
Naruto: immortal Ninja

Our protaganit find himself 30 years after the creating of konoha as an orphan how will he live and what will he do to realize his ambition, what changes his presence will make in the Ninja world ________________________________________________ I'm new to this so if you have any criticism I'm open to it ________________________________________________ I don't claim anything other than my MC I found the art in Pinterest. so its not mine this is fanfiction, I'm sure everyone already read Naruto but if you haven't please do it's still good

xiaoyasso · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

30 ( revised )

Today, as he was heading back home with Tsunade, she said, "Aah, working in the hospital sure is hard." With strength came responsibility. This was the perfect way to describe her current situation. As the higher-ups in the hospital began to realize how good of a doctor Tsunade is, her responsibilities grew a lot. From a normal doctor at the beginning, she is now more of a head doctor, and a lot of difficult cases and patients are given to her right away. This, in return, has made her far busier than she already was.

Haru could understand Tsunade's situation to some extent, as he too was getting busier and busier in his life. However, unlike Tsunade, who could now just focus on medicine, he had many other areas of interest. So, he found a way to keep himself focused and improve in multiple areas simultaneously. He trained himself to make his training into a habit by focusing on one thing until he had some success with it and then continued at a normal pace. By doing this, he was able to jump from one thing to another with relative ease without abandoning his previous goals.

While they were on their way, Tsunade kept on complaining, but Haru didn't respond or say anything. He knew that even though she was tired, from the smile in her eyes, she was enjoying what she was doing. He couldn't help but look into her eyes as she kept talking. No matter the expression on her face, her eyes were the window to her soul, and currently, they were filled with confidence and satisfaction. They were really beautiful, so he said, "But Tsunade-nee is very popular in the hospital today. While I was working, I heard some old patients talking about how their problems were fixed by a beautiful doctor. He was bragging to the other patients about it. I'm sure in the next couple of days, you will find a lot of similar patients coming to you."

She had finally found her place and knew how she would progress in the future. From now on, she wouldn't be so focused on Mito's future. Sometimes being busy can be helpful, and Haru was the same. After finally getting his medical career on track, he had a little more time to focus on other things he needed to do. As he headed back to the clan, he started to think about his plans and goals in the short term. Since the Gentle Fist was progressing at a good pace and he had already secured his place in the hospital, there weren't many other things left for him to achieve in the short term.

In the next couple of days, with Mito's acceptance, he spent more time on his training and took a vacation from school altogether so that he could focus on creating his own taijutsu. Even though he had been very busy in the past weeks and didn't have much time, he had still made some progress in this area. With the help of clones, he had learned at least a few more taijutsu techniques. Of course, most of them weren't very strong, since even for him, learning a high-ranked technique would require more time and attention. But for now, he didn't need them. The more complex a technique is, the harder it is to change or merge with others. And the strongest taijutsu techniques are all very complicated and represent the pinnacle of their own style.

What Haru needed now were basic and simple techniques. The simpler a technique, the more room there is for creativity. Of course, He wasn't going to use those techniques, but he wanted them as a reference so he could create his own.

After reading dozens of techniques and learning most of them, He finally stopped and decided that he had enough material to work with for now. Although those techniques weren't very strong, Haru was able to extract what he needed from them. After reading so much, he started to see similarities between them. Now, He could be considered very knowledgeable about how many taijutsu techniques worked and what their most basic moves were, which were often similar across techniques.

Not only did this help him create his own taijutsu, but it also allowed him to learn a lot about how the body moves. His ability to read his opponent's body has greatly improved, and he can now instantly read simple and repeated movements.

Those are just bonuses. What Haru is most happy about is that he now has a clearer idea of what he wants to achieve and how to create it. His plan is to create a basic taijutsu that is versatile and can be improved over time. With the extended reading he has done in the past weeks, Haru has gained a lot of knowledge on this topic.

So his taijutsu should be ready very soon. Even if the first version is basic and weak, that's fine since it's just the initial version. In Haru's vision, his taijutsu should have layers. The first layer is a simple taijutsu that is not much different from others, but as he adds different styles and concepts, the technique's strength and complexity will increase. This will take a lot of time since he needs to master different concepts before merging them.

Currently, His plan is to first create the taijutsu and then try to merge his previous technique into it. That shouldn't be very difficult as he has already mastered his previous taijutsu.

Now that he knows what he needs to do, he gets straight to business and begins to try different moves to find the most suitable one for him. As he already has some experience, he knows what will work and what won't, so this part will be just a very mechanical process of trying them one by one until he finds the perfect mix.

When Haru knows what he needs to do and starts working on it, that's when he feels the most peaceful with himself. He knows what the future holds for himself and the entire Senju Clan. He will have some trouble and anxiety about his improvement, knowing that if he wants to change something, especially an important event, he needs a lot of strength to back him up. No matter what kind of status he holds now, it's all based on the Senju Clan and mostly on Mito herself. Without her, he knows what the Senju Clan's future would be. There isn't a lot of information, but something of the magnitude of the Senju Clan shouldn't disappear in the manner and span it did. There has to be something in it, whether it was an accident or man-made, and if he wants to stop it, he needs a lot more strength.

As Haru was in the middle of his training, he spotted Nawaki looking for him. Recognizing that he had neglected to spend time with his friend due to his hectic schedule, Haru decided to end his training for the day and spend some quality time with Nawaki.

During their hangout, Haru sensed that something was weighing on Nawaki's mind, but he chose to wait until they were on their way home before broaching the topic. As they walked, a refreshing breeze brushing their faces, Haru spoke up, "Nawaki, is there something you need? If it's within my power, I'll do my best to help."

