own and not go through what I did with my father," Eiji answered.

"I see..." Itachi replied, obviously disappointed with Eiji's response.

Eiji detected Itachi's disappointment but knew Itachi wouldn't voice it.

'He's emotionally intelligent. Well, he always was, but he's never displayed this amount. He realizes that because my view on war comes from my father's death, I may not take kindly to him trying to impose his own views. But if I ask him, he is more likely to tell me.'

"What do you think of war?" Eiji said, returning the question.

Itachi didn't even pause to think but immediately started to talk. "War is evil. If there is one person who is strong enough to rule over and prevent all wars, the world would be at peace. The world is in dire need of someone to maintain the balance," Itachi explained confidently.

'It appears this isn't the first time he's thought about this... What happened, Itachi? His theory, although plausible, doesn't account for our limited lifespans. If the maintainer of balance dies, the world will be in chaos once more and war will ensue. In addition, stopping war through strength alone would lead to a bloodbath carried out by the so-called Balance Maintainer. It would be hypocritical for one who killed so many to then preach about peace...'

Getting tired of speaking about such serious topics and feeling his chakra continue to drain, Eiji deactivated his Sharingan and diverted the conversation back to their training.

"Well, it's time for some physical exercise!" Eiji exclaimed.

The two continued training, competing with one another until the evening.


Reminder: Powerstones and Reviews! Thanks for the support.