
Naruto : I'am The Tsuchikage

Arano Haishōri is now the Tsuchikage, how will he lead Iwagakure?(Hidden Stone Village). Finally Arano attained the position of Tsuchikage , but it is not the end of his struggle as new problems appear , will he get corrupt from all this power ? Will he sacrifice himself for the village or will he sacrifice the village for him? WHAT TO EXPECT -FIGHT -DEATH -POLITICS -ANTIHERO MC -BACKSTABBING -A BIG CAT ON MY PROFILE PICTURE :D *I added new characters so their might be some change in the timeline also not everything is cannon to the story. *I'm rewriting some chapters if needed -English is not my first language ( so there might be some errors ) -if you have some suggestion write them down in the comment. Note : i don't own naruto , and i don't own the cover of my book.

CHUNKYCAT · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

What Could Go Wrong? *

-The next day Early in the morning, inside a private room in the Hokage mansion.

Currently the Hokage is speaking with some Anbu, giving them orders on how to secure the place where the summit will be held. After sending the Anbu away, the Kage turns himself only to see Orochimaru. Unfortunately for him, Tsunade has been absent from the village for some time, most likely due to the bad memories associated with Konoha.

The Hokage had previously made some defenses in case something went wrong at the five kage summit. Six squads of Anbu and Orochimaru a Legendary Sannin, will be present.

As the Hokage had finish his preparations, he entered the chamber where the meeting would be conducted, knowing that he still had some time before the other Kage arrive.

During this free time, he began to consider his decision, of not bringing any advisors with him.

Originally, he intended to bring at least one advisor, but during a meeting with all important figures in Konoha, it was decided that it would be best if he did not bring any advisors.

Even though Hiruzen did not agree with the choice, he did not oppose it, and as a result, he picked Orochimaru to accompany him to the summit.


Apart from the minor accident with the Raikage yesterday, nothing major occurred.

We had a pleasant night inside our makeshift mansion, and we awoke early in the morning to be on time for the meeting. Before heading to the meeting, I instructed my men to prepare in case something unexpected happen.

One Jonin will accompany me to the Summit. Each Kage was only permitted one Jonin.

After some time of preparation, we finally left for the summit. The roads of Konoha were deserted, and we headed directly to the greatest structure in Konoha, where the Summit would be held.

As we approached the Hokage residence, some Konoha Anbu saw us and took us to the meeting location.

When I entered the room, three of the five seats had already been taken. Inside the room were the Hokage, Raikage, and Kazekage.


"Take a seat , Tsuchikage " Hiruzen said.

"Yes" Arano approached and sat on a free chair.

Hiruzen rose up when the Tsuchikage seated and stated, "Unfortunately for us, the Mizukage did not come for this important meeting. But that's not an issue because 4 Kage is already plenty, so let the Kage Summit begin."

Hiruzen sat in his chair and began speaking: "Because of the two Great Ninja Wars, each of our villages had suffered significant casualties among its shinobi, but it has also weakened our economy; many innocent civilians have also died during this war , to prevent any more wars to happen i propose we create a treaty that would place some restrictions on each of our villages."

"And what would be the treaty's limitations" asked the Raikage.

"The restriction will be that each village would be limited to 1000 active shinobi, as well as a limit of spending on weapons, and finally the employment of children in combat would be prohibited" explained the Hokage.

Every Kage in the room looked at the Hokage as if he were an idiot.

The Raikage was the first to react to Hiruzen's response; "restricting the number of active shinobi and military budget by a treaty is foolish"; I will not sign this treaty.

"Even if we agreed on this treaty and signed it, there is no guarantee that everyone would follow this rule, and what about the Mizukage and other minor ninja villages who may exploit our demilitarization to their advantage, I'm sorry but signing this contract is too hazardous" stated the Kazekage.

"The Kazekage is correct. It is very risky to make a treaty like this; if the Mizukage or a smaller ninja village decide to form an alliance with other villages, they might exploit our weakened force to their advantage; therefore, as much as I love peace, I cannot sign this" remarked the Tsuchikage.

"To be honest, I was expecting this outcome, which is why I'm proposing something else. I believe that the best way to establish peace is to bring our nation closer , which is why I'm proposing that we hold the Chunin exam together, with each kage choosing two teams of genin, for a total of eight teams, or 24 genin. I also propose that we hold the Chunin exam in the Land of Fire for safety reasons." 

