
Naruto: I'm a hyuga.

a guy dies in the Mexican military training, being trapped in the tunnel due to lack of air and a snake bites him, when he wakes up he finds a pretty girl, exotic eyes and a unique resemblance to hinata hyuga, she rejects him sentimentally, this body it's from a main branch hyuga and it's a licking dog. Read more (female naruto)

Oronguinsensei · Anime & Comics
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I reincarnate, I'm a dog licking?

So hinata-chan will you be my girlfriend?,.

I'm sorry kofa-san, I'm not interested in you in that romantic way

I hope we remain friends as before and this does not have any impact on our relationship.

The hyuga heiress answered, a kind girl, milky skin, lavender eyes, short bluish hair and with her characteristic baggy clothes and nervous tips.

She is hinata hyuga the princess of the Hyuga clan and heiress of this clan.

The one she is rejecting is still a member of her clan, he is a 13-year-old boy, one year older than her.

He is from the main branch, grandson of one of the elders of the clan, the name is kofa hyuga, a boy with white skin, long hair down to his cheeks and white eyes, as is usual and common in the Clan, apart from his hair burnt black, almost to deep gray.

I see, that's right then hinata-chan, replied the identified kofa, he knew that after this he wouldn't follow her he wouldn't turn into a licking dog.

I-I-I-I'm sorry kofa-san, I'm really sorry, she said with her eyes a little red and her lip trembling before running off to look for team 8, where she is part of her.

Because he won't turn into a licking dog anymore, not from this blissful hyuga princess or any other, why?

It is easy to transmigrate, more specifically, he reincarnated in this body 10 minutes ago. He was a 19-year-old boy who was wearing the (c-4) in the Mexican army.

he unfortunately passed away during the tunnel test, he lost consciousness and a rattlesnake bit him in the face, by the time they helped rescue him, unfortunately it was too late he was dead the Serpent was killed, his head was decapitated.

Now after he died he was in a training field in front of the clearing there was a beautiful and exotic girl waiting for him with her eyes.

observing him with some shyness and caution and discomfort.

Beside her is a boy with a rigid face and eyes, a serious guy who doesn't play games, although seeing his age it seems that he is about 12 or 13 years old, when he saw him he just nodded in recognition and said *hinata- sama is a failure girl, that is her destiny * and then proceed to retire to the other side of the field where you could say that it is the exit of this.

After approaching the girl, she rejected him directly without even knowing why this is, he could only say the first thing that came into his mind to remove the discomfort and strangeness.

hyuga kofa: I see, that's right then little hinata.

The girl just ran away at a terrifying speed in only 3 jumps she managed to reach the exit of the field, the other boy stiffened in his face and posture, maybe he didn't think it would develop this way.


I only mention this * it will be better for you like this, kofa-sama she is a waste and a failure for the clan * Finishing saying this, he turned around to follow the girl who ran away.

The only one left in the training camp now is the unidentified kofa hyuga (the reincarnated one).

Shortly after a small headache entered him more like a quick cold cramp in his brain, where after 2 seconds he was able to get the memories of where he was and the things he was doing (of the body he inhabits right now) .

so cross!!

He said with the voice very astonished by the change of these events, it seems that in this new world my name is kofa hyuga, the Hyuga clan a noble and rich clan that is now in its best moment and the girl who just left should being hinata the heroine of this world of naruto, the other rigid boy is neji hyuga, the guy who jumped because the girl had turned on her chest to block the wood element jutsu that madara used to capture naruto uzumaki, the jinchuuriki of nine kurama tails, from what I have understood and seen in the fanfics those wooden stakes.

They were not meant to kill naruto just to capture, but the heroine jumped to protect the protagonist and thus was the cause of neji hyuga's murder basically the girl killed him.

It seems that this guy didn't change his destiny only his thoughts, because that was his destiny to die protecting the main branch, how unfortunate.

But first we organize our best plan to avoid accidents and not get into the plot.

Kofa went to sit under one of the many large trees that were providing shade, he meditated for about 5 minutes and then with sweaty hands and emotion both good and bad for this new life, he stopped suddenly to start checking the body what inhabited

It seems that this body is much better than the one I had in my previous life, this body on a scale of 1 to 10 would be a 10 and my other body a resounding 2 or 3 at best, I feel so powerful and renewed energy I had never felt like this in my past life, we started with some basic exercises, 30 push-ups, 50 squats, 20 sit-ups and 10 laps on this field.

testing the body

exercise number 1: 30 push-ups *kofa got into position and started the push-ups*

with a surprised face he managed to finish the 30 push-ups in less than 10 seconds, without even breaking a sweat he still felt full of energy and that strange energy was shaking wildly wanting to be released, saying release the beast and I will annihilate your enemies.

After finishing the laps I walk back and forth to think about this new information I just discovered, it seems that my body is more powerful although from what I understand, this energy is called chakra, I also have a blood line limit let's see it seems that in my mind is the seal and the experience of using the white eye as they call it.

Well let's see if it works, she began to perform the hand signs and focus the chakra in his eyes.


*tks tks huu*


that is!,.

How wonderful is a spectacular sight never in my wildest desires imagine what the "BYAKUGAN" could obtain and reincarnate in this fictional world, it seems that it is time to get serious, this world is very dangerous.


Let's see the plot it seems to be the day where they deliver the mission of the waves to team 7, with their teacher kakashi hatake, and the old bridge builder tazuna, the old drunk, well we're just not going to intervene in the plot it seems that this guy was a dog licking the girl hinata and he was in love with her since he was 4 years old, unfortunately she never left an entry so he could get excited and always tried to win her favor at the cost of her dignity, what a pitiful guy he is willing to do anything for a girl , poor guy if you knew the plot you would know that you shouldn't strive for something that will never happen, she would never stay with you.

But well it seems that now I'm you, I owe you something for letting me occupy your body.

maybe in the future I will have a wife, so you can rest in peace. But for now let's stop talking to that girl that would be dangerous for our integration and survival in this world.

Suddenly in the sound of the wind a masked guy appeared *ma-ma-kofa-kun* stop being lost in your thoughts the hokage wants your presence in the office, it seems that one of my students got sick from following a silly diet and now she is in the konoha hospital hospitalized for possible anorexia, so as the jounin leader of team seven, name the third member of this, go to the third hokage's office to explain the details.

With that he disappeared in a swirl of leaves and wind, an occasional small stone.


Kofa who was watching everything with his mind blank until he left the guy.



It's kakashi!

Do you want me to be the third member of it?

sakura got sick!

It is as much as possible not eating and with the training even having chakra it would be hell for the body to strain, and I will be part of the plot,...

With a horrified face and trembling legs, she remembered what she said.

go to the hokage!