
Naruto: I Am Whitebeard!

Uzumaki Newgate travelled over to Naruto with a Whitebeards template system. With the same dreams as whitebeard, he lives a nice and peaceful life, but his brother, Uzumaki Naruto, he must strengthen himself to protect his family as deadly enemies lurk in the dark.

XRavenX · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: 12 year old Whitebeard!

Within a remote forest, a 10-foot-tall lad of 12 years old with a distinct crescent-shaped moustache and wafting blond hair can be seen swinging a huge naginata in a circular motion. He wore a white and yellow pirate hat with a jolly roger on it over a black bandana with black and red, both worn over his long, blond flowing hair.

The boy stopped, his breathing stirring up the dust that now covered his skin. He sat on the ground, the smell of the grass in the air as he heard a voice in his head.

[Congratulations to the host for swinging the naginata 10,000 times today! ]

[Host reward is 0.01 percent template inheritance! ]

After the voice finishes, a transparent screen appears in front of him.

[Host: Uzumaki Newgate

Template: Whitebeard (The Strongest Man In The World!)

Percentage: 12.01]

Newgate felt a wave of emotion as he took in the complex system of information that materialised in his eye.

He's been working his ass off for the past 6 years, and has only got up to 12 percent.

Despite his body being too weak to do the 10,000 swings daily challenge when he was young, he still worked hard to attain his current strength.

Newgate attempted to fool the system by swinging with no genuine force, but the system could detect his lack of effort.

He has made efforts to be more like Whitebeard over the years to gain more percentage, yet it has proven unsuccessful.

Either than swinging his weapon, he couldn't get any percentages.

He still acts like Whitebeard, though. He enjoys the feeling of being like Whitebeard.

Newgate also had the same dream as Whitebeard, but he wishes to only have three daughters and one happy wife.

Thinking about the days ahead, Newgate had a smile on his face, and followed his massive footsteps back to where he came from.

After a short walk, he stands in front of a 30 feet tall building made of wood, and he can hear the creaking of its walls in the wind. The door made a loud creak as Newgate opened it, standing 25 feet tall and providing a convenient entrance for the future.

Two years ago, Newgate constructed this house when he recognised his issue with his stature and employed his contemporary knowledge from his prior existence to construct this completely operational residence.

"I'm home!" His voice reverberated through the empty, unadorned walls of the house.

With each step, he heard the echo of his shoes on the hardwood floor of the house as he entered the dining room and sat down on the custom-made chair.

He opens the system and retrieves a chilled glass of alcohol and a selection of greasy snacks to munch on.

Yes, the system even has the Whitebeards' favourite drinks and snacks, but nothing else.

With a contented burp, Newgate emptied the enormous drink that could have drowned dozens of people. He gets up from his seat and moves around the house, his hands trailing along the walls as he looks for someone.

"Brother! Naruto!" Newgate's voice reverberated throughout the house, filling the silence.

He walks up to Naruto's room; the door creaking slightly as he opens it, and hears Naruto's laughter echoing in the hallway as he happily fiddles with his new headband.

"Look Newgate! I'm now officially a ninja!" Naruto's eyes gleamed with excitement as his laughter filled the air, dreaming of all the amazing adventures ahead and his goal to become Hokage and marry Sakura.

Newgate released a heavy sigh, his gaze lingering on his brother. He wanted to give Naruto the same joy and contentment of a proper family.

He's been supplying Naruto with the sustenance and training him in physical activities so he could be equipped to protect himself in the future.

He still feels bad for Hinata though, but she'll eventually claim his heart in the future.

Newgate also passed the graduation assessment and became a ninja, but his assignment was different.

He faced a Chunin and beat him to graduate, as he himself doesn't have any chakra, so he couldn't form the basic three techniques.

"Get some rest, Naruto. You'll meet your new teacher tomorrow." Newgate patiently explained to Naruto.

Naruto let the tension ease from his body as he listened to his brother's soothing words.

He was the only one there for him instead of grandpa third generation, and Newgate was his only relative he knew of.

"Yes, brother!" Naruto said. His playfulness vanished, and he solemnly looked at his brother.

Newgate smiles and closes the door behind him, making a slight click noise as it latches shut.

Hours pass, and soon the house is illuminated by the bright rays of the sun, its light casting a soft, orange glow. Newgate gets up and puts on the clothing that the system provides him every day.

He washed himself and hurried to Naruto's room, taking in the morning's sight of light streaming through the window.

