
chapter 1: 5 wishes

In the boundless void I was a confused white soul looking around.

In front of her appeared a great and boundless entity, so he asked him this entity?....

Entity: You have five wishes that I can fulfill for you while choosing the world in which you will be reborn...

With great confusion: Can I choose anything?

Entity: Yes, choose carefully

Soul: The world I want is Naruto and I wish to be Naruto at 11 years old. My first wish is a cultivation technique from the year sage owner Strength of the Hell-Crushing Godmammoth.

Secondly, I want a tower with nine floors, each floor different from the other, and to be filled with monsters in one of the floors so that I can refine them and train with them.

Third wish that my office has martial arts and style of immortality.

My fourth wish is to be a galactic eye dragon from Yu-Gi-Ah, my summoning monster.

Fifth wish All skills of the ten most powerful chemists in all worlds and dimensions.

Soul (Naruto in the future): That's all.

The great entity with great interest: your choice is truly distinguished, hehehehe, I will give you a surprise, a small man entered the tower.. but now let's go on your journey 👋👋👋..

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