
Naruto: I am a biased judge

An ordinary young man dies and transmigrates into the body of the Neji Hyuga at the beginning of the plot and gains the 'judgement system'. Originally, according to the system, his task is to select sinners in the ninja world, conduct a fair public trial and then punish them appropriately, but Neji finds this to be boring. Instead of fairness, he himself will decide who is guilty and who is not. ____________________________________________________ Warning: This fanfic contains content that may be disturbing for some people! The MC is not a good person, he will have no regard for modern morals. This fanfic will be very biased, the characters I don't like will be fully bashed by me. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the cover picture.

Number1Chad · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Sitting alone in a room decorated in an ancient Japanese style, a teen with long black hair, pupilless slightly lavender eyes and an ugly mark on his forehead is leisurely drinking tea.

'Fucking Hyuga Neji. Why did it have to be Hyuga Neji? I have dreamed of transmigrating into this world and becoming powerful, but why does it have to be someone with a literally caged brain.

Huuuh, it's not that bad I guess. Have a good relationship with Naruto and then somehow survive the fourth ninja world war. With Naruto's strength at that time and his status as the savior of the world, the elders of the clan will never dare to use the cursed seal on me.'

He was originally just an ordinary young man, on the way to university he tripped and fell on rails and got hit by an incoming metro. A fast and painless death. He is not really sad about dying, he didn't like his life before. It was too boring, too ordinary. So this kind of transmigration he had read about in countless novels and fanfictions is exactly what he had always wished for.

Even if Hyuga Neji is not the best option, it's better than being a talentless civilian. As the nephew of the Hyuga clan patriarch, he still has good status and training resources. The only problem he really has is the damned cursed seal on his forehead, but he will eventually get used to the feeling. He also got all the memories and skills of Neji, making the basic navigation in his new life easy for him.

'From my memories, it seems that Hinata has graduated yesterday, meaning that it's the beginning of the plot.

I am now thirteen years old and have been training with Might Guy for one year. That guy is much weirder in real life than in reality. That green jumpsuit damn it. '

As he was thinking a 'Ding' appeared in his mind and Neji got excited. After reading so many stories, of course, he knows that this sound means that his cheat has arrived.

[Judgement system has been bound.]

'Judgement system? What are the functions of the systems?'

There was no mechanical voice to answer his questions, but a paragraph of words appeared in his mind.

[The Judgement system allows the host to select targets in the ninja world (dead souls can also be selected) and hold a public trial for them, which will be broadcasted to everyone in the world. After that, the host can select a suitable punishment.

The host is advised to ensure fairness and stay impartial.

There will be rewards for successful trials.]

'This...this is incredible! I can pick anyone regardless of strength and give them punishments however I like. It's like a god.

Damn, I am already getting lost in power. I have to calm down a bit.

Okay, it's written that I am "advised" to be fair and impartial, not forced. That means...I can do whatever the fuck I want. Fuck fairness, I will be the most biased bastard ever.'

Neji is already impatient to try it out, there were quite a few characters in the Anime he disliked with passion. It would certainly be fun to conduct a biased trial for them and then punish and shame them severely. Just bash the shit out of everyone I dislike, regardless of whether it makes sense or not.

'So, who should I mess with first? Let's start with a big one...Mhmm, it shall be you Mega Simp Uchiha Obito.'

Selecting the corresponding button, he looked for Uchiha Obitos name on the list and selected it without hesitation. Then he had the option to choose the style of the trial, although all options are needed to be public.

He could make it a direct judgement, meaning that he will read out the sins for everyone and then choose a punishment by himself. But there is also the option to make a vote and let the audience decide the fate of the judged person.

He can even let the sinners have the ability to defend themselves by selecting someone to act as their 'lawyer' or inviting witnesses.

'I have already decided to make the first one really big and exciting. So let's do it like this.'

As soon as he was done, the clouds in the sky parted and a huge screen appeared. It was so huge, that anyone in the ninja world could see it without problems.

[Judgement has come.

The worst sinners, the biggest hypocrites, the most disgusting traitors in the ninja world will be selected and judged for their sins!

May the world be purged of filth and return to it's beautiful tranquility.]

At this moment the world fell into a turmoil.

Five minutes later.

All major forces in the world have conducted emergency meetings.


The atmosphere in the Hokage building was solemn. The third Hokage was looking at the gathered patriarchs and elders with a serious face. To be honest he is confused and overwhelmed with this situation.

They are ninjas, all of them have blood on their hands. All of them have at least once completed a dark mission. And he has been the leader of the largest group of ninjas in the world for many years, so how many sins has he accumulated?

Will he be selected for trial? Will he be purged? He feels scared, but a quick glance at Danzo calms him down somewhat.

Even if he gets selected, it will be after his old friend. There is probably no sinner worse than him in this world, no use of worrying about it. Organising his thoughts, he started speaking.

"I believe no one of you is naive enough to doubt that this is some kind of illusion or any jutsu in this regard.

In my opinion this can only be the work of some higher being, a God. So, there is actually no point of resistance or discussion, we can't do anything about it anyway.

Let's just observe what happens."

Everyone nodded. Indeed there is no merit in worrying, they are helpless. They can only pray that whoever is doing this forgives their sins.

Danzo on the other hand is slightly trembling. He himself knows best, what he has done over the years, if he gets selected...he does not dare think further.

Similar discussions were going on in all major forces.

Right then, the judgement screen changed (A/N I will call it like this from now on.)