"Gurararara! Get up, yah brat!" Newgate's laughter was so loud that the sound of chirping birds and buzzing insects were no longer heard.

Naruto opened his eyes with a groggy haze, the sound of his voice echoing in his ears, "Why do you always have to be so loud when you talk?" Naruto shuffles to the bathroom, his shoulders slumped in protest.

Newgate ignored Naruto's complaints and stepped into the dining room, where he could still taste the flavours of the food and drinks he was accustomed to having.

Naruto descended the stairs 30 minutes later, and the cool air from the fridge brushed against his face as grabs fresh food. The two ate their meal in silence, with only the sound of the occasional clinking of utensils against the plates to break the quiet.

"Alright Naruto. We got to head to ninja school to find out who our teacher is." Newgate's voice slices through the silence, waking Naruto up fully.

"Who do you think will be our teacher Newgate?" Naruto asked. Newgate could sense the anticipation radiating off Naruto, emanating from his bright, eager eyes.

"For you? Probably the copy ninja Kakashi."

"Eh? Who's that? Also, what about you, Newgate?"

"Gurararara! I don't need a teacher! I'm Whitebeard!"

"Huh? Don't say that when I surpass you stinky brother!"

The two brothers laughed and joked as they made their way to the ninja school. But a strange thing happens when the two walk down the streets of Konoha. Everyone shied away from Naruto and whispered about him as if he were a demon fox, but most of the stares stayed fixated on Newgate.

"You see these two boys?" A mother said, whispering into her child's ear. The child nods and looks at Newgate with curiosity. His towering height attracts a lot of unwanted stares. "The small boy is the Demon Fox who destroyed the village 12 years ago, while the tall one is The Devil of the Sea!"

The boy's curiosity disappeared, and his body trembled with fear as he looked at the two brothers.

Newgate completely disregarded their remarks. He remembers when he first tried out his powers next to a giant lake, and accidentally flooded 20% of Konoha, giving him the name of "The Devil of the Sea."

No one died, and he was let off the hook after, but the third Hokage had a few more Anbu following him around.

Danzo had attempted to bring Newgate into the Root, yet Hiruzen blocked him from succeeding. I guess being the son of the fourth hokage carries a certain weight and gravity.

After a long walk from home, Naruto and Newgate could hear the faint chatter of students as they reached the entrance of the ninja academy. Naruto was dripping with sweat while Newgate seemed unaffected.

The two walked up to the door, the hinges creaking as they opened it. Newgate had to duck his head to fit through the door, but he could move freely once inside. When looking up, the ceiling of the room is an impressive 13 feet high.

When Naruto and Newgate appeared, the class was suddenly filled with an eerie silence, their presence taking over the room.

"Hey! Why do the tail cranes have the Konoha headband?" Sasuke asked, breaking the silence.

"Hey! Who are you calling the tail crane you bastard!" Naruto gritted his teeth and rushed up to Sasuke, while Newgate looked at the two with interest.

Just as Naruto was about to kiss Sasuke, Newgate made a dramatic entrance and grabbed ahold of Naruto's head, preventing the two from sealing the moment.

All eyes in the class froze, and Newgate suddenly appeared behind Naruto, as if he had vanished right through the door.

"Gurararara! Save your first kiss for someone you like."

When Newgate spoke, everyone in the class felt the heat of embarrassment rising to their faces. With a firm grip on Naruto's head, Newgate guided him to their seats.

Iruka Umino, hidden in the shadows, was taken aback by the speed of Newgate's movements. "He's faster than your average Jonin."

His forehead was slick with sweat as he considered such a ridiculous idea. He stepped into the classroom, a slight cough escaping from his lips as he surveyed the room.

"Ahem, as you know, today is the day you finally become ninjas!"

The class erupted with shouts of joy, and Iruka had to wave his hands to bring the room back to order.

"Alright, I'll now list off the teams now."

"Class one! …"

"Class four! …"

"Class seven! Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke! Haruno Sakura!" Teacher: Hatake Kakashi

"Class eight! Inuzuka Kiba, Hyūga Hinata, and Aburame Shino! Teacher: Yūhi Kurenai

"Class ten! …"

"As for Uzumaki Newgate, you'll be with Might Guy with three other teammates who graduated last year."

When Iruka finished speaking, Newgate was met with a sea of intense stares. His classmates looked at him with a mixture of jealousy and envy, realising he'd been able to join a team with experience.

"Now that's it, wait for your respected teachers to come pick you up!"