

Apollo transmigrated as a boy about to graduate from the university of gods. To graduate from the University of the Gods, the student has to open access to a random world. While most students gain access to worlds of swords and magic, or worlds of cultivation of immortals, Apollo gained access to the world of Naruto. The power of the Gods grows based on the faith they receive from the believers in their worlds. While some Gods create natural disasters for humans to pray in fear, Apollo had a different idea. In order to gain faith in the ninja world, Apollo will take advantage of the Uzumaki Clan being about to be destroyed and give hope to these abandoned people through something called the Internet. Ninjas across the world will be shocked to discover that over the internet they can converse regardless of distance, can learn ninjustsus that only large villages know, and even can glimpse the long-awaited peace. Based on the Internet, Apollo will connect multiple universes that he knew as movies and anime in his previous life, gather countless believers, and create the story of the greatest god in history. -------- Discord server: https://discord.gg/ky35Kv7GHr Author Note: This is my original fanfiction, this is NOT a Chinese translation. Schedule: 1 Daily Chapter (or more)

NunuXD · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

31 - The First Church

"Please help me take care of the High Elfs too after you help the Dark Elfs, maybe I can go to your world in the future, with both of us helping each other, we will be invincible together in this world." Apollo asked Artemis for a small favor, which she promptly accepted.

With how weak this small world was currently, with the 300 Points of Divine Power that Apollo gave her, and with 109 believers, Artemis's development would be very fast, it wouldn't be a problem to help the High Elves of this world survive too, even that they could not render Divine Power to her.

After Artemis left, Apollo was quite thoughtful.

Remembering his early graduation, Apollo intended to get first place to get another God Seed, but getting first place wouldn't be easy.

"Fortunately I still have 2 months, considering that time passes 10x faster in the small world, theoretically I still have almost 2 years to develop my world before the battle." Apollo became confident.

As he had already left the small world, Apollo decided to rest a bit in the Divine World before returning.

The next day, Apollo woke up early and returned to Naruto's world.

As Apollo only stayed 12 hours in the Divine World, only 5 days had passed in the small world, so Apollo went to check the news.

First he got 1,800 God Power Points, adding to what was left after he helped Artemis, Apollo was currently at 1,900 God Power Points, this was the first time he had so much God Power at the same time!

If Artemis were to ask for help today, Apollo would transfer 1,000 Points to her directly, after all, not only would he be helping his sister, he would be protecting a potential world that he could use to get faith.

Apollo was very tempted to turn those 1,900 Divine Power Points into 19 Light Rings, but thinking of the risk Artemis had of her believers being wiped out, Apollo felt it would be better to invest that Divine Power into something that could help the Uzumaki deal with the their current situation.

There were just over 2 months left until the invasion and their victory rate wasn't satisfactory enough for Apollo, so he decided to start becoming more active in this world.

Of course, he wouldn't personally descend into the mortal world, as that would break the faith of many believers by removing the mystery, who might just think of him as a very powerful ninja, just like Hashirama a few years ago.

So Apollo decided to pay attention to find an opportunity.

He didn't even have to wait long, and Apollo felt a torrent of 30 Divine Power Points coming at the same time.

If it was just an ordinary 30 Divine Power Points, Apollo would understand that this was just someone praying to use the Light Web, but Apollo felt that those 30 Divine Power Points came from 60 different people!

"What is happening?" Apollo wondered in confusion as he followed the path of this Divine Power.

Arriving close to the place, Apollo saw a very luxurious large hall, with walls painted in white, with details written in gold, and with several different paintings spread around.

Just this structure alone already attracted a lot of Apollo's attention, but what surprised him even more, is that these figures illustrated some enemies that the "God of Light" had faced in several stories in the Light Temple, and, moreover, above this great hall was written "Light Temple"!

Using Divine Power to probe the interior, Apollo saw that within that hall were 60 civilians from the Uzumaki family, both children and men and women, all sitting neatly while looking at the man on top of a stage, who was telling a story of how the God of Light fought the giant serpent called Python!

"Although it was an uphill battle, thinking of the lives of so many innocent people this evil serpent had taken, the mighty God of Light took his favorite divine harp, and used the instrument as a bow to shoot arrows of light!"

"When this arrow of light was used to deal with the kind people, it healed every wound in people's bodies and hearts, whereas when dealing with evil beings like this serpent, each arrow left huge wounds in the monster, which could never be healed. !" Masahiro said in a pious tone onstage, which made several Uzumaki civilians who were listening to the story shudder at the thought of such a powerful attack.

"Wasn't that arrow the one the God of Light used to heal that poor farmer's wife?" A woman asked her friend.

"Yes, apparently the same attack can both heal good people and destroy bad people. I was always so afraid to leave the village because of so many bandits or ninjas from other villages who like to do horrible things to women, luckily the God of Light is watching us here in the village." The friend responded happily.

The two were neighbors and lived nearby. Initially they were curious about what was being built here, mainly because even Anbu was helping with the construction!

After asking one of the ninja what he was building, they learned that it would be called the Temple of Light, where the Great Elder would tell great stories about a powerful and kind God.

These women had never heard of any god before, as much ninja information was restricted to ordinary civilians, but when they heard that the Grand Elder was going to tell stories, they were quite interested.

Within days, gossip about this spread, and dozens of civilians came to see what would happen.

Upon hearing the Grand Elder's stories of how the God of Light protected the kind people, the civilians were amazed and began to pay even more attention.

They had never heard such an interesting story, they were so interested in it that they even began to wonder if they were so kind as to know if the God of Light would protect them.

When the Great Elder mentioned the characteristics of kind people, most were quite happy to know that they followed almost everything, while others were scared to realize that perhaps the God of Light did not protect them, and began to think about what they could change.

This doctrine was very subtle, the citizens didn't even realize that the stories were changing their way of thinking, but nobody bothered to think about it.

The Grand Elder said that this time of stories was called mass and it would happen every day. During the stories he stopped to thank the God of Light through prayers and poems that amused the audience a lot, and everyone followed after learning how to do it.

The mass lasted just over an hour, but almost everyone wanted it to continue. Unfortunately, the Grand Elder determined that the mass would not last long, as the Light Temple on the Light Web explained that people should also live, and not just worship the God of Light all the time, which gained Masahiro a lot of respect, making him follow this rule strictly.

During the total time of the Mass, the 60 people prayed 4 times in total, earning Apollo 120 Divine Power Points!

Apollo was very pleased to see this, which increased his daily income to nearly 500 Divine Power Points as of today!

Despite the frustration of the people, when the Grand Elder and his helpers were leaving, a little boy ran towards the Grand Elder and cried out crying.

"Grandpa Grand Elder, can the God of Light help my father?"


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