
Naruto: Infinite Realities

What would happen if a person had access to an infinite number of realities of his favorite anime? What would happen if he could access all of them and do anything to said reality... Will he become a Messiah or the Devil?

isotobe · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Have you ever heard of the Multiverse theory... the theory that states there is an infinite number of universes and every time we do an action a universe will be created where we did the other action.

Let's say I choose to go to a Mcdonalds according to the Multiverse theory there will be another reality where I will go to a Wendys.

In simple terms that is the Multiverse theory but I have never believed the Multiverse theory because of the implications it would cause, considering there are over 7 billion human beings alone on this planet not even considering animals and other sentient organisms there would be trillions, no quadrillions of realities created every day and that number is not something I consider valid.

Next question have you ever believed in God, maybe Jesus Christ or Zeus... well I haven't but I do believe in "higher beings".

Now at first, those two things may sound the same as the Gods I mentioned before are concepts we believe in.

Such as Zeus being the concept of lighting or Jesus being the concept of all things holy, but I don't believe in these concepts, I believe in a higher being that has unimaginable power that does not wish for Humanity's extinction.

If you don't know what I mean have you ever wondered what is the most interesting race. Now I'm not talking about the most beautiful race like a peacock or the largest race like a blue whale.

What I'm talking about is the most interesting race, a race that does some of the craziest things when somebody else of the same race would do the exact opposite...

The Human Race

Humans are the most diverse race in the world because they can embody all 7 sins and 7 virtues aka the sins are Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth while the Virtues are Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility.

These are concepts that no other animal or race can do because they don't have the resources to do all of it, after all, they don't have an economy or laws.

But humans can have all of these virtues and sins because they have the resources to do these virtues and sins.

He*l I'm pretty sure there is a human that has all of these traits without even knowing!

Now why am I talking about this and how and why do I care about such weird concepts as the 7 sins and 7 virtues...

Well, you see both my parents had the 7 sins and 7 virtues, my parents were pretty messed up people they were lustful, greedy, wrathful, but on the outside, they were a kind and loving couple that treats their child (me) with kindness and lovingness.

The name people knew me as is Shugo Tenshi but since my parents were full-on psychotic for some reason they gave me the true name of Mazoku Kirashi.

Shugo Tenshi means Guardian Angel so people thought of me as a kind and loving boy but how would two psychotic people who had a child together have a child so nice and sweet.

Well, long story short I was more psychotic than they could ever be which is reminiscent of my name which means demon and death I was a demon but instead of being a demon that is lustful or greedy, I was a cunning demon.

But I soon realized that what my mother and father were doing was not allowed but more importantly my mindset was against the law a thousand times over.

But my demonic parents soon slipped up and got too greedy which resulted in them ending up in jail and the people they offended paid off the judge to give them the death penalty.

So when the cops came to my house I acted like a tortured little boy that didn't deserve what they gave me so I was adopted in an orphanage.

But sadly I could never find things that interest me because I am not a villain I am someone that if it benefits me in any way would burn down a country but what my parents pursued which was wealth, beautiful women, etc. was not something that could ever satisfy me but I would say my whole life changed when I opened my first science book.

Science is something that is making great strides in the modern age and what I read in that book blew my mind, humans were animals and other great facts like this were in a book that a child would read.

So I went through a rabbit hole for years into the science world where there are black holes and people claiming that there are parallel realities every time we do an action.

But of course my science was much more demonic than the research normal scientists do which mainly resulted in me using humans as test subjects instead of animals.

When I found anime it interested me greatly because of how people can make up these types of things and put them on a big screen without the budget being sky-high.

But soon I found out that some of these crazy ideas that the authors of said manga used that they did not fact check were things that as long as I tweaked it, these fantasy-like skills could be made with the power of science.

But from anime I learned that what my parents pursued was nothing in the grand scheme of things objects that only our society valued but it was not true power.

The power to do anything in any society even in a society where there are gods I would be able to do anything that was the power I wanted.

But when an experiment that dealt with genetics and was one of my first steps into the world of complex genetics the cops found me and shot down my lab so the self-destruct option in the lab was automatically detonated.

When I woke up I found myself in a black void where there are no sounds and when I speak there are no vibrations so the sounds are not carried in the air.

I see a light in this void-like area and what I would assume would be a purple-like shine on it but it speaks to me something I have heard a lot of times but not in the places you would expect.

"Do you want to be reincarnated?" The void-like light said in a monotone voice

I responded in an equally monotone voice "What do you mean?"

"Well you can call me a "ROB" but we reincarnate people for entertainment because we cannot go to lower worlds without its core reacting and destroying itself" It replies in a voice that is slowly getting more excited

Before I could say any words it said "But sadly all the people we reincarnated all simp for the female characters or relied too much on the cheats we gave them and trust me it is no fun watching some dude be submissive to a female so we tried to reincarnate people that are evil"

Now that I think about how can I talk?

"But those cold people never did anything fun and just got stronger doing anything possible even killing the main cast so and even though it is fun to watch a couple of times it gets old pretty fast"

"Well at least that's what I heard from my fellow ROB's so I choose you somebody that is a perfect balance of evil and not being a trash organism to be a reincarnate"

"And before you ask I am investing a pretty sum of my powers to give you the ability to jump realities of the world you are going to" The light orb said in an excited voice

"So good day"

And before I could even understand half of what he said I felt a vortex-like sensation and the last thought I had was "What just happened?" because even someone like me could not understand what just happened...