"I believe it is totally reasonable, and we can see the potential of the younger generation of shinobi; my village will join" stated the Kazekage.

"A Chunin test in which our genin would compete against genin from other villages , this may be a very useful experience for them , my village will participate in it" stated the Tsuchikage.

"I feel it would be a wonderful step to strengthen our genin, but I still have a question for you Hiruzen" the Raikage stated

"If I can, Raikage, I will answer your question."

"Well, I'd like to know if the Tsuchikage will be taking part in it."


When the Raikage finished his words, everyone in the room looked at him in disbelief, surprised that he could say anything like this during such a quiet meeting.

In comparison to them, Arano was not in his best mood.

"Tsuchikage, calm down, you didn't appreciate my little joke" remarked the Raikage.

"A joke that only someone as foolish as you could make."

"It is not a nice thing to say to people older than you."

"You don't want anything to happen to your genin, Raikage, so i will suggest you to stop here."

"Are you treating me Tsuchikage."

"I will decide of the fate of your village after killing you and your genin."

"It's treason then."

( Star wars ref )

To everyone's surprise, the Raikage ignited his Lightning Release Chakra Mode and charged towards Arano.

Arano was not anticipating an assault from the Raikage at this time, and the space between them was little, and the Raikage was exceedingly fast because he had triggered his Lightning Release Chakra Mode.

The Tsuchikage quickly reacted to the Raikage racing at him by moving all of his fingers, forming a wide wall between the two of them. Unfortunately, the Raikage who propulsed himself easily shattered the wall that the Tsuchikage made.

The Raikage was preparing to hit Arano in the face, the Tsuchikage didn't have time to create another defense wall , or to attack the Raikage with a Jinton.

To shield himself from Raikage's attack, he had to use his hand.

The Raikage utilized his entire force in this blow, Arano was sent flying, colliding with the wall and breaking it, after being thrown away 50 meters from that punch, the Tsuchikage was in bad shape, his hand and head were covered in blood.

Arano rose from the ground and used his hands to form four little Jinton cubes before throwing them all towards the Raikage, who was standing nearby.

Even though the Raikage was incredibly swift, he had to be concerned about four Jinton cubes approaching him at high speed. He skillfully jumped away as the four cubes dissolved the area where he was present a second earlier.

The Tsuchikage transformed the dirt where the Raikage stood into shapes that may harm him , the Raikage had to retreat a few meter back.

It is difficult for the Raikage to hurt the Tsuchikage because he possesses an almost impenetrable defense. Every time the Raikage jumps at him, he first moves his finger to make a wall, then he throws one larger or multiple smaller Jinton cubes at him.

Because of this, they were now at an impasse, and neither of them could gain an edge on the other; even the fact that the Tsuchikage was severely injured by the Raikage's initial assault, was not enough to kill him , which caused the fight to become longer and longer.

Another thing about this fight was the destruction done to the entourage , the Jinkon was a very destructive jutsu just a the Lightning Release Chakra Mode that the Raikage use .

Because of the damage done by this fight the Hokage decided to call Orochimaru with all of his Anbu to stop the fight , they jump throw the destroyed wall.

As they were running to the localisation of the fight , the Kazekage decided to help Hiruzen .

After many minutes of furious battling, the Tsuchikage began to weaken; the Raikage was in better form, but he couldn't break his focus; one incorrect move and the Jinton would destroy his entire body, or a portion of it.

After a few minutes, they realized they were surrounded by Konoha Anbu, the Hokage ,the Kazekage, and Orochimaru, they abruptly stopped fighting, realizing the damage that they have done to their entourage.

The hokage approached them and began chatting to them; "if you have a disagreement between you, I would encourage you not to fight, especially if you are not in your respective village or on a battlefield; instead, let your genin fight for you in the Chunin exam to determine whose village is stronger."

The Raikage and Tsuchikage accepted the Hokage proposal, but before returning to their respective villages, they had to pay for the repair. After considerable deliberation, it was agreed that the Raikage would pay 2.000.000 Ryo and the Tsuchikage would pay 1.000.000 Ryo.

Even though a conflict occurred, the Hokage is pleased with the outcome of this meeting; his forces did not need to intervene, and as a result, no one was killed.



a little bigger chapter than usually i hope you like it ,

there might be some grammatical error so inform me if you find one :D

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