
Naruto with the scroll

In one memorable scene, a young boy is seen feasting on his favourite dish, ramen. His love for the noodle soup is well-known, and this moment highlights his carefree and spirited personality. As he slurps his ramen noisily, his eyes are alight with joy, making this a heartwarming image that underscores his simple pleasures amidst a life of rigorous ninja training.

In the background, a group of ninjas are engaged in a hushed conversation. Their expressions are serious as they discuss a recent incident - Naruto has stolen a forbidden scroll. Hearing that the boy stops eating his food - so, it is time to move. he pays for the food and start looking for Naruto.

Roku is a young civilian ninja who just passed and became a genin. He came to this world with the memory of his previous life, but those memory are some what vague.

Flash back(mc planning)

Roku was sitting in his academy class, his mind wandering. His sensei's words washed over him like a dull hum. He was thinking about what he needs to do to survive in this ninja world . - first i need to remember the important event that happened in the series, that is the only advantage i have over other. He remembered that Naruto stole the forbidden scroll and learned shadow clone from it. So, the first thing he would do is use this information to his advantage.

Roku immediately dashes out onto the streets of Konoha. He search any sign of spiky, bright yellow haired boy. The information about the stolen scroll running wild his mind, and he knows he needs to find Naruto quickly. He is excited at this moment, he wants to get the early benefit of this past life information. - if i am not wrong, that scroll hold most of ninjutsu that leaf village has ever made form the lowest to the forbidden it holds every thing. if i can get a hold of few ninjutsu then my life i will survive the first arc of the series.


Roku finally spots Naruto in a secluded clearing, away from the prying eyes of the village. Naruto is determinedly attempting to learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu, a technique from the stolen scroll. Roku watches him from the shadows, contemplating his next move. - I need to start a conversation with him.

Roku steps out of the shadows, approaching Naruto with a friendly smile. "Hey, Naruto," he calls out, trying to keep his tone casual. "Working on something cool?"

Naruto looks up, surprised. His face scrunches up in confusion as he asks, "Who are you?"

-i had a feeling this would happen, technically i did not exist in this world. From his prospective, i am just a background character. But that end today, with this encounter i have changed that.

 "My name is Roku, and I'm your classmate," the boy replies with confidence.

Naruto stares at him for a moment before recognition lights up his face. "Oh, you're Roku?" he asks, his tone suggesting a mix of surprise and curiosity.-who is this guy, why is he taking to me.

"so, Naruto what is that cool looking scroll?". Naruto look at the scroll " this is the scroll of the forbidden seal !" Naruto lowering his voice " it is suppose to be secret , but i will tell you, if you learn ninjutsu from this scroll you can become genin."

Roku then asked "what did you learn?"

As Naruto's words hang in the air, he stands up, dusting off his orange jumpsuit. His eyes shimmer with determination, and he unfurls the scroll in front of him. With a deep breath, he musters his energy, his hands coming together in a swift, practiced motion to form the necessary hand signs.

"I'll show you!" Naruto exclaims. And then, a bright puff of smoke engulfs him. When it clears, there are not one, but multiple Narutos standing in the clearing. Each clone is an exact replica of the original, mirroring his confident grin and spirited demeanor.

The sight of numerous Narutos in the clearing is both astounding and surreal, a testament to the incredible power of the Shadow Clone Jutsu he's just mastered.

Roku watches the scene unfold, awestruck by the sight of multiple Narutos. Suddenly, he hears a chime. A message appears in front of him, hovering in the air. It's a system notification, the first of its kind he's encountered. "Major Event: Naruto learning Shadow Clone," it reads. Roku blinks in surprise, realizing the significance of the event he's just witnessed.