
Naruto : I received a system shop!!

First time author! Please excuse the bad grammar and give me advice if you wish! This is my take on a Naruto fanfic! It may not be very well done so give me some slack! I will mostly be using my original ideas/characters (if any) for the shop function of the system. Though it does not mean you can’t give me ideas for items or skills from other anime or pop culture shows! It’s a harem and I plan to make it big but I can’t promise you will be happy about it if you wish to see every member of the harem frequently! Let me know what characters of Naruto you want in the harem! Dead or otherwise lol! Maybe even from other anime or shows if you can convince me! I want my character Zasu to be a Poison, seals/barrier, and summoning build so if you have ideas tell me! But if you think you can convince me of something other then that path tell me! I do not own any characters beside my OC, if this photo is yours please contact me and I will happily take it down!

Dao_Master_Penguin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Do you want to escape?

/Unknown location, Colombia/

/3rd Person POV/

Running through the jungle Rosorita didn't know what to think anymore.

'It was nothing but a lie.' she thought as she ran. She did not know where she was going, her only thought was to leave.

She had been tricked, betrayed by FARC, the organization she had been working for. In order to bring revolution to Colombia. She had done countless monstrosities, fueled by her own blind beliefs. 'It was nothing but a lie.' She thought once again, 'I was nothing but a tool for them.' Rosarita had stopped at nothing to achieve her missions for FARC, even if it meant killing women or children. Yet it was all for naught, Rosarita had grown curious as to what she had been protecting. Fueled by this curiosity, she had decided to see it for herself, but what she found wasn't anything pleasant.

What Rosarita had been protecting wasn't 'Freedom' or 'Hope', it was drug fields. This broke her, as memories of what atrocities she had committed resurfaced, not fueled by righteousness of revolution, but as a tool for the cartel. So she ran, without thinking, she left FARC and ran into the jungle to disappear. 'I just want to escape, I don't know what to do anymore.' She thought as she continued to run.

'Do you want to escape?' Suddenly a voice was heard by her. "Who!?" Rosarita jumped beside a tree to take cover, holding her pistol ready to engage.

'Do you want to escape?' The voice sounded once more.

"Who are you!?" Rosarita shouted, normally she would keep her calm, but her mental state had been unstable since she found out about the drug fields.

'Do you want to escape?' The voice sounded once more.

"I'll kill you!" Rosorita screamed as she began shooting at every direction. This was a mistake, as she was not far away from the FARC camp, causing her to reveal her location. Soon the area would be littered with FARC soldiers. It was too late for her to regret.

'Do you want to escape?' The voice once more sounded.

"Escape from what!?" Rosarita was losing herself to the frequently asked question.

'Escape from everything.' Was all the voice said.

'I want nothing more then to escape, to disappear.' Rosarita thought as she started to make plans to face the soldiers that were on their way.

'May you find what you are looking for in your new life. May you serve your master well.' The voice sounded once more surprising Rosarita, as the voice sounded like it had read her own thoughts.

Suddenly In front of Rosarita a pitch black portal appeared, it looked as if the area surrounding it were fusing with it. Rosarita felt a strong attracting force pulling her towards it. As she thought about what had just happened, she heard a commotion around her. The soldiers had arrived, she had no more time, disregarding her own safety Rosarita ran into the portal before disappearing with it completely. Leaving her own world for good.

/Senju compound, Zasu's room/

/Zasu POV/

"Hello." I said with a wry smile.

"Quickly tell me or I will shoot!" Roberta shouted at me.

'She seems unhinged, and her current outfit isn't anything like the manga.' I thought while looking at the women pointing a pistol at me. "My names Zasu Doku. Your currently in my room." I said calmly

"That's not what I'm asking!" She shouted. "Who are you!? How did.." "Zasu!" Roberta started to scream before Tsunade broke through the wall and into the room.

'This is going to get complicated' I thought looking at the bloodthirsty expression Tsunade was giving off.

"Tsunade wai…" "Zasu!" I started to say before Shizune interrupted me and appeared in front of me to guard me from Roberta.

Before I could explain the situation, Roberta pointed the pistol to Tsunade. Before the gun could go off though, a Kunai was thrown by Tsunade. Hitting the pistol with enough force to cause Roberta to let go of the weapon.

Losing her weapon Roberta started to sprint toward Tsunade while taking out a knife aiming to kill her in a close quarter fight. This was a mistake, as Roberta wasn't in her own 'regular' word anymore.

Unsurprisingly Tsunade quickly appeared next to her and sent a gut wrenching punch into Roberta's stomach, sending her flying into the wall and causing her to throw up blood. It was at this point I moved, appearing in front of Roberta and facing Tsunade.

"Tsunade stop!" I yelled.

"Move Zasu! She tried to kill you! She deserves to die!" Tsunade shouted at me.

'Wasn't she afraid of blood?' I thought as I looked at Tsunade who had Roberta's blood from her throw up, on her clothes. "Tsunade this is a misunderstanding!" I shouted, before looking back at Roberta who was struggling to breath.

I quickly moved to her and began using my Mystical Palm Jutsu to stabilize her. "Help me Tsunade! You almost killed her!" I scolded the now confused Tsunade.

"Zasu who is she?" Tsunade asked with a dark expression.

"Shizune please help me…" I asked with a pleading look, although I could 'save' Roberta myself, I wanted to give the semi conscious Roberta a lasting memory of me trying to plead for her survival.

"Lad… lady Tsunade let's help her out. Zasu wouldn't be helping her if she was a bad person." Shizune told Tsunade.

Tsunade continued to stare at me before sighing. "Zasu you better have a good explanation." She told me before arriving next to me and begin treating Roberta.

When Tsunade looked down she paled and started shaking. 'Looks like she finally noticed.' I thought as I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her chest. "Keep healing her, I'll block the blood out of your view." I whispered to her.

Tsunade shook a little more before breathing in deeply. "Hold me tighter…" she mumbled in a barely audible voice.

I held her tighter while she continued treating Roberta, the whole process took around an hour before Roberta was safe. The only thing to note was that she had passed out halfway through the treatment.

"Shizune take her to a spare room." Tsunade said as she placed her hand on top of mine. My arms were still wrapped around her chest, feeling the softness of her ginormous breast.

Once Shizune had left carrying Roberta, the only ones left in my room were me and Tsunade.

"Speak." Tsunade told me with a stern voice.

"I summoned her by accident." I said calmly.

"Summon? How could you summon her? When did you meet her?" Tsunade started to rapid fire questions at me.

"No no Tsunade, I think your confused." I told her. "During my training I felt a strong pressure coming from my eyes."

"I tried to relieve it by activating them, but it didn't work. It wasn't until I pushed them to the limit by using most of my chakra reserves that a something happened." I told her while tightening my arms around her and shaking a little, feigning anxiety.

Tsunade turned her head to look at me. "It's ok Zasu, you can tell me. If it's important I'll take it to my grave, I won't tell anyone." She spoke and smiled softly at me.

"My eyes opened a portal… and that women came out of it… The aura that was emitting from the portal wasn't something I ever felt before… it was as if it was devoid of any chakra… You saw her body too… it doesn't have any chakra coils…" I said softly. "I think… she's from another world." I told Tsunade

Tsunade quickly broke away from my arms and turned around, completely shaking off her fear of blood, as she grabbed my shoulders in panic. "NEVER TELL ANYONE WHAT YOU JUST TOLD ME! PROMISE ME ZASU! PROMISE ME!" She yelled while shaking me.

I stared dumbfounded at her. "I.. I promise." I told her. 'what else could I do?' I thought, I had never seen as much fear in Tsunade's eyes as I did now.