
Naruto in Danmachi?[Dropped]

This is my first novel and English is not my mother language. Please forgive me and let me know if u guys find grammer and other mistakes. XD

MelioDas678 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Offer of the Goddess

Emiya is flooding in a dark space. He can't see nor hear anything. Just pitch black of endless darkness. Then he saw a spark of light far far away and the light seems to be getting bighter and bigger. 'Is the light comming to me' he thought. But his thoughts are proved wrong when he saw another lights appear and left behind as he moves extremely fast. He seems to be travelling at the speed of light towards the brightest light source.

As he moves closer and closer to the light source, he begin to pass out since he can no longer process those lights and the speed of which he moves towards the light.

When Emiya wakes up, he sees himself lying in a field of grass. The wind was blowing peacefully and everything seems so peaceful. Emiya gets up and start wondering. ' Where the hell am I?. Am I dead? The last thing I remember was eating ramen and chocking and those lights what the hell are they. Is this heaven or something?' he thought and begin pinicking a little since he don't knows whats going on anymore. Then suddenly saw a figure in field. It seems to be a Tree and there is a a coffee table set up under it. And there is a person sitting on one side of the table drinking something. Emiya dont know what to do. But every instint of his are telling him to go to that person . So he start walking to the tree. He wanted to run and ask that person many questions but it seems like something is forcefully making him relax and peaceful. When he finally arrived ,he sees the person closely and his jaw almost drops to the ground. The person sitting was a woman who is so beautiful that all men would wage wars and go to a battle royal just to win this woman's attention. 'Something is strange' he thought. 'Normally i would get the urge to put her down so bad but it seems i am completely unaffected by her beauty' he said to himself as he gets closer and closer to the beauty.

When he was around 10 m away fron the beautiful figure, the woman suddenly open her eyes and looks towards Emiya. Then she smile softly and says " Hello Emiya. Come take a seat." while a new chair appear out of thin air on the other side of the table. He thought 'wtf' and sit down. He wanted to freak out but it seems he just cant freak out. " W-who are you ? and where am i?"

he asks the beauty. The beauty smiles and said" I am #*&%%#@, the goddess of all life, death and creation . One of the 3 gods of hightest order in the multiverse and infinite earths. " Emiya asked again since he didn't really heard in the first time. "Ehh what was you name again?" . " Since i am a higher form of being only those with level 10 divinity or higher can understand or pronounce my name. You don't have a single bit of divinity so its natrual u cannot hear my name." the goddess said with a beautiful smile. " Since i became the godess of highest order, my life was completely boring. there is no challange left for me. living is no fun at all. Then i found the world you live. a very creative world with many fantasy and advantures. Althought your world cannot use mana because of hight dark matter concentration, your world have lots of stories about mana and magic." she said. " Wait a minute , magic is real? I mean Really EXIST?" Emiya asked with a surprised face. "well, more or less yes" the goddess answered. " As for the second question you are currentely in a world i created to meet you. I made this world to has calm and relaxing effects so that you won't freak out and you are aware of the fact you are dead right?" the godess asked with a serious expression. 'Ahh yes ,of course' he thought in his mind and only nodded. Then the goddess continue " Well among all of the stories your world have, i really like a story about gods and godess came to the mortal plane and lived with the humans and i have created a world of that story but i cannot be the main character since just my presence alobe would destroy that world. When i saw u worked hard and choked on noodles, it really amused me. So for entertaining my long dead heart i shall grand u an opportunity to be the main charcter of my created world. So what do you say boy~." she said with a teasing expression.

'Wow my very own reincarnation' Emiya thought. "So the world you talked about , is that danmachi? " he asked. "Omm yes it is" the godess answered with a smile. "Since the the story you like most is naruto. I shall give you the powers of your idol but remember i will lock away most of the powers and only unlock them for tempoary uses. Trust me being too overpowered is really boring." she siad with a sad expression. "well i guess its true if it comes from the strongest god of the universe" Emiya replied.He was really happy that he could be like naruto. Althought he is not going to be in naruto world, he is really happy.

" Alright its decided, i will be sending you there now. I will send you to the point where Bell met Hastia. Well, you will be Bell of couse and remember you must not let anyone know about my existance or your transmigration. No one likes to became a creation that entertains others. So it would be the best if you keep it a secret and i won't be giving you the tail beasts that have free will since it would be really bad if u mess up." The goddess said. "Ahh its ok. Can you at least give me a system? i mean like " "of course i know. i am a otaku too you know. I know what you want" the godess spoke with a pout before letting him finish his word. " I will also make miner modifications for you as well then i will send you off. Syonara, have fun I will be warching your show " the goddess said with a beautiful smile.

"I will do my best" Emiya said and the godess snap her fingers and he was blown away into the abyss again.

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