
Naruto: I'm In Kumo (Up for adoption)

I never expected to wake up in someone else's body, in another world... Why are there people running on the roofs? Is that a system? Oh... damn. ___ I won nothing... just the OC's Oh and I own my phone too.

Idk_wqe2 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

My grand plans!

"So...Only to keep headcount, huh?"

Kakashi ducked his head.

"Don't blame this on me, I didn't know this either."

Rolling my eyes, I look back at the arena where sasuke was kicking someone's ass.

Ignoring my teammate's mutter of "Are you sure they're not related.", I watch as Sasuke kicked his opponent up and managed to land a triple axe kick, creating a crater.

...well, anticlimactic. Sasuke collapsed soon after but was caught by kakashi who disappeared from my side.

Aww, look, a caring sensei.

He placed a hand on the Uchihas shoulder and they disappeared in a body flicker.

Looking up at the screens that were above two giant hands that were making a hand seal, I watch with no small amount of amusement as the name "Karui" and "Sakura Haruno" showed up.

"Alright! Im pumped."

...You shouldn't be, really.

Karui jumped over the railing, while sakura looked nervous while walking down the stairs.

I swear to god If I get to fight Ino, im going to chop off her head, she's a level lower than sakura.

Sakura dashed forward and took out a kunai, holding it in a reverse grip. Karui grabbed her katana and parried the kunai slash... and kicked her away... She got knocked into a wall and promptly passed out... the hell?



"...Winner of the match, Karui of Kumo!"


"Next match Naruto Uzumaki Vs Kiba Inuzuka!"

Oh, this was going to be good... that's why I opened my status, it's not that fun to watch fights when you already know what was going to happen.

I mentally scrolled through the stats and started reading the descriptions.

Boosts... Health... Exp...

Meh, I need more passive boosts. Probably should learn some style that involved legs, Probably would be the best if I had some sealing techniques... and I need some quests, A.K.A, Missions, let's be honest here, I dont give a crap about the village, I'm there because of quests. I'll go to war because it will most likely be a quest, and I will settle down when I'm about twenty and then kick some otsotsuki ass to impress my child and show him that his old man still has it... Okay maybe I went a little overboard there, but my point still stands!

"Fourth fight: Rai of Kumo Vs Kankuro of the Sand!"

...Huh? Fourth? Did I miss Shino's fight?

"Get down there Rai! Show them what you can do!"

Karui was about to slap my back and push me into the arena, that didn't work out as well as she thought it would when I ducked and pivoted on my foot to turn towards the stairs.

"You ass! At least take my encouragement!"

Rolling my eyes at that I walked past Omoi who just nodded at me, nodding back I walked past Samui and towards the start of the stairs.

"Good luck."

Sending her an eye smile, I walk down the stair lazily...

"Come on, brat! I don't have all day!"

is it just me or are people yelling at me more frequently? Probably should make them stop that...

"Chibi! Good Luck! Make us proud!"

Kakashi cheered for me, waving his Icha Icha enthusiastically.

Giving him a thumbs up, I turned to the Makeup wearing boy, hands still in my pockets.

"Alright, let's get this over with."

Kankuro put his puppet down next to him with a hand on its head... yeah, he's not fooling anyone.


Very... and I mean Very slowly, I reached inside my kunai pouch... Kankuro tensed, and the others look expectant as to what I would be taking out.

Mission: Freak out team 7 is a go.

I took out my autographed Icha Icha.



"...Kakashi-Sensei, Are you sure you are not related?"

Ignoring the question asked by the child of prophecy, I focused on the pages, Jiyara was about to make a move on Tsudune...

"You brat! what do you think you're doing?!"

Not paying him any attention, I dashed, getting closer to a startled kankuro... and promptly kicked the puppet.

Channelling Water nature chakra in one of my spike swords, I slashed Kankuro in half.

The wood fell on the floor when the blate went through "Kankuro", and the "Puppet" let out a grunt.

"...So... you had fun giving a new definition to bondage?"

I flipped a page.

"Ugh, You brat-"

I kicked him again. Yeah, I was an asshole, but at least I wasn't calling a guy one year younger than me, a brat.

...Wait, I had a month off after this right? I should go try getting a summoning contract, If I remember correctly, the chameleon contract should still be at the castle.

I ducked a kick and blocked a punch with my free hand... I flip another page.

Though the chameleons are more prone to blending in and sensing, sensing I can do thanks to my eyes, and I am stealthy when I want to be.

Crouching down, I manage to dodge a kick sent to my head, with a twist of my body, I knocked the kid off his feet and stood up.

So I should probably do the reverse summon-

"Winner! Rai of Kumo!"

...Huh? Wha-?


"So Lord Raikage will be coming here at the end of the month's break..."

Omoi had to face Ino... Yeah.

The setup went like this: Omoi was facing one of the Konoha ninjas that originally faught Kankuro, the one that could turn his limbs to rubber.

Karui had to fight shino, Shikamaru was with Temari, and Neji was against Naruto, I had to fight sasuke and the winner of the matches will fight Gaara since he kills the sound genin that had a gauntlet on his arm. I also needed to save Hayate just cuz Im a nice guy like that.

If Im correct, He gets attacked at the end of the month... so ill be back before the last week.

"Geez, I can't believe She got knocked out in one hit..."

Karui sighed and dropped her head down in disappointment.

"Well, mine did too, but you dont see me comp-"

He got hit in the head...

"Well... Amma go, stuff to do, People to meet, Autographs to collect."

That got an irritated look from Karui and and understanding Nod from Omoi, The dude was a man of culture. I could appreciate that.

"Where will you be going?"

Ah right, they need a way to contact me... Looking over at Samui, I just shrug.

"well, I will visit the hot springs first... then probably do a reverse summon so I won't be in this world for about a week or two..."

She raised an eyebrow at that and leaned back on her chair, making her chest more pronounced... than it already was.

"Why two weeks? you can probably get a contract if you ask the Raikage, we do have Owl summons and sealions for example."

Yeah... Own was that one guy's summoning...uh, B's childhood friend. and the sealion is owned by Yugito...

"Nah... I will get my own, plus, a new contract for Kumo is always a plus."

Using the body flicker was a bad idea in a foreign village, so yeah, ill just use chakra leaps.

Activating my Byakugan, I looked around without turning my head, I found Naruto, the chakra tank that he was, following a man with a high chunin chakra signature... was that Ebisu? the "Elite Jounin teacher"? Bruh that guy sucks.

Oh, there's the Bathhouse... and there's the pervert.

with one final leap, I jump in front of the giant building... and promptly went into the alleyway where a white-haired man with a ponytail wearing a grey haori with a red sleeveless top, opened in the front. the scroll on his back was held by a rope... a damn rope. his nose was bleeding and eyes practically popping out as he looked through a peeping hole.







"can you give me an autograph?"

Looks like that got his attention when his neck popped thanks to the speed he turned his head.

"Huh? you a fan, kid?"

I took out my book and handed it to him along with a marker.

"Ah, for one so young to enjoy adult literature, mind if I ask which part was your favourite?"

I start scratching the back of my head, well this was embarrassing.

"...The end of chapter four..."

Jiraya nodded, It was a sad part, Having a lover die was bad but when it was a character you came to like caused depression and it was well written too, the character development went well after that ...I have Gamers' mind though.