
Naruto : I'am The Tsuchikage

Arano Haishōri is now the Tsuchikage, how will he lead Iwagakure?(Hidden Stone Village). Finally Arano attained the position of Tsuchikage , but it is not the end of his struggle as new problems appear , will he get corrupt from all this power ? Will he sacrifice himself for the village or will he sacrifice the village for him? WHAT TO EXPECT -FIGHT -DEATH -POLITICS -ANTIHERO MC -BACKSTABBING -A BIG CAT ON MY PROFILE PICTURE :D *I added new characters so their might be some change in the timeline also not everything is cannon to the story. *I'm rewriting some chapters if needed -English is not my first language ( so there might be some errors ) -if you have some suggestion write them down in the comment. Note : i don't own naruto , and i don't own the cover of my book.

CHUNKYCAT · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Secret */

In the land of Earth, in a little city of roughly 1000 inhabitants, a middle-aged guy in shabby clothes may be seen roaming the streets.

After a while, the man came to a stop in a dark alley and dropped down to sleep. When he awoke the next day, he went to a local alkohol shop and bought a couple bottles of sake with the money people had given him.

Continuing on his trek, he eventually discovered a pleasant area where he could drink alcohol in peace. Looking to his left and right, he sat on the floor, knowing he was inside a relatively tranquil alley where he could drink all of his liquor without any disturbance.

He fell asleep after finishing his bottle, and the next day he was out on the streets asking for money.

This was the life of Ogami, a Shinobi who held the rank of chunnin in his prime, but he was kicked out of the army for his habit, and he quickly became homeless since he spent all of his money on drinks.

By the end of the second great ninja war, he had chosen to leave Iwa and live somewhere else.He spends his days begging for money in cities.

One night, as he was sitting in a pub drinking a liter of a beverage, a guy approached him and informed him that the bar would be closing shortly and that he would have to leave soon.

Ogami exited the bar after a few minutes of drinking. He walks into a random alley and decides to spend the night there. But what he didn't realize was that others had different plans for him.

Three masked persons stood on the rooftop, observing the drunkard.

"Is he our target?"

"Yes it's him."

"Why do we have to kidnap someone like that he don't look like someone who know ninjutsu."

"It is not our problem we have receive order to kidnap people who have Shinobi background , and he happen to be the perfect target."

The group of three Shinobi emerged from their position and appeared near to the sleeping homeless guy; one of them used genjutsu, which prevented the homeless man from waking up. The team's most muscular members carried Ogami on their backs to a designated place.

They knew they had to transport their victim to a certain location after successfully capturing him.

The team of three disguised Shinobi were already beyond the town, sprinting from tree to tree until they reached a more rugged landscape after a few hours. They traveled for a few more days through the forest, desert, and mountains. On the fourth day, they arrived at their goal, an isolated location in the heart of a mountain.

The mountains were densely forested, which aided their secrecy.

On the mountains, there was a hidden metal door, the group of ninja knocked a few times on the door, after some time a middle aged man with a lab cloak opened the door, the group followed the man inside the underground facility, they walked for a few minutes downstairs to some corridor, and finally they arrived.

"Place the guy in one of these cells.After this, the task will be completed, and you are free leave this location." -Scientific

The ninja did what they were ordered and departed as soon as they had placed the victim in one of the many cells.

In another level of the facility, a scientist was giving orders to other scientists about some of their projects. After finishing, he and three other scientists walked to a specific area where the experiment would be performed. The study was on humans, therefore everything had to be kept secret.

Actually, they had a few projects. The major one was to see whether human life could be prolonged. The other projects were closely tied to the primary one, for example, they are testing ways to boost human regeneration and inventing new ninjutsu that can repair missing limbs. In fact, they have some other initiatives that are lower on the priority list, thus they have less workers affected by it.

In one of the rooms, a guy was linked to an operating table; fortunately, he was asleep.

Inside the room, three guys in white lab cloaks and masks were preparing an unusual operation. The eldest member in the group approached the unconscious males, pulling from his pocket a tiny vial containing a particular substance.

He made the unconscious man swallow this beverage and began observing the results.

Nothing happened in the first few minutes.

One of the scientists approaches the man with a knife in his hand and cuts him on the body.

After a few minutes, the man's body began to shake.

The man's body gradually began to heal the wound.

However, before he could be entirely healed, the man's heart stopped beating and he died.

 "Subject 242 died as a result of an abrupt decline in heart rate, which caused death." -Head Scientific

 "What will we do with all of this experience, which has cost us a lot of money, and what will we say to Tsuchikage?" -Scientific nr2 

"If the Tsuchikage quit funding our study, we will have no choice but to abandon it." -Scientific nr3

 "Do not be concerned; I have already informed Tsuchikage about our dilemma; he stated that we do not need to be concerned about money; the only thing he requires is results; hence, we will increase the number of experiences we do from now on." -Head Scientific

To increase the number of experiments, we would need more subjects, which we already have in limited supply. It would be difficult to produce faster results if we did not have enough subjects. -Scientific nr2

That is precisely why Tsuchikage has guaranteed me that subject delivery would rise. Now, stop chatting and get back to work. -Head Scientific 


Inside his office, Tsuchikage was reading numerous reports, one of which piqued his interest since it claimed that despite all of the Anbu's efforts, some criminals were still stealing money from people and, in the worst cases, killing them.

Arano thought about it for a while and decided to look into it further. He walked out of his office and directed himself to a special room where all kinds of files were stored. For the next few hours he read multiple reports and concluded that, while the Anbu is doing a good job of taking care of criminals and rogue ninja, there is a particular group of criminals who are very difficult to find.

After examining the circumstances, Tsuchikage determined that the best line of action would be to form a new special unit tasked with tracking down this new criminal organization.

Unfortunately, Tsuchikage had another thing to attend to, which is why, after concluding his plan of dealing with the criminal organization, he sent one of his subordinates to carry it out.

The next day, Arano met with Onoki and a few minor clan leaders to discuss Village concerns.

All village officials have recently been fearful of the Tsuchikage's excessive spending.

The expense of Tsuchikage's secret project is reported to be enormous and they don't even know any information about this projects.

Even without including the hidden projects, the Tsuchikage's numerous programs consumed a large amount of money.

The Village eventually spent more money than they made.

The discussion was primarily about their concerns about being forced to borrow money to maintain the projects and programs.

Arano was tired of this conference, so he simply told them that it didn't matter whether they had large debts, the only thing that mattered was to keep the growth of the Land of Earth going.

The issue with loans may be addressed in the future.

Autor note

Like always you can rate my fanfic it help me to continue writing. I hope you like the chapter , if you find any error fell free to inform me.

Also thanks to this chapter the fanfic had now +15.000 word.

Euhh actually i need a few more word to attain 15.000 word so i will just write here the description of Dust release :D

Dust Release (Particle Style) is an advanced nature kekkei tōta, an advanced version of kekkei genkai, which is created through simultaneous use of the earth, wind, and fire natures. The techniques of this nature initially form as a small three-dimensional object (e.g. a cube, a cone, etc.) composed of chakra that forms between the user's hands. When the technique is released, the form expands and surrounds the target. This nature allows the user to manipulate molecules, giving them the ability to disintegrate anything on a molecular level within the boundaries of the three-dimensional form.

Dust Release techniques seem to require a certain amount of time when preparing the three-dimensional object, making it possible to prematurely halt the technique before it is completed, but once it's finished, the technique can be fired with astonishing speed. The hands also play a crucial role in preparation of techniques, interfering with the user's arms can hinder the technique. Dust Release techniques seem to be rather chakra-taxing.