
Well... that's a dissapointment

"Is this why you wear a mask?"

Omoi asked from my left, He was holding my book and his face was flushed.

Shaking my head, I look around the room... These people were like... in their twenties... the hell?

"Why did we have to come so early?"

Is it just me or is Karui always complaining?

"I just wonder when these twenty-year-olds will stop glaring at us like we stabbed their puppies."

My comment caused Omoi to look up from the book and pay attention, only for a second, though, he went back to reading.

The door slid open, distracting the others from us as one blonde teen with an orange jumpsuit walked inside...

That stands out so much I want to close my eyes to avoid the incoming blindness...

This was going to be a pain on so many levels.

"Omoi! Stop reading that in public!"

"But Rai does it too, why don't you yell at him?"

"He doesn't look like a perv while doing it, someone might think he's reading a normal book while you won't stop giggling!"

...Yup... I really need to make Chunin on this exam.


Chopping a man in the neck, I watch with a blank look as he collapsed on the table...

The examination room was silent as they all watched me take the paper, erase the man's name and write my own. Placing my empty paper down in front of the knocked out Chunin, I walk back to my seat and sit down.




Ibiki looked at me.

I looked at ibiki...

He took away one of my five points.

"...Go on."

Oh yeah. Information gathering at its finest right here. Byakugan? Sharingan? Mind possession? Pffft! who needs those?

Taking out my autographed book, I continue reading. This was the easiest test ever.

thirty minutes later, The test ended and I watched with amusement as Ibiki did his whole speech and took off his bandana, blah blah blah.

Anko burst through the door and set up a banner, Introduced herself, weirded people out and told us to go to the training ground 44.

"This whole thing is really underwhelming..."

Maybe because I already know what's going to happen?

With a shrug, I stand up and jump out of the broken window- curtsy of Anko - and follow the slowly distancing signature.

Ignoring the weird looks my teammates were giving me, probably due to my stunt with kn-... Information gathering...

I don't expect normal people to understand my brilliant strategy anyway.



Why is it so far away? ten minutes later they arrived.

"Finally, that was like, a Twenty-minute walk."

Karui huffed, putting her hands on her hips.

Why was I on this team again? Oh right, I need to make chunin.

God, why am I so bored here? I could meet Orochimaru and die, I could meet Gaara, Or I could meet The sound team...

looking to my right I saw him... her... that.



A former Shinobi of Konoha, now a missing nin. Due to his experiments on humans, his own teacher faced him and was unable to kill his beloved student, so he left the village, swearing vengeance.]

That's all? That's like the basic knowledge on him, and swearing vengeance? Really?

"I got the scroll, lets's go to our entrance!"

Nodding at Karui's exclamation, I followed the two.


"Lightning Style: Lightning bolt!"

Omoi shot lightning bold toward one of the Rain Genin, the other team was surprised but still managed to dodge.

My muscles tensed and I channelled chakra into them, leaning forward, I tighten the hold on my katana.

Karui managed to kick the one that jumped away from the other two and I dashed. Since the three of them were close together, my job was made easier.

Using the back of my blade, I knock out the first one on my path, pivoting on my heel, I sent a foot towards the second rain Genin. Sheathing my sword, I use my right and to grab the newly knocked out body and throw it towards the last member of their team.

Karui dashed forward to the collapsed heap of bodies and pointed her sword at the only conscious member.

I watched from a distance as I checked the surroundings with the Byakugan, no one was near and these idiots didn't set up any traps.

"Alright guys, let's go!"

There was nothing wrong with the scroll, so I just nodded at her. I was here for long enough already, and I wanted that damn promotion.

RoOkIe, I'll show her a rookie.

The three of us travelled through the trees since we made a beeline for the tower without looking for a scroll first, I decided to keep an eye out for one instead of waiting for the others to reach the end.

Since that team didn't have two scrolls, they were thinking of making a trap... like us... only they failed.

"Alright... what do we do now?"

Looking over at Karui with an expression that screamed "Really?", I extended my hand indicating for her to hand over the scrolls.

She huffed and tossed me the scrolls, unhooking the hooks that were holding the paper together, I layer one on the other and unroll the two at the same time.

A second later, Kakashi was standing in front of us, looking into his book. Undisturbed by the sudden summoning.

"Ah, it's you, Chibi-"

I raised an eyebrow at that, Chibi?

"-Congratulations on passing the second test-"

He looked around the room before turning back to us.

"I believe that you were the first ones, good for you! I'll escort you to your rooms."

Meh, at least nothing else is needed for the next three days.

Omoi and Karui walked forward and I walked next to Kakashi. Taking out my book and flipping to the right page, I start reading.

Kakashi leans over and looks over a few lines and promptly giggles like a pervert.

This is a shinobi that is feared by the nations...

I look up at him for a moment, before shrugging, hey it's not like I care, the dude can probably kick almost anyone's ass.

"So, is there a reason why we aren't being taken out of the forest?"

Kakashi tapped his chin with the book for a second, probably formulating an answer.

"You do have a month after the second exam to come up with something for the third, However, we need you to remain here for the time being to have a headcount when the others arrive."

ah, that's the lamest answer I have ever heard, the number of contestants could be easily figured out if they counted the teams.

By the time I settled my thoughts, we were already at the rooms, with a shrug, I took out the key from the keyhole and walked inside, waving goodbye to Kakashi.

I still need to level up my water and earth nature manipulations, those sleepless nights helped me to get them high enough to manipulate them easily, but I want to max them out, and if im honest, explosion release and storm release are tempting.

Next chapter