Nawaki smiled slightly before mustering his courage and saying, "Haru, I want to graduate early." Haru looked at his friend's face and couldn't help but sigh. As Nawaki grew stronger, there was nothing left for him to learn in school. Haru thought for a while before asking, "What do you plan to do after you graduate?" Nawaki smiled confidently and replied, "I'll start doing missions." Haru nodded, understanding that many young kids dreamed of becoming a ninja and then promoted all the way to Jonin. However, he also knew that the path towards that goal wouldn't be easy.

Haru gave Nawaki a serious look before saying, "Nawaki, I understand what you mean. Graduating early may work for others, but it's not the best choice for you." Nawaki's smile faded, and he looked at Haru with a confused expression. Haru continued, "Nawaki, I don't think you realize your importance. You're different from most kids in school. You're a Senju and the heir of the clan. Your future position is as the clan head." Startled, Nawaki asked, "What about Tsunade?" Haru sighed and responded, "Tsunade-nee has already chosen her own path, and if she were to become the clan head, it would have happened by now. That leaves the position to you. Grandma and the others are just waiting for you to grow up a little and mature more before they start training you for the position."

All that information was new to Nawaki, and he was very overwhelmed. All his life, he didn't think it was his place as Tsunade was always the more intelligent and talented one between them. He always assumed that she would be the one to take on the role.

Haru stayed silent and let Nawaki think for a while. After some time, he heard Nawaki say, "Then what should I do, Haru?" Haru replied, "Even if you are the next heir, you can still be a ninja and go on missions. However, I think you should start learning how to be a clan head now since you have a lot of free time at the moment. After you finish learning, you can then graduate and leave the village. Once you graduate, you'll be much busier and won't have time to study those things."

The Senju Clan was different, with a unique way of thinking compared to the rest. Their head can't grow up sheltered and isolated, so Nawaki has to take missions and leave the village to broaden his horizons and gain experience in different things. However, that wasn't going to happen at his current age. Nawaki still didn't fully understand what being the head meant. If he went outside like this, he would still be very reckless.

Knowing what Nawaki's future holds, Haru couldn't let him go out with that mentality. Even with Orochimaru, he was still at risk. Haru hoped that once Nawaki understood the responsibility he was going to take on and what it meant to have the Senju Clan on his shoulders, this would soften his behavior a little.

As not only the clan will face problems in the future, but the whole village will as well. They all need Nawaki to mature and develop if he wants to survive, as the geography of the ninja world makes it clear that maintaining peace is very difficult. The problem is often not greed, but rather survival and resources. Due to uneven distribution, some villages have too much while others have none. It's basically a cycle: as the population grows, their needs also increase. When less fortunate villages reach their capacity, they are unable to provide for their people. The atmosphere and sentiments shift, leading to increased calls for conflict. Even if victory or improved resources are not guaranteed by the end, the amount of deaths will hinder population growth and reduce demand. It's a vicious cycle that has forced the whole world into a cycle of war and brief periods of peace.

Either you will have the strength to keep the hungry villages silent, or you will be dragged into the confrontation even if you don't want to. For now, Haru hopes that they will grow enough to bear the responsibility they will face in the future. As he gazed at the cloudy sky today, he said, "My taijutsu's name will be Kumo Mai (Cloud Dance Body Technique)." He hoped to be as free as the clouds in the future.

In the next month, Haru worked and focused a lot of his free time on trying to create his jutsu as quickly as possible. After learning from repeated failures, he finally created his Cloud Dance, even if it's simple and weak for now. But he finally opened the door and figured out the way. That was the most important thing. Now all he needed to do was perfect it with time. With the vast library in the Senju clan, he was sure he would find many interesting and different styles and concepts that he could try to learn and merge into his own.

He ticked off another item on his mental checklist, which was full of various ideas and plans for the future. He marked the taijutsu section as complete for the time being since he was confident in its potential and strength. Moving on to other areas, he checked them off one by one. With his knowledge of the Uzumaki clan's biography on sealing techniques and being taught by Mito herself, he didn't need to focus on this area for the near future. Mastering the Uzumaki's sealing arts alone would make him one of the best in the world.

Another area of interest was chakra control and medicine, but since he was already being taught by Tsunade, he didn't need to focus on it much. For the next couple of years, his main focus would be mastering what was already taught. Chakra control was also in the same category. With his increasing knowledge of the body's chakra system, he planned to perfect this area and wouldn't need to revisit it for a long time.

With those completed, there were still a couple of things left for Haru, and he considered them in his mind. One was chakra capacity, but improving his chakra capacity would require dangerous measures if he wanted to see improvement in the short term. Moreover, he believed that there was still a lot of potential for his chakra capacity to increase on its own since he was still very young, so he decided not to focus on it for now.

That left him with two subjects he could work on. The first was nature transformation or the change in chakra nature, an advanced form of chakra control that involved molding and defining the nature of one's chakra. It is one of the most important components in creating or modifying a technique. Haru realized that he would need it a lot in the future, so he decided to start planning for it soon.

Another advanced form of chakra control is shape transformation, which Haru has more experience with than with nature transformation. It is also essential in creating techniques. However, since he is already training in it through his research on the gentle fist and the chakra system, he can devote more attention to other areas.

However, there is one area where Haru's skills are lacking, as he did not pay much attention to it in the past: genjutsu. While he received basic training in genjutsu as part of his school curriculum, Haru now recognizes the importance of further developing his skills in this area. Both genjutsu and medical ninjutsu fall under the yin and yang chakra nature attributes. While Haru is familiar with yang chakra as it is used in most healing jutsu, he is not as clear on the yin side. Nonetheless, he recognizes the importance of improving his skills in this area, particularly when it comes to illusion techniques, and will devote significant effort to it in the near future.