
Naruto: I Can Reach the Full Level with One Click (English version)

THIS IS CHINESE FANFICTION. Travel to the world of Naruto, become a member of the mediocre Uchiha clan, get caught up in the Third Ninja world War, face the Successor of the Raikage, and activate the one-click max level system. [Ding, find the Fireball skill, and maximize it with one click.] [Ding, find the shadow clone skill, and maximize it with one click...] This is just a translation. you can help me with the link below https://www.paypal.me/RYUSuke7

RYUSuke · Anime & Comics
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158 Chs

Chapter 16: After the sale, I helped count the money

There was an inexplicable silence in the great ruins, and everyone looked at Han.

"Not!" Han said nonsense seriously.

"Not?" Inu rolled his eyes and said, "Your brother really hid it well."

"Let me tell you quietly, the man Uzuki bet with us. If you study Chakra Guntur Mode, he will let Yugao go on a blind date with you."

"You are all fourteen or fifteen years old. It's time to start a family and start a business."

Han almost vomited a sip of old blood.

According to Inu, he had just been sold and helped count his money.

In the cave, Yugao handed Kunai the Flying Lightning God to Uzuki Meito.

"Father, according to the third Hokage picture, return Kunai Hiraishin. As long as Dad activates the Kunai technique, Father, Minato-senpai will be able to feel the coordinates and immediately teleport here, "Yugao said urgently.

"Kumo's ninja troops are approaching. According to intelligence, I'm afraid the AB team will lead the team personally. Facing enemies like this, only Minato-senpai can fight it."

As he spoke, Yugao unrolled the Kunai Hiraishin.

"Yugao, no need," Meito stopped him with his hand, and said with a wry smile: "You're too late."

"Father, what are you talking about? Didn't we catch up? "Yugao said anxiously.

This time there were hundreds of people in Kumo's ninja army. A in the AB group is also the next successor appointed by the Third Raikage. Once they attack, there is no way to stop them here. Time is running out now, let's activate it quickly."

"Yugao, that's really unnecessary." Meito patted Yugao's back and said, "Han has kicked them out."

"No, it must be said that he killed."

Because of this, even though it was Meito, a little admiration appeared on his face.

Yugao's expression froze and he said urgently: "Father, what happened? You just said that the person who killed Ninja Kumo was Han?"

"She's alone?"

"Yes, this is his own contribution," Meito's voice trembled slightly when he mentioned the battle.

"If you see it with your own eyes, you will be like me."

"Facing the cloud ninja army alone, with the help of thunder in the sky, uses the release of Kirin S-class lightning which kills hundreds of cloud ninja in one hit."

"Use strong eye techniques to summon Bloody Asura, black fire that cannot be extinguished, and strong illusions that directly suppress Jinchuuriki Tail Eight..."

Yugao was astonished, this was the first time he had seen his father, as if he were a child.

Such respect for a young man.

However, following Meito's description, Yugao inevitably had a vague picture of the battle appearing in his mind.

"Father, according to what you said, if Han had been hiding so deeply, could he be a genius who was secretly hidden by the Uchiha clan?" Yugao said in a deep voice: "With such strength, I'm afraid he can compete for Hokage's position."

"By the way, when A left, he also said that the next battle would take place as Kage." Meito said excitedly: "He also called Han Bloody Asura."

Yugao's face also changed.

Of course he had heard of the Cloud Ninja AB group.

Among them, A is Raikage's next successor.

Now Han has received such high praise and is recognized by Raikage's next generation.

It is not wrong to say that he is qualified to become a Hokage.

"By the way, Yugao, I have something to discuss with you," Meito rubbed his hand and said with a shy expression on his face.

Yugao frowned and said, "Father, you are very excited now. You will not do anything to regret me."

"Ahem, Yugao, don't say that. Dad just thinks Han is good and plans to introduce him to you on a blind date. "Meito is coughing.

"Father, you really betrayed me!" Yugao looked angry.

He never thought when he met his father, his father would make such a decision for him on the battlefield.

These horses are sold, and they help count the money.

"Yugao, don't be too excited. You've also seen that Hayate boy, when life and death are at stake, he really gives up on you and runs away alone. But Han is different. When Kumogakure attacks, and he is fighting against him alone. As long as he is not blind, he can distinguish which is strong and which is weak." Meito's face showed anger.

When he thought about it, if the person Yugao met this time was not Han, then death would wait for him.

"Move, move, I want to see Yugao." Hayate's voice came from outside the cave.

"Yugao, I'll go out and tell him to leave, so don't deal with him anymore." Meito's face went dark and he stood up.

"Father, let me go, this is my business," Yugao stopped him with his hand and immediately walked out of the cave.

Facing the sound of Hayate's explosion, the people around were clearly interested.

"Move, I want to meet Yugao, I have something to say to him," Hayate shouted urgently.

Unfortunately, no matter how he called him, the two Konoha ninja who guarded outside the cave remained indifferent.

"Hayate, please stop playing here," Inu persuaded in a deep voice: "This is an important place. As a chuunin, you cannot enter casually without communication. Move, don't get in the way of the others."

"Uncle Inu, who am I blocking? I just want to explain clearly to Yugao that I just want to save people and plan to return to bring reinforcements. "Hayate hurriedly turned and looked back.

What caught his attention was an unexpected figure.

"You are blocking me." Han stretched and said, "The day is getting dark. I want to go back and rest well. Remember to tell me when you have finished eating."

"Han, don't worry, we will miss you." The two Konoha ninja who were initially indifferent quickly put a smile on their faces.

Seeing this view, Hayate inevitably gets confused.

"Uncle Inu, didn't you say that this cave is an important place and Chunin can't just enter it? Why can he? "Hayate said urgently.

As soon as these words came out, Konoha's ninja who was present immediately became unhappy.

Inu was no exception, he looked at each other coldly and said: "Hayate, now it's enough. If Han can be considered a chuunin, then maybe there is no Hokage in this world."

"Yes, for someone like you who is greedy for life and afraid of death, if it wasn't for you also a Konoha ninja, and your father is still one of the eight colors of Konoha, we will never let someone like you in."

"Hayate, if I were you, I should step aside and not continue to embarrass yourself here."

Hayate was astonished.

For a long time, because of support from his father, as well as blood inheritance.

He is always considered a genius.