
Naruto:I use naruto plot to max as Naruto

In this we are naruto in Narutoverse but not going to change the story line, but in place going to use plot to grain power to max . He is going to effect the plot in some cases but that will not change the storyline a bit till baruto series. #Smart naruto #No revenge for naruto #going to follow the plot #Not full original story copying #Crush and love plot (maybe) I don't own Naruto but i do own this norval . Starting two chapter is same as real manga but after that real norval will start.

Anuj_goyal_6407 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 9

I'm shocked that I was able to overcome Sensai and pass my exam. 

In addition, I gained more knowledge since I studied "1000 Years of Pain" Taijutsu and could study Academic Jutshu in my spare time.

Clown Naruto Now that the combat has ended, combine the remaining ninety leaders into one.

Naruto (Clown): "Sensai, can I take a break because I passed out?"

Kakashi: " You did pass the survival exercise, but you only have one bell for yourself. What about the other one?" 

Naruto: " If my teammates impress me, I'll give them both of the bells."

Kakashi: " What did you mean?? " 

Naruto: " You will see later."" 

Subsequently, Naruto, the leader, undone himself, allowing Naruto 2 to take pleasure in the conflict between his squad captain and teammates.

In the meantime, the original Naturo is honing his academy-level Jutshu so he may utilise it in an emergency.


1) Body Replacement Technique 

This ninjutsu lets a ninja quickly replace their body with a nearby object, such as a plant or animal.

is used to evade an enemy's attacks, allowing them to escape a lethal blow and gain an advantageous position over their enemy. It surpasses simple speed or reflexes, and the use of a replacement object makes it harder to detect until it is too late.

Despite how it appears, this replacement is not instantaneous. Like the Body Flicker Technique, it is an example of high-speed movement that causes the caster (and the target) to move faster than the eye can see. This is what makes it difficult to use at the higher levels of Shinobi combat, as a skilled enough ninja is able to discern its use, either intercepting it or tracking the caster.

The caster's chakra latches onto the object they want to replace themselves with, binding the two of them together and slipping them past one another until they reach the other's original position. The curious nature of this movement means that a ninja can use it even while being restrained or in mid-air.

This replacement will often create an optical illusion, an after-image infused with chakra, allowing it to change in reaction to the attack and fool the enemy into believing that they had succeeded.

The most common objects that ninjas use to replace themselves with are wooden logs. Primarily because they are the most convenient objects to swap with, the ideal size, and easy to get a hold of. It's not even uncommon to have them set up on a battlefield beforehand for future body replacements.

The targeted object needs to be within its immediate vicinity for it to be within range of the ninjutsu. And if it is too small or too large in comparison to the caster, then the ninjutsu cannot effectively grasp it.

It is not impossible for the ninjutsu to be cast on another person, but it is one of the more difficult ways to use it. Without a certain difference of power and skill between the caster and target, such as a genin and a jounin or a civilian and a genin, the chakra of the other individual can interfere with the body switch to prevent it from taking hold.

2) Clone Jutsu

Clone Technique

This ninjutsu creates an intangible copy of the ninja's own body.

It is a three-dimensional image that shares the exact same appearance as the ninja casting it. Typically, the clone will reflect its creator in its movement and move exactly as they move, but they can be directed to move in specific ways.

Lacking physical substance, these clones are completely incapable of interacting with their environment. They cannot cast shadows, leave footprints, disturb the air, radiate heat, or do any number of other things that indicate that they are truly living beings. At most, they can at least emulate the original's voice with chakra, aiding the illusion.

That is why this ninjutsu is only meant to provide a distraction by confusing an opponent's sense of sight with another version of the ninja, hiding themselves amongst the clones, or allowing the clones to draw attention in place of themselves.

Of all the ninjutsu taught at the ninja academy, this one is the most advanced, which is why it is so often made the requirement for graduation.

3) Rope Escape Jutsu

Rope Escape Technique

This ninjutsu unravels physical bindings to allow a ninja to free themselves from restraints.

The caster's chakra flows into the material of whatever is being used to entrap them, working to loosen the knots and wear away at it from the inside to weaken it. Once it reaches its breaking point, the ninja can break free.

All ninja learn how to undo knots when they are bound by rope or wire, but a well-done binding makes this far too time-consuming, if not outright impossible. The purpose of this ninjutsu is to aid in escape in such situations.

It is in fact one of the easiest possible techniques to learn, enough so that everyone who learns it is quickly able to use it without a hand seal. It is something that is a necessity for this ninjutsu to ever be useful, as everyone knows to bind a shinobi's hands first.

4) Cloak of Invisibility Jutsu

Cloak of Invisibility Technique

This ninjutsu can imbue a length of fabric with chakra to give it the ability to act as camouflage.

By holding the cloth over themselves, it changes to create an image of their surroundings with an optical illusion. Even the edges of the cloth meld into the background to make the illusion seem more natural, and any irregularities are nearly unnoticeable unless the cloth is touched. Hidden under the cloth, the ninja is practically invisible to any observers.

Even if the ninja doesn't have a spare piece of cloth they can use, it's not uncommon to perform the ninjutsu on their own clothing to hide them, though anything left uncovered is still visible.

However, the cloak is only able to fool an enemy's sense of sight. It doesn't disguise their scent, body heat, noises, or chakra signature, which is what makes it the least powerful of all camouflage ninjutsu.

Rope Escape Technique

A basic technique taught at the academy. It allows a ninja to free themselves if they have been tied up. 

Transformation Technique

It is typically used to change into people other than oneself, but one also has the ability to change into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like weapons. 

It requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. 


I can use more Jutshu on my list during a fight because I have mastered every Academy-level Jutshu.

I was unable to do them previously because of my lack of control over my huge chakra, but this time I am utilising the Eight Trigram Seal to construct another seal gate whenever I perform this reduced chakra Jutshu to overcome the drawbacks of my large chakra.

Hence This problem is solved. 

I read the Eight Trigrams Seal and discovered that I possessed one as well, but because opening one carelessly can be dangerous, I made a 100-fold weaker version of the original Seal to aid me with small-scale Jutshu.

I still need a lot of time and power to master the Eight Trigrams Seal to maximum use, as this time I can't say I have perfected this seal yet. 

But now, due to it, I have managed to grain Chakra countrol to peak, and hence, out of five forbidden, I have mastered two out of five. 

Multiple shadow clones of Jutshu and mutually multiplying explosive tags.