

We are back! Let observe Red Shirogane facing the Ninja world with the help of his lame system! Taming beast, kidnapping girls and much more! This time, a little more interesting with negligible mistakes! So, what are you waiting for! Come and join us in his journey to the top!

False_Sage · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


SAME DAY & PLACE( As from previous chaps),

MORNING : 6:05 A.M,


Inside the cave,

Shin and Kai are sleeping on either side of Aina. Aina is sitting between them and staring at Shin's face for a good five minutes now.

While Shin was sleeping, he felt a gaze staring at him. At first he wanted to open his eyes but then he felt Aina( Kai's sister) woke up before him and gazed at him.

He felt relieved that he was not being targeted by any bast**** but still felt something amiss as to why Kai's sister was staring at him!

After waiting for 5 minutes, He found out that his thoughts are going nowhere and decided to stand up and ask her.

When Aina saw him waking up, She hurriedly lay down in her position and pretended to act as if she was still unconscious.

When Shin opened his eyes, he saw Aina pretending to sleep. He tenderly shook her body and whispered in her ear,

" If you don't wake up then, a big bad wolf will eat you"

" Pfft!, hahaha...! "

At first, Aina got stunned by Shin's action since even her Brother never came that close to her. Let alone an opposite gender!

But after hearing Shin's words, she can't stop laughing.

" Aina you are awake!!

" Boom!! Thud!!"

" Ahh!!!!"

Then, from the other side of Aina a loud shout was heard. It seems like the ignored character( Kai) have woken up after hearing Aina's laugh.

Kai tried to pounce on Aina, like a wolf pouncing on sheep. But before he could do that Shin came between them and kicked Kai's face who flow's in the air and crashed at the walls of the cave accompanied by a loud cry!

" Hey!, Why hit me!"

" YOU FOOL!" She is still weak and not fully healed. Do you truly want to kill her!!"

Kai shouted furiously at Shin and asked for an explanation but was shot down by Shin by mentioning His ignorance.

" Ah!, Sorry I can't control myself after seeing Aina awake after a long time."

" Don't fret over it, just remember next time to not make these mistakes. Do I make myself clear!!!!"

" Haaaaii!( Yes!)"

Kai apologized for his mistakes and Shin accepted his apology. But still warned him in a fierce and serious tone that gave Kai chills. He readily agreed and swore in his heart not to repeat it again.

Seeing the interaction between Her savior, whose name she found out is Shin, and her big brother who looks more healthy and cheerful a smile broke out from her mouth and tears started to flow. She wiped her tears to not embarrass herself.

" Oh! Aina meets Shin. He is the one who treats you. And Shin she is my sister Aina"

" Nice to meet you!">2

After Kai introduced both of them. Shin replied casually while Aina replied in the brightest smile she could make from her small, childish but angelic face.

" Ba-dump!"

For a second, Shin's heart skips a beat while gazing at Aina's face. She has white skin which is as pure as ice, Blue eyes bluer that sky and Ashen coloured hairs which gave her a divine look.

Shin swears if not for his and Aina's age, he would like to propose to her right now!

Shin tried very hard to calm himself down while Both looked at Shin's dumbfounded expression as it's the first time even Kai had seen this expression.

He thought from Shin's temperament that he was very mature but now it seems like it's all fake.

" Okay! Now that Aina is well, let me tell you about myself. And you are also curious about me right!"

" Hai!"

" Yes!"

Both Kai and Aina answered while Kai nodded his head in excitement. On the other hand, Aina nodded her beautiful face and replied in her sweet voice. (^_^)

" So, Listen My name is...."

Half-hour later,

" So, you want to recruit all the orphans in the land of rain to create your own organization. Right!"

" Yes! But the main people of the organization would be the talented orphan's. While, others would be taken care of till they can survive outside the world. If they want then they can leave anytime or decide to join us!"

Aina asked in an uncertain voice as she was not sure about her guess. Shin also answers her and tries to resolve her worries about it.

" Last question, what would happen after you leave a year later?"

" Huh... Well I won't go till most of you are capable of fending off the threats and survive in the upcoming storm. Also, I won't leave permanently! At most, I will come back after 10 years."

" Nani!!"

When Aina asked her last question, Shin got surprised by her wit's as he knows her from Kai's stories that she is a little naïve girl, Little did he know she changed due to facing death( Even a fool would get some intelligence when facing death, Let alone a girl like Aina.),

After his surprise, Shin pondered for some time and told her about his plan. It made Aina very sad as She is still 6 years old and 10 years are very long for her.

Before Aina could reply to Shin, Both of them got surprised by a loud shout from Kai who seemed like got the shock of his life.

" Ah!, Sorry for that. But still, what would be the name of your organization."

" I have already thought of a name."

" What is it?"

" It's..."

At first Kai wanted to scream as to why Shin was going to leave them. But when seeing her sister's expression Kai stopped and apologized for his mistake. But he asked another question that he is most concerned about to change his previous shout.

Shin also does not pursue the matter and replies.

But he still maintained some suspense before revealing the name of the organization.

 Hurry up!"

"Okay, Listen,

The world is filled with many colours,

But, I only saw dark clouds and black night.

I want to rise above the clouds,

I want to see the sunshine,

I want to bath in freedom,

And explore the endless sky.

But, I can't,

My dreams are false,

I don't have wing's,

I am but a feather,

So what,

I will join all the feathers,

What colour it may be,

And make a pair,

Pair of rainbow wing's.

( By Sageverse)

"Its name is THE RAINBOW FEATHERS, which will let us all break the limit's and bath in the freedom you strive for!"


'The Beginning'